• 文章类型: Journal Article
    How T-cell receptor (TCR) characteristics determine subset commitment during T-cell development is still unclear. Here, we addressed this question for innate-like T cells, mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells, and invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells. MAIT and iNKT cells have similar developmental paths, leading in mice to two effector subsets, cytotoxic (MAIT1/iNKT1) and IL17-secreting (MAIT17/iNKT17). For iNKT1 vs iNKT17 fate choice, an instructive role for TCR affinity was proposed but recent data argue against this model. Herein, we examined TCR role in MAIT and iNKT subset commitment through scRNAseq and TCR repertoire analysis. In our dataset of thymic MAIT cells, we found pairs of T-cell clones with identical amino acid TCR sequences originating from distinct precursors, one of which committed to MAIT1 and the other to MAIT17 fates. Quantitative in silico simulations indicated that the number of such cases is best explained by lineage choice being independent of TCR characteristics. Comparison of TCR features of MAIT1 and MAIT17 clonotypes demonstrated that the subsets cannot be distinguished based on TCR sequence. To pinpoint the developmental stage associated with MAIT sublineage choice, we demonstrated that proliferation takes place both before and after MAIT fate commitment. Altogether, we propose a model of MAIT cell development in which noncommitted, intermediate-stage MAIT cells undergo a first round of proliferation, followed by TCR characteristics-independent commitment to MAIT1 or MAIT17 lineage, followed by an additional round of proliferation. Reanalyzing a published iNKT TCR dataset, we showed that this model is also relevant for iNKT cell development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a destructive gastrointestinal disease primarily affecting preterm babies. Despite advancements in neonatal care, NEC remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in neonatal intensive care units worldwide and the etiology of NEC is still unclear. Risk factors for NEC include prematurity, very low birth weight, feeding with formula, intestinal dysbiosis and bacterial infection. A review of the literature would suggest that supplementation of prebiotics and probiotics prevents NEC by altering the immune responses. Innate T cells, a highly conserved subpopulation of T cells that responds quickly to stimulation, develops differently from conventional T cells in neonates. This review aims to provide a succinct overview of innate T cells in neonates, encompassing their phenotypic characteristics, functional roles, likely involvement in the pathogenesis of NEC, and potential therapeutic implications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) causes a marked increase in the number of T cells in the intestinal mucosa. Debate exists about whether these excess cells arise from local clonal proliferation or recruitment from the periphery.
    CD8+ T cells were sorted from colon biopsy specimens and blood for T-cell receptor (TCR) β-chain sequencing. Biopsy specimens from inflamed or uninflamed colon from ulcerative colitis or Crohn\'s disease cohorts were compared with colon biopsy specimens from people without IBD, as well as with autologous blood α4β7+, α4β7- effector/memory, terminal effector/memory CD45RA+ T cell, and mucosal-associated invariant T-cell CD8 subpopulations.
    CD8 TCR diversity in mucosa and blood did not correlate with inflammation. Repertoire overlap between any 2 distinct locations of a given person\'s colon was consistently high, although often lower between inflamed and uninflamed sites. CD8 TCR repertoires overlapped between the colon and each peripheral blood subpopulation studied, with the highest overlap seen for integrin α4β7+ T cells. Inflamed tissue consistently overlapped more than uninflamed tissue with each blood subpopulation.
    CD8 T-cell clones are spread homogenously throughout the length of the colon. Although TCR repertoire overlap is greater within than between inflamed and uninflamed colon segments, a similar TCR diversity in both argues against local clonal expansion being the main source of excess cytotoxic T cells in inflamed mucosa. Rather, the increased TCR overlap observed between blood and inflamed mucosa supports the significance of T-cell trafficking in IBD pathogenesis, particularly concerning α4β7+ T-cell populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study included 32 women with PAS and 20 with normally implanted placenta as a control group. Vascular endothelial cell growth factor (VEGF), Soluble FMS Like Tyrosine Kinase (sFLT-1/sVEGFR1), and Endoglin (ENG) were measured in placenta tissue by ELISA. Granzyme B (GrzB) expression in trophoblastic and stromal mesenchymal cells was evaluated by immunohistochemistry. MAIT, NK, and NKT cells were assessed in blood and placenta by flow cytometry. Alterations were observed in levels of MAIT cells, NK cell subsets, and NKT cells in patients compared with controls. Several significant correlations were detected between these cells and GrzB scores, VEGF, ENG, and sFLT-1 levels. This is the first study analysing these cells in PAS patients and correlating their levels with changes in some angiogenic and antiangiogenic factors implicated in trophoblast invasion and with GrzB distribution in trophoblast and stroma. Interrelation between these cells probably plays an important role in pathogenesis of PAS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SARS-CoV-2 causes a spectrum of clinical symptoms from respiratory damage to gastrointestinal disorders. Intestinal infection of SARS-CoV-2 triggers immune response. However, the cellular mechanism that how SARS-CoV-2 initiates and induces intestinal immunity is not understood. Here, we exploited SARS-CoV-2-GFP/ΔN trVLP pseudo-virus system and demonstrated that RIG-I and DHX15 are required for sensing SARS-CoV-2 and inducing cellular immune response through MAVS signaling in intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) upon SARS-CoV-2 infection. NLRP6 also engages in the regulation of SARS-CoV-2 immunity by producing IL-18. Furthermore, primary cellular immune response provoked by SARS-CoV-2 in IECs further cascades activation of MAIT cells and produces cytotoxic cytokines including IFN-γ, granzyme B via an IL-18 dependent mechanism. These findings taken together unveil molecular basis of immune recognition in IECs in response to SARS-CoV-2, and provide insights that intestinal immune cross-talk with other immune cells triggers amplified immunity and probably contributes to immunopathogenesis of COVID-19.