Gene action

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Erucic acid, more than 2 %, in mustard seed oil is considered unhealthy as edible oil, and also anti-nutritional for human consumption. The existing mustard varieties of Bangladesh contain 40-48 % erucic acid, which is a big concern for the country\'s nutritional, and food security and safety. Hence, to improve the seed oil quality of the existing variety, six popular cultivars of Brassica juncea mustard were crossed with a canola-grade line in 7 × 7 half diallel fashion, and the developed 21 F1 hybrids were assessed for yield contributing traits, and fatty acids composition. Variables with significant variations were found, while days to siliquae maturity, plant height, days to first flowering, and seeds per siliquae have moderate narrow sense heritability. The estimated gene action indicated that dominant or over-dominant gene action was more prominent in governing the traits. The parents, P1, P3, and P4 were discovered the best general combiners for early maturity and short phenology, whereas P2 and P7 were found to be the best general combiners for yield-attributing traits. Moreover, the hybrids P1 × P4, P1 × P6, P2 × P7, P4 × P6 and P3 × P5 were chosen as the promising hybrids due to their best specific combining ability, and desired heterotic effects on yield contributing traits. In addition, a significant decrease, on average 30-40 %, in erucic acid, but an approximately 20-25 % increase of oleic acid was found among the hybrids, in which the hybrids P1 × P6-S1, P5 × P6-S2 and P5 × P6-S4 demonstrated a better stability index. Overall, the obtained findings suggested that the hybrids, viz. P1 × P5, P1 × P6, P2 × P3, P2 × P7, P4 × P6, P5 × P6, and P6 × P7 were promising based on their early maturity, high-yielding, reduced erucic acid, and high oleic acid contents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The production of high-oil-yielding hybrid varieties is a primary objective in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) breeding programs. Biometric genetic experiments such as line × tester provide valuable insights into the genetic structure of traits associated with high oil yield.
    UNASSIGNED: In this study, 21 winter hybrids of oilseed rape were evaluated, which were generated by crossing three restorers with seven CMS lines. The experiment was conducted using a line × tester experiment based on a completely randomized block design. Phenological, agronomic, yield, and oil yield components were assessed in this study. The ideal genotype selection index (SIIG) methodology was also employed to identify superior hybrids based on all studied traits simultaneously.
    UNASSIGNED: Significant differences were observed between the obtained hybrids and the check cultivars. Heritability analysis revealed that phenological traits were primarily controlled by additive effects, while agronomic and qualitative traits were mainly influenced by non-additive gene effects. Both broad-sense and narrow-sense heritability exhibited a wide range, underscoring the importance of genetic variance. Notably, the hybrids T1 × L5, T1 × L6, and T3 × L1 showed significant specific combining ability values of 394.74, 541.73, and 1236.79, respectively, making them the top specific combinations for increasing seed yield. Based on the SIIG index, hybrids T3 × L1, T1 × L5, T1 × L3, and T2 × L3 emerged as high-oil-yielding hybrids with desirable agronomic traits.
