Novel bacteria

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Florida, angular leaf spot, caused by Xanthomonas fragariae, was the only known bacterial disease in strawberry, which is sporadic and affects the foliage and calyx. However, from the 2019-2020 to 2023-2024 Florida strawberry seasons, unusual bacterial-like symptoms were observed in commercial farms, with reports of up to 30 % disease incidence. Typical lesions were water-soaked and angular in early stages that later became necrotic with a circular-ellipsoidal purple halo, and consistently yielded colonies resembling Pseudomonas on culture media. Strains were pathogenic on strawberry, fluorescent, oxidase- and arginine-dihydrolase-negative, elicited a hypersensitive reaction on tobacco, and lacked pectolytic activity. Although phenotypic assays, such as fatty acid methyl profiles and Biolog protocols, placed the strains into the Pseudomonas group, there was a low similarity at the species level. Further analysis using 16S rRNA genes, housekeeping genes, and whole genome sequencing showed that the strains cluster into the Pseudomonas group but do not share more than 95 % average nucleotide identity compared to representative members. Therefore, the genomic and phenotypic analysis confirm that the strains causing bacterial spot in strawberry represent a new plant pathogenic bacterial species for which we propose the name Pseudomonas fragariae sp. nov. with 20-417T (17T=LMG 32456T=DSM 113340 T) as the type strain, in relation to Fragaria×ananassa, the plant species from which the pathogen was first isolated. Future work is needed to assess the epidemiology, cultivar susceptibility, chemical sensitivity, and disease management of this possible new emerging strawberry pathogen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Reliable species identification of cultured isolates is essential in clinical bacteriology. We established a new study algorithm named NOVA - Novel Organism Verification and Analysis to systematically analyze bacterial isolates that cannot be characterized by conventional identification procedures MALDI-TOF MS and partial 16 S rRNA gene sequencing using Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS).
    RESULTS: We identified a total of 35 bacterial strains that represent potentially novel species. Corynebacterium sp. (n = 6) and Schaalia sp. (n = 5) were the predominant genera. Two strains each were identified within the genera Anaerococcus, Clostridium, Desulfovibrio, and Peptoniphilus, and one new species was detected within Citrobacter, Dermabacter, Helcococcus, Lancefieldella, Neisseria, Ochrobactrum (Brucella), Paenibacillus, Pantoea, Porphyromonas, Pseudoclavibacter, Pseudomonas, Psychrobacter, Pusillimonas, Rothia, Sneathia, and Tessaracoccus. Twenty-seven of 35 strains were isolated from deep tissue specimens or blood cultures. Seven out of 35 isolated strains identified were clinically relevant. In addition, 26 bacterial strains that could only be identified at the species level using WGS analysis, were mainly organisms that have been identified/classified very recently.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our new algorithm proved to be a powerful tool for detection and identification of novel bacterial organisms. Publicly available clinical and genomic data may help to better understand their clinical and ecological role. Our identification of 35 novel strains, 7 of which appear to be clinically relevant, shows the wide range of undescribed pathogens yet to define.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A single strain from the family Paenibacillaceae was isolated from the wall behind the Waste Hygiene Compartment aboard the International Space Station (ISS) in April 2018, as part of the Microbial Tracking mission series. This strain was identified as a gram-positive, rod-shaped, oxidase-positive, catalase-negative motile bacterium in the genus Cohnella, designated as F6_2S_P_1T. The 16S sequence of the F6_2S_P_1T strain places it in a clade with C. rhizosphaerae and C. ginsengisoli, which were originally isolated from plant tissue or rhizosphere environments. The closest 16S and gyrB matches to strain F6_2S_P_1T are to C. rhizosphaerae with 98.84 and 93.99% sequence similarity, while a core single-copy gene phylogeny from all publicly available Cohnella genomes places it as more closely related to C. ginsengisoli. Average nucleotide identity (ANI) and digital DNA-DNA hybridization (dDDH) values to any described Cohnella species are <89 and <22%, respectively. The major fatty acids for strain F6_2S_P_1T are anteiso-C15:0 (51.7%), iso-C16:0 (23.1%), and iso-C15:0 (10.5%), and it is able