• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Some natural environments on Earth are characterised by high levels of radiation, including naturally radioelement enriched mineral springs in the French Massif Central. Therefore, naturally radioactive mineral springs are interesting ecosystems for understanding how bacterial populations in these springs have adapted to high levels of natural and chronic radioactivity over the very long term. The aim of this study was to analyse the bacterial communities of sediments from five naturally radioactive mineral springs in the French Massif Central, sampled in autumn 2019 and spring 2020, and to observe whether radionuclides, compared to other physicochemical parameters, are drivers of the bacterial community structuring in these extreme environments. Physicochemical measurements showed that two springs, Dourioux and Montagne had high radioelement concentrations/activities (uranium, thorium and radon). Analysis of the structure of the bacterial communities, by next generation sequencing based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing, showed that the presence of radionuclides in Dourioux and Montagne, did not lead to a reduction in bacterial diversity and richness compared to the other springs. However, Dourioux and Montagne were characterised by specific bacterial populations, whose presence correlates with the radioelement concentrations/activities measured in these springs. This suggests that radioelements could partly explain the structuring of bacterial communities in these springs. In addition, several of these operational taxonomic units (OTUs) specific to Dourioux and Montagne, mainly affiliated to Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Bacteroidetes, could be involved in the biogeochemistry of radionuclides through different mechanisms (biosorption, biomineralisation, bioaccumulation, and bioreduction), which would allow the development of other bacterial species sensitive to these metals/radioelements. In particular, the co-occurrence of sulphate and/or iron-reducing bacteria, capable of bioreducing uranium, with fermentative bacteria, releasing sources of organic carbons, reflects associations of bacteria with complementary functions that allow them to grow in this peculiar environment and maintain a high diversity in these extreme environments. This study has provided a better understanding of the structuring of bacterial communities exposed to ionising radiation for thousands of years in naturally radioactive environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Labuan, Miri, Kundasang and Raub regions of Malaysia have very different geological formations and settings that could result in different levels of natural radioactivity. Hence, this study determines the influence of different geological formations on radioactivity in these locations using field measurements, petrology and geochemistry. A total of 141 gamma dose rates and 227 beta flux measurements were collected using Polimaster survey meters (PM1405) in these four regions. The gamma dose rate values range from 0.37 to 0.05 µSv/h with a mean value of 0.11 µSv/h. Beta flux values range from 3.46 to 0.12 CPS with a mean value of 0.57 CPS. Mineralogy and elemental composition of the different rock types were analysed using thin-section petrography, XRD, ICP and pXRF methods. Felsic igneous rocks such as syenite and granite have higher natural radioactivity and contain more radionuclide-bearing minerals such as apatite, zircon, allanite, K-feldspar, titanite, muscovite and biotite. Metamorphic rocks have the second highest natural radioactivity and contain fewer radioactive minerals. The natural radioactivity of sedimentary rocks mostly depends on their clay content. The gamma dose rate maps show that igneous and metamorphic regions around Raub have higher radioactivity compared to the sedimentary-dominated regions around Miri and Labuan. Annual effective dose (AED) and excess lifetime cancer risk (ELCR) were calculated to evaluate the potential health risk for inhabitants of these regions. Labuan and Miri are considered to be safe zones with respect to natural radioactivity as the results show little to no risk for the public, compared with the Raub region, which is medium to high risk.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Michel Foucault\'s modes of power (sovereign, disciplinary and bio-politics) have dominated both our understanding of power and norm. It is pretty impossible to think of the organisation of life outside his thinking. Here I argue that the idea and practice of mutual aid, articulated by Peter Kropotkin in his 1902 book Mutual Aid (2009) stirs us towards a different understanding of the management of life, bereft of hierarchies and bestowed with co-operation and care. Moreover, as I argue, the existence of mutual aid groups and practices challenges the very idea of the norm. This has become even more apparent during the Covid19 pandemic with the surfacing of mutual aid groups globally. It is therefore rather misleading to understand our present as generator of the \'new normal\'; such claims are mere rhetorical devices aiming at keeping us in our place.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We show that the conventional income inequality indexes assess income inequality incorrectly because of three problems. The unequally distributed (UD) income-based approach solves the problems, decomposes income inequality into two kinds of departure from equality, and provides two indexes. The comprehensive assessment of income inequality requires the integration of two kinds of departure. This paper proposes the relative UD (RUD) income-based approach. The RUD income-based approach combines the cumulative distribution function and quantile function of the RUD income and produces a new index integrating two kinds of departure. We investigate the properties of the new index and demonstrate its applicability through example income distributions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evidence shows that people tend to behave prosocially when they are in the presence of images depicting eyes. There are two proximate causes of the eyes effect. One involves positive motivation to gain future reward and the other involves negative motivation to avoid violating a norm. Although several studies have suggested that positive motivation is a strong candidate, these studies were unable to distinguish between adherence to norms and prosocial behavior. We investigated the watching-eyes effect in an experimental setting to determine whether the tendency of humans to violate norms voluntarily could be understood as prosocial behavior. We compared the tendency to tell \"prosocial lies\" in the presence of a depiction of stylized eyes (eyes condition) with that involving no such depiction (control condition). Under the control condition, participants tended to tell lies that benefitted others, whereas the tendency toward prosocial lying disappeared under the eyes condition. This suggests that the desire to avoid violating norms by being honest is stronger than the desire to pursue a good reputation by demonstrating generosity when such violation might lead to serious costs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Gender equality is one of the most concerning issues globally. Females lacking equality could lead to several impacts, including health and economic impacts. Gender equality is often present in some minorities, such as the Akha hill tribe people who live in remote areas and have poor educational and economic statuses. This study aimed to understand the patterns and forms of women\'s oppression through their norms and cultures.
