Cyanobacterial blooms

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cyanobacterial blooms are increasingly common during winters, especially when they are mild. The goal of this study was to determine the summer and winter phytoplankton community structure, cyanotoxin presence, and toxigenicity in a eutrophic lake susceptible to cyanobacterial blooms throughout the year, using classical microscopy, an analysis of toxic cyanometabolites, and an analysis of genes involved in biosynthesis of cyanotoxins. We also assessed whether cyanobacterial diversity in the studied lake has changed compared to what was reported in previous reports conducted several years ago. Moreover, the bloom-forming cyanobacterial strains were isolated from the lake and screened for cyanotoxin presence and toxigenicity. Cyanobacteria were the main component of the phytoplankton community in both sampling times, and, in particular, Oscillatoriales were predominant in both summer (Planktothrix/Limnothrix) and winter (Limnothrix) sampling. Compared to the winter community, the summer community was denser; richer in species; and contained alien and invasive Nostocales, including Sphaerospermopsis aphanizomenoides, Raphidiopsis raciborskii, and Raphidiopsis mediterranea. In both sampling times, the blooms contained toxigenic species with genetic determinants for the production of cylindrospermopsin and microcystins. Toxicological screening revealed the presence of microcystins in the lake in summer but no cyanotoxins in the winter period of sampling. However, several cyanobacterial strains isolated from the lake during winter and summer produced anabaenopeptins and microcystins. This study indicates that summer and winter blooms of cyanobacteria in the temperate zone can differ in biomass, structure, and toxicity, and that the toxic hazards associated with cyanobacterial blooms may potentially exist during winter.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Global warming affects air and water temperatures, which impacts the phenology of lakes and aquatic ecosystems. These changes are most noticeable during winter, when the potentially toxic Planktothrix rubescens forms its inoculum for annual blooms. Mostly, research has been conducted on alpine lakes, where blooms have persisted for decades, while a few have focused on temperate lakes. Our study aimed to determine the factors influencing the dynamics of the development of P. rubescens in temperate lakes where blooms occasionally occur, with a particular emphasis on the role of ice phenology.
    UNASSIGNED: We investigated the vertical distribution of P. rubescens in an annual cycle in three temperate lakes. Samples were collected monthly in the winter and biweekly during the vegetative seasons. Overall, 434 samples were collected and analyzed according to biological and chemical parameters. Physical parameters were measured in situ.
    UNASSIGNED: The vegetation seasons in temperate lakes showed a similar development pattern in the P. rubescens population as that in alpine lakes. Our results also show the influence of physical and chemical factors on the vertical distribution of this cyanobacterium. These results revealed the significant impact of P. rubescens filaments on phytoplankton biodiversity and biomass. Our data show the role of ice phenology in the establishment of the winter inoculum of P. rubescens and its further mass development until its disappearance in autumn.
    UNASSIGNED: A climate-zone-independent pattern of P. rubescens blooms was observed during the vegetation periods. The population of P. rubescens was more influenced by physical factors than by the availability of dissolved nutrients in the water. Despite the same etiology, global warming has been shown to cause different responses in aquatic ecosystems, which affect the different nature of P. rubescens appearances. We associated blooms in temperate lakes, in contrast to alpine lakes, mainly with the presence of ice cover during severe winters, when the species establishes its inoculum. Hence, blooms in temperate lakes occur at different time intervals. Therefore, the dynamics of periodic blooms of P. rubescens in temperate lakes provide novel knowledge to the case study and a counterpoint to permanent blooms found in deep alpine lakes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While the ecological role that Trichodesmium sp. play in nitrogen fixation has been widely studied, little information is available on potential specialized metabolites that are associated with blooms and standing stock Trichodesmium colonies. While a collection of biological material from a T. thiebautii bloom event from North Padre Island, Texas, in 2014 indicated that this species was a prolific producer of chlorinated specialized metabolites, additional spatial and temporal resolution was needed. We have completed these metabolite comparison studies, detailed in the current report, utilizing LC-MS/MS-based molecular networking to visualize and annotate the specialized metabolite composition of these Trichodesmium blooms and colonies in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) and other waters. Our results showed that T. thiebautii blooms and colonies found in the GoM have a remarkably consistent specialized metabolome. Additionally, we isolated and characterized one new macrocyclic compound from T. thiebautii, trichothilone A (1), which was also detected in three independent cultures of T. erythraeum. Genome mining identified genes predicted to synthesize certain functional groups in the T. thiebautii metabolites. These results provoke intriguing questions of how these specialized metabolites affect Trichodesmium ecophysiology, symbioses with marine invertebrates, and niche development in the global oligotrophic ocean.