
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Communication and language skills are among the most severely affected domains in individuals with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). When a child diagnosed with ASD lives in a bilingual environment, the parents often express concerns about whether their child should learn both languages simultaneously, turning to specialists for advice. Despite the lack of evidence of any negative effect, some professionals disagree on this subject. In this systematic review we study whether bilingualism affects language development in children with ASD.
    METHODS: We reviewed the literature published in 4 different databases. After applying a series of selection criteria, we selected 12 scientific articles, including a total of 328 children diagnosed with ASD (169 bilingual and 159 monolingual), with ages ranging from 3 to 12 years. These patients were evaluated with different receptive and expressive language assessment instruments covering several areas. The assessments were performed directly on the children, although indirect assessment of parents was also performed in some studies.
    CONCLUSIONS: There seems to be consensus regarding the assertion that bilingualism does not entail any additional difficulty for language development in children with ASD from the age of 3.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of questionnaires as measuring tools involves the use of language. Spanish intralinguistic variation entails differences in the ways of perceiving the world, analyzing events and behaving, which must be taken into account when designing and adapting questionnaires. The IA-PCAT (Primary Care Assessment Tools for Iberomerica) harmonization process differs from the cross-cultural adaptation scenarios described in the scientific literature, since it intends to obtain a single Spanish product suitable for multiple target populations, that emanates from questionnaires previously adapted in several populations. Hence, this work requires the use of new analysis categories. The aim of this methodological note is to propose discriminant definitions of conceptual equivalence, practical equivalence and linguistic acceptability as analysis categories of the data collected during cognitive interviews to assess the questionnaires\' comprehension, carried out with health professionals and users of healthcare services.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This paper describes a case study of a 60-year-old Peruvian refugee in some detail, focusing on the importance of building emotional resilience in a patient in Spanish in order to create a space for learning the English language - the patient did not speak English after 20 years of living in Britain. The work was carried out with an interpreter and some of the literature on working with interpreters is referred to. The paper also briefly outlines the refugee journey in broad terms, which is a journey from the culturally known to the culturally unknown. The question of how well the literature on resilience, which sits firmly within a Western developmental perspective, can be applied to refugees, most of whom come from group and family-based cultures dominated by ideas of honour and shame, is discussed. The paper also touches on the importance of the receiving country enabling or not, as the case may be, a transitional space for refugees who have lost their home and are seeking to find a safe haven in a strange culture.
    Cet article est une étude de cas détaillée d’un homme péruvien de 60 ans, réfugié. L’étude met l’accent sur l’importance de construire en espagnol une résilience émotionnelle, afin de créer un espace pour que le patient apprenne l’anglais - le patient ne parle pas l’anglais après 20 ans de vie en Grande Bretagne. Le travail s’est fait avec la participation d’un interprète, et une partie des écrits concernant le travail avec interprète est examinée. L’article s’appuie aussi brièvement sur d’autre cas cliniques, et aborde de manière générale le voyage du réfugié: un voyage allant du culturellement connu au culturellement inconnu. L’article soulève la question de comment les travaux sur la résilience, qui s’inscrivent clairement dans une perspective développementale occidentale, peuvent s’appliquer aux réfugiés, dont la plupart viennent de cultures de groupe et de cultures familiales dominées par l’idée d’honneur et de honte. L’article aborde brièvement l’impact important de l’attitude du pays d’accueil, selon qu’il offre ou non un espace transitionnel pour les réfugiés qui ont perdu leur « chez eux » (home) et qui recherchent un havre de sécurité dans une culture qui ne leur est pas familière.
    Dieser Artikel gibt ausführlich die Fallstudie eines 60-jährigen peruanischen Flüchtlings wieder. Der Fokus liegt auf der hohen Bedeutung die es hat, die emotionale Resilienz eines Patienten auf Spanisch zu verbessern, um einen Raum für das Erlernen der englischen Sprache zu schaffen - der Patient sprach kein Englisch nach 20 Jahren in Großbritannien. Die Arbeit wurde mit einem Dolmetscher durchgeführt. Ein Teil der verfügbaren Literatur zur Arbeit mit Dolmetschern wird hier besprochen. Das Text greift auch kurz auf andere Fallstudien zurück und erörtert auch die Flucht selbst in groben Zügen, die eine Reise vom kulturell Bekannten zum kulturell Unbekannten ist. Die Frage wird diskutiert, wie gut sich die Literatur zur Resilienz, die fest in der westlichen Entwicklungsperspektive verankert ist, auf Flüchtlinge übertragen läßt, von denen die meisten aus Gruppen- und Familienkulturen stammen, die von Ideen der Ehre und Schande geprägt sind. Das Artikel geht auch auf die Bedeutung des Aufnahmelandes ein, das Flüchtlingen, die ihre Heimat verloren haben und in einer fremden Kultur einen sicheren Hafen suchen, einen Übergangsraum ermöglicht oder nicht.
