
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biological activity and bioactive compound content in sea cucumbers was assessed, considering Parastichopus regalis, Holothuria mammata, Holothuria forskali, and Holothuria arguinensis as species and intestine, muscle band, respiratory tree, body wall, and gonads as tissues. P. regalis had the lowest content in phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in contrast to Holothuria species. In the respiratory tree, the highest phenolic concentration was recorded in H. arguinensis, 76.4 ± 1.2 mg GAE/100 g dw vs. 21.0-49.0 mg GAE/100 g dw in the other species. H. arguinensis had the highest DPPH and FRAP results in the gonads, 13.6 ± 0.7 mg AAE/100 g dw vs. 2.6-3.5 mg AAE/100 g dw and 27.1 ± 0.3 μmol Fe2+/g dw vs. 8.0-15.9 μmol Fe2+/g dw, respectively. Overall, P. regalis biomass presented the highest anti-inflammatory activity levels and H. arguinensis the lowest anti-inflammatory levels. The respiratory tree was the most anti-inflammatory (measured by the inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2, COX-2) tissue in H. mammata and H. forskali (also the muscle band in this case), 76.3 ± 6.3% and 59.5 ± 3.6% COX-2 inhibition in 1 mg/mL aqueous extracts, respectively. The results demonstrated a variable bioactive potential and advantage in targeting antioxidant properties in the muscle band and anti-inflammatory activity in the respiratory tree, which may constitute a starting point for a biorefinery approach envisaging multiple applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sea cucumbers are benthic marine invertebrates with immense ecological and commercial value. Processed sea cucumbers known as \"Beche-de-mer\" are a delicacy in southeast Asian countries with an ever-increasing demand depleting wild stocks on a global scale. Aquaculture techniques are well developed for commercially important species (eg. Holothuria scabra) to aid in conservation and trade. In the Arabian Peninsula and Iran, where the major land mass is surrounded by marginal seas (Arabian/Persian Gulf, Gulf of Oman, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Red Sea), studies on sea cucumbers are rather limited and its economic value is underestimated. Historical and current research trends indicate impoverished diversity (82 species) due to environmental extremes. Artisanal fisheries exist for the sea cucumbers of Iran, Oman, and Saudi Arabia, with Yemen and United Arab Emirates (UAE) playing a key role in collection and export to Asian countries. Stock assessment and data on export indicates depletion of natural stocks in Saudi Arabia and Oman. Aquaculture trials of high value species (H. scabra) were successful in Saudi Arabia, Oman and Iran with prospects for further expansion. Research on ecotoxicological properties and bioactive substances conducted in Iran demonstrates an immense research potential. Molecular phylogeny, biology, use in bioremediation, and characterisation of bioactive compounds were identified as potential gaps in research. Expanding aquaculture operations could revive exports and recuperate damaged stocks through sea ranching. Furthermore, regional cooperation, networking, training, and capacity building could help fill the gaps in sea cucumber research, which will aid in its effective conservation and management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fatty acids and carotenoids are known to have roles in embryonic and larval development of sea cucumbers, but their changes in gonads during gametogenesis have not yet been studied. To improve our knowledge of the reproductive cycle of sea cucumbers in an aquaculture perspective, we collected 6-11 individuals of the species Holothuria (Panningothuria) forskali Delle Chiaje, 1823 approximately every 2 months from December 2019 to July 2021 east of the Glenan Islands (Brittany - France; 47.710°N, 3.948°W) at a depth of 8-12 m. Our results show that soon after spawning, sea cucumbers take advantage of an increased food availability in spring to rapidly and opportunistically accumulate nutrients in the form of lipids in their gonads (from May to July) and then slowly elongate, desaturate and probably rearrange fatty acids within lipid classes for the next reproductive season according to the specific requirements of both sexes. In contrast, acquisition of carotenoids occurs synchronously with gonads filling and/or through the reabsorption of spent tubules (T5), thus revealing little seasonal variations at the scale of the entire gonad in terms of relative abundance in both sexes. All results suggest that gonads are fully replenished with nutrients by October and that broodstock for induced reproduction could be captured at this moment and kept until the production of larvae is required. Maintaining broodstock for consecutive years would probably be a higher level challenge as the dynamics of tubule recruitment are not fully understood and seem to last for several years.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00227-023-04198-0.