• 文章类型: Journal Article
    The role of the left ventral lateral parietal cortex (VPC) in episodic memory is hypothesized to include bottom-up attentional orienting to recalled items, according to the dual-attention model (Cabeza et al., 2008). However, its role in memory encoding could be further clarified, with studies showing both positive and negative subsequent memory effects (SMEs). Furthermore, few studies have compared the relative contributions of sub-regions in this functionally heterogeneous area, specifically the anterior VPC (supramarginal gyrus/BA40) and the posterior VPC (angular gyrus/BA39), on a within-subject basis. To elucidate the role of the VPC in episodic encoding, we compared SMEs in the intracranial EEG across multiple frequency bands in the supramarginal gyrus (SmG) and angular gyrus (AnG), as twenty-four epilepsy patients with indwelling electrodes performed a free recall task. We found a significant SME of decreased theta power and increased high gamma power in the VPC overall, and specifically in the SmG. Furthermore, SmG exhibited significantly greater spectral tilt SME from 0.5 to 1.6 s post-stimulus, in which power spectra slope differences between recalled and unrecalled words were greater than in the AnG (p = 0.04). These results affirm the contribution of VPC to episodic memory encoding, and suggest an anterior-posterior dissociation within VPC with respect to its electrophysiological underpinnings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The scope of unconscious cognition stretched its limits dramatically during the last 40 years, yet most unconscious processes and representations that have been described so far are fleeting and very short-lived, whereas conscious representations can be actively maintained in working memory for a virtually unlimited period. In the present work we aimed at exploring conscious and unconscious lasting (>1 second) expectancy effects.
    In a series of four experiments we engaged participants in the foreperiod paradigm while using both unmasked and masked cues that were informative about the presence/absence of an upcoming target. We recorded behavioral responses, high-density scalp EEG (Exp. 2a), and intra-cranial EEG (Exp. 2b).
    While conscious expectancy was associated with a large behavioral effect (~150 ms), unconscious expectancy effect was significant but much smaller (4 ms). Both conscious and unconscious expectancy Contingent Negative Variations (CNVs) originated from temporal cortices, but only the late component of conscious CNV originated from an additional source located in the vicinity of mesio-frontal areas and supplementary motor areas. Finally, only conscious expectancy was accessible to introspection.
    Both unmasked and masked cues had an impact on response times and on brain activity.
    These results support a two-stage model of the underlying mechanisms of expectancy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Functional MRI (fMRI) studies have investigated the degree to which processing of whole faces, face-parts, and bodies are differentially localized within the fusiform gyrus and adjacent ventral occipitotemporal cortex. While some studies have emphasized the spatial differentiation of processing into discrete areas, others have emphasized the overlap of processing and the importance of distributed patterns of activity. Intracranial EEG (iEEG) recorded from subdural electrodes provides excellent temporal and spatial resolution of local neural activity, and thus provides an alternative method to fMRI for studying differences and commonalities in face and body processing. In this study we recorded iEEG from 12 patients while they viewed images of novel faces, isolated eyes, headless bodies, and flowers. Event-related potential analysis identified 69 occipitotemporal sites at which there was a face-, eye-, or body-selective response when contrasted to flowers. However, when comparing faces, eyes, and bodies to each other at these sites, we identified only 3 face-specific, 13 eye-specific, and 1 body-specific electrodes. Thus, at the majority of sites, faces, eyes, and bodies evoked similar responses. However, we identified ten locations at which the amplitude of the responses spatially varied across adjacent electrodes, indicating that the configuration of current sources and sinks were different for faces, eyes, and bodies. Our results also demonstrate that eye-sensitive regions are more abundant and more purely selective than face- or body-sensitive regions, particularly in lateral occipitotemporal cortex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    After intensive practice, unfamiliar letter strings become familiar words and reading speed increases strikingly from a slow processing to a fast and with more global recognition of words. While this effect has been well documented at the behavioral level, its neural underpinnings are still unclear. The question is how the brain modulates the activity of the reading network according to the novelty of the items. Several models have proposed that familiar and unfamiliar words are not processed by separate networks but rather by common regions operating differently according to familiarity. This hypothesis has proved difficult to test at the neural level because the effects of familiarity and length on reading occur (a) on a millisecond scale, shorter than the resolution of fMRI and (b) in regions which cannot be isolated with non-invasive EEG or MEG. We overcame these limitations by using invasive intra-cerebral EEG recording in epileptic patients. Neural activity (gamma-band responses, between 50 and 150 Hz) was measured in three major nodes of reading network - left inferior frontal, supramarginal, and inferior temporo-occipital cortices - while patients silently read familiar (words) and unfamiliar (pseudo-words) items of two lengths (short composed of one-syllable vs. long composed of three-syllables). While all items elicited strong neural responses in the three regions, we found that the duration of the neural response increases with length only for pseudo-words, in direct relation to orthographic-to-phonological conversion. Our results validate at the neural level the hypothesis that all words are processed by a common network operating more or less efficiently depending on words\' novelty.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The specificity of neural responses to visual objects is a major topic in visual neuroscience. In humans, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have identified several regions of the occipital and temporal lobe that appear specific to faces, letter strings, scenes, or tools. Direct electrophysiological recordings in the visual cortical areas of epileptic patients have largely confirmed this modular organization, using either single-neuron peri-stimulus time-histogram or intracerebral event-related potentials (iERP). In parallel, a new research stream has emerged using high-frequency gamma-band activity (50-150 Hz) (GBR) and low-frequency alpha/beta activity (8-24 Hz) (ABR) to map functional networks in humans. An obvious question is now whether the functional organization of the visual cortex revealed by fMRI, ERP, GBR, and ABR coincide. We used direct intracerebral recordings in 18 epileptic patients to directly compare GBR, ABR, and ERP elicited by the presentation of seven major visual object categories (faces, scenes, houses, consonants, pseudowords, tools, and animals), in relation to previous fMRI studies. Remarkably both GBR and iERP showed strong category-specificity that was in many cases sufficient to infer stimulus object category from the neural response at single-trial level. However, we also found a strong discrepancy between the selectivity of GBR, ABR, and ERP with less than 10% of spatial overlap between sites eliciting the same category-specificity. Overall, we found that selective neural responses to visual objects were broadly distributed in the brain with a prominent spatial cluster located in the posterior temporal cortex. Moreover, the different neural markers (GBR, ABR, and iERP) that elicit selectivity toward specific visual object categories present little spatial overlap suggesting that the information content of each marker can uniquely characterize high-level visual information in the brain.





