MR thermometry

MR 测温
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Radiofrequency catheter ablation is an established treatment strategy for ventricular tachycardia, but remains associated with a low success rate. MR guidance of ventricular tachycardia shows promises to improve the success rate of these procedures, especially due to its potential to provide real-time information on lesion formation using cardiac MR thermometry. Modern low field MRI scanners (<1 T) are of major interest for MR-guided ablations as the potential benefits include lower costs, increased patient access and device compatibility through reduced device-induced imaging artefacts and safety constraints. However, the feasibility of cardiac MR thermometry at low field remains unknown. In this study, we demonstrate the feasibility of cardiac MR thermometry at 0.55 T and characterized its in vivo stability (i.e., precision) using state-of-the-art techniques based on the proton resonance frequency shift method. Nine healthy volunteers were scanned using a cardiac MR thermometry protocol based on single-shot EPI imaging (3 slices in the left ventricle, 150 dynamics, TE = 41 ms). The reconstruction pipeline included image registration to align all the images, multi-baseline approach (look-up-table length = 30) to correct for respiration-induced phase variations, and temporal filtering to reduce noise in temperature maps. The stability of thermometry was defined as the pixel-wise standard deviation of temperature changes over time. Cardiac MR thermometry was successfully acquired in all subjects and the stability averaged across all subjects was 1.8 ± 1.0°C. Without multi-baseline correction, the overall stability was 2.8 ± 1.6°C. In conclusion, cardiac MR thermometry is feasible at 0.55 T and further studies on MR-guided catheter ablations at low field are warranted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Temperature is a hallmark parameter influencing almost all magnetic resonance properties (e.g., T1 , T2 , proton density, and diffusion). In the preclinical setting, temperature has a large influence on animal physiology (e.g., respiration rate, heart rate, metabolism, and oxidative stress) and needs to be carefully regulated, especially when the animal is under anesthesia and thermoregulation is disrupted. We present an open-source heating and cooling system capable of regulating the temperature of the animal. The system was designed using Peltier modules capable of heating or cooling a circulating water bath with active temperature feedback. Feedback was obtained using a commercial thermistor, placed in the animal rectum, and a proportional-integral-derivative controller was used to modulate the temperature. Its operation was demonstrated in a phantom as well as in mouse and rat animal models, where the standard deviation of the temperature of the animal upon convergence was less than a 10th of a degree. An application where brain temperature of a mouse was modulated was demonstrated using an invasive optical probe and noninvasive magnetic resonance spectroscopic thermometry measurements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The study aims to provide insights on the practicality of using single-element transducers for transcranial Focused Ultrasound (tFUS) thermal applications.
    METHODS: FUS sonications were performed through skull phantoms embedding agar-based tissue mimicking gels using a 1 MHz single-element spherically focused transducer. The skull phantoms were 3D printed with Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) and Resin thermoplastics having the exact skull bone geometry of a healthy volunteer. The temperature field distribution during and after heating was monitored in a 3 T Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanner using MR thermometry. The effect of the skull\'s thickness on intracranial heating was investigated.
    RESULTS: A single FUS sonication at focal acoustic intensities close to 1580 W/cm2 for 60 s in free field heated up the agar phantom to ablative temperatures reaching about 90 °C (baseline of 37 °C). The ABS skull strongly blocked the ultrasonic waves, resulting in zero temperature increase within the phantom. Considerable heating was achieved through the Resin skull, but it remained at hyperthermia levels. Conversely, tFUS through a 1 mm Resin skull showed enhanced ultrasonic penetration and heating, with the focal temperature reaching 70 °C.
