
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Delamination represents one of the most significant and dangerous damages in composite plates. Recently, many papers have presented the capability of structural health monitoring (SHM) techniques for the investigation of structural delamination with various shapes and thickness depths. However, few studies have been conducted regarding the utilization of convolutional neural network (CNN) methods for automating the non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques database to identify the delamination size and depth. In this paper, an automated system qualified for distinguishing between pristine and damaged structures and classifying three classes of delamination with various depths is presented. This system includes a proposed CNN model and the Lamb wave technique. In this work, a unidirectional composite plate with three samples of delamination inserted at different depths was prepared for numerical and experimental investigations. In the numerical part, the guided wave propagation and interaction with three samples of delamination were studied to observe how the delamination depth can affect the scattered and trapped waves over the delamination region. This numerical study was validated experimentally using an efficient ultrasonic guided waves technique. This technique involved piezoelectric wafer active sensors (PWASs) and a scanning laser Doppler vibrometer (SLDV). Both numerical and experimental studies demonstrate that the delamination depth has a direct effect on the trapped waves\' energy and distribution. Three different datasets were collected from the numerical and experimental studies, involving the numerical wavefield image dataset, experimental wavefield image dataset, and experimental wavenumber spectrum image dataset. These three datasets were used independently with the proposed CNN model to develop a system that can automatically classify four classes (pristine class and three different delamination classes). The results of all three datasets show the capability of the proposed CNN model for predicting the delamination depth with high accuracy. The proposed CNN model results of the three different datasets were validated using the GoogLeNet CNN. The results of both methods show an excellent agreement. The results proved the capability of the wavefield image and wavenumber spectrum datasets to be used as input data to the CNN for the detection of delamination depth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Examining functions and characteristics of DNA sequences is a highly challenging task. When it comes to the human genome, which is made up of exons and introns, this task is more challenging. Human exons and introns contain millions to billions of nucleotides, which contributes to the complexity observed in this sequences. Considering how complicated the subject of genomics is, it is obvious that using signal processing techniques and deep learning tools to build a strong predictive model can be very helpful for the development of the research of the human genome.
    RESULTS: After representing human exons and introns with color images using Frequency Chaos Game Representation, two pre-trained convolutional neural network models (Resnet-50 and GoogleNet) and a proposed CNN model having 13 hidden layers were used to classify our obtained images. We have reached a value of 92% for the accuracy rate for Resnet-50 model in about 7 h for the execution time, a value of 91.5% for the accuracy rate for the GoogleNet model in 2 h and a half for the execution time. For our proposed CNN model, we have reached 91.6% for the accuracy rate in 2 h and 37 min.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our proposed CNN model is faster than the Resnet-50 model in terms of execution time. It was able to slightly exceed the GoogleNet model for the accuracy rate value.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The field of multimodal robotic musical performing arts has garnered significant interest due to its innovative potential. Conventional robots face limitations in understanding emotions and artistic expression in musical performances. Therefore, this paper explores the application of multimodal robots that integrate visual and auditory perception to enhance the quality and artistic expression in music performance. Our approach involves integrating GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) and GoogLeNet models for sentiment analysis. The GRU model processes audio data and captures the temporal dynamics of musical elements, including long-term dependencies, to extract emotional information. The GoogLeNet model excels in image processing, extracting complex visual details and aesthetic features. This synergy deepens the understanding of musical and visual elements, aiming to produce more emotionally resonant and interactive robot performances. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, showing significant improvements in music performance by multimodal robots. These robots, equipped with our method, deliver high-quality, artistic performances that effectively evoke emotional engagement from the audience. Multimodal robots that merge audio-visual perception in music performance enrich the art form and offer diverse human-machine interactions. This research demonstrates the potential of multimodal robots in music performance, promoting the integration of technology and art. It opens new realms in performing arts and human-robot interactions, offering a unique and innovative experience. Our findings provide valuable insights for the development of multimodal robots in the performing arts sector.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Developing efficient methods to infer relations among different faces consisting of numerous expressions or on the same face at different times (e.g., disease progression) is an open issue in imaging related research. In this study, we present a novel method for facial feature extraction, characterization, and identification based on classical computer vision coupled with deep learning and, more specifically, convolutional neural networks.
    UNASSIGNED: We describe the hybrid face characterization system named FRetrAIval (FRAI), which is a hybrid of the GoogleNet and the AlexNet Neural Network (NN) models. Images analyzed by the FRAI network are preprocessed by computer vision techniques such as the oriented gradient-based algorithm that can extract only the face region from any kind of picture. The Aligned Face dataset (AFD) was used to train and test the FRAI solution for extracting image features. The Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) holdout dataset has been used for external validation.
