Neuroepithelial Cells

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The peripheral nervous system consists of ganglia, nerve trunks, plexuses, and nerve endings, that transmit afferent and efferent information. Regeneration after a peripheral nerve damage is sluggish and imperfect. Peripheral nerve injury frequently causes partial or complete loss of motor and sensory function, physical impairment, and neuropathic pain, all of which have a negative impact on patients\' quality of life. Because the mechanism of peripheral nerve injury and healing is still unclear, the therapeutic efficacy is limited. As peripheral nerve injury research has processed, an increasing number of studies have revealed that biological scaffolds work in tandem with progenitor cells to repair peripheral nerve injury. Here, we fabricated collagen chitosan nerve conduit bioscaffolds together with collagen and then filled neuroepithelial stem cells (NESCs). Scanning electron microscopy showed that the NESCs grew well on the scaffold surface. Compared to the control group, the NESCs group contained more cells with bigger diameters and myelinated structures around the axons. Our findings indicated that a combination of chitosan-collagen bioscaffold and neural stem cell transplantation can facilitate the functional restoration of peripheral nerve tissue, with promising future applications and research implications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SNCAIP duplication may promote Group 4 medulloblastoma via induction of PRDM6, a poorly characterized member of the PRDF1 and RIZ1 homology domain-containing (PRDM) family of transcription factors. Here, we investigated the function of PRDM6 in human hindbrain neuroepithelial stem cells and tested PRDM6 as a driver of Group 4 medulloblastoma. We report that human PRDM6 localizes predominantly to the nucleus, where it causes widespread repression of chromatin accessibility and complex alterations of gene expression patterns. Genome-wide mapping of PRDM6 binding reveals that PRDM6 binds to chromatin regions marked by histone H3 lysine 27 trimethylation that are located within, or proximal to, genes. Moreover, we show that PRDM6 expression in neuroepithelial stem cells promotes medulloblastoma. Surprisingly, medulloblastomas derived from PRDM6-expressing neuroepithelial stem cells match human Group 3, but not Group 4, medulloblastoma. We conclude that PRDM6 expression has oncogenic potential but is insufficient to drive Group 4 medulloblastoma from neuroepithelial stem cells. We propose that both PRDM6 and additional factors, such as specific cell-of-origin features, are required for Group 4 medulloblastoma. Given the lack of PRDM6 expression in normal tissues and its oncogenic potential shown here, we suggest that PRDM6 inhibition may have therapeutic value in PRDM6-expressing medulloblastomas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Drosophila coordinated proliferation of two neural stem cells, neuroblasts (NB) and neuroepithelial (NE) cells, is pivotal for proper larval brain growth that ultimately determines the final size and performance of an adult brain. The larval brain growth displays two phases based on behaviors of NB and NEs: the first one in early larval stages, influenced by nutritional status and the second one in the last larval stage, promoted by ecdysone signaling after critical weight checkpoint. Mutations of the baboon (babo) gene that produces three isoforms (BaboA-C), all acting as type-I receptors of Activin-type transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) signaling, cause a small brain phenotype due to severely reduced proliferation of the neural stem cells. In this study we show that loss of babo function severely affects proliferation of NBs and NEs as well as conversion of NEs from both phases. By analyzing babo-null and newly generated isoform-specific mutants by CRISPR mutagenesis as well as isoform-specific RNAi knockdowns in a cell- and stage-specific manner, our data support differential contributions of the isoforms for these cellular events with BaboA playing the major role. Stage-specific expression of EcR-B1 in the brain is also regulated primarily by BaboA along with function of the other isoforms. Blocking EcR function in both neural stem cells results in a small brain phenotype that is more severe than baboA-knockdown alone. In summary, our study proposes that the Babo-mediated signaling promotes proper behaviors of the neural stem cells in both phases and achieves this by acting upstream of EcR-B1 expression in the second phase.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The brain is consisted of diverse neurons arising from a limited number of neural stem cells. Drosophila neural stem cells called neuroblasts (NBs) produces specific neural lineages of various lineage sizes depending on their location in the brain. In the Drosophila visual processing centre - the optic lobes (OLs), medulla NBs derived from the neuroepithelium (NE) give rise to neurons and glia cells of the medulla cortex. The timing and the mechanisms responsible for the cessation of medulla NBs are so far not known. In this study, we show that the termination of medulla NBs during early pupal development is determined by the exhaustion of the NE stem cell pool. Hence, altering NE-NB transition during larval neurogenesis disrupts the timely termination of medulla NBs. Medulla NBs terminate neurogenesis via a combination of apoptosis, terminal symmetric division via Prospero, and a switch to gliogenesis via Glial Cell Missing (Gcm); however, these processes occur independently of each other. We also show that temporal progression of the medulla NBs is mostly not required for their termination. As the Drosophila OL shares a similar mode of division with mammalian neurogenesis, understanding when and how these progenitors cease proliferation during development can have important implications for mammalian brain size determination and regulation of its overall function.
