Fur Seals

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Immune defenses are crucial for survival but costly to develop and maintain. Increased immune investment is therefore hypothesized to trade-off with other life-history traits. Here, we examined innate and adaptive immune responses to environmental heterogeneity in wild Antarctic fur seals. In a fully crossed, repeated measures design, we sampled 100 pups and their mothers from colonies of contrasting density during seasons of contrasting food availability. Biometric and cortisol data as well as blood for the analysis of 13 immune and oxidative status markers were collected at two key life-history stages. We show that immune responses of pups are more responsive than adults to variation in food availability, but not population density, and are modulated by cortisol and condition. Immune investment is associated with different oxidative status markers in pups and mothers. Our results suggest that early life stages show greater sensitivity to extrinsic and intrinsic effectors, and that immunity may be a strong target for natural selection even in low-pathogen environments such as Antarctica.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inbreeding depression, the loss of offspring fitness due to consanguineous mating, is generally detrimental for individual performance and population viability. We investigated inbreeding effects in a declining population of Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) at Bird Island, South Georgia. Here, localised warming has reduced the availability of the seal\'s staple diet, Antarctic krill, leading to a temporal increase in the strength of selection against inbred offspring, which are increasingly failing to recruit into the adult breeding population. However, it remains unclear whether selection operates before or after nutritional independence at weaning. We therefore used microsatellite data from 885 pups and their mothers, and SNP array data from 98 mother-offspring pairs, to quantify the effects of individual and maternal inbreeding on three important neonatal fitness traits: birth mass, survival and growth. We did not find any clear or consistent effects of offspring or maternal inbreeding on any of these traits. This suggests that selection filters inbred individuals out of the population as juveniles during the time window between weaning and recruitment. Our study brings into focus a poorly understood life-history stage and emphasises the importance of understanding the ecology and threats facing juvenile pinnipeds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In August 2021, two juvenile male Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) stranded in the southeastern Brazilian coast and were referred to rehabilitation centers. The animals presented increased body temperature, prostration, respiratory distress and despite treatment died. A necropsy following a standardized protocol was performed, and formalin-fixed tissues were processed for microscopic examination. Samples were screened for morbillivirus, herpesvirus, and Brucella spp. by molecular analyses (PCR, RT-PCR). Bacteriological culture was performed in samples collected from the lungs, trachea, and lymph nodes of both cases. The main histopathologic findings were of infectious nature, including multifocal necrotizing and fibrinous mixed interstitial pneumonia, bronchiolitis, and bronchitis, with intralesional myriad bacteria associated with vascular fibrinoid necrosis. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated from tracheal and lung swabs of Case 1, and Klebsiella oxytoca was found in nostril swabs, tracheobronchial lymph nodes, and lung of Case 2. Gammaherpesvirus infection was detected in both cases, and the sequences retrieved were classified into the genus Percavirus. All tested samples were PCR-negative for Brucella spp. and morbillivirus. We hypothesize that the deficient immunological status in association with starvation predisposed the reactivation of herpesvirus and secondary bacterial co-infections. To the authors\' knowledge, this is the first molecular detection of herpesvirus in an Antarctic pinniped. These findings reinforce that Otariid gammaherpesvirus circulating in the Southern Hemisphere are likely endemic in the Arctocephalus genus. This report contributes to the current knowledge of health aspects affecting wild pinnipeds, especially in the poorly studied Antarctic species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studying how phylogeny influences the composition and functions of microbiotas within animal hosts is essential for gaining insights into the connection between genetics, ecology, and health in the animal kingdom. However, due to limited comprehensive studies, this influence remains unclear for many wild mammals, including Mexican pinnipeds. We employed 16S rRNA gene deep-sequencing to investigate the impact of phylogeny on the gut microbiota of four pinniped species inhabiting Mexican shores: the Pacific harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardii), the northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris), the California sea lion (Zalophus californianus), and the Guadalupe fur seal (Arctocephalus philippii townsendi). Our results indicated that factors such as diets and shared life histories exerted more influence on microbiota composition than phylogeny alone. Notably, otariid species sharing similar life histories displayed greater microbiota similarity than phocids, which have distinct life histories and fewer microbiota similarities. Furthermore, harbor seals have more microbial similarities with the two otariid species than with elephant seals. Of particular