Enzyme Catalysis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During gliotoxin biosynthesis in fungi, the cytochrome P450 GliF enzyme catalyzes an unusual C-N ring-closure step while also an aromatic ring is hydroxylated in the same reaction cycle, which may have relevance to drug synthesis reactions in biotechnology. However, as the details of the reaction mechanism are still controversial, no applications have been developed yet. To resolve the mechanism of gliotoxin biosynthesis and gain insight into the steps leading to ring-closure, we ran a combination of molecular dynamics and density functional theory calculations on the structure and reactivity of P450 GliF and tested a range of possible reaction mechanisms, pathways and models. The calculations show that, rather than hydrogen atom transfer from the substrate to Compound I, an initial proton transfer transition state is followed by a fast electron transfer en route to the radical intermediate, and hence a non-synchronous hydrogen atom abstraction takes place. The radical intermediate then reacts by OH rebound to the aromatic ring to form a biradical in the substrate that, through ring-closure between the radical centers, gives gliotoxin products. Interestingly, the structure and energetics of the reaction mechanisms appear little affected by the addition of polar groups to the model and hence we predict that the reaction can be catalyzed by other P450 isozymes that also bind the same substrate. Alternative pathways, such as a pathway starting with an electrophilic attack on the arene to form an epoxide, are high in energy and are ruled out.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glycosylation is a predominant strategy plants use to fine-tune the properties of small molecule metabolites to affect their bioactivity, transport, and storage. It is also important in biotechnology and medicine as many glycosides are utilized in human health. Small molecule glycosylation is largely carried out by family 1 glycosyltransferases. Here, we report a structural and biochemical investigation of UGT95A1, a family 1 GT enzyme from Pilosella officinarum that exhibits a strong, unusual regiospecificity for the 3\'-O position of flavonoid acceptor substrate luteolin. We obtained an apo crystal structure to help drive the analyses of a series of binding site mutants, revealing that while most residues are tolerant to mutations, key residues M145 and D464 are important for overall glycosylation activity. Interestingly, E347 is crucial for maintaining the strong preference for 3\'-O glycosylation, while R462 can be mutated to increase regioselectivity. The structural determinants of regioselectivity were further confirmed in homologous enzymes. Our study also suggests that the enzyme contains large, highly dynamic, disordered regions. We showed that while most disordered regions of the protein have little to no implication in catalysis, the disordered regions conserved among investigated homologs are important to both the overall efficiency and regiospecificity of the enzyme. This report represents a comprehensive in-depth analysis of a family 1 GT enzyme with a unique substrate regiospecificity and may provide a basis for enzyme functional prediction and engineering.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Manganese peroxidases (MnPs) are, together with lignin peroxidases and versatile peroxidases, key elements of the enzymatic machineries secreted by white-rot fungi to degrade lignin, thus providing access to cellulose and hemicellulose in plant cell walls. A recent genomic analysis of 52 Agaricomycetes species revealed the existence of novel MnP subfamilies differing in the amino-acid residues that constitute the manganese oxidation site. Following this in silico analysis, a comprehensive structure-function study is needed to understand how these enzymes work and contribute to transform the lignin macromolecule.
