
EF - 手
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Two-pore K+ (TPK) channels are voltage-independent and involved in stress response in plants. Herein, we identified 12 TaTPK genes located on nine chromosomes in the Triticum aestivum genome. The majority of TaTPK genes comprised two exons. Each TaTPK channel comprised four transmembrane (TM) helices, N- and C-terminal ion-channel domains, two EF-hand domains and one 14-3-3 binding site. Additionally, highly conserved \'GYGD\' motif responsible for K+ ion specificity, was found in between the TMs in both the ion-channel domains. Nine TaTPK channels were predicted to be localised at the plasma membrane, while three were vacuolar. The protein-protein and protein-chemical interactions indicated the coordinated functioning of the TaTPK channels with the other K+ transporters and their possible interaction with the Ca2+-signaling pathway. Expression studies suggested their importance in both vegetative and reproductive tissues development. Significantly modulated expression of various TaTPK genes during heat, drought, combined heat and drought and salt stresses, and after fungal infestation, depicted their function in stress responses. The miRNAs and transcription factors interaction analyses suggested their role in the hormone, light, growth and development-related, and stress-responsive signaling cascades. The current study suggested vital functions of various TaTPK genes, especially in stress response, and would provide an opportunity for their detailed characterization in future studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Salivary proteins from mosquitoes have received significant attention lately due to their potential to develop therapeutic treatments or vaccines for mosquito-borne diseases. Here, we report the characterization of LTRIN (lymphotoxin beta receptor inhibitor), a salivary protein known to enhance the pathogenicity of ZIKV by interrupting the LTβR-initiated NF-κB signaling pathway and, therefore, diminish the immune responses. We demonstrated that the truncated C-terminal LTRIN (ΔLTRIN) is a dimeric protein with a stable alpha helix-dominant secondary structure, which possibly aids in withstanding the temperature fluctuations during blood-feeding events. ΔLTRIN possesses two Ca2+ binding EF-hand domains, with the second EF-hand motif playing a more significant role in interacting with LTβR. Additionally, we mapped the primary binding regions of ΔLTRIN on LTβR using hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) and identified that 91QEKAHIAEHMDVPIDTSKMSEQELQFHY118 from the N-terminal of ΔLTRIN is the major interacting region. Together, our studies provide insight into the recognition of LTRIN by LTβR. This finding may aid in a future therapeutic and transmission-blocking vaccine development against ZIKV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In pathogenic fungi, calcium-calmodulin-dependent serine-threonine-specific phosphatase calcineurin is involved in morphogenesis and virulence. Therefore, calcineurin and its tightly related protein complexes are attractive antifungal drug targets. However, there is limited knowledge available on the relationship between in vivo Ca2+-binding sites of calmodulin (CaM) and its functions in regulating stress responses, morphogenesis, and pathogenesis. In the current study, we demonstrated that calmodulin is required for hyphal growth, conidiation, and virulence in the human fungal pathogen, Aspergillus fumigatus. Site-directed mutations of calmodulin revealed that a single Ca2+-binding site mutation had no significant effect on A. fumigatus hyphal development, but multiple Ca2+-binding site mutations exhibited synergistic effects, especially when cultured at 42 °C, indicating that calmodulin function in response to temperature stress depends on its Ca2+-binding sites. Western blotting implied that mutations in Ca2+-binding sites caused highly degraded calmodulin fragments, suggesting that the loss of Ca2+-binding sites results in reduced protein stability. Moreover, normal intracellular calcium homeostasis and the nuclear translocation of the transcriptional factor CrzA are dependent on Ca2+-binding sites of AfCaM, demonstrating that Ca2+-binding sites of calmodulin are required for calcium signalling and its major transcription factor CrzA. Importantly, in situ mutations for four Ca2+-binding sites of calmodulin resulted in an almost complete loss of virulence in the Galleria mellonella wax moth model. This study shed more light on the functional characterization of putative calcium-binding sites of calmodulin in the morphogenesis and virulence of A. fumigatus, which enhances our understanding of calmodulin biological functions in cells of opportunistic fungal