• 文章类型: Review
    Laser Doppler imaging (LDI) technology has been validated to assess thermal burn depth by predicting wound healing potential. However, there is no clear evidence for its use in chemical burns. We present a case of an 8% total burn surface area (TBSA) nitric acid burn following an industrial accident, in an otherwise healthy 36-year-old man. LDI assessment was suggestive of poor healing potential of >21 days, warranting surgical management. However, conservative management was opted for based on clinical assessment as the wound eschar appeared thin and more consistent with epithelial staining. Patient follow-up confirmed a total burn healing time of two months, suggesting that the LDI assessment was accurate. A comprehensive literature review was performed using the MEDLINE (PubMed) database to identify animal or clinical studies evaluating the efficacy of LDI in chemical burns. A qualitative synthesis of our findings is presented. We identified two experimental studies in porcine models with sulfur mustard burns, each confirming the accuracy of LDI assessment when compared to the histopathology findings. Limited experimental animal studies on the use of LDI suggest similar validity in chemical burns, and this correlates with the clinical outcome in this case. However, this alone is insufficient to prove its validity and define its role in the assessment of chemical burns. Clinical trials are required to further assess and define the parameters of LDI use and efficacy in this context.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Long chain 1,13- and 1,15-diols are lipids which are omnipresent in marine environments, and the Long chain Diol Index (LDI), based on their distributions, has previously been introduced as a proxy for sea surface temperature. The main biological sources for long chain 1,13- and 1,15-diols have remained unknown, but our combined lipid and 23S ribosomal RNA (23S rRNA) analyses on suspended particulate matter from the Mediterranean Sea demonstrate that these lipids are produced by a marine eustigmatophyte group that originated before the currently known eustigmatophytes diversified. The 18S rRNA data confirm the existence of early-branching marine eustigmatophytes, which occur at a global scale. Differences between LDI records and other paleotemperature proxies are generally attributed to differences between the seasons in which the proxy-related organisms occur. Our results, combined with available LDI data from surface sediments, indicate that the LDI primarily registers temperatures from the warmest month when mixed-layer depths, salinity, and nutrient concentrations are low. The LDI may not be applicable in areas where Proboscia diatoms contribute 1,13-diols, but this can be recognized by enhanced contributions of C28 1,12 diol. Freshwater input may also affect the correlation between temperature and the LDI, but relative C32 1,15-diol abundances help to identify and correct for these effects. When taking those factors into account, the calibration error of the LDI is 2.4 °C. As a well-defined proxy for temperatures of the warmest seasons, the LDI can unlock important and previously inaccessible paleoclimate information and will thereby substantially improve our understanding of past climate conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vascular occlusion is a rare but severe complication of dermal filler injections. Early treatment of this complication produces better outcomes. Current diagnostic methods for vascular occlusion in the skin are subjective and imprecise; these include capillary refill time, skin color, and reports of pain. This study aimed to assess the use of laser Doppler imaging (LDI) in the evaluation and treatment of vascular complications caused by dermal filler injections. This retrospective study used laser Doppler imaging (LDI) in 13 patients who developed vascular occlusion after facial dermal filler injections, with subsequent follow-up. The precise areas of perfusion observed on LDI were compared with the findings of clinical and photographic evaluation. The results showed that LDI accurately identified areas of vascular occlusion and improved treatment precision among these thirteen patients. The procedure was more precise than visual inspection or photographic evidence. Satisfactory outcomes were achieved for all patients, and no procedure-related complications were reported. Collectively, LDI provides fast, noninvasive, and accurate delineation of areas of vascular occlusion caused by complications of dermal filler injections and avoids several subjective shortcomings of visual and photographic evaluations. Thus, LDI effectively tracks treatment outcomes. However, large-scale studies are required to confirm the present findings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Applications of mass spectrometry imaging (MSI), especially matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) in the life sciences are becoming increasingly focused on single cell analysis. With the latest instrumental developments, pixel sizes in the micrometer range can be obtained, leading to challenges in matrix application, where imperfections or inhomogeneities in the matrix layer can lead to misinterpretation of MS images. Thereby, the application of premanufactured, homogeneous ionization-assisting devices is a promising approach. Tissue sections were investigated using a matrix-free imaging technique (Desorption Ionization Using Through-Hole Alumina Membrane, DIUTHAME) based on premanufactured nanostructured membranes to be deposited on top of a tissue section, in comparison to the spray-coating of an organic matrix in a MALDI MSI approach. Atmospheric pressure MALDI MSI ion sources were coupled to orbital trapping mass spectrometers. MS signals obtained by the different ionization techniques were annotated using accurate-mass-based database research. Compared to MALDI MSI, DIUTHAME MS images captivated with higher signal homogeneities, higher contrast and reduced background signals, while signal intensities were reduced by about one order of magnitude, independent of analyte class. DIUTHAME membranes, being applicable only on tissue