    RESULTS: Two MnPs belonging to the subfamilies recently classified as MnP-DGD and MnP-ESD-referred to as Ape-MnP1 and Cst-MnP1, respectively-were identified as the primary peroxidases secreted by the Agaricales species Agrocybe pediades and Cyathus striatus when growing on lignocellulosic substrates. Following heterologous expression and in vitro activation, their biochemical characterization confirmed that these enzymes are active MnPs. However, crystal structure and mutagenesis studies revealed manganese coordination spheres different from those expected after their initial classification. Specifically, a glutamine residue (Gln333) in the C-terminal tail of Ape-MnP1 was found to be involved in manganese binding, along with Asp35 and Asp177, while Cst-MnP1 counts only two amino acids (Glu36 and Asp176), instead of three, to function as a MnP. These findings led to the renaming of these subfamilies as MnP-DDQ and MnP-ED and to re-evaluate their evolutionary origin. Both enzymes were also able to directly oxidize lignin-derived phenolic compounds, as seen for other short MnPs. Importantly, size-exclusion chromatography analyses showed that both enzymes cause changes in polymeric lignin in the presence of manganese, suggesting their relevance in lignocellulose transformation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Understanding the mechanisms used by basidiomycetes to degrade lignin is of particular relevance to comprehend carbon cycle in nature and to design biotechnological tools for the industrial use of plant biomass. Here, we provide the first structure-function characterization of two novel MnP subfamilies present in Agaricales mushrooms, elucidating the main residues involved in catalysis and demonstrating their ability to modify the lignin macromolecule.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacterial microcompartments are prokaryotic organelles comprising encapsulated enzymes within a thin protein shell. They facilitate metabolic processing including propanediol, choline, glycerol, and ethanolamine utilization, and they accelerate carbon fixation in cyanobacteria. Enzymes targeted to the inside of the microcompartment frequently possess a cargo-encapsulation peptide, but the site to which the peptide binds is unclear. We provide evidence that the encapsulation peptides bind to the hydrophobic groove formed between tessellating subunits of the shell proteins. In silico docking studies provide a compelling model of peptide binding to this prominent hydrophobic groove. This result is consistent with the now widely accepted view that the convex side of the shell oligomers faces the lumen of the microcompartment. The binding of the encapsulation peptide to the groove between tessellating shell protein tiles explains why it has been difficult to define the peptide binding site using other methods, provides a mechanism by which encapsulation-peptide bearing enzymes can promote shell assembly, and explains how the presence of cargo affects the size and shape of the bacterial microcompartment. This knowledge may be exploited in engineering microcompartments or disease prevention by hampering cargo encapsulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Chiral furfuryl alcohols are important precursors for the synthesis of valuable functionalized pyranones such as the rare sugar L-rednose. However, the synthesis of enantiopure chiral biobased furfuryl alcohols remains scarce. In this work, we present a chemoenzymatic route toward enantiopure nitrogen-containing (R)- and (S)-3-acetamido-5-(1-hydroxylethyl)furan (3A5HEF) from chitin-derived N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (NAG).
    RESULTS: 3-Acetamido-5-acetylfuran (3A5AF) was obtained from NAG via ionic liquid/boric acid-catalyzed dehydration, in an isolated yield of approximately 31%. Carbonyl reductases from Streptomyces coelicolor (ScCR) and Bacillus sp. ECU0013 (YueD) were found to be good catalysts for asymmetric reduction of 3A5AF. Enantiocomplementary synthesis of (R)- and (S)-3A5HEF was implemented with the yields of up to  >  99% and the enantiomeric excess (ee) values of  >  99%. Besides, biocatalytic synthesis of (R)-3A5HEF was demonstrated on a preparative scale, with an isolated yield of 65%.
    CONCLUSIONS: A two-step process toward the chiral furfuryl alcohol was successfully developed by integrating chemical catalysis with enzyme catalysis, with excellent enantioselectivities. This work demonstrates the power of the combination of chemo- and biocatalysis for selective valorization of biobased furans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many enzymes can self-assemble into higher-order structures with helical symmetry. A particularly noteworthy example is that of nitrilases, enzymes in which oligomerization of dimers into spiral homo-oligomers is a requirement for their enzymatic function. Nitrilases are widespread in nature where they catalyze the hydrolysis of nitriles into the corresponding carboxylic acid and ammonia. Here, we present the Cryo-EM structure, at 3 Å resolution, of a C-terminal truncate nitrilase from Rhodococcus sp. V51B that assembles in helical filaments. The model comprises a complete turn of the helical arrangement with a substrate-intermediate bound to the catalytic cysteine. The structure was solved having added the substrate to the protein. The length and stability of filaments was made more substantial in the presence of the aromatic substrate, benzonitrile, but not for aliphatic nitriles or dinitriles. The overall structure maintains the topology of the nitrilase family, and the filament is formed by the association of dimers in a chain-like mechanism that stabilizes the spiral. The active site is completely buried inside each monomer, while the substrate binding pocket was observed within the oligomerization interfaces. The present structure is in a closed configuration, judging