    Every cell in the body can be traced back to a stem cell. For instance, most cells in the adult brains of fruit flies come from a type of stem cell known as a neuroblast. This includes neurons and glial cells (which support and protect neurons) in the optic lobe, the part of the brain that processes visual information. The numbers of neurons and glia in the optic lobe are tightly regulated such that when the right numbers are reached, the neuroblasts stop making more and are terminated. But how and when this occurs is poorly understood. To investigate, Nguyen and Cheng studied when neuroblasts disappear in the optic lobe over the course of development. This revealed that the number of neuroblasts dropped drastically 12 to 18 hours after the fruit fly larvae developed in to pupae, and were completely gone by 30 hours in to pupae life. Further experiments revealed that the timing of this decrease is influenced by neuroepithelium cells, the pool of stem cells that generate neuroblasts during the early stages of development. Nguyen and Cheng found that speeding up this transition so that neuroblasts arise from the neuroepithelium earlier, led neuroblasts to disappear faster from the optic lobe; whereas delaying the transition caused neuroblasts to persist for much longer. Thus, the time at which neuroblasts are born determines when they are terminated. Furthermore, Nguyen and Cheng showed that the neuroblasts were lost through a combination of means. This includes dying via a process called apoptosis, dividing to form two mature neurons, or switching to a glial cell fate. These findings provide a deeper understanding of the mechanisms regulating stem cell pools and their conversion to different cell types, a process that is crucial to the proper development of the brain. How cells divide to form the optic lobe of fruit flies is similar to how new neurons arise in the mammalian brain. Understanding how and when stem cells in the fruit fly brain stop proliferating could therefore provide new insights in to the development of the human brain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studying the properties of neural stem progenitor cells (NSPCs) in a fish model will provide new information about the organization of neurogenic niches containing embryonic and adult neural stem cells, reflecting their development, origin cell lines and proliferative dynamics. Currently, the molecular signatures of these populations in homeostasis and repair in the vertebrate forebrain are being intensively studied. Outside the telencephalon, the regenerative plasticity of NSPCs and their biological significance have not yet been practically studied. The impressive capacity of juvenile salmon to regenerate brain suggests that most NSPCs are likely multipotent, as they are capable of replacing virtually all cell lineages lost during injury, including neuroepithelial cells, radial glia, oligodendrocytes, and neurons. However, the unique regenerative profile of individual cell phenotypes in the diverse niches of brain stem cells remains unclear. Various types of neuronal precursors, as previously shown, are contained in sufficient numbers in different parts of the brain in juvenile Pacific salmon. This review article aims to provide an update on NSPCs in the brain of common models of zebrafish and other fish species, including Pacific salmon, and the involvement of these cells in homeostatic brain growth as well as reparative processes during the postraumatic period. Additionally, new data are presented on the participation of astrocytic glia in the functioning of neural circuits and animal behavior. Thus, from a molecular aspect, zebrafish radial glia cells are seen to be similar to mammalian astrocytes, and can therefore also be referred to as astroglia. However, a question exists as to if zebrafish astroglia cells interact functionally with neurons, in a similar way to their mammalian counterparts. Future studies of this fish will complement those on rodents and provide important information about the cellular and physiological processes underlying astroglial function that modulate neural activity and behavior in animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In adult fish, neurogenesis occurs in many areas of the brain, including the cerebellum, with the ratio of newly formed cells relative to the total number of brain cells being several orders of magnitude greater than in mammals. Our study aimed to compare the expressions of aromatase B (AroB), glutamine