to metabolize a wide range of carbon compounds. Given the results of the ANI and dDDH analyses, this ISS strain is a novel species within the genus Cohnella for which we propose the name Cohnella hashimotonis, with the type strain F6_2S_P_1T (=NRRL B-65657T and DSMZ 115098T). Because no closely related Cohnella genomes were available, this study generated the whole-genome sequences (WGSs) of the type strains for C. rhizosphaerae and C. ginsengisoli. Phylogenetic and pangenomic analysis reveals that F6_2S_P_1T, C. rhizosphaerae, and C. ginsengisoli, along with two uncharacterized Cohnella strains, possess a shared set of 332 gene clusters which are not shared with any other WGS of Cohnella species, and form a distinct clade branching off from C. nanjingensis. Functional traits were predicted for the genomes of strain F6_2S_P_1T and other members of this clade.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Degradation of crop straw in natural environment has been a bottleneck. There has been a recent increase in the exploration of cold-adapted microorganisms as they can solve the problem of corn straw degradation under low temperatures and offer new alternatives for the sustainable development of agriculture. The study was conducted in low-temperature (10°C) and high-efficiency cellulose-degrading bacteria were screened using carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) selection medium and subjected to genome sequencing by the third-generation Pacbio Sequl and the second-generation Illumina Novaseq platform, and their cellulase activity was detected by 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method. The results showed that the low-temperature (10°C) and high-efficiency cellulose-degrading bacterium Bacillus subtilis K1 was 4,060,823 bp in genome size, containing 4,213 genes, with 3,665, 3,656, 2,755, 3,240, 1,261, 3,336 and 4,003 genes annotated in the non-redundant protein sequence database (NR), Pfam, clusters of orthologous groups of proteins (COGs), Genome Ontology (GO), Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG), and Annotation databases, respectively. In addition, a large number of lignocellulose degradation-related genes were annotated in the genome. The cellulose activity of B. subtilis K1 was higher, exhibiting the highest activity of endo-β-glucanase (24.69 U/ml), exo-β-glucanase (1.72 U/ml) and β-glucosaccharase (1.14 U/ml). It was found that through adding cold-adapted cellulose-degrading bacteriaK1 in the corn straw composting under 6°C (ambient temperature), the average temperature of straw composting was 58.7°C, and higher 86.7% as compared to control. The HA/FA was higher 94.02% than the control and the lignocellulose degradation rate was lower 18.01-41.39% than the control. The results provide a theoretical basis for clarifying the degradation potential of cold-adapted cellulose-degrading bacteria and improving the cellulose degradation efficiency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent metagenomic analysis has revealed that our gut microbiota plays an important role in not only the maintenance of our health but also various diseases such as obesity, diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, and allergy. However, most intestinal bacteria are considered \'unculturable\' bacteria, and their functions remain unknown. Although culture-independent genomic approaches have enabled us to gain insight into their potential roles, culture-based approaches are still required to understand their characteristic features and phenotypes. To date, various culturing methods have been attempted to obtain these \'unculturable\' bacteria, but most such methods require advanced techniques. Here, we have tried to isolate possible unculturable bacteria from a healthy Japanese individual by using commercially available media. A 16S rRNA (ribosomal RNA) gene metagenomic analysis revealed that each culture medium showed bacterial growth depending on its selective features and a possibility of the presence of novel bacterial species. Whole genome sequencing of these candidate strains suggested the isolation of 8 novel bacterial species classified in the Actinobacteria and Firmicutes phyla. Our approach indicates that a number of intestinal bacteria hitherto considered unculturable are potentially culturable and can be cultured on commercially available media. We have obtained novel gut bacteria from a healthy Japanese individual using a combination of comprehensive genomics and conventional culturing methods. We would expect that the discovery of such novel bacteria could illuminate pivotal roles for the gut microbiota in association with human health.





