• 文章类型: Journal Article
向新的矿山辐射防护立法框架的过渡得到了业界广泛认可的指导材料的发布的支持。 .
    The Western Australian mining industry is a global supplier of critical minerals, including lithium and rare earths. The lithology of these minerals is associated with elevated concentrations of naturally occurring radionuclides (NORs). An increase in the number of mines producing the minerals has witnessed a commensurate increase in the number of workers potentially exposed to the radiation from NORs. The regulatory framework in Western Australia underwent significant change in March 2022. Mining operations whose workers are likely to receive doses greater than one mSvy-1 are referenced as relevant mines and are required to submit an annual report of worker doses to the mining regulator. This research provides an overview of the new legislative framework and updates the information in Ralph and Cattani (2022) to include data derived from annual radiation doses reported by relevant mines in the period spanning 2020-21 to 2022-23. In 2022-23, 38 mining operations were identified as relevant mines, an increase of sixteen from 2020-21. The mean effective dose (ED) reported in the three-year period was 1.0 mSv, and the maximum ED was 4.9 mSv. The collective effective dose of the mine worker population reached an historical maximum of 2,339 man.mSv in 2022-23. Inhalation of long-lived alpha emitting radionuclides in dust remains the most significant contributor to worker doses. Inhalation of radon-22, radon-220 and their short-lived progeny, once considered as a negligible contributor to worker doses, is the second most significant exposure pathway. A declining trend in the number of samples collected per worker is highlighted as requiring remediation to provide confidence in the reported dose estimates. The transition to the new legislative framework for radiation protection in mines has been supported by the publication of guidance materials which have been widely endorsed by the industry. .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper aimed to conduct a systematic review of 26 published articles from 13 different regions in the Republic of Yemen related to the study of natural radioactivity (NORM) and enhanced artificial radioactivity (TENORM). The study relied on the analysis of various sample types, including air, groundwater, surface water, hot spring water, soil, sand, rocks, building materials, and oil field samples. It also analyzed the study areas, the types of detectors employed, and the study\'s timeframe. The analytical results raised significant concerns regarding the high levels of radioactivity observed in many of the studied regions. Moreover, some regions indicated the absence of any prior radiological study, despite apparent effects on the population and the environment, which suggest the presence of potential radionuclide concentration. Based on this study, it is strongly recommended that researchers conduct further radiological studies in regions previously studied over extended periods and in areas where no prior radiological studies have been conducted to assess potential radionuclide concentration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper critically examines the normative versus non-normative distinction commonly used in collective action research. To explore the similarities and differences between antecedents of normative versus non-normative actions, we conducted a systematic review on diverse predictors of non-normative, radical and violent collective actions. We examined 37 social and political psychology studies published after 2010 and identified five recurring themes: identity, efficacy, injustice, emotions and norms. Findings exhibited significant overlaps with those predictors associated with normative collective action. Thus, a reconceptualization is needed to undermine the rigid boundaries between these action types, highlighting the intricate interplay of factors that transcend the conventional binary. Aiming to avoid conceptual ambiguity and challenge the perspective that associating particular collective actions with unwarranted violence using social norms as fixed and a priori, we propose the term \'confrontational collective action\' to separate out form of action from societal approval. Through this reconceptualization, we discussed the main limitations in the literature, focusing on how studies approach normativity and efficacy and addressing the issue of decontextualization in the literature. This paper calls for a contextually informed understanding of confrontational collective action that recognizes what is seen as \'normative\' can change over time through intra- and intergroup interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Sexuality and sexual health (SSH) are essential aspects of care that have evolved since a 1975 World Health Organization (WHO) report on SSH. However, nurses still consider discussing the subject with patients a challenge. This scoping review aimed to map, synthesize, and summarize findings from existing literature regarding barriers and enabling factors for nurse-patient SSH discussions in care contexts.
    METHODS: A scoping review model inspired by Arksey and O\'Malley was used to search for and synthesize studies published between 2009 and 2019. The databases searched were the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) and Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, i.e., MEDLARS Online. A total of nineteen articles were eligible to be included.
    RESULTS: Two main categories of enabling factors were identified, i.e., a professional approach via using core care values and availability of resources. Three major categories of barriers were identified: beliefs and attitudes related to age, gender, and sexual identity; fear and individual convictions; and work-related factors.
    CONCLUSIONS: Applying professionalism and core care values as well as making resources available are likely to promote SSH discussions between nurses and patients. Moreover, there is a need for a norm-critical approach in education and practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the 2019-20 reporting period, nineteen mining operations in Western Australia were identified as having workers who were likely to be exposed to ionising radiation stemming from naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORMs), seventeen of which, known hereinafter as Reporting Entities (REs), were required to submit an annual report of the dose estimates of their workforce to the mining regulatory authority. In 2018 the International Commission for Radiological Protection published the revision of the Dose Coefficients (DCs) for occupational intakes of radionuclides of the uranium-238 and thorium-232 decay series, in ICRP-137 and ICRP-141. The 2019-20 annual reports are the first to apply the revised DCs to estimate worker doses. The mean effective dose (ED) reported by the 17 REs increased by 32.4% to 0.94 mSv in 2019-20 from 0.71 mSv reported in 2018-19, indicating that the mean ED is approaching the 1 mSv annual dose estimate at which regulatory intervention should be considered. The mean committed effective dose (CED) from inhalation of dusts containing long-lived alpha-emitting (LLα) nuclides has increased by 35% from 0.40 mSv in 2018-19 to 0.54 mSv in 2019-20. The maximum CED from LLα increased by 16.3% from 3.20 mSv in 2018-19 to 3.72 mSv in 2019-20. The authors consider that, in the absence of other explanations provided by the REs, the increase is largely attributable to the revised DC\'s published in ICRP-137 and ICRP-141, but highlight that there are significant variations between REs that make a generalised conclusion problematic. The maximum reported ED in 2019-20 was 6.0 mSv, an increase of 36.4% from 2018-19 (4.4 mSv). The 2019-20 reporting period is the first time in a decade in which mine worker EDs have been elevated to the point that EDs have exceeded 5 mSv, a level at which personal monitoring and additional institutional controls are required.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The article generalizes the evolution of radioecological studies conducted by female scientists in Armenia in the period of 1950-2020. Radioecological studies were launched in 1958, prior to the construction of the ANPP and major nuclear disasters.
    UNASSIGNED: The obtained results allowed the revealing peculiarities of distribution and accumulation of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) and artificial radionuclides in the natural environment, urban sites and industrial centers. Series of national environmental monitoring programs were designed in order to reveal the main migration pathways of NORM and artificial radionuclides, as well as the assessment of exposure to natural and induced radiation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) system of protection consists of existing, planned, and emergency exposure situations. With the 2007 Recommendations in ICRP Publication 103, a coherent approach has been established that emphasises the optimisation of protection with appropriate constraints or reference levels in each exposure situation. Existing exposure situations pose unique challenges because the source of exposure already exists, and it may not always be possible to control the source directly. This is the case for naturally occurring sources, which are ubiquitous in the environment and vary widely in the magnitude of exposures that may be received by individuals. Decisions on protection strategies must consider a graded, pragmatic, and flexible approach for dealing with exposure of members of the public, and those that may be occupationally exposed while working with naturally occurring sources. Although limits are not applicable, aspects of the management approach for planned exposure situations may be appropriate, depending upon the magnitude of exposures.