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sea cucumbers are important ecological engineers in marine ecosystems. However, the fishery demand of some species, especially large-epifaunal and commercially used (LEC) sea cucumbers, has risen drastically, resulting in serious depletion of local populations for many species. Despite this problem, basic ecological data on sea cucumbers, such as population densities and preferred habitats, are often still insufficient. Here, we report on the population densities of multiple LEC sea cucumber species, and their ambient benthic communities at eight sites around Okinawa Islands. Further, we discuss the correspondence between sea cucumber densities and the surrounding coral communities. Our results show two sites within national or quasi-national parks, Aka and Manza, where stricter rules have been placed on fisheries and land reclamation compared to other areas, had the highest and third highest sea cucumber population densities among sites, respectively. Holothuria atra was observed at all survey sites and made up the majority of sea cucumber populations at all sites except for Chatan and Sesoko, where Holothuria leucospilota and Stichopus chloronotus were most abundant, respectively. Regarding the relationships between benthic composition and LEC sea cucumber species, S. chloronotus was significantly correlated with dead corals, scleractinian corals, and coralline algae. As well, H. leucospilota had significant correlations with rubble. Although there were no significant correlations between any specific scleractinian coral genus and sea cucumber densities, S. chloronotus was marginally insignificant with Platygyra and Psammocora. Notably, medium- to highly valued species were sparse in our surveys, and most of them appeared at only one site. Additionally, at one site (Odo), only three LEC sea cucumber individuals were observed. Combining these facts with relatively low population densities around the Okinawa Islands compared to densities reported in previous research from the Indo-West Pacific Ocean region, we conclude that Okinawan LEC sea cucumber populations have been and are being impacted by high levels of direct (e.g., overexploitation, as well as coastal development) and indirect anthropogenic pressure (e.g., decreasing water quality). To address the current situation, repeated monitoring and more detailed investigations to reveal the drivers that determine LEC sea cucumber species aggregations and population densities are urgently needed, along with more robust management of remaining LEC sea cucumber populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Apostichopus japonicus achieves intestinal regeneration in a short period after evisceration, and multiple genes are involved in this process. The transcriptome of A. japonicus was screened for regeneration-associated protein (Aj-Orpin), a gene that is specifically upregulated during intestinal regeneration. The expression and function of Aj-Orpin were identified and investigated in this study. The 5\' and 3\' RACE polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to clone the full-length cDNA of Aj-Orpin. The open reading frame codes for a 164 amino-acid protein with an EF-hand_7 domain and overlapping signal peptides and transmembrane regions. Moreover, Aj-Orpin mRNA and protein expression during intestinal regeneration was investigated using real-time quantitative PCR and Western blot. The expression pattern of Aj-Orpin in the regenerating intestine was investigated using immunohistochemistry. The results showed that Aj-Orpin is an exocrine protein with two EF-hand-like calcium-binding domains. Expression levels were higher in the regenerating intestine than in the normal intestine, but protein expression changes lagged behind mRNA expression changes. Aj-Orpin was found to play a role in the formation of blastema and lumen. It was primarily expressed in the serosal layer and submucosa, suggesting that it might be involved in proliferation. These observations lay the foundation for understanding the role of Orpin-like in echinoderm intestinal regeneration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Holothurians of the family Psychropotidae are widely distributed but remain the least studied deep-sea holothurians. On an expedition to the Western Pacific, six psychropotid specimens were collected by the Jiaolong Human Operated Vehicle (HOV). Through morphological examination, four of them were identified as a new species, Benthodytesjiaolongi sp. nov., which was characterized as having minute papillae, a narrow brim, and a terminal anus; and the ossicles were rods and primary crosses. The remaining two specimens were identified as Psychropotesverrucicaudatus Xiao, Gong, Kou & Li, 2019, first recorded at the Kyushu-Palau Ridge. The phylogenetic analysis showed that B.jiaolongi sp. nov. and P.verrucicaudatus were embedded in the clades Benthodytes and Psycheotrephes, respectively, and that Benthodytes was paraphyletic. The new species clustered with Benthodytessanguinolenta and was separated from the clade containing the other Benthodytes species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sea cucumbers are benthic marine invertebrates with immense ecological and commercial value. Processed sea cucumbers known as \"Beche-de-mer\" are a delicacy in southeast Asian countries with an ever-increasing demand depleting wild stocks on a global scale. Aquaculture techniques are well developed for commercially important species (e.g. Holothuria scabra) to aid in conservation and trade. In the Arabian Peninsula and Iran, where the major land mass is surrounded by marginal seas (Arabian Gulf, Gulf of Oman, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Red Sea), studies on sea cucumbers are rather limited and its economic value is underestimated. Historical and current research trends indicate impoverished diversity (82 species) due to environmental extremes. Artisanal fisheries exist for the sea cucumbers of Iran, Oman, and Saudi Arabia, with Yemen and United Arab Emirates (UAE) playing a key role in collection and export to Asian countries. Stock assessment and data on export indicates depletion of natural stocks in Saudi Arabia and Oman. Aquaculture trials of high value species (H. scabra) were successful in Saudi Arabia, Oman and Iran with prospects for further expansion. Research on ecotoxicological properties and bioactive substances conducted in Iran demonstrates an immense research potential. Molecular phylogeny, biology, use in bioremediation, and characterisation of bioactive compounds were identified as potential gaps in research. Expanding aquaculture operations could revive exports and recuperate damaged stocks through sea ranching. Furthermore, regional cooperation, networking, training, and capacity building could help fill the gaps in sea cucumber research, which will aid in its effective conservation and management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Holothurians are marine invertebrates that are among the most widespread benthic megafauna communities by both biomass and abundance in shallow-water and deep-sea ecosystems, their functions supporting important ecological services worldwide. Despite their simple appearance as sea cucumbers, holothurians show a wide range of feeding practices. However, information on what and how these animals eat is scattered and potentially confusing. We provide a comprehensive review of holothurian nutrition in coastal and deep-sea ecosystems. First, we describe morphological aspects of holothurian feeding and the ultrastructure of tentacles. We discuss the two processes for food capture, concluding that mucus adhesion is likely the main method; two mucous cells, type-1 and type-2, possibly allow the adhesion and de-adhesion, respectively, of food particles. Secondly, this review aims to clarify behavioural aspects of holothurian suspension- and deposit-feeding. We discuss the daily feeding cycle, and selective feeding strategies. We conclude that there is selectivity for fine and organically rich particles, and that feeding through the cloaca is also a route for nutrient absorption. Third, we provide a wide description of the diet of holothurians, which can be split into two categories: living and non-living material. We suggest that Synallactida, Molpadida, Persiculida, Holothuriida and Elasipodida, ingest the same fractions, and emphasise the importance of bacteria in the diet of holothurians.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microplastic pollution is increasingly recognized as a prominent threat to marine life. Understanding the role of bioturbators is crucial to determine to what extent marine sediments can act as a microplastic sink. The presence of microplastics has been documented in holothurians, but no study has investigated how the ingestion-egestion process influences their bioavailability. Using the Mediterranean deposit-feeder, Holothuria tubulosa, as a model system, we assessed if, upon ingestion, plastic particles are accumulated in pseudofeces and if the passage through the digestive tract reduces their size. To this end, the number, shape and colour of plastic particles was compared between pseudofeces and surrounding surficial sediments collected along the edges of a seagrass meadow. Pseudofeces were enriched in plastic fragments with respect to surficial sediments, suggesting a selective ingestion of fragments over fibres. By contrast, there was no difference in the size or colour of plastic particles between pseudofeces and sediments. In addition, by means of a laboratory experiment, we evaluated how microplastic resuspension rates from pseudofeces compares with those from surficial sediments. Under standard water movement conditions, the resuspension of labelled microplastics from pseudofeces was much greater than that from sediments (i.e., about 92% and 26% at the end of the experimental trial). Greater relative abundance of fine material (i.e., pelite) in pseudofeces than sediments could explain their physical instability and, hence, their lower microplastic retention. Our results suggest that pseudofeces of H. tubulosa not only represent a hotspot for plastic fragment concentration, but, due to their surficial deposition and rapid dissolution, they could also promote their transfer to the water column. Ingestion and egestion of microplastics by this sea cucumber, although not altering their size, may thus enhance their bioavailability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Holothurians, or sea cucumbers, belong to the phylum Echinodermata. They show good regenerative abilities. The present review provides an analysis of available data on the molecular aspects of regeneration mechanisms in holothurians. The genes and signaling pathways activated during the asexual reproduction and the formation of the anterior and posterior parts of the body, as well as the molecular mechanisms that provide regeneration of the nervous and digestive systems, are considered here. Damage causes a strong stress response, the signs of which are recorded even at late regeneration stages. In holothurian tissues, the concentrations of reactive oxygen species and antioxidant enzymes increase. Furthermore, the cellular and humoral components of the immune system are activated. Extracellular matrix remodeling and Wnt signaling play a major role in the regeneration in holothurians. All available morphological and molecular data show that the dedifferentiation of specialized cells in the remnant of the organ and the epithelial morphogenesis constitute the basis of regeneration in holothurians. However, depending on the type of damage, the mechanisms of regeneration may differ significantly in the spatial organization of regeneration process, the involvement of different cell types, and the depth of reprogramming of their genome (dedifferentiation or transdifferentiation).