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to climate change, Microcystis blooms occur at increasing frequencies in aquatic ecosystems worldwide. Wind-generated turbulence is a crucial environmental stressor that can vertically disperse the Microcystis surface scum, reducing its light availability. Yet, the interactions of Microcystis scum with the wind-generated hydrodynamic processes, particularly those at the air-water interface, remain poorly understood. Here, we explore the response of Microcystis (including colony size and migration dynamics) to varying magnitudes and durations of intermittent wind disturbances in a mesocosm system. The flow velocities, size of Microcystis colonies, and the areal coverage of the water surface by scum were measured through video observations. Our results demonstrate that low wind speeds increase colony size by providing a stable condition where Microcystis forms a scum layer and aggregates into large colonies at the air-water interface. In contrast, wind disturbances disperse scum and generate turbulence, resulting in smaller colonies with higher magnitudes of wind disturbance. We observed that surface scum can form rapidly following a long period (6 h) of high-magnitude (4.5 m s-1) wind disturbance. Furthermore, our results indicate reduced water surface tension caused by the presence of Microcystis, which can decrease surface flow velocity and counteract wind-driven mixing. The reduced surface tension may also drive lateral convection at the water surface. These findings suggest that Microcystis reduces surface tension, likely by releasing surface-active materials, as an adaptive response to various wind conditions. This could result in an increased rate of surface scum re-formation under wind conditions and potentially facilitate the lateral expansion of scum patches during weak wind periods. This study reveals new insights into how Microcystis copes with different wind conditions and highlights the importance of the air-water interface for Microcystis scum dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eutrophication, increased temperatures and stratification can lead to massive, filamentous, N2-fixing cyanobacterial (FNC) blooms in coastal ecosystems with largely unresolved consequences for the mass and energy supply in food webs. Mesozooplankton adapt to not top-down controlled FNC blooms by switching diets from phytoplankton to microzooplankton, resulting in a directly quantifiable increase in its trophic position (TP) from 2.0 to as high as 3.0. If this process in mesozooplankton, we call trophic lengthening, was transferred to higher trophic levels of a food web, a loss of energy could result in massive declines of fish biomass. We used compound-specific nitrogen stable isotope data of amino acids (CSIA) to estimate and compare the nitrogen (N) sources and TPs of cod and flounder from FNC bloom influence areas (central Baltic Sea) and areas without it (western Baltic Sea). We tested if FNC-triggered trophic lengthening in mesozooplankton is carried over to fish. The TP of cod from the western Baltic (4.1 ± 0.5), feeding mainly on decapods, was equal to reference values. Only cod from the central Baltic, mainly feeding on zooplanktivorous pelagics, had a significantly higher TP (4.6 ± 0.4), indicating a strong carry-over effect trophic lengthening from mesozooplankton. In contrast, the TP of molluscivorous flounder, associated with the benthic food web, was unaffected by trophic lengthening and quite similar reference values of 3.2 ± 0.2 in both areas. This suggests that FNC blooms lead to a large loss of energy in zooplanktivorous but not in molluscivorous mesopredators. If FNC blooms continue to trigger the detour of energy at the base of the pelagic food web due to a massive heterotrophic microbial system, the TP of cod will not return to lower TP values and the fish stock not recover. Monitoring the TP of key species can identify fundamental changes in ecosystems and provide information for resource management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A seasonal plethora of cyanobacteria in the plankton community can have severe implications, not only for water ecosystems but also for the availability of treated water. The catchment of the Obrzyca River (a source of drinking water) is seasonally exposed to harmful cyanobacterial bloom. Previous studies (2008-2012; 2019) revealed that the most polluted water of the Obrzyca River was Uście, close to the outlet of Rudno Lake (at the sampling point). Therefore, the effect on this lake was specifically examined in this study. Sampling was performed from May to September at that site and from July to September 2020 at Rudno Lake. The conducted analysis revealed a massive growth of Aphanizomenon gracile, especially in Rudno Lake. The results showed not only the distinct impact of cyanobacterial bloom on phytoplankton biodiversity but also the presence of microcystins and other cyanopeptides in both sampling points. The maximal total concentration of microcystins (dmMC-RR, MC-RR, dmMC-LR, MC-LR, MC-LY, MC-YR) equaled 57.3 μg/L and the presence of cyanopeptides (aeruginosin, anabaenopeptin) was originally determined in Rudno Lake, August 2021. The presence of these toxins was highlighted in our results for the first time. The same samples from the lake were the most toxic in biotoxicological investigations using the planarian Dugesia tigrina. The performed bioassays proved that D. tigrina is a