    Questo articolo descrive nel dettaglio il caso di un rifugiato peruviano di 60 anni, concentrandosi sull’importanza del costruire la resilienza emotiva nel paziente in spagnolo, in modo da creare uno spazio per l’apprendimento della lingua inglese - il paziente non parlava inglese dopo 20 anni di vita in Inghilterra. Il lavoro è stato svolto con un interprete e viene discussa parte della letteratura sul lavorare con gli interpreti. L’articolo inoltre attinge brevemente da altri casi, oltre a discutere il viaggio dei rifugiati in termini generali, un viaggio da una cultura conosciuta verso una cultura sconosciuta. Viene discussa la questione di quanto la letteratura sulla resilienza, che si colloca saldamente all’interno di una prospettiva di sviluppo occidentale, possa essere applicata ai rifugiati, la maggior parte dei quali provengono da culture basate sulla famiglia e dominate da idee di onore e vergogna. L’articolo tratta inoltre dell’importanza per il paese di accoglienza di concedere o no, a seconda delle circostanze, uno spazio di transizione per i rifugiati che hanno perso la loro casa e sono alla ricerca di un rifugio sicuro in una cultura a loro estranea.
    В этой статье подробно описывается анализ случая 60-летнего перуанского беженца, в котором особое внимание уделяется важности создания эмоциональной устойчивости пациента на испанском языке, которое впоследсвтии поможет создать пространство для изучения английского языка. Пациент не говорил по-английски после 20 лет жизни в Британии. Работа проводилась с переводчиком. В статье дан небольшой обзор литературы по работе с переводчиками, кратко рассмотрены другие случаи, а также в общих чертах обсуждается путешествие беженцев, которое представляет собой путешествие от культурно известного к культурно неизвестному. Обсуждается вопрос о том, насколько хорошо исследования устойчивости, которая прочно укрепилась в западной перспективе развития, может быть применена к беженцам, большинство из которых принадлежат групповым и семейным культурам, в которых доминируют идеи чести и стыда. В статье также затрагивается важная тема: принимающая страна помогает или нет, в зависимости от обстоятельств, создать переходное пространство для беженцев, которые потеряли свой дом и стремятся найти безопасное убежище в чужой культуре.
    El presente trabajo describe en detalle, un estudio de caso de un refugiado Peruano de 60 años, haciendo foco en la importancia de construir resiliencia emocional en el paciente, en idioma Español, para poder crear un espacio para el aprendizaje del idioma Inglés - el paciente no hablaba inglés luego de 20 años de vivir en Gran Bretaña. El trabajo fue llevado a cabo con un intérprete y se discute cierta literatura sobre el trabajar con intérpretes. El artículo se basa también en otros estudios de caso, así como también en la discusión del viaje del refugiado en sentido amplio, el cual es un viaje desde lo conocido cultural hacia lo desconocido cultural. Se discute el modo en que la literatura sobre resiliencia, basada en una perspectiva desarrollista Occidental, puede aplicarse a refugiados, la mayoría de quienes provienen de familias y grupos culturales dominados por ideas de honor y vergüenza. El trabajo también plantea la importancia de que el país receptor posibilite o no, como puede ser el presente caso, un espacio transicional para refugiados que han perdido sus hogares y buscan un refugio seguro en una cultura extraña.