concern, we observed a higher abundance of potentially pathogenic bacteria (e.g., Photobacterium damselae and Clostridium perfringens) in harbor seals and Guadalupe fur seals compared to other pinnipeds. This finding could pose health threats to these species and nearby human populations.IMPORTANCEPinnipeds in Mexico host microbial communities that remain understudied. While several factors can influence microbiota composition, the role of phylogenetic relationships among these pinnipeds remains unclear due to limited knowledge of the microbiota in certain species. This study aimed to fill this gap by characterizing the composition and function of the gut microbiota in the four pinniped species that occur in Mexico. Our analysis reveals that shared diets and life histories contribute to similarities in the composition of gut microbial communities. This study also highlights the potential differences in the metabolic capabilities and adaptations within the gut microbiota of pinnipeds. Understanding how phylogeny impacts microbial communities enhances our insights into the evolutionary dynamics of marine mammals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ecological theory predicts niche partitioning between high-level predators living in sympatry as a mechanism to minimise the selective pressure of competition. Accordingly, male Australian fur seals Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus and New Zealand fur seals A. forsteri that live in sympatry should exhibit partitioning in their broad niches (in habitat and trophic dimensions) in order to coexist. However, at the northern end of their distributions in Australia, both are recolonising their historic range after a long absence due to over-exploitation, and their small population sizes suggest competition should be weak and may allow overlap in niche space. We found some niche overlap, yet clear partitioning in diet trophic level (δ15N values from vibrissae), spatial niche space (horizontal and vertical telemetry data) and circadian activity patterns (timing of dives) between males of each species, suggesting competition may remain an active driver of niche partitioning amongst individuals even in small, peripheral populations. Consistent with individual specialisation theory, broad niches of populations were associated with high levels of individual specialisation for both species, despite putative low competition. Specialists in isotopic space were not necessarily specialists in spatial niche space, further emphasising their diverse individual strategies for niche partitioning. Males of each species displayed distinct foraging modes, with Australian fur seals primarily benthic and New Zealand fur seals primarily epipelagic, though unexpectedly high individual specialisation for New Zealand fur seals might suggest marginal populations provide exceptions to the pattern generally observed amongst other fur seals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dietary habits of seals play a pivotal role in shaping management and administration policies, especially in regions with potential interactions with fisheries. Previous studies have utilized various methods, including traditional approaches, to predict seal diets by retrieving indigestible prey parts, such as calcified structures, from intestines, feces, and stomach contents. Additionally, methods evaluating nitrogen and stable isotopes of carbon have been employed. The metabolomics approach, capable of quantifying small-scale molecules in biofluids, holds promise for specifying dietary exposures and estimating disease risk. This study aimed to assess the diet composition of five seal species-Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus, Lobodon carcinophaga, Ommatophoca rossii, and Arctocephalus tropicalis 1 and 2-by analyzing stomach and colon contents collected from stranded dead seals at various locations. Metabolite concentrations in the seal stomach and colon contents were determined using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Among the colon and stomach contents, 29 known and 8 unknown metabolites were identified. Four metabolites (alanine, fumarate, lactate, and proline) from stomach contents and one metabolite (alanine) from colon contents showed no significant differences between seal species (p>0.05). This suggests that traces of these metabolites in the stomach and colon contents may be produced by the seals\' gut microbiome or derived from other animals, possibly indicating reliance on fish caught at sea. Despite this insight, the cause of death for stranded seals remains unclear. The study highlights the need for specific and reliable biomarkers to precisely indicate dietary exposures across seal populations. Additionally, there is a call for the development of relevant metabolite and disease interaction networks to explore disease-related metabolites in seals. Ultimately, the metabolomic method employed in this study reveals potential metabolites in the stomach and colon contents of these seal species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite decades of research, surprisingly little is known about the mechanism(s) by which an individual\'s genotype is encoded in odour. Many studies have focused on the role of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) owing to its importance for survival and mate choice. However, the salience of MHC-mediated odours compared to chemicals influenced by the rest of the genome remains unclear, especially in wild populations where it is challenging to quantify and control for the effects of the genomic background. We addressed this issue in Antarctic fur seals by analysing skin swabs together with full-length MHC DQB II exon 2 