sensitive bioindicator for cyanotoxins. The physical and chemical indicators of water quality, i.e., color, temperature, total suspended solids, and total nitrogen and phosphorus, showed a significant correlation among each other and towards cyanobacterial abundance and microcystin concentrations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study introduces a prototype end-to-end Simulator software tool for simulating two-dimensional satellite multispectral imagery for a variety of satellite instrument models in aquatic environments. Using case studies, the impact of variable sensor configurations on the performance of value-added products for challenging applications, such as coral reefs and cyanobacterial algal blooms, is assessed. This demonstrates how decisions regarding satellite sensor design, driven by cost constraints, directly influence the quality of value-added remote sensing products. Furthermore, the Simulator is used to identify situations where retrieval algorithms require further parameterization before application to unsimulated satellite data, where error sources cannot always be identified or isolated. The application of the Simulator can verify whether a given instrument design meets the performance requirements of end-users before build and launch, critically allowing for the justification of the cost and specifications for planned and future sensors. It is hoped that the Simulator will enable engineers and scientists to understand important design trade-offs in phase 0/A studies easily, quickly, reliably, and accurately in future Earth observation satellites and systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study determines an optimal spectral configuration for the CyanoSat imager for the discrimination and retrieval of cyanobacterial pigments using a simulated dataset with machine learning (ML). A minimum viable spectral configuration with as few as three spectral bands enabled the determination of cyanobacterial pigments phycocyanin (PC) and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) but may not be suitable for determining cyanobacteria composition. A spectral configuration with about nine ideally positioned spectral bands enabled estimation of the cyanobacteria-to-algae ratio (CAR) and pigment concentrations with almost the same accuracy as using all 300 spectral channels. A narrower spectral band full-width half-maximum (FWHM) did not provide improved performance compared to the nominal 12 nm configuration. In conclusion, continuous sampling of the visible spectrum is not a requirement for cyanobacterial detection, provided that a multi-spectral configuration with ideally positioned, narrow bands is used. The spectral configurations identified here could be used to guide the selection of bands for future ocean and water color radiometry sensors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic prokaryotes and one of dominant species in eutrophicated waters, which easily burst blooms in summer with high irradiance and temperature conditions. In response to high irradiance, high temperature, and nutrient conditions, cyanobacteria release abundant of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by up-regulating related gene expression and oxidatively degrading β-carotene. These VOCs not only increase offensive odor in waters, but also transfer allelopathic signals to algae and aquatic plants, resulting in cyanobacteria dominating eutrophicated waters. Among these VOCs, β-cyclocitral, α-ionone, β-ionone, limonene, longifolene, and eucalyptol have been identified as the main allelopathic agents, which even directly kill algae by inducing programmed cell death (PCD). The VOCs released from cyanobacteria, especially the ruptured cells, exhibit repelling effects on the herbivores, which is beneficial to survival of the population. Cyanobacterial VOCs might transfer aggregating information among homogeneous species, so the acceptors initiate aggregation to resist the coming stresses. It can be speculated that the adverse conditions can promote VOC emission from cyanobacteria, which play important roles in cyanobacteria dominating eutrophicated waters and even bursting blooms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phosphorus (P) precipitation is among the most effective treatments to mitigate lake eutrophication. However, after a period of high effectiveness, studies have shown possible re-eutrophication and the return of harmful algal blooms. While such abrupt ecological changes were attributed to the internal P loading, the role of lake warming and its potential synergistic effects with internal loading, thus far, has been understudied. Here, in a eutrophic lake in central Germany, we quantified the driving mechanisms of the abrupt re-eutrophication and cyanobacterial blooms in 2016 (30 years after the first P precipitation). A process-based lake ecosystem model (GOTM-WET) was established using a high-frequency monitoring data set covering contrasting trophic states. Model analyses suggested that the internal P release accounted for 68% of the cyanobacterial biomass proliferation, while lake warming contributed to 32%, including direct effects via promoting growth (18%) and synergistic effects via intensifying internal P loading (14%). The model further showed that the synergy was attributed to prolonged lake hypolimnion warming and oxygen depletion. Our study unravels the substantial role of lake warming in promoting cyanobacterial blooms in re-eutrophicated lakes. The warming effects on cyanobacteria via promoting internal loading need more attention in lake management, particularly for urban lakes.