    语言、政治和梦:难民建立弹性的挑战 这篇文章描述了一个60岁秘鲁难民的案例, 其工作重点在于病人如何在西班牙建构情感的弹性, 从而创建了一个学习英语的空间--病人在英国生活20年却不会说英文。工作是通过和一位翻译一起进行的, 文章也讨论了一些翻译用语的工作。文章还简要地讨论了另外一些个案研究, 同时在更广泛的层面上讨论了一些与难民之旅有关的话题。文章认为难民之旅程是从一个熟悉的文化向未知的文化的旅程。文章讨论了一个问题, 即根植于西方发展视角的那些关于弹性的话语, 如何应用于难民群体, 这些难民通常来源于群体与家庭为基础的文化, 其主导的关键词是忠诚和羞耻。文章还谈及接收国能否为难民提供一个过渡空间的重要性, 这些难民失去了家园, 并期待在一个陌生的文化中寻找安全的天堂。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Culturomics is emerging as an important field within science, as a way to measure attitudes and beliefs and their dynamics across time and space via quantitative analysis of digitized data from literature, news, film, social media, and more. Sentiment analysis is a culturomics tool that, within the last decade, has provided a means to quantify the polarity of attitudes expressed within various media. Conservation science is a crisis discipline; therefore, accurate and effective communication are paramount. We investigated how conservation scientists communicate their findings through scientific journal articles. We analyzed 15,001 abstracts from articles published from 1998 to 2017 in 6 conservation-focused journals selected based on indexing in scientific databases. Articles were categorized by year, focal taxa, and the conservation status of the focal species. We calculated mean sentiment score for each abstract (mean adjusted z score) based on 4 lexicons (Jockers-Rinker, National Research Council, Bing, and AFINN). We found a significant positive annual trend in the sentiment scores of articles. We also observed a significant trend toward increasing negativity along the spectrum of conservation status categories (i.e., from least concern to extinct). There were some clear differences in the sentiments with which research on different taxa was reported, however. For example, abstracts mentioning lobe finned fishes tended to have high sentiment scores, which could be related to the rediscovery of the coelacanth driving a positive narrative. Contrastingly, abstracts mentioning elasmobranchs had low scores, possibly reflecting the negative sentiment score associated with the word shark. Sentiment analysis has applications in science, especially as it pertains to conservation psychology, and we suggest a new science-based lexicon be developed specifically for the field of conservation.
    El Análisis de Opinión como Medida de la Cultura de Conservación en la Literatura Científica Lennox et al. Resumen La culturomía está emergiendo como un campo importante dentro de la ciencia pues es una manera de medir las actitudes, creencias y sus dinámicas a través del tiempo y el espacio por medio de un análisis cuantitativo de datos digitalizados a partir de la literatura, las noticias, las películas, las redes sociales y otros medios. El análisis de opinión es una herramienta de la culturomía que, en la última década, ha proporcionado los medios para cuantificar la polaridad de las actitudes expresadas en varios medios. La ciencia de la conservación es una disciplina de crisis; por lo tanto, la comunicación certera y efectiva es de suma importancia. Investigamos cómo los científicos de la conservación comunican sus hallazgos por medio de los artículos en las revistas científicas. Analizamos 15,001 resúmenes de artículos publicados entre 1998 y 2017 en seis revistas enfocadas en la conservación que fueron seleccionados con base en los índices de las bases de datos científicos. Categorizamos los artículos por año, taxón de enfoque y el estado de conservación de la especie focal. Calculamos la opinión promedio para cada resumen (puntaje z ajustado a la media) con base en cuatro lexicones (Jockers-Rinker, National Research Council, Bing y AFINN). Encontramos una significativa tendencia positiva anual en los puntajes de opinión de los artículos. También observamos una tendencia significativa hacia el incremento en la negatividad a lo largo del espectro de categorías de estado de conservación (es decir, de aquellas de menos preocupación a aquellas en peligro crítico o extintas). Sin embargo, hubo algunas diferencias claras en las opiniones con las cuales se reportaron las investigaciones sobre los diferentes taxones. Por ejemplo, los resúmenes que mencionaron a los peces de aletas lobuladas tendieron hacia los puntajes altos de opinión, lo que podría relacionarse con el redescubrimiento del celacanto como causa de una narrativa positiva. En contraste, los resúmenes que mencionaron a los elasmobranquios tuvieron puntajes bajos, lo que refleja el puntaje de opinión negativa asociado con la palabra tiburón. El análisis de opinión tiene aplicaciones en la ciencia, especialmente como parte de la psicología de la conservación, y sugerimos que se desarrolle un nuevo lexicón basado en la ciencia específicamente para el campo de la conservación.