sections thicker than 50 µm, were successfully used for mammal, insect and plant tissue with a high lateral resolution down to 5 µm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biological systems are composed of heterogeneous populations of cells that intercommunicate to form a functional living tissue. Biological function varies greatly across populations of cells, as each single cell has a unique transcriptome, proteome, and metabolome that translates to functional differences within single species and across kingdoms. Over the past decade, substantial advancements in our ability to characterize omic profiles on a single cell level have occurred, including in multiple spectroscopic and mass spectrometry (MS)-based techniques. Of these technologies, spatially resolved mass spectrometry approaches, including mass spectrometry imaging (MSI), have shown the most progress for single cell proteomics and metabolomics. For example, reporter-based methods using heavy metal tags have allowed for targeted MS investigation of the proteome at the subcellular level, and development of technologies such as laser ablation electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LAESI-MS) now mean that dynamic metabolomics can be performed in situ. In this Perspective, we showcase advancements in single cell spatial metabolomics and proteomics over the past decade and highlight important aspects related to high-throughput screening, data analysis, and more which are vital to the success of achieving proteomic and metabolomic profiling at the single cell scale. Finally, using this broad literature summary, we provide a perspective on how the next decade may unfold in the area of single cell MS-based proteomics and metabolomics.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stress has been linked to poor coping with health-related issues, poor adaptation, a decrease of quality of life, poor recovery and poor wound healing. Therefore, it is important to address patients\' uncertainty and feelings of anxiety. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of providing early treatment information based on an LDI-scan to patients with burns on their feelings of anxiety.
    An observational prospective pre-test post-test study.
    Patients with intermediate burns (n = 59) admitted to our burn centre in 2016 were evaluated for anxiety using a visual analogue scale (VAS-A) before and after an LDI-scan was made. Two groups were compared: a group that heard whether surgery would or would not be recommended for wound closure (certain group) versus a group that heard to wait and see whether an operation was determined to be helpful (uncertain group).
    Before the LDI-scan was made, both groups showed clinically high levels of anxiety (median VAS scores above 5). After the information gathered with the LDI was discussed with the patient, anxiety dropped significantly (median VAS below 3; p = .001). No significant differences between the groups were observed (p > .05).
    In contrast to other studies, anxiety was significantly reduced in all our study groups after information was shared. Early communication of knowledge by health care professionals is important regardless whether it includes treatment uncertainty.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The long-chain diol index (LDI) is a new organic sea surface temperature (SST) proxy based on the distribution of long-chain diols. It has been applied in several environments but not yet in subpolar regions. Here we tested the LDI on surface sediments and a sediment core from the Sea of Okhotsk, which is the southernmost seasonal sea ice-covered region in the Northern Hemisphere, and compared it with other organic temperature proxies, that is, U 37 k \' and TEXL 86. In the surface sediments, the LDI is correlated with autumn SST, similar to the U 37 k \' but different from the TEXL 86 that correlates best with summer sea subsurface temperature. Remarkably, the obtained local LDI calibration was significantly different from the global core-top calibration. We used the local LDI calibration to reconstruct past SST changes in the central Sea of Okhotsk. The LDI-SST record shows low glacial (Marine Isotope Stage, MIS 2, 4, and 6) and high interglacial (MIS 1 and MIS 5) temperatures and follows the same pattern as the U 37 k \' -SST and a previously published TEXL 86 temperature record. Similar to the modern situation, the reconstructed temperatures during the interglacials likely reflect different seasons, that is, summer for the TEXL 86 and autumn for U 37 k \' and LDI. During glacials, the reconstructed temperatures of all three proxies are similar to each other, likely reflecting summer temperatures as this was the only season free of sea ice. Our results suggest that the LDI is a suitable proxy to reconstruct subpolar seawater temperatures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Falsified, counterfeit and adulterated medicines are an endemic problem worldwide that results in both monetary and health-related losses. Developing fast and reliable methods that are able to present a timely result based on the drug\'s spectral profile is an effort that is sure to benefit those involved in the whole distribution chain. We propose herein a Laser Desorption/Ionization imaging-based method that provides simple and minimal sample preparation; this method is capable of providing specific markers that characterize adulterations, using as proof of concept one of the most adulterated drug products for oral use, sildenafil. Our approach is able to provide quality markers, which can be applied in the fast screening of any product within the same molecular class. This same strategy may be a useful alternative to provide accurate measurements with high specificity for unraveling contaminants and/or byproducts in virtually any given pharmaceutical product.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To determine the cross-sectional threshold at which hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) is associated with polyneuropathy in healthy controls, and the values associated with the most pronounced decline in nerve function in patients with diabetes.