pathogens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MIRO (mitochondrial Rho GTPase) consists of two GTPase domains flanking two Ca2+-binding EF-hand domains. A C-terminal transmembrane helix anchors MIRO to the outer mitochondrial membrane, where it functions as a general adaptor for the recruitment of cytoskeletal proteins that control mitochondrial dynamics. One protein recruited by MIRO is TRAK (trafficking kinesin-binding protein), which in turn recruits the microtubule-based motors kinesin-1 and dynein-dynactin. The mechanism by which MIRO interacts with TRAK is not well understood. Here, we map and quantitatively characterize the interaction of human MIRO1 and TRAK1 and test its potential regulation by Ca2+ and/or GTP binding. TRAK1 binds MIRO1 with low micromolar affinity. The interaction was mapped to a fragment comprising MIRO1\'s EF-hands and C-terminal GTPase domain and to a conserved sequence motif within TRAK1 residues 394 to 431, immediately C-terminal to the Spindly motif. This sequence is sufficient for MIRO1 binding in vitro and is necessary for MIRO1-dependent localization of TRAK1 to mitochondria in cells. MIRO1\'s EF-hands bind Ca2+ with dissociation constants (KD) of 3.9 μM and 300 nM. This suggests that under cellular conditions one EF-hand may be constitutively bound to Ca2+ whereas the other EF-hand binds Ca2+ in a regulated manner, depending on its local concentration. Yet, the MIRO1-TRAK1 interaction is independent of Ca2+ binding to the EF-hands and of the nucleotide state (GDP or GTP) of the C-terminal GTPase. The interaction is also independent of TRAK1 dimerization, such that a TRAK1 dimer can be expected to bind two MIRO1 molecules on the mitochondrial surface.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs) are widely used in organ transplantation to suppress immunity and prevent allograft rejection. However, some transplant patients receiving CNIs have hypocitraturia, hyperoxaluria and kidney stone with unclear mechanism. We hypothesized that CNIs suppress activities of urinary calcineurin, which may serve as the stone inhibitor. This study aimed to investigate effects of calcineurin B (CNB) on calcium oxalate monohydrate (COM) stone formation. Sequence and structural analyses revealed that CNB contained four EF-hand (Ca2+-binding) domains, which are known to regulate Ca2+ homeostasis and likely to affect COM crystals. Various crystal assays revealed that CNB dramatically inhibited COM crystallization, crystal growth and crystal aggregation. At an equal amount, degrees of its inhibition against crystallization and crystal growth were slightly inferior to total urinary proteins (TUPs) from healthy subjects that are known to strongly inhibit COM stone formation. Surprisingly, its inhibitory effect against crystal aggregation was slightly superior to TUPs. While TUPs dramatically inhibited crystal-cell adhesion, CNB had no effect on this process. Ca2+-affinity assay revealed that CNB strongly bound Ca2+ at a comparable degree as of TUPs. These findings indicate that CNB serves as a novel inhibitor of COM crystallization, growth and aggregation via its high Ca2+-affinity property.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Retinal membrane guanylyl cyclases (RetGCs) in vertebrate rod and cone photoreceptors are activated by a family of neuronal Ca2+ sensor proteins called guanylyl cyclase activating proteins (GCAP1-7). GCAP5 from zebrafish photoreceptors binds to RetGC and confers Ca2+/Fe2+-dependent regulation of RetGC enzymatic activity that promotes the recovery phase of visual phototransduction. We report NMR chemical shift assignments of GCAP5 with a R22A mutation (called GCAP5R22A) that abolishes protein dimerization and activates RetGC with 3-fold higher activity than that of wild type GCAP5 (BMRB No. 51,783).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The actin cytoskeleton represents a highly dynamic filament system providing cell structure and mechanical forces to drive a variety of cellular processes. The dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton are controlled by a number of conserved proteins that maintain the pool of actin monomers, promote actin nucleation, restrict the length of actin filaments and cross-link filaments into networks or bundles. Previous work has been established that cytoplasmic calcium is an important signal to rapidly relay information to the actin cytoskeleton, but the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. Here, we summarize new recent perspectives on how calcium fluxes are transduced to the actin cytoskeleton in a physiological context. In this mini-review we will focus on three calcium-binding EF-hand-containing actin cross-linking proteins, α-actinin, plastin and EFHD2/Swiprosin-1, and how these conserved proteins affect the cell\'s actin reorganization in the context of cell migration and wound closure in response to calcium.