    CONCLUSIONS: The ABS skull demonstrated poorer performance in terms of tFUS compared to the Resin skull owing to its higher ultrasonic attenuation and porosity. The thin Resin phantom of 1 mm thickness provided an efficient acoustic window for delivering tFUS and heating up deep phantom areas. The results of such studies could be particularly useful for accelerating the establishment of a wider range of tFUS applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With a gradual increase in breast cancer incidence and mortality rates and an urgent need to improve patient prognosis and cosmetology, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-guided radiofrequency ablation (RFA) therapy has attracted wide attention as a new treatment method for breast cancer. MRI-RFA results in a higher complete ablation rate and extremely low recurrence and complication rates. Thus, it may be used as an independent treatment for breast cancer or adjuvant to breast-conserving surgery to reduce the extent of breast resection. Furthermore, with MRI guidance, accurate control of RFA can be achieved, and breast cancer treatment can enter a new stage of minimally invasive, safe, and comprehensive therapy. With progress in MR thermometry technology, the applications of MRI are expected to broaden.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To develop an effective and practical reconstruction pipeline to achieve motion-robust, multi-slice, real-time MR thermometry for monitoring thermal therapy in abdominal organs.
    The application includes a fast spiral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) pulse sequence and a real-time reconstruction pipeline based on multi-baseline proton resonance frequency shift (PRFS) method with visualization of temperature imaging. The pipeline supports multi-slice acquisition with minimal reconstruction lag. Simulations with a virtual motion phantom were performed to investigate the influence of the number of baselines and respiratory rate on the accuracy of temperature measurement. Phantom experiments with ultrasound heating were performed using a custom-made motion phantom to evaluate the performance of the pipeline. Lastly, experiments in healthy volunteers (N = 2) without heating were performed to evaluate the accuracy and stability of MR thermometry in abdominal organs (liver and kidney).
    The multi-baseline approach with greater than 25 baselines resulted in minimal temperature errors in the simulation. Phantom experiments demonstrated a 713 ms update time for 3-slice acquisitions. Temperature maps with 30 baselines showed clear temperature distributions caused by ultrasound heating in the respiratory phantom. Finally, the pipeline was evaluated with physiologic motions in healthy volunteers without heating, which demonstrated the accuracy (root mean square error [RMSE]) of 1.23 ± 0.18 °C (liver) and 1.21 ± 0.17 °C (kidney) and precision of 1.13 ± 0.11 °C (liver) and 1.16 ± 0.15 °C (kidney) using 32 baselines.
    The proposed real-time acquisition and reconstruction pipeline allows motion-robust, multi-slice, real-time temperature monitoring within the abdomen during free breathing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While fluctuations in healthy brain temperature have been investigated over time periods of weeks to months, dynamics over shorter time periods are less clear.
    To identify physiological fluctuations in brain temperature in healthy volunteers over time scales of approximately 1 hour.
    A total of 30 healthy volunteers (15 female; 26 ± 4 years old).
    3 T; T1-weighted magnetization-prepared rapid gradient-echo (MPRAGE) and semi-localized by adiabatic selective refocusing (sLASER) single-voxel spectroscopy.
    Brain temperature was calculated from the chemical shift difference between N-acetylaspartate and water. To evaluate within-scan repeatability of brain temperature and the brain-body temperature difference, 128 spectral transients were divided into two sets of 64-spectra. Between-scan repeatability was evaluated using two time periods, ~1-1.5 hours apart.
    A hierarchical linear mixed model was used to calculate within-scan and between-scan correlations (Rw and Rb , respectively). Significance was determined at P ≤ .05. Values are reported as the mean ± standard deviation.
    A significant difference in brain temperature was observed between scans (-0.4 °C) but body temperature was stable (P = .59). Brain temperature (37.9 ± 0.7 °C) was higher than body temperature (36.5 ± 0.5 °C) for all but one subject. Within-scan correlation was high for brain temperature (Rw  = 0.95) and brain-body temperature differences (Rw  = 0.96). Between scans, variability was high for both brain temperature (Rb  = 0.30) and brain-body temperature differences (Rb  = 0.41).
    Significant changes in brain temperature over time scales of ~1 hour were observed. High short-term repeatability suggests temperature changes appear to be due to physiology rather than measurement error.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is challenging in the liver due to the respiratory motion and risks of near-/far-field burns, particularly on the ribs. We implemented a novel design of a HIFU phased-array transducer, dedicated to transcostal hepatic thermo-ablation. Due to its large acoustic window and strong focusing, the transducer should perform safely for this application.