    UNASSIGNED: The identified superior hybrids by line × tester and SIIG approaches hold promise for the development of high-yielding oilseed rape cultivars with desirable agronomic traits in oilseed rape breeding programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Limited commercial quality protein maize (QPM) varieties with low grain yield potential are currently grown in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA). This study was conducted to (i) assess the performance of single-cross QPM hybrids that were developed from elite inbred lines using line-by-tester mating design and (ii) estimate the general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining ability of the QPM inbred lines for grain yield, agronomic and protein quality traits. One hundred and six testcrosses and four checks were evaluated across six environments in ESA during 2015 and 2016. Significant variations (P ≤ 0.01) were observed among environments, genotypes and genotype by environment interaction (GEI) for most traits evaluated. Hybrids H80 and H104 were the highest-yielding, most desirable, and stable QPM hybrids. Combining ability analysis showed both additive and non-additive gene effects to be important in the inheritance of grain yield. Additive effects were more important for agronomic and protein quality traits. Inbred lines L19 and L20 depicted desirable GCA effects for grain yield. Various other inbred lines with favorable GCA effects for agronomic traits, endosperm modification, and protein quality traits were identified. These inbred lines could be utilized for breeding desirable QPM cultivars. The QPM hybrids identified in this study could be commercialized after on-farm verification to replace the low-yielding QPM hybrids grown in ESA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Improving sweet-waxy corn hybrids enriched in carotenoids via a hybrid breeding approach may provide an alternative cash crop for growers and provide health benefits for consumers. This study estimates the combining ability and heterosis of sweet-waxy corn hybrids for yield-related traits and carotenoids. Eight super sweet corn and three waxy corn lines were crossed to generate 24 F1 hybrids according to the North Carolina Design II scheme, and these hybrids were evaluated across two seasons of 2021/22. The results showed that both additive and non-additive genetic effects were involved in expressing the traits, but the additive genetic effect was more predominant. Most observed traits exhibited moderate to high narrow-sense heritability. Three parental lines, namely the ILS2 and ILS7 females and the ILW1 male, showed the highest positive GCA effects on yield-related traits, making them desirable for developing high-yielding hybrids. Meanwhile, five parental lines, namely the ILS3, ILS5, and ILS7 females and the ILW1 and ILW2 males, were favorable general combiners for high carotenoids. A tested hybrid, ILS2 × ILW1, was a candidate biofortified sweet-waxy corn hybrid possessing high yields and carotenoids. Heterosis and per se performance were more positively correlated with GCAsum than SCA, indicating that GCAsum can predict heterosis for improving biofortified sweet-waxy corn hybrid enriched in carotenoids. The breeding strategies of biofortified sweet-waxy corn hybrids with high yield and carotenoid content are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In vivo maternal haploid induction in isolation fields is proposed to bypass the workload and resource constraints existing in haploid induction nurseries. A better understanding of combining ability and gene action conditioning traits related to hybrid inducers is necessary to set the breeding strategy including to what extent parent-based hybrid prediction is feasible. This study aimed to evaluate the following in tropical savanna in the rainy and dry seasons for haploid induction rate (HIR), R1-nj seed set, and agronomic traits: 1) combining ability, line per se, and hybrid performance of three genetic pools; 2) genetic parameters, the modes of gene action, and heterosis; and 3) the relationships of inbred-general combining ability (GCA) and inbred-hybrid performance. Fifty-six diallel crosses derived from eight maize genotypes were evaluated in the rainy season of 2021 and the dry season of 2021/2022. Reciprocal cross effects including the maternal effect barely contributed to the genotypic variance for each trait observed. HIR, R1-nj seed set, flowering dates, and ear position were highly heritable and additive inherited, while ear length showed dominant inheritance. The equal importance of additive and dominance effects was found for yield-related traits. Temperate inducer BHI306 was the best general combiner for the HIR and R1-nj seed set, followed by two tropical inducers, KHI47 and KHI54. The ranges of heterosis were trait-dependent and slightly influenced by the environment, where hybrids in the rainy season consistently had higher heterosis than those in the dry season for each trait observed. Both hybrid groups derived from tropical × tropical and tropical × temperate inducers showed taller plants, larger ear size, and higher seed sets than the corresponding parents. However, their HIRs were still below the standard check of BHI306. The implications of genetic information, combining ability, and inbred-GCA and inbred-hybrid relationships on breeding strategies are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Water scarcity is a crucial environmental stress that constrains rice growth and production. Thus, breeding for developing high-yielding and drought-tolerant rice genotypes is decisive in sustaining rice production and ensuring global food security, particularly under stress conditions. To this end, this study was conducted to evaluate the effects of water deficit on 31 genotypes of rice (seven lines, viz., Puebla, Hispagran, IET1444, WAB1573, Giza177, Sakha101, and Sakha105, and three testers, viz., Sakha106, Sakha107, and Sakha108) and their 21 crosses produced by line × tester mating design under normal and water deficit conditions; this was to estimate the combining ability, heterosis, and gene action for some traits of physiological, biochemical, and yield components. This study was performed during the summer seasons of 2017 and 2018. The results showed that water deficit significantly decreased relative water content, total chlorophyll content, grain yield, and several yield attributes. However, osmolyte (proline) content and antioxidant enzyme activities (CAT and APX) were significantly increased compared with the control condition. Significant mean squares were recorded for the genotypes and their partitions under control and stress conditions, except for total chlorophyll under normal irrigation. Significant differences were also detected among the lines, testers, and line × tester for all the studied traits under both irrigation conditions. The value of the σ²GCA variance was less than the value of the σ²SCA variance for all the studied traits. In addition, the dominance genetic variance (σ2D) was greater than the additive genetic variance (σ2A) in controlling the inheritance of all the studied traits under both irrigation conditions; this reveals that the non-additive gene effects played a significant role in the genetic expression of the studied traits. The two parental genotypes (Puebla and Hispagran) were identified as good combiners for most physiological and biochemical traits, earliness, shortness, grain yield, and 1,000-grains weight traits. Additionally, the cross combinations Puebla × Sakha107, Hispagran × Sakha108, and Giza177 × Sakha107 were the most promising. These results demonstrated the substantial and desirable specific combining ability effects on all the studied traits, which suggested that it could be considered for use in rice hybrid breeding programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is inherently low in protein content, Zn and Fe. Boost yield gains have unwittingly reduced grain Zn and Fe, which has had negative impacts on human health. The aim of this study was to understand the inheritance of grain yield per plant and grain Fe, Zn, and protein concentrations in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under normal and late sown conditions. Half diallel crosses were performed using 10 parents. The crosses and parents were evaluated in replicated trials for the two conditions, to assess the possibility of exploiting heterosis to improve micronutrient contents. The per se performance, heterosis, combining ability, and genetic components were estimated for different characters in both environments. The results revealed that hybrid GW 451 × GW 173 exhibited better parent heterosis (BPH) and standard heterotic effects (SH) in all environments. In both sowing conditions, the general combining ability (GCA) effects of poor × poor parents also showed high specific combining ability (SCA) effects of hybrids for both the micronutrients and protein contents. However, σ2A/σ2D greater than unity confirmed the preponderance of additive gene action for protein content, and GW 173 was identified as a good general combiner for these characteristics under both environments. SCA had positive significant (P < 0.001) correlations with BPH, SH1, SH2, and the phenotype for yield component traits and grain protein, Fe, and Zn concentrations in both conditions. A supplementary approach for biofortifying wheat grainis required to prevent malnutrition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) deficiency has been identified as a major food-related health issue, affecting two billion people globally. Efforts to enhance the Fe and Zn content in food grains through plant breeding are an economic and sustainable solution to combat micronutrient deficiency in resource-poor populace of Asia and Africa. Pearl millet, Cenchrus americanus (L). Morrone, considered as a hardy nutri-cereal, is the major food crop for millions of people of these nations. As an effort to enhance its grain mineral content, an investigation was conducted using line × tester analysis to generate information on the extent of heterosis, gene action, combining ability for grain yield potential, and grain mineral nutrients (Fe and Zn). The partitioning of variance attributable to parents indicated that the lines and testers differed significantly for the traits studied. For most of the attributes, hybrids that were superior to the parents in the desired direction in terms of per se performance were identified. The analysis of combining ability variance indicated the preponderance of both additive and non-additive genetic effects. Thus, reciprocal recurrent selection can be used to develop a population with high-grain Fe and Zn contents. The Fe and Zn content in grain exhibited a highly significant and positive association between them, whereas the Fe and Zn contents individually showed a negative, albeit weak, correlation with grain yield and a moderate positive relation with grain weight. This indicates that mineral nutrient contents in grains can be improved without significant compromise on yield. The consistency of these trends across the environment suggests that these findings could be directly used as guiding principles for the genetic enhancement of Fe and Zn grain content in pearl millet.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study was to determine the nature of gene action and combining ability of six quantitative traits related to productivity of five varieties and ten hybrid combinations of durum wheat. Five modern durum wheat varieties were used in diallel crosses as parents. The study includes three F1 and two F2 generations. The experiments were done in a randomized block design in three replications during three years. Significant differences between the genotypes in both generations was found for all the traits. The general combining ability and specific combining ability showed reliability in both generations. Obtained results suggests that breeding schemes should include both types of genetic effects in order to improve productivity components. The ratio of variances showed that general combining ability has a greater influence on the inheritance of plant height, spike length and thousand kernels weight. For productivity tillering capacity, number of spikelets per spike and kernels weight per spike, specific combining ability has a great impact in inheritance. For thousand kernels weight a redetermination of the genetic formula was established in both generations. Durum wheat varieties Deni, Superdur and Progres were found to be the best general combinators for studied productivity elements. The most valuable cross combinations were Deni × Superdur, Superdur × Predel and Progres × Predel. Parental wheat varieties and progenies from these crosses can be used for improving productivity components and for increasing yields in durum wheat breeding programs.