    文化组学是科学中一个新兴的重要领域, 它可以通过定量分析文学、新闻、电影、社交媒体等来源的数字化数据, 来衡量态度、信仰及其时空变化。情感分析作为文化组学的一种工具, 在过去十年间为量化各类媒体态度倾向的极性表现提供了方法。保护科学作为一门危机分析学科, 其准确有效的沟通至关重要。本研究调查了保护科学家如何通过科学期刊文章来交流他们的发现。我们基于科学数据库索引选择了六个保护学科期刊, 分析了它们 1998 年到 2017 年间发表的 15001 篇文章的摘要。文章按照年份、关注类群及其保护状况进行分类。我们根据四个情感分析的词汇库 (Jockers -Rinker、 国家研究委员会、 Bing 及 AFINN) 计算了每篇摘要的平均情感得分 (均值校正 z 值) 。我们发现文章的情感得分随着年份变化有显著增长的趋势, 且随着保护状态等级变化 (即从无危到极度濒危再到灭绝) 有显著降低的趋势。然而, 对不同类群的研究在情感上存在明显差异。例如, 提到肉鳍鱼的摘要往往情感得分更高, 这可能是因为腔棘鱼的重发现推动了积极正面的叙述。相比之下, 提到板鳃类的摘要得分较低, 反映了与 “鲨鱼” 这个词相关的负面情感得分。情感分析在科学领域有着广泛应用, 特别是在保护心理学领域; 我们建议应为保护领域创建一个基于科学的新词汇库。【翻译: 胡怡思; 审校: 聂永刚】.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    BACKGROUND: Knowledge translation (KT) not only encompasses a series of final actions in areas of dissemination, but also the identification of strategies for the implementation of this process.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of KT strategies in audiovisual language compared with other languages to improve health outcomes in the general population.
    METHODS: We performed a search in MEDLINE, CENTRAL, PsycARTICLES, the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform, EMBASE and LILACS.
    RESULTS: We included 63 studies encompassing a broad range of study populations, languages that were compared to audiovisual language and measurement scales for outcomes. These studies presented a high risk of bias and the quality of evidence was not sufficient to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the evaluated languages for knowledge translation.
    CONCLUSIONS: We identified different languages that could be used in knowledge translation. The knowledge and the effects produced as a result of the strategy diminish as time progresses, regardless of the type of language used. This is an important point to consider when implementing this type of strategy.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Using data from a diverse sample of low-income families who participated in the Early Head Start Research Evaluation Project (n = 73), we explored the association between mothers\' and fathers\' playfulness with toddlers, toddler\'s affect during play, and children\'s language and emotion regulation at prekindergarten. There were two main findings. First, fathers\' playfulness in toddlerhood was associated with children\'s vocabulary skills in prekindergarten whereas mothers\' playfulness was related to children\'s emotion regulation. Cross-parental effects were found only for mothers. The association between mothers\' playfulness and children\'s vocabulary and emotion regulation was strengthened when fathers engaged in more pretend play and when children were affectively positive during the play. These findings show that playfulness is an important source of variation in the vocabulary and emotion regulation of children growing up in low-income families. They also point to domain-specific ways that mothers and fathers promote children\'s regulatory and vocabulary skills, and highlight the importance of children\'s positive engagement in play.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) perform poorly on semantic verbal fluency (SVF) tasks. Completing these tasks successfully involves multiple cognitive processes simultaneously. Therefore, quantitative analysis of SVF (number of correct words in one minute), conducted in most studies, has been found to be insufficient to identify cognitive dysfunction underlying SVF difficulties in TLE.
    OBJECTIVE: To determine whether a sample of patients with TLE had SVF difficulties compared with a control group (CG), and to identify the cognitive components associated with SVF difficulties using quantitative and qualitative analysis.
    METHODS: SVF was evaluated in 25 patients with TLE and 24 healthy controls; the semantic verbal fluency test included 5 semantic categories: animals, fruits, occupations, countries, and verbs. All 5 categories were analysed quantitatively (number of correct words per minute and interval of execution: 0-15, 16-30, 31-45, and 46-60seconds); the categories animals and fruits were also analysed qualitatively (clusters, cluster size, switches, perseverations, and intrusions).
    RESULTS: Patients generated fewer words for all categories and intervals and fewer clusters and switches for animals and fruits than the CG (P<.01). Differences between groups were not significant in terms of cluster size and number of intrusions and perseverations (P>.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest an association between SVF difficulties in TLE and difficulty activating semantic networks, impaired strategic search, and poor cognitive flexibility. Attention, inhibition, and working memory are preserved in these patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the relationship between nutritional status measured by anthropometry and the mental, psychomotor and language development of infants in marginalized rural areas of Mexico.
    METHODS: Cross-sectional study with 576 infants aged from 7 to 26 months in four rural locations. Variables consisted of measures of anthropometric and cognitive development.
    RESULTS: Infants with short stature had a lower rate of language development, while birth weight was marginally associated with psychomotor development.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although acute malnutrition (identified by underweight) is no longer a problem in rural areas of Mexico, chronic malnutrition (expressed as stunting) is still common and is associated with alterations in mental development in the child population.





