Auditory Pathways

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Auditory space has been conceptualized as a matrix of systematically arranged combinations of binaural disparity cues that arise in the superior olivary complex (SOC). The computational code for interaural time and intensity differences utilizes excitatory and inhibitory projections that converge in the inferior colliculus (IC). The challenge is to determine the neural circuits underlying this convergence and to model how the binaural cues encode location. It has been shown that midbrain neurons are largely excited by sound from the contralateral ear and inhibited by sound leading at the ipsilateral ear. In this context, ascending projections from the lateral superior olive (LSO) to the IC have been reported to be ipsilaterally glycinergic and contralaterally glutamatergic. This study used CBA/CaH mice (3-6 months old) and applied unilateral retrograde tracing techniques into the IC in conjunction with immunocytochemical methods with glycine and glutamate transporters (GlyT2 and vGLUT2, respectively) to analyze the projection patterns from the LSO to the IC. Glycinergic and glutamatergic neurons were spatially intermixed within the LSO, and both types projected to the IC. For GlyT2 and vGLUT2 neurons, the average percentage of ipsilaterally and contralaterally projecting cells was similar (ANOVA, p = 0.48). A roughly equal number of GlyT2 and vGLUT2 neurons did not project to the IC. The somatic size and shape of these neurons match the descriptions of LSO principal cells. A minor but distinct population of small (< 40 μm2) neurons that labeled for GlyT2 did not project to the IC; these cells emerge as candidates for inhibitory local circuit neurons. Our findings indicate a symmetric and bilateral projection of glycine and glutamate neurons from the LSO to the IC. The differences between our results and those from previous studies suggest that species and habitat differences have a significant role in mechanisms of binaural processing and highlight the importance of research methods and comparative neuroscience. These data will be important for modeling how excitatory and inhibitory systems converge to create auditory space in the CBA/CaH mouse.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The numerical sense of animals includes identifying the numerosity of a sequence of events that occur with specific intervals, e.g., notes in a call or bar of music. Across nervous systems, the temporal patterning of spikes can code these events, but how this information is decoded (counted) remains elusive. In the anuran auditory system, temporal information of this type is decoded in the midbrain, where \"interval-counting\" neurons spike only after at least a threshold number of sound pulses have occurred with specific timing. We show that this decoding process, i.e., interval counting, arises from integrating phasic, onset-type and offset inhibition with excitation that augments across successive intervals, possibly due to a progressive decrease in \"shunting\" effects of inhibition. Because these physiological properties are ubiquitous within and across central nervous systems, interval counting may be a general mechanism for decoding diverse information coded/encoded in temporal patterns of spikes, including \"bursts,\" and estimating elapsed time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Presbycusis, or age-related hearing loss, affects both elderly humans and dogs, significantly impairing their social interactions and cognition. In humans, presbycusis involves changes in peripheral and central auditory systems, with central changes potentially occurring independently. While peripheral presbycusis in dogs is well-documented, research on central changes remains limited. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a useful tool for detecting and quantifying cerebral white matter abnormalities. This study used DTI to explore the central auditory pathway of senior dogs, aiming to enhance our understanding of canine presbycusis. Dogs beyond 75% of their expected lifespan were recruited and screened with brainstem auditory evoked response testing to select dogs without severe peripheral hearing loss. Sixteen dogs meeting the criteria were scanned using a 3 T magnetic resonance scanner. Tract-based spatial statistics was used to analyze the central auditory pathways. A significant negative correlation between fractional lifespan and fractional anisotropy was found in the acoustic radiation, suggesting age-related white matter changes in the central auditory system. These changes, observed in dogs without severe peripheral hearing loss, may contribute to central presbycusis development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the peripheral and central auditory pathways in adult individuals after COVID-19 infection.
    A total of 44 individuals aged between 19 and 58 years, of both genders, post-COVID-19 infection, confirmed by serological tests, with no previous hearing complaints and no risk factors for hearing loss, were assessed. All the participants underwent the following procedures: pure tone audiometry, logoaudiometry, immitanciometry, and Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials (BAEP), in addition to answering a questionnaire about auditory symptoms.
