
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Decades of research have illuminated the consequences of early adverse rearing experiences in laboratory macaque populations. However, limited knowledge exists about the impact of traumatic episodes in non-laboratory environments. This study delves into the repercussions of illegal trade on socio-emotional and behavioural skills in five macaque species, all victims of poaching. We categorised their past experiences into seven aspects, encompassing maternal care and interactions with conspecifics. We assessed social engagement and cooperation by analysing social behaviours and employing the Social Responsiveness Scale. Emotional resilience was evaluated by measuring anxiety levels and the occurrence of abnormal behaviours, supported by a welfare questionnaire. Additionally, the introduction of Cattell\'s 16PF questionnaire in macaques for the first time aimed to reveal the influence of traumatic experiences on their personality traits. Our findings emphasise the significance of early social exposure. The lack of juvenile social contact predicts reduced social behaviours and an inclination towards social avoidance in adulthood. Macaques raised by humans tend to exhibit more abnormal behaviours in social contexts, compromising their welfare. Deprivation of social exposure in infancy negatively impacts psychological stimulation and overall welfare. The duration of time spent in illegal trade correlates with heightened anxiety levels. Personality traits such as \'Calmness\' and \'Unfriendliness\' are influenced by rearing conditions, with macaques deprived of social interaction during their early years showing higher levels of introversion. In conclusion, the absence of social exposure during early life and hand-rearing due to illegal trade significantly shape macaques\' personality traits and their social and emotional skills.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    An adult female rhesus macaque presented during routine annual physical examination for evaluation of a 2.5-cm diameter superficial ulcerated dermal lesion that was subsequently diagnosed as a systemic fungal infection caused by Cryptococcus gattii. Cryptococcus gattii is one of several basidiomycetic yeasts responsible for pulmonary, neurologic, and disseminated infections in humans and animals. This report describes the diagnosis, management, and clinical resolution of a C. gattii infection in an immunocompetent 5-year-old female rhesus macaque.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Comparative studies reliant on single personality surveys to rate wild primates are scarce yet remain critical for developing a holistic comparative understanding of personality. Differences in survey design, item exclusion, and factor selection impede cross-study comparisons. To address these challenges, we used consistently collected data to assess personality trait structures in wild rhesus (Macaca mulatta), bonnet (M. radiata), and long-tailed (M. fascicularis) macaques that varied in their degree of phylogenetic closeness, species-typical social styles, and anthropogenic exposure in urban or urban-rural environments. We administered 51-item personality surveys to familiar raters, and, after reliability and structure screenings, isolated 4-5 factor solutions among the species. Four consistent factors emerged: Confident, Sociable, Active, and Irritable/Equable. This latter factor had differential expression across species. Item composition of the Irritable/Equable factor was consistent with their anticipated differences in social styles, but confounded by cross-site anthropogenic variation. We also administered a 43-item survey confined to human-primate situations which paralleled our findings of social style variation, while also exhibiting variation that aligned with population differences in human density. Our findings indicate that macaque personality trait structures may be emergent outcomes of evolutionary and/or socioecological processes, but further research is needed to parse these processes\' relative contributions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Temporal discounting, in which the recipient of a reward perceives the value of that reward to decrease with delay in its receipt, is associated with impulsivity and psychiatric disorders such as depression. Here, we investigate the role of the serotonin 5-HT4 receptor (5-HT4R) in modulating temporal discounting in the macaque dorsal caudate nucleus (dCDh), the neurons of which have been shown to represent temporally discounted value. We first mapped the 5-HT4R distribution in macaque brains using positron emission tomography (PET) imaging and confirmed dense expression of 5-HT4R in the dCDh. We then examined the effects of a specific 5-HT4R antagonist infused into the dCDh. Blockade of 5-HT4R significantly increased error rates in a goal-directed delayed reward task, indicating an increase in the rate of temporal discounting. This increase was specific to the 5-HT4R blockade because saline controls showed no such effect. The results demonstrate that 5-HT4Rs in the dCDh are involved in reward-evaluation processes, particularly in the context of delay discounting, and suggest that serotonergic transmission via 5-HT4R may be a key component in the neural mechanisms underlying impulsive decisions, potentially contributing to depressive symptoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Broadening gene therapy applications requires manufacturable vectors that efficiently transduce target cells in humans and preclinical models. Conventional selections of adeno-associated virus (AAV) capsid libraries are inefficient at searching the vast sequence space for the small fraction of vectors possessing multiple traits essential for clinical translation. Here, we present Fit4Function, a generalizable machine learning (ML) approach for systematically engineering multi-trait AAV capsids. By leveraging a capsid library that uniformly samples the manufacturable sequence space, reproducible screening data are generated to train accurate sequence-to-function models. Combining six models, we designed a multi-trait (liver-targeted, manufacturable) capsid library and validated 88% of library variants on all six predetermined criteria. Furthermore, the models, trained only on mouse in vivo and human in vitro Fit4Function data, accurately predicted AAV capsid variant biodistribution in macaque. Top candidates exhibited production yields comparable to AAV9, efficient murine liver transduction, up to 1000-fold greater human hepatocyte transduction, and increased enrichment relative to AAV9 in a screen for liver transduction in macaques. The Fit4Function strategy ultimately makes it possible to predict cross-species traits of peptide-modified AAV capsids and is a critical step toward assembling