Fur Seals

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The northern fur seal (NFS), Callorhinus ursinus (Mammalia: Otariidae), is a marine mammal species included into the IUCN Red List as the vulnerable species which population is dramatically declining. A significant amount of parasitological data collected previously and our recent data allowed us to clarify the list of NFS metazoan parasites and to perform a comprehensive analysis of the gastrointestinal helminth community. Gastrointestinal tracts from 756 NFSs (3- to 4-year-old males) were collected during the annual Aleut subsistence harvests in July-August of 2011-2014 from five separate rookeries on St. Paul Island, Alaska. Totally, 27,625 specimens of helminths and approximately 1000 nasal mites were collected and identified. Detailed analysis of the previously published and newly obtained data revealed 32 species of metazoan parasites, including trematodes (6 species), cestodes (4), nematodes (9), acanthocephalans (9) and arthropods (4). The gastrointestinal helminth community of newly studied NFSs comprised 19 species including trematodes (4), cestodes (3), nematodes (5) and acanthocephalans (7). Temporal changes in the helminth community structure were small but statistically significant. Gastrointestinal helminth infracommunities comprised from 1 to 10 species (average of 4). Small but significant correlation was found between the abundances of acanthocephalans (Corynosoma similis and C. strumosum), nematodes (Contracaecum osculatum, Pseudoterranova spp.) and cestode Diphyllobothrium tetrapterum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oceanic plastic pollution is a growing worldwide environmental concern, endangering numerous marine species. Pinnipeds are particularly susceptible to entanglement, especially in abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gear and packaging straps. We searched three international databases to compile a comprehensive review of all reported pinniped entanglements over the last 40 years, with the aim to identify areas of concern and foci for mitigation. The majority of published records of entanglement emanate from North America and Oceania and are focused on a few populous species (notably, Zalophus californianus and Arctocephalus gazella). Reporting bias, skewed research effort and incomplete understanding of plastic pollution and pinniped abundance overlap, combine to cloud our understanding of the entanglement problem. Broader geographical effort in entanglement data collection, reporting of such data, and improved quantification of the proportions of populations, sexes and ages that are most susceptible, will aid our efforts to pinpoint priority mitigation measures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anomalous colourations occur in many tropical vertebrates. However, they are considered rare in wild populations, with very few records for the majority of animal taxa. We report two new cases of anomalous colouration in mammals. Additionally, we compiled all published cases about anomalous pigmentation registered in Neotropical mammals, throughout a comprehensive review of peer reviewed articles between 1950 and 2010. Every record was classified as albinism, leucism, piebaldism or eventually as undetermined pigmentation. As results, we report the new record of a leucistic specimen of opossum (Didelphis sp.) in southern Brazil, as well as a specimen of South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) with piebaldism in Uruguay. We also found 31 scientific articles resulting in 23 records of albinism, 12 of leucism, 71 of piebaldism and 92 records classified as undetermined pigmentation. Anomalous colouration is apparently rare in small terrestrial mammals, but it is much more common in cetaceans and michrochiropterans. Out of these 198 records, 149 occurred in cetaceans and 30 in bats. The results related to cetaceans suggest that males and females with anomolous pigmentation are reproductively successful and as a consequence their frequencies are becoming higher in natural populations. In bats, this result can be related to the fact these animals orient themselves primarily through echolocation, and their refuges provide protection against light and predation. It is possible that anomalous colouration occurs more frequently in other Neotropical mammal orders, which were not formally reported. Therefore, we encourage researchers to publish these events in order to better understand this phenomenon that has a significant influence on animal survival.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Here we describe the case of a young man who sustained a seal bite to his hand and developed a seal finger. The symptoms of seal finger include pain, swelling, discharge, and in some cases there is joint involvement.(1) The organism isolated from the lesion was identified as a Bisgaardia hudsonensis and we believe this is the first case of a seal bite caused by B. hudsonensis which is a new member of the family Pasteurellaceae and as yet unpublished.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this article is to review knowledge on the hookworm Uncinaria lucasi Stiles, 1901 in northern fur seals, Callorhinus ursinus Linnaeus, 1758. Emphasis is placed on research on this host-parasite system in the Pribilof Islands, AK, USA where the bulk of the studies has been performed.