    Thirteen individuals (29.5 %) had some hearing threshold impairment, mainly sensorineural hearing loss. In the BAEP, 18 individuals (40.9 %) presented longer latencies, mainly in waves III and V. According to the questionnaire answers, 3 individuals (9.1 %) reported worsened hearing and 7 (15.9 %) tinnitus that emerged after the infection. As for the use of ototoxic drugs during treatment, 7 individuals (15.9 %) reported their use, of which 5 showed abnormalities in peripheral and/or central auditory assessments.
    Considering the self-reported hearing complaints after COVID-19 infection and the high rate of abnormalities found in both peripheral and central audiological assessments, it is suggested that the new COVID-19 may compromise the auditory system. Due to the many variables involved in this study, the results should be considered with caution. However, it is essential that audiological evaluations are carried out on post-COVID-19 patients in order to assess the effects of the infection in the short, medium, and long term. Future longitudinal investigations are important for a better understanding of the auditory consequences of COVID-19.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated the morphology of the functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) response to speech sounds measured from 16 sleeping infants and how it changes with repeated stimulus presentation. We observed a positive peak followed by a wide negative trough, with the latter being most evident in early epochs. We argue that the overall response morphology captures the effects of two simultaneous, but independent, response mechanisms that are both activated at the stimulus onset: one being the obligatory response to a sound stimulus by the auditory system, and the other being a neural suppression effect induced by the arousal system. Because the two effects behave differently with repeated epochs, it is possible to mathematically separate them and use fNIRS to study factors that affect the development and activation of the arousal system in infants. The results also imply that standard fNIRS analysis techniques need to be adjusted to take into account the possibilities of multiple simultaneous brain systems being activated and that the response to a stimulus is not necessarily stationary.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The encoding of acoustic stimuli requires precise neuron timing. Auditory neurons in the cochlear nucleus (CN) and brainstem are well suited for accurate analysis of fast acoustic signals, given their physiological specializations of fast membrane time constants, fast axonal conduction, and reliable synaptic transmission. The medial olivocochlear (MOC) neurons that provide efferent inhibition of the cochlea reside in the ventral brainstem and participate in these fast neural circuits. However, their modulation of cochlear function occurs over time scales of a slower nature. This suggests the presence of mechanisms that reduce MOC inhibition of cochlear function. To determine how monaural excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs integrate to affect the timing of MOC neuron activity, we developed a novel in vitro slice preparation (\"wedge-slice\"). The wedge-slice maintains the ascending auditory nerve root, the entire CN and projecting axons, while preserving the ability to perform visually guided patch-clamp electrophysiology recordings from genetically identified MOC neurons. The \"in vivo-like\" timing of the wedge-slice demonstrates that the inhibitory pathway accelerates relative to the excitatory pathway when the ascending circuit is intact, and the CN portion of the inhibitory circuit is precise enough to compensate for reduced precision in later synapses. When combined with machine learning PSC analysis and computational modeling, we demonstrate a larger suppression of MOC neuron activity when the inhibition occurs with in vivo-like timing. This delay of MOC activity may ensure that the MOC system is only engaged by sustained background sounds, preventing a maladaptive hypersuppression of cochlear activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Based on the auditory periphery and the small head size, Etruscan shrews (Suncus etruscus) approximate ancestral mammalian conditions. The auditory brainstem in this insectivore has not been investigated. Using labelling techniques, we assessed the structures of their superior olivary complex (SOC) and the nuclei of the lateral lemniscus (NLL). There, we identified the position of the major nuclei, their input pattern, transmitter content, expression of calcium binding proteins (CaBPs) and two voltage-gated ion channels. The most prominent SOC structures were the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB), the lateral nucleus of the trapezoid body (LNTB), the lateral superior olive (LSO) and the superior paraolivary nucleus (SPN). In the NLL, the ventral (VNLL), a