Androgen-Insensitivity Syndrome

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is a difference of sex development (DSD) characterized by different degrees of undervirilization in individuals with a 46,XY karyotype despite normal to high gonadal testosterone production. Classically, AIS is explained by hemizygous mutations in the X-chromosomal androgen receptor (AR) gene. Nevertheless, the majority of individuals with clinically diagnosed AIS do not carry an AR gene mutation. Here, we present a patient with a 46,XY karyotype, born with undervirilized genitalia, age-appropriate testosterone levels and no uterus, characteristic for AIS. Diagnostic whole exome sequencing (WES) showed a maternally inherited LINE1 (L1) retrotransposon insertion in the 5\' untranslated region (5\'UTR) of the AR gene. Long-read nanopore sequencing confirmed this as an insertion of a truncated L1 element of ≈ 2.7 kb and showed an increased DNA methylation at the L1 insertion site in patient-derived genital skin fibroblasts (GSFs) compared to healthy controls. The insertion coincided with reduced AR transcript and protein levels in patient-derived GSFs confirming the clinical diagnosis AIS. Our results underline the relevance of retrotransposons in human disease, and expand the growing list of human diseases associated with them.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Disorders of sex development (DSD) are congenital conditions characterized by atypical development of chromosomal, gonadal, and phenotypic sex. 46, XY DSD can result from disorders of testicular development or androgen synthesis.
    METHODS: We present 2 rare cases of 46, XY DSD, specifically XY pure gonadal dysgenesis and complete androgen insensitivity syndrome.
    RESULTS: Both cases underwent prophylactic gonadectomy due to the elevated risk of gonadal malignancy. Bilateral gonadoblastoma and dysgerminoma were diagnosed on one side, while Leydig cell hyperplasia and only Sertoli cells were diagnosed in the seminiferous tubules on both sides. The normal menstruation for the pure gonadal dysgenesis patient only as CAIS patients never menstruate. Estrogen replacement therapy was administered periodically to promote the development of secondary sexual characteristics and menstruation in pure gonadal dysgenesis case, as well as to prevent osteoporosis. Follow-up examinations revealed no tumor recurrence, and the patient with Swyer syndrome had regular menstrual cycles.
    CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic bilateral prophylactic gonadectomy and long-term hormone therapy with patient counseling and support are recommended.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is a rare disorder with X-linked recessive inheritance in 46 XY patients. The clinical manifestations vary between patients, especially regarding external genitalia development. Herein, the case of AIS in a 13-year-old male, who was born with hypospadias and presented to the hospital with gynaecomastia that had developed from 8 years of age, is reported. No micropenis, cryptorchidism or bifid scrotum were found. Testis volume was 12 ml on both sides. His testosterone and luteinizing hormone levels were normal compared with sex- and age-adjusted reference range. His bone age was approximately 13 years according to Greulich-Pyle assessment. Sequence analysis of the androgen receptor (AR) gene revealed a mutation (c.2041A>G) in exon 4, a novel mutation site in the AR gene. Prediction analysis suggested this to be a disease-causing variant. A milder clinical presentation and normal hormone levels in cases of partial AIS might differ from the usually reported signs and symptoms. A diagnosis of AIS should not be ignored in teenage patients who present with gynaecomastia and hypospadias, but normal hormone levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social behaviors are regulated by sex steroid hormones, such as androgens and estrogens. However, the specific molecular and neural processes modulated by steroid hormones to generate social behaviors remain to be elucidated. We investigated whether some actions of androgen signaling in the control of social behavior may occur through the regulation of estradiol synthesis in the highly social cichlid fish, Astatotilapia burtoni. Specifically, we examined the expression of cyp19a1, a brain-specific aromatase, in the brains of male A. burtoni lacking a functional ARα gene (ar1), which was recently found to be necessary for aggression in this species. We found that cyp19a1 expression is higher in wild-type males compared to ar1 mutant males in the anterior tuberal nucleus (ATn), the putative fish homolog of the mammalian ventromedial hypothalamus, a brain region that is critical for aggression across taxa. Using in situ hybridization chain reaction, we determined that cyp19a1+ cells coexpress ar1 throughout the brain, including in the ATn. We speculate that ARα may modulate cyp19a1 expression in the ATn to govern aggression in A. burtoni. These studies provide novel insights into the hormonal mechanisms of social behavior in teleosts and lay a foundation for future functional studies.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pulmonary artery intimal sarcomas (PAISs) are rare, malignant tumours that arise from the intimal or intramural wall of the pulmonary artery and are often mistaken for pulmonary emboli. Diagnosis and treatment of this condition are difficult due to the lack of formal guidelines. Initiating treatment as soon as possible after diagnosis is essential for maximising survival. Here, we present the case of a patient with a PAIS that initially presented similar to pulmonary thromboembolic disease and was treated with a multimodal approach.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report a Vietnamese family with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome that included several phenotypic females who have a 46,XY karyotype with an extremely rare mutation of the androgen receptor gene. The proband was a 27-year-old phenotypic adult female referred to our department for karyotyping due to primary amenorrhea. Ultrasound examination revealed a small uterus. Chromosomal analysis showed a 46,XY karyotype. A polymerase chain reaction assay revealed the presence of the sex-determining region Y gene. Next-generation sequencing detected the NM_000044.6(AR):c.2170C>T(p.Pro274Ser) mutation, which was confirmed by Sanger sequencing. There is only one previous report of this mutation in a child with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome. In the family presented in this study, there were four more phenotypic adult females with primary amenorrhea and a phenotypic female infant with testes in the inguinal canals. The infant (first