by the position of the lid, suggesting that the intermediate is one of the covalent adducts. The proximity of the active site to the dimerization and oligomerization interfaces, allows the dimer to sense structural changes once the benzonitrile was bound, and translated to the rest of the filament, stabilizing the helical structure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Histidine residues 44 and 48 in yeast alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) bind to the coenzymes NAD(H) and contribute to catalysis. The individual H44R and H48Q substitutions alter the kinetics and pH dependencies, and now the roles of other ionizable groups in the enzyme were studied in the doubly substituted H44R/H48Q ADH. The substitutions make the enzyme more resistant to inactivation by diethyl pyrocarbonate, modestly improve affinity for coenzymes, and substantially decrease catalytic efficiencies for ethanol oxidation and acetaldehyde reduction. The pH dependencies for several kinetic parameters are shifted from pK values for wild-type ADH of 7.3-8.1 to values for H44R/H48Q ADH of 8.0-9.6, and are assigned to the water or alcohol bound to the catalytic zinc. It appears that the rate of binding of NAD+ is electrostatically favored with zinc-hydroxide whereas binding of NADH is faster with neutral zinc-water. The pH dependencies of catalytic efficiencies (V/EtKm) for ethanol oxidation and acetaldehyde reduction are similarly controlled by deprotonation and protonation, respectively. The substitutions make an enzyme that resembles the homologous horse liver H51Q ADH, which has Arg-47 and Gln-51 and exhibits similar pK values. In the wild-type ADHs, it appears that His-48 (or His-51) in the proton relay systems linked to the catalytic zinc ligands modulate catalytic efficiencies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent greenhouse and ozone-reactive gas for which emissions are growing rapidly due to increasingly intensive agriculture. Synthetic catalysts for N2O decomposition typically contain precious metals and/or operate at elevated temperatures driving a desire for more sustainable alternatives. Here we demonstrate self-assembly of liposomal microreactors enabling catalytic reduction of N2O to the climate neutral product N2. Photoexcitation of graphitic N-doped carbon dots delivers electrons to encapsulated N2O Reductase enzymes via a lipid-soluble biomolecular wire provided by the MtrCAB protein complex. Within the microreactor, electron transfer from MtrCAB to N2O Reductase is facilitated by the general redox mediator methyl viologen. The liposomal microreactors use only earth-abundant elements to catalyze N2O removal in ambient, aqueous conditions.
    Self‐assembled liposome microreactors mimic the spatial separation of redox reactions seen in respiration and photosynthesis. Catalytic reduction of the climate heating gas N2O to benign N2 by encapsulated enzyme is driven by irradiation of external carbon dots through an electron transfer pathway defined by a membrane‐spanning cytochrome and redox‐cycling of internal methyl viologen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pigments such as anthraquinones (AQs) and melanins are antioxidants, protectants, or virulence factors. AQs from the entomopathogenic bacterium Photorhabdus laumondii are produced by a modular type II polyketide synthase system. A key enzyme involved in AQ biosynthesis is PlAntI, which catalyzes the hydrolysis of the bicyclic-intermediate-loaded acyl carrier protein, polyketide trimming, and assembly of the aromatic AQ scaffold. Here, multiple crystal structures of PlAntI in various conformations and with bound substrate surrogates or inhibitors are reported. Structure-based mutagenesis and activity assays provide experimental insights into the three sequential reaction steps to yield the natural product AQ-256. For comparison, a series of ligand-complex structures of two functionally related hydrolases involved in the biosynthesis of 1,8-dihydroxynaphthalene-melanin in pathogenic fungi is determined. These data provide fundamental insights into the mechanism of polyketide trimming that shapes pigments in pro- and eukaryotes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thiram is a toxic fungicide extensively used for the management of pathogens in fruits. Although it is known that thiram degrades in plant tissues, the key enzymes involved in this process remain unexplored. In this study, we report that a tau class glutathione S-transferase (GST) from Carica papaya can degrade thiram. This enzyme was easily obtained by heterologous expression in Escherichia coli, showed low promiscuity toward other thiuram disulfides, and catalyzed thiram degradation under physiological reaction conditions. Site-directed mutagenesis indicated that G-site residue S67 shows a key influence for the enzymatic activity toward thiram, while mutation of residue S13, which reduced the GSH oxidase activity, did not significantly affect the thiram-degrading activity. The formation of dimethyl dithiocarbamate, which was subsequently converted into carbon disulfide, and dimethyl dithiocarbamoylsulfenic acid as the thiram degradation products suggested that thiram undergoes an alkaline hydrolysis that involves the rupture of the disulfide bond. Application of the GST selective inhibitor 4-chloro-7-nitro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazole reduced papaya peel thiram-degrading activity by 95%, indicating that this is the main degradation route of thiram in papaya. GST from Carica papaya also catalyzed the degradation of the fungicides chlorothalonil and thiabendazole, with residue S67 showing again a key influence for the enzymatic activity. These results fill an important knowledge gap in understanding the catalytic promiscuity of plant GSTs and reveal new insights into the fate and degradation products of thiram in fruits.