synthetase (GS), and cystathionine-beta-synthase (CBS) in the cerebellum of intact juvenile chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta. To identify the dynamics that determine the involvement of AroB, GS, and CBS in the cellular mechanisms of regeneration, we performed a comprehensive assessment of the expressions of these molecular markers during a long-term primary traumatic brain injury (TBI) and after a repeated acute TBI to the cerebellum of O. keta juveniles. As a result, in intact juveniles, weak or moderate expressions of AroB, GS, and CBS were detected in four cell types, including cells of the neuroepithelial type, migrating, and differentiated cells (graphic abstract, A). At 90 days post injury, local hypercellular areas were found in the molecular layer containing moderately labeled AroB+, GS+, and CBS+ cells of the neuroepithelial type and larger AroB+, GS+, and CBS+ cells (possibly analogous to the reactive glia of mammals); patterns of cells migration and neovascularization were also observed. A repeated TBI caused the number of AroB+, GS+, and CBS+ cells to further increase; an increased intensity of immunolabeling was recorded from all cell types (graphic abstract, C). Thus, the results of this study provide a better understanding of adult neurogenesis in teleost fishes, which is expected to clarify the issue of the reactivation of adult neurogenesis in mammalian species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Similar to induced pluripotent cells (iPSCs), induced neural stem cells (iNSCs) can be directly converted from human somatic cells such as dermal fibroblasts and peripheral blood monocytes. While previous studies have demonstrated the resemblance of iNSCs to neural stem cells derived from primary sources and embryonic stem cells, respectively, a comprehensive analysis of the correlation between iNSCs and their physiological counterparts remained to be investigated.
    METHODS: Nowadays, single-cell sequencing technologies provide unique opportunities for in-depth cellular benchmarking of complex cell populations. Our study involves the comprehensive profiling of converted human iNSCs at a single-cell transcriptomic level, alongside conventional methods, like flow cytometry and immunofluorescence stainings.
    RESULTS: Our results show that the iNSC conversion yields a homogeneous cell population expressing bona fide neural stem cell markers. Extracting transcriptomic signatures from published single cell transcriptomic atlas data and comparison to the iNSC transcriptome reveals resemblance to embryonic neuroepithelial cells of early neurodevelopmental stages observed in vivo at 5 weeks of development.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our data underscore the physiological relevance of directly converted iNSCs, making them a valuable in vitro system for modeling human central nervous system development and establishing translational applications in cell therapy and compound screening.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neural tube defects (NTDs) are severe congenital neurodevelopmental disorders arising from incomplete neural tube closure. Although folate supplementation has been shown to mitigate the incidence of NTDs, some cases, often attributable to genetic factors, remain unpreventable. The SHROOM3 gene has been implicated in NTD cases that are unresponsive to folate supplementation; at present, however, the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Neural tube morphogenesis is a complex process involving the folding of the planar epithelium of the neural plate. To determine the role of SHROOM3 in early developmental morphogenesis, we established a neuroepithelial organoid culture system derived from cynomolgus monkeys to closely mimic the in vivo neural plate phase. Loss of SHROOM3 resulted in shorter neuroepithelial cells and smaller nuclei. These morphological changes were attributed to the insufficient recruitment of cytoskeletal proteins, namely fibrous actin (F-actin), myosin II, and phospho-myosin light chain (PMLC), to the apical side of the neuroepithelial cells. Notably, these defects were not rescued by folate supplementation. RNA sequencing revealed that differentially expressed genes were enriched in biological processes associated with cellular and organ morphogenesis. In summary, we established an authentic in vitro system to study NTDs and identified a novel mechanism for NTDs that are unresponsive to folate supplementation.