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mucosal associated invariant T (MAIT) cells are a population of unconventional innate T cells due to their non-MHC restriction and rapid effector responses. MAIT cells can recognise bacterial derived antigens presented on the MHC-like protein via their semi-restricted T cell receptor (TCR). Upon TCR triggering MAIT cells rapidly produce a range of effector molecules including cytokines, lytic granules and chemokines. This rapid and robust effector response makes MAIT cells critical in host responses against many bacterial pathogens. MAIT cells can also respond independent of their TCR via innate cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-18, triggering cytokine production, and are important in anti-viral responses. In addition to their protective role, MAIT cells have been implicated in numerous inflammatory diseases, including metabolic diseases often contributing to the pathogenesis via their robust cytokine production. Effector cells such as MAIT cells require significant amounts of energy to support their potent responses, and the type of nutrients available can dictate the functionality of the cell. Although data on MAIT cell metabolism is just emerging, several recent studies are starting to define the intrinsic metabolic requirements and regulators of MAIT cells. In this review we will outline our current understanding of MAIT cell metabolism, and outline their role in metabolic disease, and how disease-related changes in extrinsic metabolism can alter MAIT cell responses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MAIT cells are one representative of a group of related unconventional or pre-set T cells, and are particularly abundant in humans. While these unconventional T cell types, which also include populations of Vδ2 cells and iNKT cells, recognise quite distinct ligands, they share functional features including the ability to sense \"danger\" by integration of cytokine signals. Since such signals are common to many human pathologies, activation of MAIT cells in particular has been widely observed. In this review we will discuss recent trends in these data, for example the findings from patients with Covid-19 and responses to novel vaccines. Covid-19 is an example where MAIT cell activation has been correlated with disease severity by several groups, and the pathways leading to activation are being clarified, but the overall role of the cells in vivo requires further exploration. Given the potential wide functional responsiveness of these cells, which ranges from tissue repair to cytotoxicity, and likely impacts on the activity of many other cell populations, defining the role of these cells - not only as sensitive biomarkers but also as mediators - across human disease remains an important task.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells are restricted by MR1 and are known to protect against bacterial and viral infections. Our understanding of the role of MAIT cells in parasitic infections, such as visceral leishmaniasis (VL) caused by protozoan parasites of Leishmania donovani, is limited. This study showed that in response to L. infantum, human peripheral blood MAIT cells from children with leishmaniasis produced TNF and IFN-γ in an MR1-dependent manner. The overall frequency of MAIT cells was inversely correlated with alanine aminotransferase levels, a specific marker of liver damage strongly associated with severe hepatic involvement in VL. In addition, there was a positive correlation between total protein levels and the frequency of IL-17A+ CD8+ MAIT cells, whereby reduced total protein levels are a marker of liver and kidney damage. Furthermore, the frequencies of IFN-γ+ and IL-10+ MAIT cells were inversely correlated with hemoglobin levels, a marker of severe anemia. In asymptomatic individuals and VL patients after treatment, MAIT cells also produced IL-17A, a cytokine signature associated with resistance to visceral leishmaniasis, suggesting that MAIT cells play important role in protecting against VL. In summary, these results broaden our understanding of MAIT-cell immunity to include protection against parasitic infections, with implications for MAIT-cell-based therapeutics and vaccines. At last, this study paves the way for the investigation of putative MAIT cell antigens that could exist in the context of Leishmania infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although we mostly think of αβ T cells as components of the adaptive immune system, a number of them differentiate into alternative lineages. These lineages express TCRs with limited diversity, and functionally bridge the gap between innate and adaptive immunity. They tend to be tissue resident, and mount potent cytokine responses very rapidly after activation, and their development and functional maturation are strongly influenced by the microbiome. Here, we compare the development pathways and interactions with the microbiome of natural killer T (NKT) cells and mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT cells), the two best studied \"innate-like\" αβ T cell populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Harnessing or monitoring immune cells is actually a major topic in pre-clinical and clinical studies in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Mucosal-Associated Invariant T cells (MAIT) constitute one of the largest subset of innate-like, cytotoxic T cell subsets in humans. Despite some papers suggesting a role for MAIT cells in cancer, their specific involvement remains unclear, especially in myeloid malignancies. This prospective monocentric study included 216 patients with a newly diagnosed AML. Circulating MAIT cells were quantified by flow cytometry at diagnosis and during intensive chemotherapy. We observed that circulating MAIT cells show a specific decline in AML patients at diagnosis compared to healthy donors. Post-induction monitored patients presented with a drastic drop in MAIT cell numbers, with recovery after one month. We also found correlation between decrease in MAIT cells number and adverse cytogenetic profile. FLT3-ITD and IDH ½ mutations were associated with higher MAIT cell numbers. Patients with high level of activated MAIT cells are under-represented within patients with a favorable cytogenetic profile, and over-represented among patients with IDH1 mutations or bi-allelic CEBPA mutations. We show for the first time that circulating MAIT cells are affected in newly diagnosed AML patients, suggesting a link between MAIT cells and AML progression. Our work fosters new studies to deepen our knowledge about the role of MAIT cells in cancer.





