• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epilepsy is characterized by recurrent, unprovoked seizures. Accurate prediction of seizure occurrence has long been a clinical goal since this would allow to optimize patient treatment, prevent injuries due to seizures, and alleviate the patient burden of unpredictability. Advances in implantable electroencephalographic (EEG) devices, allowing for long-term interictal EEG recordings, have facilitated major progress in this field. Recently, it has been discovered that interictal brain activity demonstrates circadian and multi-dien cycles that are strongly aligned, or phase locked, with seizure risk. Thus, cyclical brain activity patterns have been used to forecast seizures. However, in the effort to develop a clinically useful EEG based seizure forecasting system, challenges remain. Firstly, multiple EEG features demonstrate cyclical patterns, but it remains unclear which feature is best suited for predicting seizures. Secondly, the technology for long-term EEG recording is currently limited in both spatial and temporal sampling resolution. In this study, we compare five established EEG metrics:synchrony, spatial correlation, temporal correlation, signal variance which have been motivated from critical dynamics theory, and interictal epileptiform discharge (IED) which are a traditional marker of seizure propensity. We assess their effectiveness in detecting 24-h and seizure cycles as well as their robustness under spatial and temporal subsampling. Analyzing intracranial EEG data from 23 patients, we report that all examined features exhibit 24-h cycles. Spatial correlation, signal variance, and synchrony showed the highest phase locking with seizures, while IED rates were the lowest. Notably, spatial and temporal correlation were also found to be highly correlated to each other, as were signal variance and IED-suggesting some features may reflect similar aspects of cortical dynamics, whereas others provide complementary information. All features proved robust under subsampling, indicating that the dynamic properties of interictal activity evolve slowly and are not confined to specific brain regions. Our results may aid future translational research by assisting in design and testing of EEG based seizure forecasting systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humans have the remarkable ability to vividly retrieve sensory details of past events. According to the theory of sensory reinstatement, during remembering, brain regions specialized for processing specific sensory stimuli are reactivated to support content-specific retrieval. Recently, several studies have emphasized transformations in the spatial organization of these reinstated activity patterns. Specifically, studies of scene stimuli suggest a clear anterior shift in the location of retrieval activations compared with the activity observed during perception. However, it is not clear that such transformations occur universally, with inconsistent evidence for other important stimulus categories, particularly faces. One challenge in addressing this question is the careful delineation of face-selective cortices, which are interdigitated with other selective regions, in configurations that spatially differ across individuals. Therefore, we conducted a multisession neuroimaging study to first carefully map individual participants\' (nine males and seven females) face-selective regions within ventral temporal cortex (VTC), followed by a second session to examine the activity patterns within these regions during face memory encoding and retrieval. While face-selective regions were expectedly engaged during face perception at encoding, memory retrieval engagement exhibited a more selective and constricted reinstatement pattern within these regions, but did not show any consistent direction of spatial transformation (e.g., anteriorization). We also report on unique human intracranial recordings from VTC under the same experimental conditions. These findings highlight the importance of considering the complex configuration of category-selective cortex in elucidating principles shaping the neural transformations that occur from perception to memory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The hippocampus is generally considered to have relatively late involvement in recognition memory, its main electrophysiological signature being between 400 and 800 ms after stimulus onset. However, most electrophysiological studies have analyzed the hippocampus as a single responsive area, selecting only a single-site signal exhibiting the strongest effect in terms of amplitude. These classical approaches may not capture all the dynamics of this structure, hindering the contribution of other hippocampal sources that are not located in the vicinity of the selected site. We combined intracerebral electroencephalogram recordings from epileptic patients with independent component analysis during a recognition memory task involving the recognition of old and new images. We identified two sources with different responses emerging from the hippocampus: a fast one (maximal amplitude at ∼250 ms) that could not be directly identified from raw recordings and a latter one, peaking at ∼400 ms. The former component presented different amplitudes between old and new items in 6 out of 10 patients. The latter component had different delays for each condition, with a faster activation (∼290 ms after stimulus onset) for recognized items. We hypothesize that both sources represent two steps of hippocampal recognition memory, the faster reflecting the input from other structures and the latter the hippocampal internal processing. Recognized images evoking early activations would facilitate neural computation in the hippocampus, accelerating memory retrieval of complementary information. Overall, our results suggest that the hippocampal activity is composed of several sources with an early activation related to recognition memory.