an ML atlas that predicts AAV capsid performance across dozens of traits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cross-species research has advanced human understanding of brain regions, with cross-species comparisons using magnetic resonance imaging technology becoming increasingly common. Currently, cross-species research on human language regions has primarily focused on traditional brain areas such as the Broca region. While some studies have indicated that human language function also involves other language regions, the corresponding relationships between these brain regions in humans and macaques remain unclear. This study calculated the strength of the connections between the high-level language processing regions in human and macaque brains, identified homologous target areas based on the structural connections of white-matter fiber bundles, and compared the connectivity profiles of both species. The results of the experiment demonstrated that macaques possess brain regions which exhibit connectivity patterns resembling those found in human high-level language processing regions. This discovery suggests that while the function of a human brain region is specialized, it still maintains a structural connectivity similar to that seen in macaques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Modulation of neuronal firing rates by the spatial locations of physical objects is a widespread phenomenon in the brain. However, little is known about how neuronal responses to the actions of biological entities are spatially tuned and whether such spatially tuned responses are affected by social contexts. These issues are of key importance for understanding the neural basis of embodied social cognition, such as imitation and perspective-taking. Here, we show that spatial representation of actions can be dynamically changed depending on others\' social relevance and agents of action. Monkeys performed a turn-taking choice task with a real monkey partner sitting face-to-face or a filmed partner in prerecorded videos. Three rectangular buttons (left, center, and right) were positioned in front of the subject and partner as their choice targets. We recorded from single neurons in two frontal nodes in the social brain, the ventral premotor cortex (PMv) and the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC). When the partner was filmed rather than real, spatial preference for partner-actions was markedly diminished in MPFC, but not PMv, neurons. This social context-dependent modulation in the MPFC was also evident for self-actions. Strikingly, a subset of neurons in both areas switched their spatial preference between self-actions and partner-actions in a diametrically opposite manner. This observation suggests that these cortical areas are associated with coordinate transformation in ways consistent with an actor-centered perspective-taking coding scheme. The PMv may subserve such functions in context-independent manners, whereas the MPFC may do so primarily in social contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-human primates remain the most useful and reliable pre-clinical model for many human diseases. Primate breath profiles have previously distinguished healthy animals from diseased, including non-human primates. Breath collection is relatively non-invasive, so this motivated us to define a healthy baseline breath profile that could be used in studies evaluating disease, therapies, and vaccines in non-human primates. A pilot study, which enrolled 30 healthy macaques, was conducted. Macaque breath molecules were sampled into a Tedlar bag, concentrated onto a thermal desorption tube, then desorbed and analyzed by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-time of flight mass spectrometry. These breath samples contained 2,017 features, of which 113 molecules were present in all breath samples. The core breathprint was dominated by aliphatic hydrocarbons, aromatic compounds, and carbonyl compounds. The data were internally validated with additional breath samples from a subset of 19 of these non-human primates. A critical core consisting of 23 highly abundant and invariant molecules was identified as a pragmatic breathprint set, useful for future validation studies in healthy primates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The archaeological record offers insights into our evolutionary past by revealing ancient behaviour through stone and fossil remains. Percussive foraging is suggested to be particularly relevant for the emergence of tool-use in our lineage, yet early hominin percussive behaviours remain largely understudied compared to flaked technology. Stone tool-use of extant primates allows the simultaneous investigation of their artefacts and the associated behaviours. This is important for understanding the development of tool surface modification, and crucial for interpreting damage patterns in the archaeological record. Here, we compare the behaviour and the resulting material record across stone tool-using primates. We investigate the relationship of nut-cracking technique and stone tool modification across chimpanzees, capuchins, and long-tailed macaques by conducting standardized field experiments with comparable raw materials. We show that different techniques likely emerged in response to diverse nut hardness, leading to variation in foraging success across species. Our experiments further demonstrate a correlation between techniques and the intensity of visible percussive damage on the tools. Tools used with more precision and efficiency as demonstrated by macaques, show fewer use wear traces. This suggests that some percussive techniques may be less readily identified in the archaeological record.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While the hippocampus is key for human cognitive abilities, it is also a phylogenetically old cortex and paradoxically considered evolutionarily preserved. Here, we introduce a comparative framework to quantify preservation and reconfiguration of hippocampal organisation in primate evolution, by analysing the hippocampus as an unfolded cortical surface that is geometrically matched across species. Our findings revealed an overall conservation of hippocampal macro- and micro-structure, which shows anterior-posterior and, perpendicularly, subfield-related organisational axes in both humans and macaques. However, while functional organisation in both species followed an anterior-posterior axis, we observed a marked reconfiguration in the latter across species, which mirrors a rudimentary integration of the default-mode-network in non-human primates. Here we show that microstructurally preserved regions like the hippocampus may still undergo functional reconfiguration in primate evolution, due to their embedding within heteromodal association networks.





