Fur Seals

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A species, according to the biological concept, is a natural group of potentially interbreeding individuals isolated by diverse mechanisms. Hybridization is considered the production of offspring resulting from the interbreeding of two genetically distinct taxa. It has been documented in over 10% of wild animals, and at least in 34 cases for Artic marine mammals. In Otariids, intergeneric hybridization has been reported though neither confirming it through genetic analyses nor presenting evidence of fertile offspring. In this study, we report the finding of a hybrid adult female between a South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) and a South American sea lion (Otaria byronia), and its offspring, a male pup, in Uruguay. Further based on morphological constraints and breeding seasons, sex-biased hybridization between the two species is hypothesized. Morphological and genetic (nuclear and mitochondrial) results confirm de hybrid nature of the female-pup pair. Here we discuss a genetic dilution effect, considering other hybridization events must be occurring, and how isolation mechanisms could be circumvented. Moreover, the results obtained from stable isotope analysis suggest feeding habits may be a trait transmitted maternally, leading to consider broader issues regarding hybridization as an evolutionary innovation phenomenon.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Methods of calculating wildlife entanglement rates are not standardised between studies and often ignore the influence of observer effort, confounding comparisons. From 1997-2013 we identified 359 entangled Australian fur seals at Seal Rocks, south-eastern Australia. Most entanglement materials originated from commercial fisheries; most frequently entangling pups and juveniles. Using Generalized Additive Mixed Models, which incorporated observer effort and survey frequency, we identified that entanglements were observed more frequently amongst pups from July to October as they approached weaning. Neither the decline in regional fishing intensity nor changing seal population size influenced the incidence of entanglements. Using the models, we estimated that 302 (95% CI=182-510) entangled seals were at Seal Rocks each year, equivalent to 1.0% (CI=0.6-1.7%) of the site population. This study highlights the influence of observer effort and the value of long-term datasets for determining the drivers of marine debris entanglements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The feeding success of predators is associated with the competition level for resources, and, thus, sympatric species are exposed to a potential trophic overlap. Isotopic Bayesian mixing models should provide a better understanding of the contribution of preys to the diet of predators and the feeding behavior of a species over time.
    METHODS: The carbon and nitrogen isotopic signatures from pup hair samples of 93 Galapagos sea lions and 48 Galapagos fur seals collected between 2003 and 2009 in different regions (east and west) of the archipelago were analyzed. A PDZ Europa ANCA-GSL elemental analyzer interfaced with a PDZ Europa 20-20 continuous flow gas source mass spectrometer was employed. Bayesian models, SIAR and SIBER, were used to estimate the contribution of prey to the diet of predators, the niche breadth, and the trophic overlap level between the populations.
    RESULTS: Statistical differences in the isotopic values of both predators were observed over the time. The mixing model determined that Galapagos fur seals had a primarily teutophagous diet, whereas the Galapagos sea lions fed exclusively on fish in both regions of the archipelago. The SIBER analysis showed differences in the trophic niche between the two sea lion populations, with the western rookery of the Galapagos sea lion being the population with the largest trophic niche area.
    CONCLUSIONS: A trophic niche partitioning between Galapagos fur seals and Galapagos sea lions in the west of the archipelago is suggested by our results. At intraspecific level, the western population of the Galapagos sea lion (ZwW) showed higher trophic breadth than the eastern population, a strategy adopted by the ZwW to decrease the interspecific competition levels in the western region.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 20-yr-old African fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus) presented with a slowly growing mass located on the dorsum at the level of the last thoracic vertebrae. The mass was hard, 10 cm in diameter, and not adherent to the underlying tissues. Multiple biopsies were collected for histopathology and revealed extensive areas of necrosis, small nodules of malignant mesenchymal proliferation with areas of chondroid metaplasia, and atypical cells in vessel walls. The morphologic diagnosis was suggestive of malignant mesenchymal neoplasia originating from the vascular wall. The mass was removed 1 mo later due to ulceration and infection. Histologically, based on the World Health Organization\'s classification of neoplastic processes in domestic animals, the tumor was consistent with malignant mesenchymoma. The margins of resection revealed the presence of neoplastic cells. Based on these results, the particular species involved, the high local invasiveness, and the high metastatic index of this malignant tumor in domestic mammals and humans, the prognosis was poor. The animal died 6 mo later with metatastic disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are increasingly being recognized as powerful molecular markers, their application to non-model organisms can bring significant challenges. Among these are imperfect conversion rates of assays designed from in silico resources and the enhanced potential for genotyping error relative to pre-validated, highly optimized human SNPs. To explore these issues, we used Illumina\'s GoldenGate assay to genotype 480 Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella) individuals at 144 putative SNPs derived from a 454 transcriptome assembly. One hundred and thirty-five polymorphic SNPs (93.8%) were automatically validated by the program GenomeStudio, and the initial genotyping error rate, estimated from nine replicate samples, was 0.004 per reaction. However, an almost tenfold further reduction in the error rate was achieved by excluding 31 loci (21.5%) that exhibited unclear clustering patterns, manually editing clusters to allow rescoring of ambiguous or incorrect genotypes, and excluding 18 samples (3.8%) with unreliable genotypes. After stringent quality filtering, we also found a counter-intuitive negative relationship between in silico minor allele frequency and the conversion rate, suggesting that some of our assays may have been designed from paralogous loci. Nevertheless, we obtained over 45 000 individual SNP genotypes with a final error rate of 0.0005, indicating that the GoldenGate assay is eminently capable of generating large, high-quality data sets for non-model organisms. This has positive implications for future studies of the evolutionary, behavioural and conservation genetics of natural populations.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Here we describe the case of a young man who sustained a seal bite to his hand and developed a seal finger. The symptoms of seal finger include pain, swelling, discharge, and in some cases there is joint involvement.(1) The organism isolated from the lesion was identified as a Bisgaardia hudsonensis and we believe this is the first case of a seal bite caused by B. hudsonensis which is a new member of the family Pasteurellaceae and as yet unpublished.