    METHODS: A qualitative method was used to elicit information from participants in twelve group discussions. The participants were Pha Mee and Ulau Akha people living in six selected villages along the border of Thailand and Myanmar. Twenty-two main questions were used as a guide in the discussions, which were grouped by gender and conducted by a same-gender moderator. The findings were extracted and formed according to a thematic approach.
    RESULTS: A total of 72 Akha from six villages were invited to participate in the study: 29 males and 43 females. The average age was 47.7 years, 69.4% were married, 63.8% were Buddhist, 47.2% had never attended a school, and 47.2% worked in the agricultural sector. Several forms of Akha women\'s oppression were identified: oppression through daily life, religious rituals, son preference, novels and cradle songs, naming ceremonies, and work performances. Many factors acted as unorthodox patterns to relieve the oppression of Akha women: religious conversion, educational impact, exposure to people from outside villages, and social and economic roles. Oppressed Akha women moved through four layers: individual, family, community, and external culture and modernization. The combination of culture and globalization was a key factor in gender inequity through these four layers to balance the pressures to oppress and resist.
    CONCLUSIONS: Akha women have lived under the power of men for several years, and these men have built up common features to control women in their society. Improving gender inequity is important for moving to a better stage of health, quality of life, and social roles, which will increase the power of all people to improve their society in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Identifying drug-target interactions (DTIs) plays a key role in drug development. Traditional wet experiments to identify DTIs are costly and time consuming. Effective computational methods to predict DTIs are useful to speed up the process of drug discovery. A variety of non-negativity matrix factorization based methods are proposed to predict DTIs, but most of them overlooked the sparsity of feature matrices and the convergence of adopted matrix factorization algorithms, therefore their performances can be further improved.
    RESULTS: In order to predict DTIs more accurately, we propose a novel method iPALM-DLMF. iPALM-DLMF models DTIs prediction as a problem of non-negative matrix factorization with graph dual regularization terms and [Formula: see text] norm regularization terms. The graph dual regularization terms are used to integrate the information from the drug similarity matrix and the target similarity matrix, and [Formula: see text] norm regularization terms are used to ensure the sparsity of the feature matrices obtained by non-negative matrix factorization. To solve the model, iPALM-DLMF adopts non-negative double singular value decomposition to initialize the nonnegative matrix factorization, and an inertial Proximal Alternating Linearized Minimization iterating process, which has been proved to converge to a KKT point, to obtain the final result of the matrix factorization. Extensive experimental results show that iPALM-DLMF has better performance than other state-of-the-art methods. In case studies, in 50 highest-scoring proteins targeted by the drug gabapentin predicted by iPALM-DLMF, 46 have been validated, and in 50 highest-scoring drugs targeting prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 predicted by iPALM-DLMF, 47 have been validated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was limited adoption of contact-tracing apps (CTAs). Adoption was particularly low among vulnerable people (eg, people with a low socioeconomic position or of older age), while this part of the population tends to have lesser access to information and communication technology and is more vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to understand the cause of this lagged adoption of CTAs in order to facilitate adoption and find indications to make public health apps more accessible and reduce health disparities.
