Androgen-Insensitivity Syndrome

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) manifests itself as variable symptoms of under-virilization in patients with 46,XY disorders caused by androgen receptor (AR) gene variants. This large-sample study aimed to correlate the genotypes and phenotypes to the fertility of individuals.
    METHODS: This was a cohort study that analyzed the genetic and clinical characteristics of patients with AIS from a single center in China.
    RESULTS: The 117 patients were divided into 53 with complete AIS (CAIS) and 64 with partial AIS (PAIS). At their first visit, the median age was 1.83 years (0.92-4.17), and the external masculinization score was 3.0 (2.0-6.0). At the last follow-up, 92% (49/53) of patients with CAIS maintained their female gender, and 94% (60/64) of patients with PAIS were raised as males. No gender anxiety was observed in this study. Eighty-eight AR variants were identified, with 31 (35%) being unreported. Moreover, 24% (21/88) occurred more than once. The variants that appeared most frequently were located at amino acid 841, including p.R841H (n = 5) and p.R841C (n = 2). Variants p.N706S, p.R856H, and p.A871V were each observed 4 times. In terms of inheritance, 83% of patients with parental verification inherited variants from their mothers. We also observed that the variants from 1 case were inherited from his maternal grandfather who had hypospadias.
    CONCLUSIONS: Most children with PAIS were raised as males. The abundance of maternally inheritable variants and the presence of case of preserved fertility indicate the fertility potential in patients with AIS. Hence, we recommend a careful evaluation of gonadectomy when fertility preservation is being considered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We report the discovery of the androgen receptor missense mutation V770D, that was found in two sisters suffering from complete androgen insensitivity. Experimental validation of AR V770 variants demonstrated that AR V770D was transcriptionally inactive due to the inability to dimerize and a reduced ligand binding affinity. The more conservative AR V770A variant showed a dimerization defect at low levels of DHT with a partial recovery of the transcriptional activity and of the receptor\'s ability to dimerize when increasing the DHT levels. With V770 located outside of the proposed LBD dimerization interface of the AR LBD homodimer crystal structure, the effects of the V770A mutation on AR dimerization were unexpected. We therefore explored whether the AR LBD dimerization interface would be better described by an alternative dimerization mode based on available human homodimeric LBD crystal structures of other nuclear receptors. Superposition of the monomeric AR LBD in the homodimeric crystal structures of GR, PR, ER, CAR, TRβ, and HNF-4α showed that the GR-like LBD dimer model was energetically the most stable. Moreover, V770 was a key energy residue in the GR-like LBD dimer while it was not involved in the stabilization of the AR LBD homodimer according to the crystal structure. Additionally, the observation that 4 AIS mutations impacted the stability of the AR LBD dimer while 16 mutations affected the GR-like LBD dimer, suggested that the AR LBD dimer crystal is a snapshot of a breathing AR LBD homodimer that can transition into the GR-like LBD dimer model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is a common form of 46, XY disorder in sex development disease (DSD). It is due to the androgen receptor (AR) gene mutations and includes clinical subgroups of complete AIS (CAIS) and partial AIS (PAIS), along with a vast area of clinical heterogeneity of completely normal female external genitalia to male infertility. In this study, the Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) was utilized to detect the cause of DSD in a consanguineous Iranian family with two female patients with normal external genitalia and 46, XY karyotype. Sanger sequencing was applied to validate the candidate variant. Next, we predicted the structural alteration induced by the variant on AR protein using bioinformatics analysis such as molecular dynamic (MD) and molecular docking simulations. WES results identified a novel hemizygous p.L763V variant in the AR gene in the proband that was compatible with the X-linked recessive pattern of inheritance. Bioinformatics studies confirmed the loss of AR function. Based on the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) guidelines, it was categorized as pathogenic. This study broadens the AR mutation spectrum and introduces the novel p.L763V missense pathogenic variant leading to AR failure to bind to its ligand, and the resulting CAIS clinical subgroup. This study presents a prosperous application of WES and bioinformatics analysis to recognize the underlying cause of DSD in Iran, necessary for its clinical/psychological management.Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For chronic congenital endocrine conditions, age at diagnosis is a key issue with implications for optimal management and psychological concerns. These conditions are associated with an increase in the risk of comorbid conditions, particularly as  it concerns growth, pubertal development and fertility potential. Clinical presentation and severity depend on the disorder and the patient\'s age, but diagnosis is often late.
    To evaluate age at diagnosis for the most frequent congenital endocrine diseases affecting growth and/or development.
    This observational cohort study included all patients (n = 4379) with well-defined chronic congenital endocrine diseases-non-acquired isolated growth hormone deficiency (IGHD), isolated congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (ICHH), ectopic neurohypophysis (NH), Turner syndrome (TS), McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS), complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS) and gonadal dysgenesis (GD)-included in the database of a single multisite reference center for rare endocrine growth and developmental disorders, over a period of 14 years. Patients with congenital hypothyroidism and adrenal hyperplasia were excluded as they are generally identified during neonatal screening.