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a viable treatment for a variety of neurological conditions, however, the mechanisms through which DBS modulates large-scale brain networks are unresolved. Clinical effects of DBS are observed over multiple timescales. In some conditions, such as Parkinson\'s disease and essential tremor, clinical improvement is observed within seconds. In many other conditions, such as epilepsy, central pain, dystonia, neuropsychiatric conditions or Tourette syndrome, the DBS related effects are believed to require neuroplasticity or reorganization and often take hours to months to observe. To optimize DBS parameters, it is therefore essential to develop electrophysiological biomarkers that characterize whether DBS settings are successfully engaging and modulating the network involved in the disease of interest. In this study, 10 individuals with drug resistant epilepsy undergoing intracranial stereotactic EEG including a thalamus electrode underwent a trial of repetitive thalamic stimulation. We evaluated thalamocortical effective connectivity using single pulse electrical stimulation, both at baseline and following a 145 Hz stimulation treatment trial. We found that when high frequency stimulation was delivered for >1.5 hours, the evoked potentials measured from remote regions were significantly reduced in amplitude and the degree of modulation was proportional to the strength of baseline connectivity. When stimulation was delivered for shorter time periods, results were more variable. These findings suggest that changes in effective connectivity in the network targeted with DBS accumulate over hours of DBS. Stimulation evoked potentials provide an electrophysiological biomarker that allows for efficient data-driven characterization of neuromodulation effects, which could enable new objective approaches for individualized DBS optimization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Cochlear implants (CIs) are the treatment of choice for severe to profound hearing loss. Variability in CI outcomes remains despite advances in technology and is attributed in part to differences in cortical processing. Studying these differences in CI users is technically challenging. Spectrally degraded stimuli presented to normal-hearing individuals approximate input to the central auditory system in CI users. This study used intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) to investigate cortical processing of spectrally degraded speech.
    UNASSIGNED: Participants were adult neurosurgical epilepsy patients. Stimuli were utterances /aba/ and /ada/, spectrally degraded using a noise vocoder (1-4 bands) or presented without vocoding. The stimuli were presented in a two-alternative forced choice task. Cortical activity was recorded using depth and subdural iEEG electrodes. Electrode coverage included auditory core in posteromedial Heschl\'s gyrus (HGPM), superior temporal gyrus (STG), ventral and dorsal auditory-related areas, and prefrontal and sensorimotor cortex. Analysis focused on high gamma (70-150 Hz) power augmentation and alpha (8-14 Hz) suppression.
    UNASSIGNED: Chance task performance occurred with 1-2 spectral bands and was near-ceiling for clear stimuli. Performance was variable with 3-4 bands, permitting identification of good and poor performers. There was no relationship between task performance and participants demographic, audiometric, neuropsychological, or clinical profiles. Several response patterns were identified based on magnitude and differences between stimulus conditions. HGPM responded strongly to all stimuli. A preference for clear speech emerged within non-core auditory cortex. Good performers typically had strong responses to all stimuli along the dorsal stream, including posterior STG, supramarginal, and precentral gyrus; a minority of sites in STG and supramarginal gyrus had a preference for vocoded stimuli. In poor performers, responses were typically restricted to clear speech. Alpha suppression was more pronounced in good performers. In contrast, poor performers exhibited a greater involvement of posterior middle temporal gyrus when listening to clear speech.
    UNASSIGNED: Responses to noise-vocoded speech provide insights into potential factors underlying CI outcome variability. The results emphasize differences in the balance of neural processing along the dorsal and ventral stream between good and poor performers, identify specific cortical regions that may have diagnostic and prognostic utility, and suggest potential targets for neuromodulation-based CI rehabilitation strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Exploring the neural mechanisms of awareness is a fundamental task of cognitive neuroscience. There is an ongoing dispute regarding the role of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in the emergence of awareness, which is partially raised by the confound between report- and awareness-related activity. To address this problem, we designed a visual awareness task that can minimize report-related motor confounding. Our results show that saccadic latency is significantly shorter in the aware trials than in the unaware trials. Local field potential (LFP) data from six patients consistently show early (200-300ms) awareness-related activity in the PFC, including event-related potential and high-gamma activity. Moreover, the awareness state can be reliably decoded by the neural activity in the PFC since the early stage, and the neural pattern is dynamically changed rather than being stable during the representation of awareness. Furthermore, the enhancement of dynamic functional connectivity, through the phase modulation at low frequency, between the PFC and other brain regions in the early stage of the awareness trials may explain the mechanism of conscious access. These results indicate that the PFC is critically involved in the emergence of awareness.