Land plants

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA demethylation is a very important biochemical pathway regulating a group of biological processes, such as embryo development, fruit ripening, and response to stress. Despite the essential role of DNA demethylases, their evolutionary relationship and detailed biological functions in different land plants remain unclear. In this study, 48 DNA demethylases in 12 land plants were identified and classified. A phylogenetic tree was constructed to demonstrate the evolutionary relationships among these DNA demethylases, indicating how they are related across different species. Conserved domain, protein motif, and gene structure analysis showed that these 48 DNA demethylases fell into the presently identified four classes of DNA demethylases. Amino acid alignment revealed conserved catalytic sites and a previously less-studied protein region (referred to as domain A) within the DNA demethylases. An analysis showed a conserved pattern of gene duplication for DNA demethylases throughout their evolutionary history, suggesting that these genes had been maintained due to their importance. The examination of promoter cis-elements displayed potential signaling and regulating pathways of DNA demethylases. Furthermore, the expression profile was analyzed to investigate the physiological role of rice DNA demethylase in different developmental stages, in tissues, and in response to stress and various phytohormone signals. The findings offer a deeper insight into the functional regions of DNA demethylases and their evolutionary relationships, which can guide future research directions. Understanding the role of DNA demethylases can lead to improved plant stress resistance and contribute to the development of better crop and fruit varieties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nucleotide-binding site (NBS) domain genes are one of the superfamily of resistance genes involved in plant responses to pathogens. The current study identified 12,820 NBS-domain-containing genes across 34 species covering from mosses to monocots and dicots. These identified genes are classified into 168 classes with several novel domain architecture patterns encompassing significant diversity among plant species. Several classical (NBS, NBS-LRR, TIR-NBS, TIR-NBS-LRR, etc.) and species-specific structural patterns (TIR-NBS-TIR-Cupin_1-Cupin_1, TIR-NBS-Prenyltransf, Sugar_tr-NBS etc.) were discovered. We observed 603 orthogroups (OGs) with some core (most common orthogroups; OG0, OG1, OG2, etc.) and unique (highly specific to species; OG80, OG82, etc.) OGs with tandem duplications. The expression profiling presented the putative upregulation of OG2, OG6, and OG15 in different tissues under various biotic and abiotic stresses in susceptible and tolerant plants to cotton leaf curl disease (CLCuD). The genetic variation between susceptible (Coker 312) and tolerant (Mac7) Gossypium hirsutum accessions identified several unique variants in NBS genes of Mac7 (6583 variants) and Coker312 (5173 variants). The protein-ligand and proteins-protein interaction showed a strong interaction of some putative NBS proteins with ADP/ATP and different core proteins of the cotton leaf curl disease virus. The silencing of GaNBS (OG2) in resistant cotton through virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) demonstrated its putative role in virus tittering. The presented study will be further helpful in understanding the plant adaptation mechanism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    All land plants-the embryophytes-produce multicellular embryos, as do other multicellular organisms, such as brown algae and animals. A unique characteristic of plant embryos is their immobile and confined nature. Their embedding in maternal tissues may offer protection from the environment, but also physically constrains development. Across the different land plants, a huge discrepancy is present between their reproductive structures whilst leading to similarly complex embryos. Therefore, we review the roles that maternal tissues play in the control of embryogenesis across land plants. These nurturing, constraining, and protective roles include both direct and indirect effects. In this review, we explore how the maternal surroundings affect embryogenesis and which chemical and mechanical barriers are in place. We regard these questions through the lens of evolution, and identify key questions for future research.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: A feature of higher plants is the modular principle of body organisation. One of these conservative morphological modules that regulate plant growth, histogenesis and organogenesis is meristems-structures that contain pools of stem cells and are generally organised according to a common principle. Basic content: The development of meristems is under the regulation of molecular modules that contain conservative interacting components and modulate the expression of target genes depending on the developmental context. In this review, we focus on two molecular modules that act in different types of meristems. The WOX-CLAVATA module, which includes the peptide ligand, its receptor and the target transcription factor, is responsible for the formation and control of the activity of all meristem types studied, but it has its own peculiarities in different meristems. Another regulatory module is the so-called florigen-activated complex, which is responsible for the phase transition in the shoot vegetative meristem (e.g., from the vegetative shoot apical meristem to the inflorescence meristem).