    Median age at diagnosis depended on the disease: first year of life for GD, before the age of five years for ectopic NH and MAS, 8-10 years for IGHD, TS (11% diagnosed antenatally) and CAIS and 17.4 years for ICHH. One third of the patients were diagnosed before the age of five years. Diagnosis occurred in adulthood in 22% of cases for CAIS, 11.6% for TS, 8.8% for GD, 0.8% for ectopic NH, and 0.4% for IGHD. A male predominance (2/3) was observed for IGHD, ectopic NH, ICHH and GD.
    The early recognition of growth/developmental failure during childhood is essential, to reduce time-to-diagnosis and improve outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective: To explore genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis strategies for women who have androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) family history or pregnancy history of AIS proband. Methods: Three families of complete AIS (CAIS) were retrospectively reported and summarized. The subsequent pregnancies and processes of prenatal diagnosis were followed up. Results: Among three CAIS families, one family had androgen receptors (AR) gene mutation diagnosis; the other two families were diagnosed clinically without gene diagnosis. All three mothers of CAIS probands were in pregnant again when they sought counseling, with gestational weeks between 7-13 weeks. They underwent chorionic villi sampling or amniocentesis in their second trimester (at 12, 16, 17 weeks respectively). Chromosome gender of all three fetuses were 46,XY, which was inconsistent with the ultrasonographic phenotype of external genitalia. All patients chose selective abortion in their second trimester. The external genitalia of all aborted fetuses were female phenotype, which supported the diagnosis of CAIS. Conclusion: Genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis should be provided to high-risk patients with family history of AIS or proband pregnancy history, so as to achieve the goal of good childbearing and sound childrearing.
    目的: 探讨对有雄激素不敏感综合征(AIS)家族史或先证者孕产史的女性,进行遗传咨询和产前诊断的策略。 方法: 对3例完全型AIS(CAIS)的先证者及其家系的临床病理资料进行回顾性分析,随访先证者的母亲再次妊娠的过程及产前诊断情况。 结果: 在3个CAIS家系中,有1个家系有雄激素受体(AR)基因突变的诊断;另2个家系为先证者临床诊断,未行AR基因诊断。3例先证者的母亲就诊咨询时均已经再次妊娠,孕周介于孕7~13周。3例咨询者在中孕期(孕12、16、17周)接受绒毛穿刺取样术或羊膜腔穿刺术操作。全部3例胎儿的染色体核型均为46,XY,与超声下的外生殖器表型(均为女性表型)不符,咨询者选择中期妊娠引产术终止妊娠。引产的胎儿外生殖器均为女型,支持CAIS胎儿诊断。 结论: 对于有AIS家族史或先证者孕产史的女性,应进行孕前遗传咨询和孕期产前诊断,以达到优生优育的目标。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To study the clinical characteristics and genetic basis of complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS) in patients from the People\'s Republic of China. CAIS patients with 46 XY karyotype produce male levels of androgens but present with female external genitalia and secondary sex characteristics. The majority of affected individuals have androgen receptor (AR) gene mutations. This case series explored clinical and molecular characteristics of CAIS patients from the People\'s Republic of China.
    Genomic DNA from peripheral blood of clinically diagnosed CAIS patients was sequenced for mutation in the androgen receptor (AR) gene and steroid 5α-reductase type 2 gene (SRD5A2).
    Participants were recruited from Peking Union Medical College Hospital when they came in for consultation.
    Thirty patients from unrelated families were recruited.
    Data from medical documents recording diagnosis and treatment of these patients were retrospectively collected.
    Patient genotypes were determined by sequencing the AR and SRD5A2 genes. Their clinical characteristics were summarized based on symptoms, hormone profiles, operative findings, and pathological results.
    Twenty-one patients diagnosed with CAIS had mutations in AR exons. Analysis of AR exons revealed the presence of seven novel mutations (c.58C>T, c.645_652delGGGGGCTC, c.910G>T, c.1078C>T, c.1786T>A, c.2230G>T, and c.2522G>C); of these mutations, 47.6% (10/21) were located in the ligand-binding domain. Gonadal insufficiency was found in one case of CAIS. Among the remaining nine patients, three had SRD5A2 mutations and therefore a steroid 5α-reductase deficiency. No AR or SRD5A2 mutations were detected in the other six patients.