cousin once removed of the proband) presented with inguinal hernia/swelling in a phenotypic female and one of the four abovementioned adults had similar genetic analysis results. This is the second report of a missense mutation NM 000044.6(AR):c.2170C>T in the world and the first study to document a pedigree consisting of several individuals with CAIS as a result of this mutation. The presence of a tiny uterus in the proband, which is a rare occurrence in complete androgen insensitivity syndrome, is a unique clinical indicator of the disorder\'s variable expressivity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Androgens are closely associated with functions of hippocampal learning, memory, and synaptic plasticity. The zinc transporter ZIP9 (SLC39A9) regulates androgen effects as a binding site distinct from the androgen receptor (AR). However, it is still unclear whether androgens regulate their functions in hippocampus of mice through ZIP9. Compared with wild-type (WT) male mice, we found that AR-deficient male testicular feminization mutation (Tfm) mice with low androgen levels had learning and memory impairment, decreased expression of hippocampal synaptic proteins PSD95, drebrin, SYP, and dendritic spine density. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) supplementation significantly improved these conditions in Tfm male mice, although the beneficial effects disappeared after hippocampal ZIP9 knockdown. To explore the underlying mechanism, we first detected the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and eIF4E in the hippocampus and found that it was lower in Tfm male mice than in WT male mice, it upregulated with DHT supplementation, and it downregulated after hippocampal ZIP9 knockdown. Next, we found that the expression of PSD95, p-ERK1/2, and p-eIF4E increased in DHT-treated mouse hippocampal neuron HT22 cells, and ZIP9 knockdown or overexpression inhibited or further enhanced these effects. Using the ERK1/2 specific inhibitor SCH772984 and eIF4E specific inhibitor eFT508, we found that DHT activated ERK1/2 through ZIP9, resulting in eIF4E phosphorylation, thus promoting PSD95 protein expression in HT22 cells. Finally, we found that ZIP9 mediated the effects of DHT on the expression of synaptic proteins PSD95, drebrin, SYP, and dendritic spine density in the hippocampus of APP/PS1 mice through the ERK1/2-eIF4E pathway and affected learning and memory. This study demonstrated that androgen affected learning and memory in mice through ZIP9, providing new experimental evidence for improvement in learning and memory in Alzheimer\'s disease with androgen supplementation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We report the discovery of the androgen receptor missense mutation V770D, that was found in two sisters suffering from complete androgen insensitivity. Experimental validation of AR V770 variants demonstrated that AR V770D was transcriptionally inactive due to the inability to dimerize and a reduced ligand binding affinity. The more conservative AR V770A variant showed a dimerization defect at low levels of DHT with a partial recovery of the transcriptional activity and of the receptor\'s ability to dimerize when increasing the DHT levels. With V770 located outside of the proposed LBD dimerization interface of the AR LBD homodimer crystal structure, the effects of the V770A mutation on AR dimerization were unexpected. We therefore explored whether the AR LBD dimerization interface would be better described by an alternative dimerization mode based on available human homodimeric LBD crystal structures of other nuclear receptors. Superposition of the monomeric AR LBD in the homodimeric crystal structures of GR, PR, ER, CAR, TRβ, and HNF-4α showed that the GR-like LBD dimer model was energetically the most stable. Moreover, V770 was a key energy residue in the GR-like LBD dimer while it was not involved in the stabilization of the AR LBD homodimer according to the crystal structure. Additionally, the observation that 4 AIS mutations impacted the stability of the AR LBD dimer while 16 mutations affected the GR-like LBD dimer, suggested that the AR LBD dimer crystal is a snapshot of a breathing AR LBD homodimer that can transition into the GR-like LBD dimer model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Some individuals with differences of sex development (DSD) conditions undergo medically indicated prophylactic gonadectomy. Gonads of individuals with DSD can contain germ cells and precursors and patients interested in future fertility preservation and hormonal restoration can participate in DSD-specific research protocols to cryopreserve this tissue. However, it is unclear how many providers or institutions offer gonadal tissue cryopreservation (GTC) and how widespread GTC for DSD is across the United States (US). The Pediatric Initiative Network (PIN) and Non-Oncologic Conditions committees of the Oncofertility Consortium sought to assess the current state of GTC for patients with DSD.
    An electronic survey was sent to providers caring for patients with DSD via special interest groups of professional societies and research networks.
    The survey was administered between November 15, 2021 and March 14, 2022. A total of 155 providers responded to the survey, of which 132 respondents care for patients with DSD, and 78 work at facilities that offer medically indicated gonadectomy to patients with DSD diagnoses. They represented 55 US institutions including 47 pediatric hospitals, and 5 international sites (Canada, Denmark, Germany, Qatar). Of individual providers, 41% offer cryopreservation after prophylactic gonadectomy for patients with DSD (32/78). At an institutional level, GTC after medically indicated gonadectomy is available at 54.4% (24/46) of institutions. GTC is offered for a variety of DSD diagnoses, most commonly 45,X/46,XY DSD (i.e., Turner Syndrome with Y-chromosome material and mixed gonadal dysgenesis), ovotesticular DSD, complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS), and complete gonadal dysgenesis. Responses demonstrate regional trends in GTC practices with 83.3% of institutions in the Midwest, 66.7% in the Northeast, 54.6% in the West, and 35.3% in the South providing GTC. All represented institutions (100%) send gonadal tissue for pathological evaluation, and 22.7% preserve tissue for research purposes.
    GTC after gonadectomy is offered at half of the US institutions represented in our survey, though a minority are currently preserving tissue for research purposes. GTC is offered for several DSD conditions. Future research will focus on examining presence and quality of germ cells to support clinical decision making related to fertility preservation for patients with DSD.