    CONCLUSIONS: The review considers the composition and functions of these two functional modules in different developmental programmes, as well as their appearance, evolution and use in plant breeding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MADS-box transcription factors (TFs), among the first TFs extensively studied, exhibit a wide distribution across eukaryotes and play diverse functional roles. Varying by domain architecture, MADS-box TFs in land plants are categorized into Type I (M-type) and Type II (MIKC-type). Type I and II genes have been considered orthologous to the SRF and MEF2 genes in animals, respectively, presumably originating from a duplication before the divergence of eukaryotes. Here, we exploited the increasing availability of eukaryotic MADS-box sequences and reassessed their evolution. While supporting the ancient duplication giving rise to SRF- and MEF2-types, we found that Type I and II genes originated from the MEF2-type genes through another duplication in the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of land plants. Protein structures predicted by AlphaFold2 and OmegaFold support our phylogenetic analyses, with plant Type I and II TFs resembling the MEF2-type structure, rather than SRFs. We hypothesize that the ancestral SRF-type TFs were lost in the MRCA of Archaeplastida (the kingdom Plantae sensu lato). The retained MEF2-type TFs acquired a Keratin-like domain and became MIKC-type before the divergence of Streptophyta. Subsequently in the MRCA of land plants, M-type TFs evolved from a duplicated MIKC-type precursor through loss of the Keratin-like domain, leading to the Type I clade. Both Type I and II TFs expanded and functionally differentiated in concert with the increasing complexity of land plant body architecture. The recruitment of these originally stress-responsive TFs into developmental programs, including those underlying reproduction, may have facilitated the adaptation to the terrestrial environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The plant-specific TOPLESS (TPL) family of transcriptional corepressors is integral to multiple angiosperm developmental processes. Despite this, we know little about TPL function in other plants. To address this gap, we investigated the roles TPL plays in the bryophyte Physcomitrium patens, which diverged from angiosperms approximately 0.5 billion years ago. Although complete loss of PpTPL function is lethal, transgenic lines with reduced PpTPL activity revealed that PpTPLs are essential for two fundamental developmental switches in this plant: the transitions from basal photosynthetic filaments (chloronemata) to specialised foraging filaments (caulonemata) and from two-dimensional (2D) to three-dimensional (3D) growth. Using a transcriptomics approach, we integrated PpTPL into the regulatory network governing 3D growth and we propose that PpTPLs represent another important class of regulators that are essential for the 2D-to-3D developmental switch. Transcriptomics also revealed a previously unknown role for PpTPL in the regulation of flavonoids. Intriguingly, 3D growth and the formation of caulonemata were crucial innovations that facilitated the colonisation of land by plants, a major transformative event in the history of life on Earth. We conclude that TPL, which existed before the land plants, was co-opted into new developmental pathways, enabling phytoterrestrialisation and the evolution of land plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The hornworts are a small group of land plants, consisting of only 11 families and approximately 220 species. Despite their small size as a group, their phylogenetic position and unique biology are of great importance. Hornworts, together with mosses and liverworts, form the monophyletic group of bryophytes that is sister to all other land plants (Tracheophytes). It is only recently that hornworts became amenable to experimental investigation with the establishment of Anthoceros agrestis as a model system. In this perspective, we summarize the recent advances in the development of A. agrestis as an experimental system and compare it with other plant model systems. We also discuss how A. agrestis can help to further research in comparative developmental studies across land plants and to solve key questions of plant biology associated with the colonization of the terrestrial environment. Finally, we explore the significance of A. agrestis in crop improvement and synthetic biology applications in general.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The plant-specific SHORT INTERNODES/STYLISH (SHI/STY) proteins belong to a family of transcription factors that are involved in the formation and development of early lateral roots. However, the molecular evolution of this family is rarely reported. Here, a total of 195 SHI/STY genes were identified in 21 terrestrial plants, and the Brassica species is the focus of our research. Their physicochemical properties, chromosome location and duplication, motif distribution, exon-intron structures, genetic evolution, and expression patterns were systematically analyzed. These genes are divided into four clades (Clade 1/2/3/4) based on phylogenetic analysis. Motif distribution and gene structure are similar in each clade. SHI/STY proteins are localized in the nucleus by the prediction of subcellular localization. Collinearity analysis indicates that the SHI/STYs are relatively conserved in evolution. Whole-genome duplication is the main factor for their expansion. SHI/STYs have undergone intense purifying selection, but several positive selection sites are also identified. Most promoters of SHI/STY genes contain different types of cis-elements, such as light, stress, and hormone-responsive elements, suggesting that they may be involved in many biological processes. Protein-protein interaction predicted some important SHI/STY interacting proteins, such as LPAT4, MBOATs, PPR, and UBQ3. In addition, the RNA-seq and qRT-PCR analysis were studied in detail in rape. As a result, SHI/STYs are highly expressed in root and bud, and can be affected by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, drought, cold, and heat stresses. Moreover, quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) analyses indicates that expression levels of BnSHI/STYs are significantly altered in different treatments (cold, salt, drought, IAA, auxin; ABA, abscisic acid; 6-BA, cytokinin). It provides a new understanding of the evolution and expansion of the SHI/STY family in land plants and lays a foundation for further research on their functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: Plant PIFs have been characterized, WGDs contributed to the expansion of class II PIFs; BdPIFs localized in the nucleus; BdPIF4/5C most likely response to high temperature and light stress. Phytochrome interacting factors (PIFs) belong to a small subset of basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors (TFs). As cellular signaling hubs, PIFs integrate multiple external and internal signals to orchestrate the regulation of the transcriptional network, thereby actuating the pleiotropic aspects of downstream morphogenesis. Nevertheless, the origin, phylogeny and function of plant PIFs are not well understood. To elucidate their evolution history and biological function, the comprehensive genomic analysis of the PIF genes was conducted using 40 land plant genomes plus additionally four alga lineages and also performed their gene organizations, sequence features and expression patterns in different subfamilies. In this study, phylogenetic analysis displayed that 246 PIF gene members retrieved from all embryophytes could be divided into three main clades, which were further felled into five distinct classes (Class I-V). The duplications of Class II PIFs were associated specially with whole genome duplication (WGD) events during the plant evolution process. Sequence analysis showed that PIF proteins had a conserved APB motif, and its crucial amino acid residues were relatively high proportion in the average abundance. As expected, subcellular localization analysis revealed that all BdPIF proteins were localized to the nucleus. Especially, BdPIF4/5C showed the highest expression level at high temperature, and the most significant hypocotyl elongation phenotype of overexpression of BdPIFs in Arabidopsis, which was consistent with the function and phenotype of AtPIF4. In brief, our findings provide a novel perspective on the origin and evolutionary history of plant PIFs, and lays a foundation for further investigation on its functions in plant growth and development.





