
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The co-occurrence of C4 and CAM photosynthesis in a single species seems to be unusual and rare. This is likely due to the difficulty in effectively co-regulating both pathways. Here, we conducted a comparative transcriptomic analysis of leaves and cotyledons of the C4-like species Sesuvium sesuvioides (Aizoaceae) using RNA-seq.
    RESULTS: When compared to cotyledons, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase 4 (PEPC4) and some key C4 genes were found to be up-regulated in leaves. During the day, the expression of NADP-dependent malic enzyme (NADP-ME) was significantly higher in cotyledons than in leaves. The titratable acidity confirmed higher acidity in the morning than in the previous evening indicating the induction of weak CAM in cotyledons by environmental conditions. Comparison of the leaves of S. sesuvioides (C4-like) and S. portulacastrum (C3) revealed that PEPC1 was significantly higher in S. sesuvioides, while PEPC3 and PEPC4 were up-regulated in S. portulacastrum. Finally, potential key regulatory elements involved in the C4-like and CAM pathways were identified.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings provide a new species in which C4-like and CAM co-occur and raise the question if this phenomenon is indeed so rare or just hard to detect and probably more common in succulent C4 lineages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The quartz fields of the Greater Cape Floristic Region (GCFR) are arid and island-like special habitats, hosting ~142 habitat-specialized plant species, of which 81 % are local endemics, characterized by a rapid turnover of species between and among sites. We use several phylogenetic community metrics: (1) to examine species diversity and phylogenetic structure within and among quartz fields; (2) to investigate whether quartz field specialists are evolutionarily drawn from local species pools, whereas the alternative hypothesis posits that there is no significant evolutionary connection between quartz field specialists and the local species pools; and (3) to determine whether there is an association between certain traits and the presence of species in quartz fields.
    METHODS: We sampled and developed dated phylogenies for six species-rich angiosperm families (Aizoaceae, Asteraceae, Crassulaceae, Cyperaceae, Fabaceae and Santalaceae) represented in the quartz field floras of southern Africa. Specifically, we focused on the flora of three quartz field regions in South Africa (Knersvlakte, Little Karoo and Overberg) and their surrounding species pools to address our research questions by scoring traits associated with harsh environments.
    RESULTS: We found that the Overberg and Little Karoo had the highest level of species overlap for families Aizoaceae and Fabaceae, whereas the Knersvlakte and the Overberg had the highest species overlap for families Asteraceae, Crassulaceae and Santalaceae. Although our phylogenetic community structure and trait analyses showed no clear patterns, relatively low pairwise phylogenetic distances between specialists and their local species pools for Aizoaceae suggest that quartz species could be drawn evolutionarily from their surrounding areas. We also found that families Aizoaceae and Crassulaceae in Knersvlakte and Little Karoo were phylogenetically even.
    CONCLUSIONS: Despite their proximity to one another within the GCFR, the studied areas differ in their species pools and the phylogenetic structure of their specialists. Our work provides further justification for increased conservation focus on these unique habitats under future scenarios of global change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sesuvium portulacastrum is a perennial halophyte of family Aizoaceae, non-native to Egypt, which was introduced from France ten years ago as an ornamental species. This study reports the detection of S. portulacastrum in the wild in Egypt. Voucher specimens were deposited in the Herbarium of Alexandria University (ALEX). A population of the species was recorded in the wild near Maruit Lake in the north-western coast of Egypt in 2018 during plant resources surveys of the region. The study aimed to assess the potential for S. portulacastrum to spread as an alien species through field observations and geospatial measurements under current conditions in its new habitat. The measured morphological parameters were higher than those recorded in its native habitats. The field observation for three years revealed that the species is proliferating and expanding in the investigated site forming large mats of mean size of up to 9 m2. The spatial extent of S. portulacastrum based on the EOO and AOO was quantified, and the expansion rate was estimated at 0.16 ha/year in the investigated site. The geospatial parameter used in the study will not only help in determining the spread rate of the alien species spatially and temporally, but also in its effective management through guiding managers in developing monitoring plans for the species under the changing climate uncertainty. Continuous monitoring and early detection of any potential threats of the introduced species are highly recommended, to avert any potential adverse impacts on native biodiversity and assess its behaviour in the wild habitat.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to explore nurses\' barriers to the pressure ulcer risk assessment scales implementation.
