Fixation, Ocular

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Eye tracking technology not only reveals the acquisition of visual information at fixation but also has the potential to unveil underlying cognitive processes involved in learning to use a multifunction prosthetic hand. It also reveals gaze behaviours observed during standardized tasks and self-chosen tasks. The aim of the study was to explore the use of eye tracking to track learning progress of multifunction hands at two different time points in prosthetic rehabilitation.
    METHODS: Three amputees received control training of a multifunction hand with new control strategy. Detailed description of control training was collected first. They wore Tobii Pro2 eye-tracking glasses and performed a set of standardized tasks (required to switch to different grips for each task) after one day of training and at one-year-follow-up (missing data for Subject 3 at the follow up due to socket problem). They also performed a self-chosen task (free to use any grip for any object) and were instructed to perform the task in a way how they would normally do at home. The gaze-overlaid videos were analysed using the Tobii Pro Lab and the following metrics were extracted: fixation duration, saccade amplitude, eye-hand latency, fixation count and time to first fixation.
    RESULTS: During control training, the subjects learned 3 to 4 grips. Some grips were easier, and others were more difficult because they forgot or were confused with the switching strategies. At the one-year-follow-up, a decrease in performance time, fixation duration, eye-hand latency, and fixation count was observed in Subject 1 and 2, indicating an improvement in the ability to control the multifunction hand and a reduction of cognitive load. An increase in saccade amplitude was observed in both subjects, suggesting a decrease in difficulty to control the prosthetic hand. During the standardized tasks, the first fixation of all three subjects were on the multifunction hand in all objects. During the self-chosen tasks, the first fixations were mostly on the objects first.
    CONCLUSIONS: The qualitative data from control training and the quantitative eye tracking data from clinical standardized tasks provided a rich exploration of cognitive processing in learning to control a multifunction hand. Many prosthesis users prefer multifunction hands and with this study we have demonstrated that a targeted prosthetic training protocol with reliable assessment methods will help to lay the foundation for measuring functional benefits of multifunction hands.






  • 文章类型: Dataset
    3D-ARM-Gaze is a public dataset designed to provide natural arm movements together with visual and gaze information when reaching objects in a wide reachable space from a precisely controlled, comfortably seated posture. Participants were involved in picking and placing objects in various positions and orientations in a virtual environment, whereby a specific procedure maximized the workspace explored while ensuring a consistent seated posture by guiding participants to a predetermined neutral posture via visual feedback from the trunk and shoulders. These experimental settings enabled to capture natural arm movements with high median success rates (>98% objects reached) and minimal compensatory movements. The dataset regroups more than 2.5 million samples recorded from 20 healthy participants performing 14 000 single pick-and-place movements (700 per participant). While initially designed to explore novel prosthesis control strategies based on natural eye-hand and arm coordination, this dataset will also be useful to researchers interested in core sensorimotor control, humanoid robotics, human-robot interactions, as well as for the development and testing of associated solutions in gaze-guided computer vision.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The impact of global population aging on older adults\' health and emotional well-being is examined in this study, emphasizing innovative technological solutions to address their diverse needs. Changes in physical and mental functions due to aging, along with emotional challenges that necessitate attention, are highlighted. Gaze estimation and interactive art are utilized to develop an interactive system tailored for elderly users, where interaction is simplified through eye movements to reduce technological barriers and provide a soothing art experience. By employing multi-sensory stimulation, the system aims to evoke positive emotions and facilitate meaningful activities, promoting active aging. Named \"Natural Rhythm through Eyes\", it allows for users to interact with nature-themed environments via eye movements. User feedback via questionnaires and expert interviews was collected during public demonstrations in elderly settings to validate the system\'s effectiveness in providing usability, pleasure, and interactive experience for the elderly. Key findings include the following: (1) Enhanced usability of the gaze estimation interface for elderly users. (2) Increased enjoyment and engagement through nature-themed interactive art. (3) Positive influence on active aging through the integration of gaze estimation and interactive art. These findings underscore technology\'s potential to enhance well-being and quality of life for older adults navigating aging challenges.