    This study broadens the spectrum of known AR gene mutations responsible for CAIS, and implies that there can be more complex underlying causes of CAIS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We determined histological aspects of implanted human decellularized testicular matrix (DTM) in C57BL6 as a primitive step for further testis tissue engineering. A total of 4 immature human testicles were obtained after bilateral orchiectomy from patients with testicular feminization syndrome. The optimal decellularization protocol was determined and the efficacy of decellularization was evaluated in two of the testicles. The remaining scaffolds were cut in 3 × 3 mm3 pieces and implanted between the tight muscles in 32 C57BL6. Biopsies were taken at 2, 4, 8, and 24 weeks postoperatively and stained with PLZF, protamine, and tekt1 markers. Histological examination of DTMs confirmed complete absence of nuclear remnants and preservation of the extracellular matrix. Successful cell seeding was observed in all follow-ups confirmed by H&E and IHC staining that increased continuously during the whole study. Interestingly, spermatogonial stem-like cells were observed on decellularized implants that were well differentiated during the follow-ups. Natural bioreactors may provide a good cell source for testes tissue regeneration. This technique may provide testis bioscaffold as a three-dimensional platform and further successful cell seeding to produce a functional testis. This novel technique may be beneficial for patients who require testicular supplementation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study the authors examined the issue of permanent infertility in two diagnoses of the diverse sex developments (DSD) spectrum: Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (CAIS) and Mayer-Rokitansky-KÏster-Hauser Syndrome (MRKHS). The participants with CAIS (n = 12) was older, showed a lower wish for a child and was less distressed about their infertility compared to participants with MRKHS (n = 49). Our data indicated an \"indifferent\" attitude toward motherhood in CAIS and an \"ambivalent\" attitude in MRKHS. Depression was frequent in both. Infertility is a source of distress. However, the two groups seem to cope in different ways. Comprehensive medical information and psychological support should be provided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Disorders of sex development (DSD) are congenital conditions in which the typical genetic and hormonal profiles are affected and thereby the usual process of sexual differentiation. Most of these studies, however, have been conducted in Western countries. In the present study, preschool sex-typed activities of Iranian individuals with DSD and their age-matched non-affected male and female relatives were assessed using the Pre-School Activities Inventory (PSAI) modified for retrospective self-report. A total of 192 individuals participated in our study, including 33 46,XX individuals with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH; M age = 10.36, SD = 5.52), 15 46,XY individuals with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS; M age = 19.8, SD = 7.14), and 16 46,XY individuals with 5-alpha reductase deficiency type-2 (5α-RD-2; M age = 17.31, SD = 7.28), as well as one age-matched non-affected male and female relative for each patient. With regard to PSAI scores, male-identifying participants with 5α-RD-2 and male controls reported similar levels of male-typical childhood play. Female-identifying participants with 5α-RD-2 and CAH showed comparable scores: significantly less masculine and more feminine than male controls, but significantly more masculine and less feminine than females with CAIS and female controls. These findings support the role of androgens in the development of sex-typical childhood play behavior, with those being exposed to higher levels of fetal functional androgens expressing more masculine behavior at preschool ages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Women with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS) after gonadectomy have complained about reduced psychological wellbeing and sexual satisfaction. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of hormone-replacement therapy with either androgen or oestrogen in women with 46,XY karyotype and CAIS after gonadectomy.
    This national, multicentre, double-blind, randomised crossover trial was performed at three university medical centres and three specialised treatment institutions in Germany. Eligible participants were women aged 18-54 years with 46,XY karyotype, genetically diagnosed CAIS, and removed gonads. Participants were randomly assigned (14:12) by a central computer-based minimisation method to either oestradiol 1·5 mg/day for 6 months followed by crossover to testosterone 50 mg/day for 6 months (sequence A) or to testosterone 50 mg/day for 6 months followed by crossover to oestradiol 1·5 mg/day for 6 months (sequence B). Participants also received oestradiol or testosterone dummy to avoid identification of the active substance. All participants received oestradiol 1·5 mg/day during a 2 months\' run-in phase. The primary outcome was mental health-related quality of life, as measured with the standardised German version of the SF-36 questionnaire. Secondary outcomes were psychological wellbeing, as measured with the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI), sexual function, as measured with the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), and somatic effects, such as signs of virilisation and effects on metabolic blood values. The primary analysis included all patients who were available at least until visit 5, even if protocol violations occurred. The safety analysis included all patients who received at least oestradiol during the run-in phase. This trial is registered with the German Clinical Trials Register, number DRKS00003136, and with the European Clinical Trials Database, number 2010-021790-37.
    We enrolled 26 patients into the study, with the first patient enrolled on Nov 7, 2011, and the last patient leaving the study on Jan 23, 2016. 14 patients were assigned to sequence A and 12 were assigned to sequence B. Ten participants were withdrawn from the study, two of whom attended at least five visits and so could be included in the primary analysis. Mental health-related quality of life did not differ between treatment groups (linear mixed model, p=0·794), nor did BSI scores for psychological wellbeing (global severity index, p=0·638; positive symptom distress index, p=0·378; positive symptom total, p=0·570). For the FSFI, testosterone was superior to oestradiol only in improving sexual desire (linear mixed model, p=0·018). No virilisation was observed, and gonadotrophin concentrations remained stable in both treatment groups. Oestradiol and testosterone concentrations changed substantially during the study in both treatment groups. 28 adverse events were reported for patients receiving oestradiol (23 grade 1 and five grade 2), and 38 adverse events were reported for patients receiving testosterone (34 grade 1, three grade 2, and one grade 3). One serious adverse event (fibrous mastopathy) and 20 adverse events (16 grade 1 and four grade 2) were reported during the run-in phase, and 12 adverse events during follow-up (nine grade 1 and three grade 2).
    Testosterone was well tolerated and as safe as oestrogen for hormone-replacement therapy. Testosterone can be an alternative hormone substitution in CAIS, especially for woment with reduced sexual functioning.
    German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.