specific ventrolateral VNLL (VNLLvl) cell population, the intermediate (INLL) and dorsal (DNLL) nucleus, as well as the inferior colliculus\'s central aspect were discerned. INLL and VNLL were clearly separated by the differential distribution of various marker proteins. Most labelled proteins showed expression patterns comparable to rodents. However, SPN neurons were glycinergic and not GABAergic and the overall CaBPs expression was low. Next to the characterisation of the Etruscan shrew\'s auditory brainstem, our work identifies conserved nuclei and indicates variable structures in a species that approximates ancestral conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Linking sensory input and its consequences is a fundamental brain operation. During behavior, the neural activity of neocortical and limbic systems often reflects dynamic combinations of sensory and task-dependent variables, and these \"mixed representations\" are suggested to be important for perception, learning, and plasticity. However, the extent to which such integrative computations might occur outside of the forebrain is less clear. Here, we conduct cellular-resolution two-photon Ca2+ imaging in the superficial \"shell\" layers of the inferior colliculus (IC), as head-fixed mice of either sex perform a reward-based psychometric auditory task. We find that the activity of individual shell IC neurons jointly reflects auditory cues, mice\'s actions, and behavioral trial outcomes, such that trajectories of neural population activity diverge depending on mice\'s behavioral choice. Consequently, simple classifier models trained on shell IC neuron activity can predict trial-by-trial outcomes, even when training data are restricted to neural activity occurring prior to mice\'s instrumental actions. Thus, in behaving mice, auditory midbrain neurons transmit a population code that reflects a joint representation of sound, actions, and task-dependent variables.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The zebrafish, a widely used model in neurobiology, relies on hearing in aquatic environments. Unfortunately, its auditory pathways have mainly been studied in larvae. In this study, we examined the involvement of the anterior tuberal nucleus (AT) in auditory processing in adult zebrafish. Our tract-tracing experiments revealed that the dorsal subdivision of AT is strongly bidirectionally connected to the central nucleus of the torus semicircularis (TSc), a major auditory nucleus in fishes. Immunohistochemical visualization of the ribosomal protein S6 (pS6) phosphorylation to map neural activity in response to auditory stimulation substantiated this finding: the dorsal but not the ventral part of AT responded strongly to auditory stimulation. A similar response to auditory stimulation was present in the TSc but not in the nucleus isthmi, a visual region, which we used as a control for testing if the pS6 activation was specific to the auditory stimulation. We also measured the time course of pS6 phosphorylation, which was previously unreported in teleost fish. After auditory stimulation, we found that pS6 phosphorylation peaked between 100 and 130 min and returned to baseline levels after 190 min. This information will be valuable for the design of future pS6 experiments. Our results suggest an anatomical and functional subdivision of AT, where only the dorsal part connects to the auditory network and processes auditory information.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The physiological interactions between the peripheral and central auditory systems are crucial for auditory information transmission and perception, while reliable models for auditory neural circuits are currently lacking. To address this issue, mouse and human neural pathways are generated by utilizing a carbon nanotube nanofiber system. The super-aligned pattern of the scaffold renders the axons of the bipolar and multipolar neurons extending in a parallel direction. In addition, the electrical conductivity of the scaffold maintains the electrophysiological activity of the primary mouse auditory neurons. The mouse and human primary neurons from peripheral and central auditory units in the system are then co-cultured and showed that the two kinds of neurons form synaptic connections. Moreover, neural progenitor cells of the cochlea and auditory cortex are derived from human embryos to generate region-specific organoids and these organoids are assembled in the nanofiber-combined 3D system. Using optogenetic stimulation, calcium imaging, and electrophysiological recording, it is revealed that functional synaptic connections are formed between peripheral neurons and central neurons, as evidenced by calcium spiking and postsynaptic currents. The auditory circuit model will enable the study of the auditory neural pathway and advance the search for treatment strategies for disorders of neuronal connectivity in sensorineural hearing loss.