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adaptation to flickering/dynamic noise improves visual acuity for briefly presented stimuli (Arnold et al., 2016). Here, we investigate whether such adaptation operates directly on our ability to see detail or by changing fixational eye movements and pupil size or by reducing visual crowding. Following earlier work, visual acuity was measured in observers who were either unadapted or who had adapted to a 60-Hz flickering noise pattern. Participants reported the orientation of a white tumbling-T target (four-alternative forced choice [4AFC], ⊤⊣⊥⊢). The target was presented for 110 ms either in isolation or flanked by randomly oriented T\'s (e.g., ⊣⊤⊢) followed by an isolated (+) or flanked (+++) mask, respectively. We measured fixation stability (using an infrared eye tracker) while observers performed the task (with and without adaptation). Visual acuity improved modestly (around 8.4%) for flanked optotypes following adaptation to flicker (mean, -0.038 ± 0.063 logMAR; p = 0.015; BF10 = 3.66) but did not when measured with isolated letters (mean, -0.008 ± 0.055 logMAR; p = 0.5; BF10 = 0.29). The magnitude of acuity improvement was associated with individuals\' (unadapted) susceptibility to crowding (the ratio of crowded to uncrowded acuity; r = -0.58, p = 0.008, BF10 = 7.70) but to neither fixation stability nor pupil size. Confirming previous reports, flicker improved acuity for briefly presented stimuli, but we show that this was only the case for crowded letters. These improvements likely arise from attenuation of sensitivity to a transient low spatial frequency (SF) image structure (Arnold et al., 2016; Tagoh et al., 2022), which may, for example, reduce masking of high SFs by low SFs. We also suggest that this attenuation could reduce backward masking and so reduce foveal crowding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tests to detect mild cognitive impairment (MCI) should have high sensitivity and accuracy. Previously, we reported on a cognitive composition test (CCT) that we developed to detect MCI. In this study, we compared gaze behavior parameters, namely, gaze fixation duration and gaze-shift frequency, during the CCT in participants with MCI and healthy controls (HC) to determine whether these parameters would accurately detect MCI in older adults. Participants performed CCT-A, -B, and -C tasks with varying difficulty levels while wearing eye-tracking devices. Performance time, gaze fixation duration, and gaze-shift frequency were analyzed. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was performed to assess the identification accuracy. The MCI group was significantly slower in completing the CCT-C task and had a higher gaze-shift frequency into both the sample object space and workspace than the HC group. Gaze fixation duration in the sample object space increased in the MCI group as the CCT became difficult. Our findings indicated that combining the CCT with performance time and gaze pattern improved the accuracy of distinguishing between individuals with and without MCI and that patients with MCI have abnormal gaze behavior during cognitive tasks. Therefore, evaluation of gaze parameters may improve the accuracy of identifying patients with MCI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eye tracking technology is a high-potential tool for different mathematic cognition research areas. Moreover, there is a dire need for more studies that provide detailed information on the quality of registered eye data. This study aimed to illustrate the applicability of eye tracking in the examination of mathematical cognition, focusing specifically on primary school students completing a computerized mental arithmetic task. Results suggested that the eye tracking device effectively captured high-quality eye movement data when primary school children engaged in this specific task. Furthermore, significant negative correlations have been found between task performance and number of eye fixations. Finally, eye movements distinctions between \"Areas of Interest\" have been found, indicating different visual tracking associated with different components of arithmetic calculations. This study underscores the extensive possibilities for future research employing eye tracking devices during computerized calculation tasks as assessment tools to explore the complex visual and cognitive processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND:  Assessment of nystagmus fixation suppression can be used as an additional diagnostic tool for patients with an acute vestibular syndrome to distinguish between a central or peripheral cause. We investigated the ability of physicians to detect fixation suppression using a nystagmus simulation model.
    METHODS:  We used a nystagmus simulator to measure the accuracy of the nystagmus fixation suppression test. Fixation suppression was assessed randomly in 6170 trials by 20 otorhinolaryngologists and neurologists, segregated into 2 groups based on their neurootological experience, a beginner and an experienced group. The simulator presented random nystagmus slow velocity (SPV) reductions and presented 3 conditions with either changed nystagmus frequency, amplitude, or both.
