
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    PIN diodes, due to their simple structure and variable resistance characteristics under high-frequency high-power excitation, are often used in radar front-end as limiters to filter high power microwaves (HPM) to prevent its power from entering the internal circuit and causing damage. This paper carries out theoretical derivation and research on the HPM effects of PIN diodes, and then uses an optimized neural network algorithm to replace traditional physical modeling to calculate and predict two types of HPM limiting indicators of PIN diode limiters. We proposes a neural network model for each of the following two prediction scenarios: in the scenario of time-junction temperature curves under different HPM irradiation, the weighted mean squared error (MSE) between the predicted values from the test dataset and the simulated values is below 0.004. While in predicting PIN limiter\'s power limitation threshold, insertion loss, and maximum isolation under different HPM irradiation, the MSE of the test set prediction values and simulation values are all less than 0.03. The method proposed in this research, which applies an optimized neural network algorithm to replace traditional physical modeling algorithms for studying the high-power microwave effects of PIN diode limiters, significantly improves the computational and simulation speed, reduces the calculation cost, and provides a new method for studying the high-power microwave effects of PIN diode limiters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The field of multimodal robotic musical performing arts has garnered significant interest due to its innovative potential. Conventional robots face limitations in understanding emotions and artistic expression in musical performances. Therefore, this paper explores the application of multimodal robots that integrate visual and auditory perception to enhance the quality and artistic expression in music performance. Our approach involves integrating GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) and GoogLeNet models for sentiment analysis. The GRU model processes audio data and captures the temporal dynamics of musical elements, including long-term dependencies, to extract emotional information. The GoogLeNet model excels in image processing, extracting complex visual details and aesthetic features. This synergy deepens the understanding of musical and visual elements, aiming to produce more emotionally resonant and interactive robot performances. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, showing significant improvements in music performance by multimodal robots. These robots, equipped with our method, deliver high-quality, artistic performances that effectively evoke emotional engagement from the audience. Multimodal robots that merge audio-visual perception in music performance enrich the art form and offer diverse human-machine interactions. This research demonstrates the potential of multimodal robots in music performance, promoting the integration of technology and art. It opens new realms in performing arts and human-robot interactions, offering a unique and innovative experience. Our findings provide valuable insights for the development of multimodal robots in the performing arts sector.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pepper leaf disease identification based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is one of the interesting research areas. However, most existing CNN-based pepper leaf disease detection models are suboptimal in terms of accuracy and computing performance. In particular, it is challenging to apply CNNs on embedded portable devices due to a large amount of computation and memory consumption for leaf disease recognition in large fields. Therefore, this paper introduces an enhanced lightweight model based on GoogLeNet architecture. The initial step involves compressing the Inception structure to reduce model parameters, leading to a remarkable enhancement in recognition speed. Furthermore, the network incorporates the spatial pyramid pooling structure to seamlessly integrate local and global features. Subsequently, the proposed improved model has been trained on the real dataset of 9183 images, containing 6 types of pepper diseases. The cross-validation results show that the model accuracy is 97.87%, which is 6% higher than that of GoogLeNet based on Inception-V1 and Inception-V3. The memory requirement of the model is only 10.3 MB, which is reduced by 52.31%-86.69%, comparing to GoogLeNet. We have also compared the model with the existing CNN-based models including AlexNet, ResNet-50 and MobileNet-V2. The result shows that the average inference time of the proposed model decreases by 61.49%, 41.78% and 23.81%, respectively. The results show that the proposed enhanced model can significantly improve performance in terms of accuracy and computing efficiency, which has potential to improve productivity in the pepper farming industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To solve the problems of backward means of coal mine gas and coal dust explosion monitoring, late reporting, and low leakage rate, a sound recognition method of coal mine gas and coal dust explosion based on GoogLeNet was proposed. After installing mining pickups in key monitoring areas of coal mines to collect the sounds of the working equipment and the environment, the collected sound was analyzed by continuous wavelet to obtain its scale coefficient map. This was then imported into GoogLeNet to obtain the recognition model of coal mine gas and coal dust explosions. The test sound was obtained by continuous wavelet analysis to obtain the scale