Auditory Pathways

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A speech intelligibility (SI) prediction model is proposed that includes an auditory preprocessing component based on the physiological anatomy and activity of the human ear, a hierarchical spiking neural network, and a decision back-end processing based on correlation analysis. The auditory preprocessing component effectively captures advanced physiological details of the auditory system, such as retrograde traveling waves, longitudinal coupling, and cochlear nonlinearity. The ability of the model to predict data from normal-hearing listeners under various additive noise conditions was considered. The predictions closely matched the experimental test data under all conditions. Furthermore, we developed a lumped mass model of a McGee stainless-steel piston with the middle-ear to study the recovery of individuals with otosclerosis. We show that the proposed SI model accurately simulates the effect of middle-ear intervention on SI. Consequently, the model establishes a model-based relationship between objective measures of human ear damage, like distortion product otoacoustic emissions, and speech perception. Moreover, the SI model can serve as a robust tool for optimizing parameters and for preoperative assessment of artificial stimuli, providing a valuable reference for clinical treatments of conductive hearing loss.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Presbycusis, or age-related hearing loss, affects both elderly humans and dogs, significantly impairing their social interactions and cognition. In humans, presbycusis involves changes in peripheral and central auditory systems, with central changes potentially occurring independently. While peripheral presbycusis in dogs is well-documented, research on central changes remains limited. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a useful tool for detecting and quantifying cerebral white matter abnormalities. This study used DTI to explore the central auditory pathway of senior dogs, aiming to enhance our understanding of canine presbycusis. Dogs beyond 75% of their expected lifespan were recruited and screened with brainstem auditory evoked response testing to select dogs without severe peripheral hearing loss. Sixteen dogs meeting the criteria were scanned using a 3 T magnetic resonance scanner. Tract-based spatial statistics was used to analyze the central auditory pathways. A significant negative correlation between fractional lifespan and fractional anisotropy was found in the acoustic radiation, suggesting age-related white matter changes in the central auditory system. These changes, observed in dogs without severe peripheral hearing loss, may contribute to central presbycusis development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The physiological interactions between the peripheral and central auditory systems are crucial for auditory information transmission and perception, while reliable models for auditory neural circuits are currently lacking. To address this issue, mouse and human neural pathways are generated by utilizing a carbon nanotube nanofiber system. The super-aligned pattern of the scaffold renders the axons of the bipolar and multipolar neurons extending in a parallel direction. In addition, the electrical conductivity of the scaffold maintains the electrophysiological activity of the primary mouse auditory neurons. The mouse and human primary neurons from peripheral and central auditory units in the system are then co-cultured and showed that the two kinds of neurons form synaptic connections. Moreover, neural progenitor cells of the cochlea and auditory cortex are derived from human embryos to generate region-specific organoids and these organoids are assembled in the nanofiber-combined 3D system. Using optogenetic stimulation, calcium imaging, and electrophysiological recording, it is revealed that functional synaptic connections are formed between peripheral neurons and central neurons, as evidenced by calcium spiking and postsynaptic currents. The auditory circuit model will enable the study of the auditory neural pathway and advance the search for treatment strategies for disorders of neuronal connectivity in sensorineural hearing loss.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unlike megabats, which rely on well-developed vision, microbats use ultrasonic echolocation to navigate and locate prey. To study ultrasound perception, here we compared the auditory cortices of microbats and megabats by constructing reference genomes and single-nucleus atlases for four species. We found that parvalbumin (PV)+ neurons exhibited evident cross-species differences and could respond to ultrasound signals, whereas their silencing severely affected ultrasound perception in the mouse auditory cortex. Moreover, megabat PV+ neurons expressed low levels of complexins (CPLX1-CPLX4), which can facilitate neurotransmitter release, while microbat PV+ neurons highly expressed CPLX1, which improves neurotransmission efficiency. Further perturbation of Cplx1 in PV+ neurons impaired ultrasound perception in the mouse auditory cortex. In addition, CPLX1 functioned in other parts of the auditory pathway in microbats but not megabats and exhibited convergent evolution between echolocating microbats and whales. Altogether, we conclude that CPLX1 expression throughout the entire auditory pathway can enhance mammalian ultrasound neurotransmission.