
EF - 手
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In pathogenic fungi, calcium-calmodulin-dependent serine-threonine-specific phosphatase calcineurin is involved in morphogenesis and virulence. Therefore, calcineurin and its tightly related protein complexes are attractive antifungal drug targets. However, there is limited knowledge available on the relationship between in vivo Ca2+-binding sites of calmodulin (CaM) and its functions in regulating stress responses, morphogenesis, and pathogenesis. In the current study, we demonstrated that calmodulin is required for hyphal growth, conidiation, and virulence in the human fungal pathogen, Aspergillus fumigatus. Site-directed mutations of calmodulin revealed that a single Ca2+-binding site mutation had no significant effect on A. fumigatus hyphal development, but multiple Ca2+-binding site mutations exhibited synergistic effects, especially when cultured at 42 °C, indicating that calmodulin function in response to temperature stress depends on its Ca2+-binding sites. Western blotting implied that mutations in Ca2+-binding sites caused highly degraded calmodulin fragments, suggesting that the loss of Ca2+-binding sites results in reduced protein stability. Moreover, normal intracellular calcium homeostasis and the nuclear translocation of the transcriptional factor CrzA are dependent on Ca2+-binding sites of AfCaM, demonstrating that Ca2+-binding sites of calmodulin are required for calcium signalling and its major transcription factor CrzA. Importantly, in situ mutations for four Ca2+-binding sites of calmodulin resulted in an almost complete loss of virulence in the Galleria mellonella wax moth model. This study shed more light on the functional characterization of putative calcium-binding sites of calmodulin in the morphogenesis and virulence of A. fumigatus, which enhances our understanding of calmodulin biological functions in cells of opportunistic fungal pathogens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intracellular calcium (Ca2+ ) is vital for signal transduction in many cellular events. Several Ca2+ -binding proteins mediate the transduction of intracellular calcium signals. The EF-hand motifs containing neuronal calcium sensor (NCS) proteins are mainly expressed in the nervous system, where they have important roles in the regulation of a variety of neuronal functions. NCS1 has four EF-hand motifs and well-defined neuronal development functions in a variety of eukaryotes. However, NCS2 has only been identified in invertebrates such as insects and nematodes thus far. The functions of NCS2 remain largely unknown. Here, we identified an orthologous NCS2 in the hemipteran Nilaparvata lugens. Based on qRT-PCR, this gene was found to be primarily expressed in the brain. Knockdown of NCS2 in each nymphal instar by RNA interference led to lethality and caused aggradation and disordered arrangement of lipid droplets in the ovaries and testes of adults, which were associated with the absence of mature oocytes in female ovaries and reduction of spermiation in male adults. Our findings revealed a novel function for NCS2 as a regulator in development and reproduction and suggested that this protein had an important role in modulating lipid droplet remodelling in ovary and testis of N. lugens adults.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tic20 is an important translocon protein that plays a role in protein transport in the chloroplast. The sequence of Tic20 was determined in the lower brown alga Saccharina japonica. Structural analysis of SjTic20 revealed a noncanonical structure consisting of an N-terminal non-cyanobacterium-originated EF-hand domain (a helix-loop-helix structural domain) and a C-terminal cyanobacterium-originated Tic20 domain. Subcellular localization and transmembrane analysis indicated that SjTic20 featured an \"M\"-type Nin-Cin-terminal orientation, with four transmembrane domains in the innermost membrane of the chloroplast in the microalga Phaeodactylum tricornutum, and the EF-hand domain was entirely extruded into the chloroplast stroma. Our study provides information on the structure, localization, and topological features of SjTic20, and further functional analysis of SjTic20 in S. japonica is needed.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MICU2 has been reported to interact with MICU1 and participate in the regulation of mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake, although the molecular determinants underlying the function of MICU2 is unknown. In order to characterize MICU2 we screened a series of N-terminal and C-terminal truncations and obtained constructs which can be expressed in abundance, giving rise to soluble samples to enable subsequent characterizations. Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and multi-angle laser light scattering (MALLS) revealed that MICU2 exists as a monomer in Ca(2+)-free conditions but forms a dimer in Ca(2+)-bound conditions. Unlike MICU1, the C-helix domain of MICU2 exhibits no influence on protein conformation in both Ca(2+)-free and Ca(2+)-bound forms. Furthermore, mutation of the first EF-hand abolishes the ability of MICU2 to switch to a dimer in the presence of Ca(2+), indicating that the first EF-hand is not only involved in Ca(2+) binding but also in conformational change. Our pull-down and co-immunoprecipitation assays suggest that, in addition to disulfide bonds, salt bridges also contribute to MICU1-MICU2 heterodimer formation.