coefficient map, brought into the completed training recognition model to obtain the sound signal class, and verified by experiment. Firstly, the scale coefficient map extracted from the sound signal by continuous wavelet analysis showed that the similarity between the subjective and objective indicators of the wavelet coefficient maps of the gas explosion sound and coal dust explosion sound was higher, but the difference between these and the rest of the coal mine sounds was clearer, helping to effectively distinguish gas and coal dust explosion sounds from other sounds. Secondly, the experimental results of GoogLeNet parameters can be obtained. When the dropout parameter is 0.5 and the initial learning rate is 0.001, the recognition effect of the model established by GoogLeNet was optimal. According to the selected parameters, the training loss, testing loss, training recognition rate, and testing recognition rate of the model are all in line with expectations. Finally, the experimental recognition results show that the recognition rate of the proposed method is 97.38%, the recall rate is 86.1%, and the accuracy rate is 100% for the case of a 9:1 ratio of test data to training data, and the overall recognition effect of the proposed GoogLeNet is significantly better than that of vgg and Alexnet, which can effectively solve the problem of under-sampling of coal mine gas and coal dust explosion sounds and can meet the need for the intelligent recognition of coal mine gas and dust explosions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The automatic recognition of human body parts in three-dimensional medical images is important in many clinical applications. However, methods presented in prior studies have mainly classified each two-dimensional (2D) slice independently rather than recognizing a batch of consecutive slices as a specific body part.
    OBJECTIVE: In this study, we aim to develop a deep learning-based method designed to automatically divide computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans into five consecutive body parts: head, neck, chest, abdomen, and pelvis.
    METHODS: A deep learning framework was developed to recognize body parts in two stages. In the first preclassification stage, a convolutional neural network (CNN) using the GoogLeNet Inception v3 architecture and a long short-term memory (LSTM) network were combined to classify each 2D slice; the CNN extracted information from a single slice, whereas the LSTM employed rich contextual information among consecutive slices. In the second postprocessing stage, the input scan was further partitioned into consecutive body parts by identifying the optimal boundaries between them based on the slice classification results of the first stage. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, 662 CT and 1434 MRI scans were used.
    RESULTS: Our method achieved a very good performance in 2D slice classification compared with state-of-the-art methods, with overall classification accuracies of 97.3% and 98.2% for CT and MRI scans, respectively. Moreover, our method further divided whole scans into consecutive body parts with mean boundary errors of 8.9 and 3.5 mm for CT and MRI data, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: The proposed method significantly improved the slice classification accuracy compared with state-of-the-art methods, and further accurately divided CT and MRI scans into consecutive body parts based on the results of slice classification. The developed method can be employed as an important step in various computer-aided diagnosis and medical image analysis schemes.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Identification of Chinese medicinal materials is a fundamental part and an important premise of the modern Chinese medicinal materials industry. As for the traditional Chinese medicinal materials that imitate wild cultivation, due to their scattered, irregular, and fine-grained planting characteristics, the fine classification using traditional classification methods is not accurate. Therefore, a deep convolution neural network model is used for imitating wild planting. Identification of Chinese herbal medicines. This study takes Lonicera japonica remote sensing recognition as an example, and proposes a method for fine classification of L. japonica based on a deep convolutional neural network model. The GoogLeNet network model is used to learn a large number of training samples to extract L. japonica characteristics from drone remote sensing images. Parameters, further optimize the network structure, and obtain a L. japonica recognition model. The research results show that the deep convolutional neural network based on GoogLeNet can effectively extract the L. japonica information that is relatively fragmented in the image, and realize the fine classification of L. japonica. After training and optimization, the overall classification accuracy of L. japonica can reach 97.5%, and total area accuracy is 94.6%, which can provide a reference for the application of deep convolutional neural network method in remote sensing classification of Chinese medicinal materials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) play an important role in the field of medical image segmentation. Among many kinds of CNNs, the U-net architecture is one of the most famous fully convolutional network architectures for medical semantic segmentation tasks. Recent work shows that the U-net network can be substantially deeper thus resulting in improved performance on segmentation tasks. Though adding more layers directly into network is a popular way to make a network deeper, it may lead to gradient vanishing or redundant computation during training.