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is unclear whether there is any postnatal abnormality in brainstem auditory function in late preterm small-for-gestational-age (SGA) infants. We investigated the functional integrity of the brainstem auditory pathway at 4 months after term in late preterm SGA infants and defined differences from appropriate-for-gestational age (AGA) infants. The maximum length sequence brainstem evoked response (MLS BAER) was recorded and analyzed in 24 SGA (birthweight < 3rd centile) infants and 28 AGA infants (birthweight > 10th centile). All infants were born at 33-36-week gestation without major perinatal and postnatal problems. We found that I-V interval in SGA infants was shorter than in AGA infants at higher click rates and significantly shorter at the highest rate of 910/s. Of the two smaller intervals, I-III interval was significantly shorter in SGA infants than in AGA infants at higher click rates of 455 and 910/s clicks, whereas III-V interval was similar in the two groups. The III-V/I-III interval ratio in SGA infants tended to be greater than in AGA infants at all rates and was significantly greater at 455 and 910/s clicks. The slope of I-III interval-rate functions in SGA infants was moderately smaller than in AGA infants.  Conclusions: The main and fundamental difference between late preterm SGA and AGA infants was a significant shortening in the MLS BAER I-III interval in SGA infants at higher click rates, suggesting moderately faster neural conduction in the caudal brainstem regions. Postnatal neural maturation in the caudal brainstem regions is moderately accelerated in late preterm SGA infants. What is Known: • At 40 weeks of postconceptional age, late preterm SGA infants manifested a mild delay in neural conduction in the auditory brainstem. What is New: • At 56 weeks of postconceptional age, late preterm SGA infants manifested moderately faster neural conduction in the caudal brainstem regions. • Postnatal neural maturation is moderately accelerated in the caudal brainstem regions of late preterm SGA infants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mouse auditory cortex is composed of six sub-fields: primary auditory field (AI), secondary auditory field (AII), anterior auditory field (AAF), insular auditory field (IAF), ultrasonic field (UF) and dorsoposterior field (DP). Previous studies have examined thalamo-cortical connections in the mice auditory system and learned that AI, AAF, and IAF receive inputs from the ventral division of the medial geniculate body (MGB). However, the functional and thalamo-cortical connections between nonprimary auditory cortex (AII, UF, and DP) is unclear. In this study, we examined the locations of neurons projecting to these three cortical sub-fields in the MGB, and addressed the question whether these cortical sub-fields receive inputs from different subsets of MGB neurons or common. To examine the distributions of projecting neurons in the MGB, retrograde tracers were injected into the AII, UF, DP, after identifying these areas by the method of Optical Imaging. Our results indicated that neuron cells which in ventral part of dorsal MGB (MGd) and that of ventral MGB (MGv) projecting to UF and AII with less overlap. And DP only received neuron projecting from MGd. Interestingly, these three cortical areas received input from distinct part of MGd and MGv in an independent manner. Based on our foundings these three auditory cortical sub-fields in mice may independently process auditory information.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Very Low Birthweight (VLBW) infants with neonatal Chronic Lung Disease (CLD) have been found to have functional impairment of the brainstem auditory pathway at term. This study investigated the functional status of the brainstem auditory pathway in VLBW infants with CLD after term for any abnormality.
    Fifty-two VLBW infants were recruited at 50 weeks of Postconceptional Age: 25 with neonatal CLD and 27 without CLD. None had any other major complications to minimize confounding effects. Brainstem Auditory Evoked Responses were studied at 21‒91/s click rates.
    Compared with those without CLD, VLBW infants with CLD had relatively shorter latencies of BAER waves I and III, associated with a slightly lower BAER threshold. Wave V latency and I‒V interpeak interval did not differ significantly between the two groups of infants. The I‒III interval in infants with CLD was shorter than in those without CLD at 91/s clicks. However, the III‒V interval was significantly longer than in those without CLD at all click rates (all p < 0.05). There were no significant differences in the amplitudes of BAER wave components between the two groups of infants.