    UNASSIGNED: The new HIFU transducer is composed of 256 elements distributed on 5 concentric segments of a specific radius (either 100, 111, or 125 mm). It has been optimally shaped to fit the abdominal wall. The shape and size of the acoustic elements were optimized for the largest emitting surface and the lowest symmetry. Calibration tests have been conducted on tissue-mimicking gels under 3-T magnetic resonance (MR) guidance. In-vivo MR-guided HIFU treatment was conducted in two pigs, aiming to create thermal ablation deep in the liver without significant side effects. Imaging follow-up was performed at D0 and D7. Sacrifice and post-mortem macroscopic examination occurred at D7, with the ablated tissue being fixed for pathology.
    UNASSIGNED: The device showed -3-dB focusing capacities in a volume of 27 × 46 × 50 mm3 as compared with the numerical simulation volume of 18 × 48 × 60 mm3. The shape of the focal area was in millimeter-range agreement with the numerical simulations. No interference was detected between the HIFU sonication and the MR acquisition. In vivo, the temperature elevation in perivascular liver parenchyma reached 28°C above physiological temperature, within one breath-hold. The lesion was visible on Gd contrast-enhanced MRI sequences and post-mortem examination. The non-perfused volume was found in pig #1 and pig #2 of 8/11, 6/8, and 7/7 mm along the LR, AP, and HF directions, respectively. No rib burns or other near-field side effects were visually observed on post-mortem gross examination. High-resolution contrast-enhanced 3D MRI indicated a minor lesion on the sternum.
    UNASSIGNED: The performance of this new HIFU transducer has been demonstrated in vitro and in vivo. The transducer meets the requirement to perform thermal lesions in deep tissues, without the need for rib-sparing means.






  • 文章类型: Published Erratum
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2020.598435.].






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Clinical effectiveness of hyperthermia treatments, in which tumor tissue is artificially heated to 40-44 °C for 60-90 min, can be hampered by a lack of accurate temperature monitoring. The need for noninvasive temperature monitoring in the head and neck region (H&N) and the potential of MR thermometry prompt us to design an MR compatible hyperthermia applicator: the MRcollar. In this work, we validate the design, numerical model, and MR performance of the MRcollar. The MRcollar antennas have low reflection coefficients (<-15 dB) and the intended low interaction between the individual antenna modules (<-32 dB). A 10 °C increase in 3 min was reached in a muscle-equivalent phantom, such that the specifications from the European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology were easily reached. The MRcollar had a minimal effect on MR image quality and a five-fold improvement in SNR was achieved using the integrated coils of the MRcollar, compared to the body coil. The feasibility of using the MRcollar in an MR environment was shown by a synchronous heating experiment. The match between the predicted SAR and measured SAR using MR thermometry satisfied the gamma criteria [distance-to-agreement = 5 mm, dose-difference = 7%]. All experiments combined show that the MRcollar delivers on the needs for MR-hyperthermia in the H&N and is ready for in vivo investigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bone metastases and osteoid osteoma (OO) have a high incidence in patients facing primary lesions in many organs. Radiotherapy has long been the standard choice for these patients, performed as stand-alone or in conjunction with surgery. However, the needs of these patients have never been fully met, especially in the ones with low life expectancy, where treatments devoted to pain reduction are pivotal. New techniques as hyperthermia treatments (HTs) are emerging to reduce the associated pain of bone metastases and OO. Temperature monitoring during HTs may significantly improve the clinical outcomes since the amount of thermal injury depends on the tissue temperature and the exposure time. This is particularly relevant in bone tumors due to the adjacent vulnerable structures (e.g., spinal cord and nerve roots). In this Review, we focus on the potential of temperature monitoring on HT of bone cancer. Preclinical and clinical studies have been proposed and are underway to investigate the use of different thermometric techniques in this scenario. We review these studies, the principle of work of the thermometric techniques used in HTs, their strengths, weaknesses, and pitfalls, as well as the strategies and the potential of improving the HTs outcomes.