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuronal KV7 channels, important regulators of cell excitability, are among the most sensitive proteins to reactive oxygen species. The S2S3 linker of the voltage sensor was reported as a site-mediating redox modulation of the channels. Recent structural insights reveal potential interactions between this linker and the Ca2+-binding loop of the third EF-hand of calmodulin (CaM), which embraces an antiparallel fork formed by the C-terminal helices A and B, constituting the calcium responsive domain (CRD). We found that precluding Ca2+ binding to the EF3 hand, but not to EF1, EF2, or EF4 hands, abolishes oxidation-induced enhancement of KV7.4 currents. Monitoring FRET (Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer) between helices A and B using purified CRDs tagged with fluorescent proteins, we observed that S2S3 peptides cause a reversal of the signal in the presence of Ca2+ but have no effect in the absence of this cation or if the peptide is oxidized. The capacity of loading EF3 with Ca2+ is essential for this reversal of the FRET signal, whereas the consequences of obliterating Ca2+ binding to EF1, EF2, or EF4 are negligible. Furthermore, we show that EF3 is critical for translating Ca2+ signals to reorient the AB fork. Our data are consistent with the proposal that oxidation of cysteine residues in the S2S3 loop relieves KV7 channels from a constitutive inhibition imposed by interactions between the EF3 hand of CaM which is crucial for this signaling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the pathogen Typanosoma cruzi, the calcium ion (Ca2+) regulates key processes for parasite survival. However, the mechanisms decoding Ca2+ signals are not fully identified or understood. Here, we investigate the role of a hypothetical Ca2+-binding protein named TcCAL1 in the in vitro life cycle of T. cruzi. Results showed that the overexpression of TcCAL1 fused to a 6X histidine tag (TcCAL1-6xHis) impaired the differentiation of epimastigotes into metacyclic trypomastigotes, significantly decreasing metacyclogenesis rates. When the virulence of transgenic metacyclic trypomastigotes was explored in mammalian cell invasion assays, we found that the percentage of infection was significantly higher in Vero cells incubated with TcCAL1-6xHis-overexpressing parasites than in controls, as well as the number of intracellular amastigotes. Additionally, the percentage of Vero cells with adhered metacyclic trypomastigotes significantly increased in samples incubated with TcCAL1-6xHis-overexpressing parasites compared with controls. In contrast, the differentiation rates from metacyclic trypomastigotes to axenic amastigotes or the epimastigote proliferation in the exponential phase of growth have not been affected by TcCAL1-6xHis overexpression. Based on our findings, we speculate that TcCAL1 exerts its function by sequestering intracellular Ca2+ by its EF-hand motifs (impairing metacyclogenesis) and/or due to an unknown activity which could be amplified by the ion binding (promoting cell invasion). This work underpins the importance of studying the kinetoplastid-specific proteins with unknown functions in pathogen parasites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The propagation of the obligate intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii is tightly regulated by calcium signaling. However, the mechanisms by which calcium homeostasis and fluxes are regulated in this human pathogen are not fully understood. To identify Toxoplasma\'s calcium homeostasis network, we have characterized a novel EF-hand domain-containing protein, which we have named TgEFP1. We have determined that TgEFP1 localizes to a previously described compartment known as the plant-like vacuole or the endosomal-like compartment (PLV/ELC), which harbors several proteins related to ionic regulation. Interestingly, partial permeabilization techniques showed that TgEFP1 is also secreted into the parasitophorous vacuole (PV), within which the parasite divides. Ultrastructure expansion microscopy confirmed the unusual dual localization of TgEFP1 at the PLV/ELC and the PV. Furthermore, we determined that the localization of TgEFP1 to the PV, but not to the PLV/ELC, is affected by disruption of Golgi-dependent transport with Brefeldin A. Knockout of TgEFP1 results in faster propagation in tissue culture, hypersensitivity to calcium ionophore-induced egress, and premature natural egress. Thus, our work has revealed an interplay between the PV and the PLV/ELC and a role for TgEFP1 in the regulation of calcium-dependent events.