    METHODS: Because several psychosocial variables were found to be predictive of CTA adoption, data from the Dutch CTA CoronaMelder (CM) were analyzed using cluster analysis. We examined whether subgroups could be formed based on 6 psychosocial perceptions (ie, trust in the government, beliefs about personal data, social norms, perceived personal and societal benefits, risk perceptions, and self-efficacy) of (non)users concerning CM in order to examine how these clusters differ from each other and what factors are predictive of the intention to use a CTA and the adoption of a CTA. The intention to use and the adoption of CM were examined based on longitudinal data consisting of 2 time frames in October/November 2020 (N=1900) and December 2020 (N=1594). The clusters were described by demographics, intention, and adoption accordingly. Moreover, we examined whether the clusters and the variables that were found to influence the adoption of CTAs, such as health literacy, were predictive of the intention to use and the adoption of the CM app.
    RESULTS: The final 5-cluster solution based on the data of wave 1 contained significantly different clusters. In wave 1, respondents in the clusters with positive perceptions (ie, beneficial psychosocial variables for adoption of a CTA) about the CM app were older (P<.001), had a higher education level (P<.001), and had higher intention (P<.001) and adoption (P<.001) rates than those in the clusters with negative perceptions. In wave 2, the intention to use and adoption were predicted by the clusters. The intention to use CM in wave 2 was also predicted using the adoption measured in wave 1 (P<.001, β=-2.904). Adoption in wave 2 was predicted by age (P=.022, exp(B)=1.171), the intention to use in wave 1 (P<.001, exp(B)=1.770), and adoption in wave 1 (P<.001, exp(B)=0.043).
    CONCLUSIONS: The 5 clusters, as well as age and previous behavior, were predictive of the intention to use and the adoption of the CM app. Through the distinguishable clusters, insight was gained into the profiles of CM (non)intenders and (non)adopters.
    BACKGROUND: OSF Registries;






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine is key to reducing the probability of contracting COVID-19. The vaccine is generally known to prevent severe illness, death, and hospitalization as a result of the disease and for considerably reduce COVID-19 infection risk. Accordingly, this might significantly change an individual\'s perceived risk of altering everyday behaviors. For instance, the proliferation of vaccination is anticipated to reduce preventive behaviors such as staying at home, handwashing, and wearing a mask. We corresponded with the same individuals monthly for 18 months from March 2020 (early stage of COVID-19) to September 2021 in Japan to independently construct large sample panel data (N = 54,007), with a participation rate of 54.7%. We used a fixed effects model, controlling for key confounders, to determine whether vaccination was associated with a change in preventive behaviors. The major findings are as follows. Contrary to the prediction, (1) based on the whole sample, being vaccinated against COVID-19 led people to stay at home; however, it did not change the habit of handwashing and wearing a mask. Especially after the second shot, respondents were likelier to stay at home by 0.107 (95% CIs: 0.059-0.154) points on a 5-point scale compared to before the vaccination. Dividing the entire sample into young and old, (2) those aged ≤ 40 years were more likely to go out after being vaccinated, and (3) people over 40 years of age were more likely to stay at home (similar to the first result). Preventive behaviors impact all individuals during the current pandemic. Informal social norms motivate people to increase or maintain preventive behaviors even after being vaccinated in societies where these behaviors are not enforced.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The Childhood Trauma Questionnaire-Short Form (CTQ-SF) is a widely utilized instrument of childhood maltreatment (CM). However, psychometric properties and normative data of the CTQ-SF for Chinese adolescents are still unknown.
    UNASSIGNED: To examine psychometric properties and normative data of Chinese version CTQ-SF in a nationally representative sample of Chinese adolescents, including internal consistency reliability, test-retest reliability, structural validity, and convergent validity.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 20,951 adolescents aged 12 to 18 years were recruited from five provinces across China. Item analysis was used for 25 clinical items of the CTQ-SF. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed to examine fit indices of the factor structure. The Adverse Childhood Experiences Scale (ACEs) was used to evaluate convergent validity. The percentile ranks for scores of the CTQ-SF and each subscales were presented.
    UNASSIGNED: According to the results of three methods in Item analysis, Item 4 should be dropped. The remaining 24 clinical items achieved satisfactory fits in an alternative four-factor model. The alternative CTQ-SF showed acceptable internal consistency and the Cronbach\'s α of the four subscales was 0.824 (Neglect), 0.755 (Sexual Abuse), 0.713 (Physical Abuse), and 0.666 (Emotional Abuse), respectively. Besides, test-retest reliability and convergent validity of the alternative CTQ-SF were also acceptable.
    UNASSIGNED: The alternative four-factor model CTQ-SF exhibits good reliability and validity among Chinese adolescents. Additionally, the normative information of the CTQ-SF could provide practical support for determining severity of different subtypes of CM.