    METHODS: A novel CNN architecture is proposed that integrates the Inception-Res module and densely connecting convolutional module into the U-net architecture. The proposed network model consists of the following parts: firstly, the Inception-Res block is designed to increase the width of the network by replacing the standard convolutional layers; secondly, the Dense-Inception block is designed to extract features and make the network more deep without additional parameters; thirdly, the down-sampling block is adopted to reduce the size of feature maps to accelerate learning and the up-sampling block is used to resize the feature maps.
    RESULTS: The proposed model is tested on images of blood vessel segmentations from retina images, the lung segmentation of CT Data from the benchmark Kaggle datasets and the MRI scan brain tumor segmentation datasets from MICCAI BraTS 2017. The experimental results show that the proposed method can provide better performance on these two tasks compared with the state-of-the-art algorithms. The results reach an average Dice score of 0.9857 in the lung segmentation. For the blood vessel segmentation, the results reach an average Dice score of 0.9582. For the brain tumor segmentation, the results reach an average Dice score of 0.9867.
    CONCLUSIONS: The experiments highlighted that combining the inception module with dense connections in the U-Net architecture is a promising approach for semantic medical image segmentation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the development of theories and technologies in medical imaging, most of the tumors can be detected in the early stage. However, the nature of ovarian cysts lacks accurate judgement, leading to that many patients with benign nodules still need Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) biopsies or surgeries, increasing the physical pain and mental pressure of patients as well as unnecessary medical health care costs. Therefore, we present an image diagnosis system for classifying the ovarian cysts in color ultrasound images, which novelly applies the image features fused by both high-level features from deep learning network and low-level features from texture descriptor. Firstly, the ultrasound images are enhanced to improve the quality of training data set and the rotation invariant uniform local binary pattern (ULBP) features are extracted from each of the images as the low-level texture features. Then the high-level deep features extracted by the fine-tuned GoogLeNet neural network and the low-level ULBP features are normalized and cascaded as one fusion feature that can represent both the semantic context and the texture patterns distributed in the image. Finally, the fusion features are input to the Cost-sensitive Random Forest classifier to classify the images into \"malignant\" and \"benign\". The high-level features extracted by the deep neural network from the medical ultrasound image can reflect the visual features of the lesion region, while the low-level texture features can describe the edges, direction and distribution of intensities. Experimental results indicate that the combination of the two types of features can describe the differences between the lesion regions and other regions, and the differences between lesions regions of malignant and benign ovarian cysts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, increasing human data comes from image sensors. In this paper, a novel approach combining convolutional pose machines (CPMs) with GoogLeNet is proposed for human pose estimation using image sensor data. The first stage of the CPMs directly generates a response map of each human skeleton\'s key points from images, in which we introduce some layers from the GoogLeNet. On the one hand, the improved model uses deeper network layers and more complex network structures to enhance the ability of low level feature extraction. On the other hand, the improved model applies a fine-tuning strategy, which benefits the estimation accuracy. Moreover, we introduce the inception structure to greatly reduce parameters of the model, which reduces the convergence time significantly. Extensive experiments on several datasets show that the improved model outperforms most mainstream models in accuracy and training time. The prediction efficiency of the improved model is improved by 1.023 times compared with the CPMs. At the same time, the training time of the improved model is reduced 3.414 times. This paper presents a new idea for future research.