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Patterned brain stimulation is commonly employed as a tool for eliciting plasticity in brain circuits and treating neuropsychiatric disorders. Although widely used in clinical settings, there remains a limited understanding of how stimulation-induced plasticity influences neural oscillations and their interplay with the underlying baseline functional architecture. To address this question, we applied 15 minutes of 10Hz focal electrical simulation, a pattern identical to \'excitatory\' repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), to 14 medically-intractable epilepsy patients undergoing intracranial electroencephalographic (iEEG). We quantified the spectral features of the cortico-cortical evoked potential (CCEPs) in these patients before and after stimulation. We hypothesized that for a given region the temporal and spectral components of the CCEP predicted the location and degree of stimulation-induced plasticity. Across patients, low frequency power (alpha and beta) showed the broadest change, while the magnitude of change was stronger in high frequencies (beta and gamma). Next we demonstrated that regions with stronger baseline evoked spectral responses were more likely to undergo plasticity after stimulation. These findings were specific to a given frequency in a specific temporal window. Post-stimulation power changes were driven by the interaction between direction of change in baseline power and temporal window of change. Finally, regions exhibiting early increases and late decreases in evoked baseline power exhibited power changes after stimulation and were independent of stimulation location. Together, these findings that time-frequency baseline features predict post-stimulation plasticity effects demonstrate properties akin to Hebbian learning in humans and extend this theory to the temporal and spectral window of interest. These findings can help improve our understanding of human brain plasticity and lead to more effective brain stimulation techniques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epilepsy surgery is a potentially curative treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy that has remained underutilized both due to inadequate referrals and incomplete localization hypotheses. The complexity of patients evaluated for epilepsy surgery has increased, thus new approaches are necessary to treat these patients. The paradigm of epilepsy surgery has evolved to match this challenge, now considering the entire seizure network with the goal of disrupting it through resection, ablation, neuromodulation, or a combination. The network paradigm has the potential to aid in identification of the seizure network as well as treatment selection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intracranial EEG is the gold standard technique for epileptogenic zone localization but requires a preconceived hypothesis of the location of the epileptogenic tissue. This placement is guided by qualitative interpretations of seizure semiology, MRI, EEG and other imaging modalities, such as magnetoencephalography. Quantitative abnormality mapping using magnetoencephalography has recently been shown to have potential clinical value. We hypothesized that if quantifiable magnetoencephalography abnormalities were sampled by intracranial EEG, then patients\' post-resection seizure outcome may be better. Thirty-two individuals with refractory neocortical epilepsy underwent magnetoencephalography and subsequent intracranial EEG recordings as part of presurgical evaluation. Eyes-closed resting-state interictal magnetoencephalography band power abnormality maps were derived from 70 healthy controls as a normative baseline. Magnetoencephalography abnormality maps were compared to intracranial EEG electrode implantation, with the spatial overlap of intracranial EEG electrode placement and cerebral magnetoencephalography abnormalities recorded. Finally, we assessed if the implantation of electrodes in abnormal tissue and subsequent resection of the strongest abnormalities determined by magnetoencephalography and intracranial EEG corresponded to surgical success. We used the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve as a measure of effect size. Intracranial electrodes were implanted in brain tissue with the most abnormal magnetoencephalography findings-in individuals that were seizure-free postoperatively (T = 3.9, P = 0.001) but not in those who did not become seizure-free. The overlap between magnetoencephalography abnormalities and electrode placement distinguished surgical outcome groups moderately well (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve = 0.68). In isolation, the resection of the strongest abnormalities as defined by magnetoencephalography and intracranial EEG separated surgical outcome groups well, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve = 0.71 and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve = 0.74, respectively. A model incorporating all three features separated surgical outcome groups best (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve = 0.80). Intracranial EEG is a key tool to delineate the epileptogenic zone and help render individuals seizure-free postoperatively. We showed that data-driven abnormality maps derived from resting-state magnetoencephalography recordings demonstrate clinical value and may help guide electrode placement in individuals with neocortical epilepsy. Additionally, our predictive model of postoperative seizure freedom, which leverages both magnetoencephalography and intracranial EEG recordings, could aid patient counselling of expected outcome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recently, the computational neuroscience community has pushed for more transparent and reproducible methods across the field. In the interest of unifying the domain of auditory neuroscience, naplib-python provides an intuitive and general data structure for handling all neural recordings and stimuli, as well as extensive preprocessing, feature extraction, and analysis tools which operate on that data structure. The package removes many of the complications associated with this domain, such as varying trial durations and multi-modal stimuli, and provides a general-purpose analysis framework that interfaces easily with existing toolboxes used in the field.