    The main BAER abnormality in VLBW infants with CLD was a prolonged III‒V interval. Auditory conduction is delayed or impaired at more central regions of the brainstem in CLD infants. After term central auditory function is adversely affected by neonatal CLD. Monitoring post-term change is required to provide valuable information for post-term care of CLD infants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In mammals, thick axonal calibers wrapped with heavy myelin sheaths are prevalent in the auditory nervous system. These features are crucial for fast traveling of nerve impulses with minimal attenuation required for sound signal transmission. In particular, the long-range projections from the cochlear nucleus - the axons of globular bush cells (GBCs) - to the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) are tonotopically organized. However, it remains controversial in gerbils and mice whether structural and functional adaptations are present among the GBC axons targeting different MNTB frequency regions. By means of high-throughput volume electron microscopy, we compared the GBC axons in full-tonotopy-ranged MNTB slices from the C57BL/6 mice at different ages. Our quantification reveals distinct caliber diameter and myelin profile of the GBC axons with endings at lateral and medial MNTB, arguing for modulation of functionally heterogeneous axon subgroups. In addition, we reported axon-specific differences in axon caliber, node of Ranvier, and myelin sheath among juvenile, adult, and old mice, indicating the age-related changes of GBC axon morphology over time. These findings provide structural insight into the maturation and degeneration of GBC axons with frequency tuning across the lifespan of mice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The inferior colliculus (IC) represents a crucial relay station in the auditory pathway, located in the midbrain\'s tectum and primarily projecting to the thalamus. Despite the identification of distinct cell classes based on various biomarkers in the IC, their specific contributions to the organization of auditory tectothalamic pathways have remained poorly understood. In this study, we demonstrate that IC neurons expressing parvalbumin (ICPV+) or somatostatin (ICSOM+) represent two minimally overlapping cell classes throughout the three IC subdivisions in mice of both sexes. Strikingly, regardless of their location within the IC, these neurons predominantly project to the primary and secondary auditory thalamic nuclei, respectively. Cell class-specific input tracing suggested that ICPV+ neurons primarily receive auditory inputs, whereas ICSOM+ neurons receive significantly more inputs from the periaqueductal gray and the superior colliculus (SC), which are sensorimotor regions critically involved in innate behaviors. Furthermore, ICPV+ neurons exhibit significant heterogeneity in both intrinsic electrophysiological properties and presynaptic terminal size compared with ICSOM+ neurons. Notably, approximately one-quarter of ICPV+ neurons are inhibitory neurons, whereas all ICSOM+ neurons are excitatory neurons. Collectively, our findings suggest that parvalbumin and somatostatin expression in the IC can serve as biomarkers for two functionally distinct, parallel tectothalamic pathways. This discovery suggests an alternative way to define tectothalamic pathways and highlights the potential usefulness of Cre mice in understanding the multifaceted roles of the IC at the circuit level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Danionella cerebrum has recently been proposed as a promising model to investigate the structure and function of the adult vertebrate brain, including the development of vocal-auditory neural pathways. This genetically tractable and transparent cypriniform is highly vocal, but limited information is available on its acoustic behavior and underlying biological function. Our main goal was to characterize the acoustic repertoire and diel variation in sound production of D. cerebrum, as well as to investigate the relationship between vocal behavior and reproduction. Sound recordings demonstrated high vocal activity, with sounds varying from short sequences of pulses known as \"bursts\" (comprising up to 15 pulses) to notably longer sounds, termed \"long bursts\", which extended up to 349 pulses with over 2.7 s. Vocal activity peaked at midday and it was very low at night with only a few bursts. While the number of pulses was higher during the daytime, the interpulse interval was longer at night. In addition, calling time was positively associated with the number of viable eggs, suggesting that acoustic communication is important for reproduction. These preliminary findings reveal the potential of using D. cerebrum to investigate vocal plasticity and the implications for sexual selection and reproduction in a novel vertebrate model for neuroscience.