    We used data from a cross-sectional cohort study of healthy controls and type 2 diabetes patients assessed between November 2010 and May 2013. Healthy controls and patients with diabetes were compared at different HbA1c ranges: <5.5%, 5.5-5.9%, and 6-6.4% for controls, and 6.5-7.4% and >7.5% for patients with diabetes.
    The total cohort included 53 controls and 164 patients with diabetes. Subclinical small nerve fiber impairments were observed in controls at HbA1c levels of 5.5-6%, compared with HbA1c <5.5%, for example: lower Laser Doppler flare imaging area of 2.8 ± 1.4 versus 3.9 ± 2 mm2. The most prominent decline in both small and large nerve fiber function was seen with less impaired glycemic control and shorter duration of diabetes, i.e. at HbA1c levels of 6.5-7.4%, compared with >7.5%.
    These findings underscore the importance of early treatment at the prediabetes and early diabetes stages to prevent nerve fiber decline that is likely irreversible.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    We have compared and assessed the suitability of several chromatographic methods for the analysis of long chain alkenones and long chain diols and the associated paleotemperature proxies (UK\'37 and LDI). We evaluated the traditional methods for the analysis of the UK\'37 and the LDI, gas chromatography (GC) - flame ionization detection (FID) and GC mass spectrometry (MS) using selected ion monitoring (SIM), respectively, and developed a new method using GC-MS/MS in multiple reaction monitoring mode (MRM) for the analysis of long chain diols as well as a method for automatic silylation of diols using a robot autosampler. Finally, we evaluated liquid chromatography (LC) methods to simultaneously measure the UK\'37 and the LDI, using ultra high performance LC (UHPLC) with low (nominal mass) resolution MS in SIM mode, and UHPLC with high resolution MS (HRMS). Detection and quantification limits and reproducibility were assessed by means of serial dilutions of culture extracts. Automated silylation by a robot autosampler showed similar reproducibility as off-line silylation while substantially decreasing sample preparation time. The novel MRM method had a slightly lower limit of quantification (LOQ; i.e. 0.3pgC28 1,13-diol injected on-column) than the traditional method (0.5pg) and improved reproducibility while allowing more unambiguous identification of LCDs in complex matrices. For diols, UHPLC-MS using SIM had the highest LOQ (i.e. 15pg) and a comparable reproducibility as GC-MS. UHPLC-HRMS had a LOQ of ca. 1.5pg, and an improved reproducibility for diol analysis. For alkenone analysis, both UHPLC-HRMS and UHPLC-MS using SIM were 2-3 orders of magnitude more sensitive (LOQ ca. 20 and 2pgC37:2 alkenone injected on-column, respectively) than GC-FID (LOD ca. 3ng), with a similar reproducibility of the UK\'37 index. Hence, UHPLC-HRMS allows simultaneous analysis of the UK\'37 and LDI at an increased sensitivity. In addition, it allows simultaneous measurement of TEX86, a temperature proxy based on the isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers. This reduces the preparation time by excluding the need of derivatization and separation of the ketone (containing the long chain alkenones) and polar fractions (containing the long chain diols and GDGTs). However, synthetic standards are required to fully assess the accuracy of the new methods for determination of the LDI and UK\'37.