sequences and data from 41 genome-wide distributed microsatellites. We did not find any effects of MHC relatedness on chemical similarity and there was also no relationship between MHC heterozygosity and chemical diversity. However, multilocus heterozygosity showed a significant positive association with chemical diversity, even after controlling for MHC heterozygosity. Our results appear to rule out a dominant role of the MHC in the chemical encoding of genetic information in a wild vertebrate population and highlight the need for genome-wide approaches to elucidate the mechanism(s) and specific genes underlying genotype-odour associations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Otariid gammaherpesvirus 1 (OtGHV1) is associated with high rates of urogenital carcinoma in free-ranging California sea lions (Zalophus californianus; CSL), and until recently was reported only in the Northern Hemisphere. The objective of this study was to survey free-ranging South American sea lions (Otaria byronia; SASL) and South American fur seals (Arctocephalus australis: SAFS) in Punta San Juan, Peru for OtGHV1 and to determine prevalence characteristics. Twenty-one percent (14/67) of urogenital swabs collected over three years (2011, 2014, 2015) from live pinnipeds of both species tested positive with a pan-herpesvirus conventional PCR. Sequencing of SAFS amplicons revealed 100% homology to OtGHV1 at the DNA polymerase, glycoprotein B, and viral bcl2-like genes. Sequencing of SASL amplicons revealed a novel related virus, herein called Otariid gammaherpesvirus 8 (OtGHV8). For comparison of sample sites, urogenital, conjunctival, and oropharyngeal swabs collected from 136 live pinnipeds of both species at Punta San Juan between 2011-2018 were then assayed using quantitative PCR for a segment of the OtGHV1/8 DNA polymerase gene using a qPCR assay now determined to cross-react between the two viruses. In total, across both species, 38.6% (51/132) of urogenital swabs, 5.6% (4/71) of conjunctival swabs, and 1.1% (1/90) of oropharyngeal swabs were positive for OtGHV1/8, with SASL only positive on urogenital swabs. Results from SASL were complicated by the finding of OtGHV8, necessitating further study to determine prevalence of OtGHV1 versus OtGHV8 using an alternate assay. Results from SAFS suggest a potential relationship between OtGHV1 in SAFS and CSL. Though necropsy surveillance in SAFS is very limited, geographic patterns of OtGHV1-associated urogenital carcinoma in CSL and the tendency of herpesviruses to cause more detrimental disease in aberrant hosts suggests that it is possible that SAFS may be the definitive host of OtGHV1, which gives further insight into the diversity and phyogeography of this clade of related gammaherpesviruses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, there has been an increase in infectious diseases in marine mammals, including brucellosis, infections of morbillivirus, herpesvirus, and poxvirus. Several serological diagnostic methods, including enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, immunofluorescence assays (ELISA), and western blotting, have been used to detect antibodies against pathogens in marine mammals. However, options for commercial secondary antibodies used to detect antibodies in marine mammals are limited; therefore, the use of proteins A, G, or chimeric protein AG may provide a suitable alternative. This study aimed to assess the use of proteins A, G, and chimeric protein AG to detect marine mammal immunoglobulins. Currently, there are no comparative studies on the use of proteins A, G, and chimeric protein AG for the detection of immunoglobulins in marine mammals. In this study, we used ten pinnipeds\' species (Baikal seal, California sea lion, harbor seal, northern fur seal, ringed seal, South American fur seal, South American sea lion, spotted seal, Steller sea lion, and walrus) and five cetacean species (beluga whale, bottlenose dolphin, harbor porpoise, killer whale, and Pacific white-sided dolphin) and compare binding ability to proteins A, G, or chimeric protein AG by ELISA. The results revealed that the immunoglobulins from pinniped and cetacean species reacted more strongly to protein A than protein G. In addition, the immunoglobulins of pinnipeds and cetaceans showed a strong binding ability to chimeric protein AG. These results suggest that proteins A, G, and chimeric protein AG would be used to help further develop serological assays.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While the majority of studies have concluded that sleep deprivation causes detrimental effects on various cognitive processes, some studies reported conflicting results. We examined the effects of a 108-h total sleep deprivation (TSD) on working memory in the northern fur seal, an animal with unusual sleep phenomenology and long-range annual migrations. The performance of fur seals was evaluated in a two-choice visual delayed matching to sample (DMTS) task, which is commonly used to evaluate working memory. In baseline conditions, the performance of fur seals in a DMTS task based on the percentage of errors was somewhat comparable with that in nonhuman primates at similar delays. We have determined that a 108-h TSD did not affect fur seals\' performance in a visual DMTS task as measured by overall percentage of errors and response latencies. On the contrary, all fur seals improved task performance over the study, including the baseline, TSD and recovery conditions. In addition, TSD did not change the direction and strength of the pattern of behavioral lateralization in fur seals. We conclude that a 108-h TSD did not interfere with working memory in a DMTS test in northern fur seals.