    UNASSIGNED: Overall, in comparison to previous techniques, our methodology has shown much better results on k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) by yielding the maximum precision, recall, F1, and F2 score values (92.00, 92.66, 92.33, and 92.52%, respectively) for AFD and (95.00% for each variable) for LFW dataset, which were used as training and testing datasets. The FRAI model may be potentially used in healthcare and criminology as well as many other applications where it is important to quickly identify face features such as fingerprint for a specific identification target.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Deep learning is playing a major role in identifying complicated structure, and it outperforms in term of training and classification tasks in comparison to traditional algorithms. In this work, a local cloud-based solution is developed for classification of Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) as MRI scans as input modality. The multi-classification is used for AD variety and is classified into four stages. In order to leverage the capabilities of the pre-trained GoogLeNet model, transfer learning is employed. The GoogLeNet model, which is pre-trained for image classification tasks, is fine-tuned for the specific purpose of multi-class AD classification. Through this process, a better accuracy of 98% is achieved. As a result, a local cloud web application for Alzheimer\'s prediction is developed using the proposed architectures of GoogLeNet. This application enables doctors to remotely check for the presence of AD in patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pepper leaf disease identification based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is one of the interesting research areas. However, most existing CNN-based pepper leaf disease detection models are suboptimal in terms of accuracy and computing performance. In particular, it is challenging to apply CNNs on embedded portable devices due to a large amount of computation and memory consumption for leaf disease recognition in large fields. Therefore, this paper introduces an enhanced lightweight model based on GoogLeNet architecture. The initial step involves compressing the Inception structure to reduce model parameters, leading to a remarkable enhancement in recognition speed. Furthermore, the network incorporates the spatial pyramid pooling structure to seamlessly integrate local and global features. Subsequently, the proposed improved model has been trained on the real dataset of 9183 images, containing 6 types of pepper diseases. The cross-validation results show that the model accuracy is 97.87%, which is 6% higher than that of GoogLeNet based on Inception-V1 and Inception-V3. The memory requirement of the model is only 10.3 MB, which is reduced by 52.31%-86.69%, comparing to GoogLeNet. We have also compared the model with the existing CNN-based models including AlexNet, ResNet-50 and MobileNet-V2. The result shows that the average inference time of the proposed model decreases by 61.49%, 41.78% and 23.81%, respectively. The results show that the proposed enhanced model can significantly improve performance in terms of accuracy and computing efficiency, which has potential to improve productivity in the pepper farming industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due the quick spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), identification of that disease, prediction of mortality rate and recovery rate are considered as one of the critical challenges in the whole world. The occurrence of COVID-19 dissemination beyond the world is analyzed in this research and an artificial-intelligence (AI) based deep learning algorithm is suggested to detect positive cases of COVID19 patients, mortality rate and recovery rate using real-world datasets. Initially, the unwanted data like prepositions, links, hashtags etc., are removed using some pre-processing techniques. After that, term frequency inverse-term frequency (TF-IDF) andBag of Words (BoW) techniques are utilized to extract the features from pre-processed dataset. Then, Mayfly Optimization (MO) algorithm is performed to pick the relevant features from the set of features. Finally, two deep learning procedures, ResNet model and GoogleNet model, are hybridized to achieve the prediction process. Our system examines two different kinds of publicly available text datasets to identify COVID-19 disease as well as to predict mortality rate and recovery rate using those datasets. There are four different datasets are taken to analyse the performance, in which the proposed method achieves 97.56% accuracy which is 1.40% greater than Linear Regression (LR) and Multinomial Naive Bayesian (MNB), 3.39% higher than Random Forest (RF) and Stochastic gradient boosting (SGB) as well as 5.32% higher than Decision tree (DT) and Bagging techniques if first dataset. When compared to existing machine learning models, the simulation result indicates that a proposed hybrid deep learning method is valuable in corona virus identification and future mortality forecast study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Video capsule endoscope (VCE) is an emerging technology that allows examination of the entire gastrointestinal (GI) tract with minimal invasion. While traditional endoscopy with biopsy procedures are the gold standard for diagnosis of most GI diseases, they are limited by how far the scope can be advanced in the tract and are also invasive. VCE allows gastroenterologists to investigate GI tract abnormalities in detail with visualization of all parts of the GI tract. It captures continuous real time images as it is propelled in the GI tract by gut motility. Even though VCE allows for thorough examination, reviewing and analyzing up to eight hours of images (compiled as videos) is tedious and not cost effective. In order to pave way for automation of VCE-based GI disease diagnosis, detecting the location of the capsule would allow for a more focused analysis as well as abnormality detection in each region of the GI tract. In this paper, we compared four deep Convolutional Neural Network models for feature extraction and detection of the anatomical part within the GI tract captured by VCE images. Our results showed that VGG-Net has superior performance with the highest average accuracy, precision, recall and, F1-score compared to other state of the art architectures: GoogLeNet, AlexNet and, ResNet.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Road condition evaluation is a critical part of gravel road maintenance. One of the assessed parameters is the amount of loose gravel, as this determines the driving quality and safety. Loose gravel can cause tires to slip and the driver to lose control. An expert assesses the road conditions subjectively by looking at images and notes. This method is labor-intensive and subject to error in judgment; therefore, its reliability is questionable. Road management agencies look for automated and objective measurement systems. In this study, acoustic data on gravel hitting the bottom of a car was used. The connection between the acoustics and the condition of loose gravel on gravel roads was assessed. Traditional supervised learning algorithms and convolution neural network (CNN) were applied, and their performances are compared for the classification of loose gravel acoustics. The advantage of using a pre-trained CNN is that it selects relevant features for training. In addition, pre-trained networks offer the advantage of not requiring days of training or colossal training data. In supervised learning, the accuracy of the ensemble bagged tree algorithm for gravel and non-gravel sound classification was found to be 97.5%, whereas, in the case of deep learning, pre-trained network GoogLeNet accuracy was 97.91% for classifying spectrogram images of the gravel sounds.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ongoing intense development of short-range radar systems and their improved capability of measuring small movements make these systems reliable solutions for the extraction of human vital signs in a contactless fashion. The continuous contactless monitoring of vital signs can be considered in a wide range of applications, such as remote healthcare solutions and context-aware smart sensor development. Currently, the provision of radar-recorded datasets of human vital signs is still an open issue. In this paper, we present a new frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar-recorded vital sign dataset for 50 children aged less than 13 years. A clinically approved vital sign monitoring sensor was also deployed as a reference, and data from both sensors were time-synchronized. With the presented dataset, a new child age-group classification system based on GoogLeNet is proposed to develop a child safety sensor for smart vehicles. The radar-recorded vital signs of children are divided into several age groups, and the GoogLeNet framework is trained to predict the age of unknown human test subjects.