    RESULTS:  The cutoff for the discernment of fixation suppression ranged from 1.2 to 14°/s nystagmus velocity difference. The more intense the baseline nystagmus was, the more difficult was the detection of fixation suppression. There was not significant difference (P >.05) in the cutoff values in the experts group compared to the novices for all 3 different conditions. Both, novices and experts, detected frequency changes easier than differences of the nystagmus amplitude. Test sensitivity was very low (19%-65%) for discernment of small nystagmus velocity differences of <2°/s by experts.
    CONCLUSIONS:  In our study, there was no difference between experts and novices in detection of nystagmus suppression by visual fixation. The examiners could only detect large suppression effects at low-intensity baseline nystagmus. Overall, the sensitivity and accuracy of a clinical fixation suppression test is low and the assistance with a video-oculography device is highly recommended.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pupillary contagion occurs when one\'s pupil size unconsciously adapts to the pupil size of an observed individual and is presumed to reflect the transfer of arousal. Importantly, when estimating pupil contagion, low level stimuli properties need to be controlled for, to ensure that observations of pupillary changes are due to internal change in arousal rather than the external differences between stimuli. Here, naturalistic images of children\'s faces depicting either small or large pupils were presented to a group of children and adolescents with a wide range of autistic traits, a third of whom had been diagnosed with autism. We examined the extent to which pupillary contagion reflects autonomic nervous system reaction through pupil size change, heart rate and skin conductance response. Our second aim was to determine the association between arousal reaction to stimuli and degree of autistic traits. Results show that pupil contagion and concomitant heart rate change, but not skin conductance change, was evident when gaze was restricted to the eye region of face stimuli. A positive association was also observed between pupillary contagion and autistic traits when participants\' gaze was constrained to the eye region. Findings add to a broader understanding of the mechanisms underlying pupillary contagion and its association with autism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of globe and optic nerve (ON) morphologies and tissue stiffnesses on gaze-induced optic nerve head deformations using parametric finite element modeling and a design of experiment (DOE) approach.
    UNASSIGNED: A custom software was developed to generate finite element models of the eye using 10 morphological parameters: dural radius, scleral, choroidal, retinal, pial and peripapillary border tissue thicknesses, prelaminar tissue depth, lamina cribrosa (LC) depth, ON radius, and ON tortuosity. A central composite face-centered design (1045 models) was used to predict the effects of each morphological factor and their interactions on LC strains induced by 13 degrees of adduction. Subsequently, a further DOE analysis (1045 models) was conducted to study the effects and potential interactions between the top five morphological parameters identified from the initial DOE study and five critical tissue stiffnesses.
    UNASSIGNED: In the DOE analysis of 10 morphological parameters, the 5 most significant factors were ON tortuosity, dural radius, ON radius, scleral thickness, and LC depth. Further DOE analysis incorporating biomechanical parameters highlighted the importance of dural and LC stiffness. A larger dural radius and stiffer dura increased LC strains but the other main factors had the opposite effects. Notably, the significant interactions were found between dural radius with dural stiffness, ON radius, and ON tortuosity.
    UNASSIGNED: This study highlights the significant impact of morphological factors on LC deformations during eye movements, with key morphological effects being more pronounced than tissue stiffnesses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated whether distractor inhibition occurs relative to the target or fixation in a perceptual decision-making task using a purely saccadic response. Previous research has shown that during the process of discriminating a target from distractor, saccades made to a target deviate towards the distractor. Once discriminated, the distractor is inhibited, and trajectories deviate away from the distractor. Saccade deviation magnitudes provide a sensitive measure of target-distractor competition dependent on the distance between them. While saccades are planned in an egocentric reference frame (locations represented relative to fixation), object-based inhibition has been shown to occur in an allocentric reference frame (objects represented relative to each other independent of fixation). By varying the egocentric and allocentric distances of the target and distractor, we found that only egocentric distances contributed to saccade trajectories shifts towards the distractor during active decision-making. When the perceptual decision-making process was complete, and the distractor was inhibited, both ego- and allocentric distances independently contributed to saccade trajectory shifts away from the distractor. This is consistent with independent spatial and object-based inhibitory mechanisms. Therefore, we suggest that distractor inhibition is maintained in cortical visual areas with allocentric maps which then feeds into oculomotor areas for saccade planning.