    神经管闭合缺陷(NTDs)是由神经管闭合失败引起的严重先天性神经发育疾病。虽然补充叶酸可以减少NTDs的发生,但仍有一些遗传因素导致的NTDs无法被预防。其中, SHROOM3基因突变导致的NTDs无法通过补充叶酸被预防,并且致病机制尚不清楚。神经管闭合伴有上皮细胞的形变和神经板的会聚延伸,这是一个复杂的形态发生过程。为了了解 SHROOM3在发育早期阶段是否在形态发生中起重要作用,我们建立了一种食蟹猴的神经上皮类器官培养体系来模拟体内神经板发育阶段。我们发现SHROOM3的缺失导致神经上皮细胞变短,细胞核变小。这些形态变化是由于肌动蛋白F-actin、肌球蛋白 Myosin II 和磷酸化肌球轻链蛋白PMLC未能被募集到神经上皮细胞的顶端造成。这种现象不能通过补充叶酸来挽救。RNA-seq数据显示,差异基因在细胞的形态发生和器官形成的通路中高度富集。综上所述,我们建立了一个更真实的体外类器官培养体系来研究NTDs,并揭示了一种补充叶酸无法预防NTDs的新机制。.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Schizophrenia (SZ) is a multifactorial disorder characterized by volume reduction in gray and white matter, oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, altered neurotransmission, as well as molecular deficiencies such as punctual mutation in Disrupted‑in‑Schizophrenia 1 protein. In this regard, it is essential to understand the underlying molecular disturbances to determine the pathophysiological mechanisms of the disease. The signaling pathways activated by G protein‑coupled receptors (GPCRs) are key molecular signaling pathways altered in SZ. Convenient models need to be designed and validated to study these processes and mechanisms at the cellular level. Cultured olfactory stem cells are used to investigate neural molecular and cellular alterations related to the pathophysiology of SZ. Multipotent human olfactory stem cells are undifferentiated and express GPCRs involved in numerous physiological functions such as proliferation, differentiation and bioenergetics. The use of olfactory stem cells obtained from patients with SZ may identify alterations in GPCR signaling that underlie dysfunctional processes in both undifferentiated and specialized neurons or derived neuroglia. The present review aimed to analyze the role of GPCRs and their signaling in the pathophysiology of SZ. Culture of olfactory epithelial cells constitutes a suitable model to study SZ and other psychiatric disorders at the cellular level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of in vitro models is essential in modern science due to the need for experiments using human material and the reduction in the number of laboratory animals. The complexity of the interactions that occur in living organisms requires improvements in the monolayer cultures. In the work presented here, neuroepithelial stem (NES) cells were differentiated into peripheral-like neurons (PLN) and the phenotype of the cells was confirmed at the genetic and protein levels. Then RNA-seq method was used to investigate how stimulation with pro-inflammatory factors such as LPS and IFNγ affects the expression of genes involved in the immune response in human fibroblast-like synoviocytes (HFLS). HFLS were then cultured on semi-permeable membrane inserts, and after 24 hours of pro-inflammatory stimulation, the levels of cytokines secretion into the medium were checked. Inserts with stimulated HFLS were introduced into the PLN culture, and by measuring secreted ATP, an increase in cell activity was found in the system. The method used mimics the condition that occurs in the joint during inflammation, as observed in the development of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or osteoarthritis (OA). In addition, the system used can be easily modified to simulate the interaction of peripheral neurons with other cell types.