    Настоящее исследование направлено на определение характера действия генов и комбинационной способности твердой пшеницы по шести количественным признакам для пяти сортов и десяти гибридных комбинаций. В исследование были включены пять современных сортов твердой пшеницы в качестве родителей при диаллельном скрещивании. Изучены три поколения F1 и два поколения F2. Эксперименты выполнены в рандомизированном блочном дизайне в трех повторeниях в течение трех лет. Выявлены достоверные различия между генотипами по всем изучаемым признакам в обоих поколениях. Общая комбинационная способность и специфическая комбинационная способность показали достоверные отличия в обоих поколениях. Полученные результаты позволяют предположить, что селекционная схема должна учитывать оба типа генетических эффектов для улучшения элементов продуктивности. Соотношение дисперсий демонстрирует, что общая комбинационная способность больше влияет на наследуемость признаков «высота растения», «длина колоса» и «масса 1000 зерен». Для признаков «продуктивная кустистость», «число колосков в колосе» и «масса зерен в колосе» большее влияние на наследование оказывает специфическая комбинационная способность. Для массы 1000 зерен в обоих поколениях установлено переопределение генетических формул. Лучшими общими комбинаторами по элементам продуктивности одновременно по нескольким признакам являются сорта Дени, Супердур и Прогрес. Самые ценные комбинации скрещиваний по нескольким признакам – Дени × Супердур, Супердур × Предел и Прогрес × Предел. Эти сорта и комбинации можно использовать для улучшения признаков продуктивности и повышения урожайности в программах селекции твердой пшеницы.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cotton is considered as the main crop in the agricultural sector of Pakistan. Water deficiency in this region in recent years has reduced the chances of high yields of cotton. Selection and creation of high-yielding varieties of cotton, even in water deficit conditions, is one of urgent tasks of today. For this purpose, 40 diverse genotypes of upland cotton were screened in normal and water deficit conditions in triplicate arrangement under split plot in a randomized complete block design. All the genotypes showed significant difference under both water regimes. Ten upland cotton accessions were screened out as water deficit tolerant (VH-144, IUB-212, MNH-886, VH-295, IR-3701, AA-802, NIAB-111, NS-121, FH-113, and FH-142) and five as water deficit sensitive (IR-3, CIM-443, FH-1000, MNH-147, and S-12) based on seed cotton yield and stress susceptibility index. These tolerant and sensitive genotypes were crossed in line × tester mating design. For further evaluation of genetic material, the seed of 50 F1 crosses and their 15 parents were field planted under normal and water deficit conditions during next cotton growing season. Traits related to yield under the study showed significant variations among the accessions and their half sibs. The results of the principal component analysis (PCA) exhibited that total variation exhibited by factors 1 and factor 2 were 55.55 and 41.95%, respectively. PCA transformed the variables into three factors, and only two factors (F1 and F2) had eigenvalue > 1. The degree of dominance revealed that all parameters were highly influenced by non-additive gene action under both water regimes. Furthermore, the line VH-295 and tester CIM-443 had better yield performance under water deficit stress. The cross-combinations, viz., VH-144 × S-12, NIAB-111 × IR-3, and VH-295 × MNH-147, were the best for yield contributing traits. These combinations may be helpful for germplasm enhancement on large scale under water scarcity. All the studied traits have non-additive types of gene action suggesting the usage of these genotypes in cotton hybrid development program against water deficit tolerance.