    METHODS: A qualitative descriptive phenomenological study.
    METHODS: The research participants comprised of 10 nurses at various medical and surgical departments in a teaching hospital northeast of Namibia. Data were collected between August and September 2022 through in-depth, semi-structured face-to-face individual interviews and analysed using Colaizzi\'s 7-step method.
    RESULTS: The interviews with nurses, led to two major themes being discovered: (1) factors hindering the effective prevention of pressure ulcers; (2) suggestions for improvements in the utilization of risk assessment scales. The participants noted that they had inadequate knowledge of the formal risk assessment scales; there were inadequate resources and insufficient staff; there were no policies or guidelines regarding the management of pressure ulcers, all of which influenced their utilization of pressure risk assessment scales. Education and training, the provision of equipment, the hiring of new staff and the formulation of policies/guidelines would thus improve the nurses\' utilization of the scales.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study have uncovered three primary factors that have a detrimental impact on the utilization of risk assessment scales by nurses, that is their lack knowledge on pressure ulcer risk assessment scales; a shortage of staff and equipment; and an absence of policies/guidelines. The findings from this study provide valuable implications for guiding quality improvement initiatives aimed at enhancing the standard of care in Namibia and other resource-limited settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of antiretroviral therapy has brought a tremendous relief to the world as it minimizes mortality, reduces HIV transmission, and suppresses progression in infected patients. However, the orthodox antiretroviral therapy is faced with limitations which have necessitated a continuous search for more novel plant-based antiviral compounds, which can bypass the existing barriers created by drug resistance and target more viral proteins. Despite the edibility and enormous pharmacological benefits of T. portulacastrum, little is known about its nutrient profiles and potential use as a natural source of antiviral drug. This study focuses on the full feed analysis and anti-HIV potential of two biotypes of T. portulacastrum. Ethanolic extracts of both biotypes of T. portulacastrum (T01 and T02) had significant inhibitory effects on the level of replication of the HIV-1. Both extracts induced the inhibition of at least 50% of the HIV-1 viral load at considerably low IC50 values of 1.757 mg/mL (T01) and 1.205 mg/mL (T02) which is comparable to the AZT standard. The protein composition ranged between 8.63-22.69%; fat (1.84-4.33%); moisture (7.89-9.04%); fibre (23.84-49.98%); and carbohydrate content (38.54-70.14%). Mineral contents of tested T. portulacastrum varied considerably in different parts of the plant. Nitrogen N mineral ranged between 13.8-36.3 mg/g; sodium Na (2.0-14.0 mg/g); potassium K (14.0-82.0 mg/g); magnesium Mg (2.8-7.1 mg/g); calcium Ca (9.1-24.7 mg/g); phosphorus P (1.3-3.6 mg/g); iron Fe (193.5-984.0 ppm); zinc Zn (42.5-96.0 ppm); manganese Mn (28.5-167.5 ppm); and copper Cu (2.0-8.5 ppm). These mineral values are comparable or higher than values quoted for common vegetables, suggesting that T. portulacastrum is a nutrient-dense vegetable that could provide alternative sources of antiviral nutrients to HIV-infected individuals. Further studies are recommended to unravel key metabolites responsible for high nutrient profiles and antiretroviral effects in T. portulacastrum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. is an annual halophyte that originated from southern Africa. However, little has been reported about factors that modulate the quantity of secondary metabolites in the plant. In this study, the twin effect of different nitrogen concentrations (0.36, 0.6, 0.8 g/L) and growing media (LECA clay, peat, vermiculite and silica sand) on plant growth, chlorophyll contents, minerals, proximate and antioxidant metabolites in hydroponically cultivated M. crystallinum was investigated. This is important to determine the dosage of N fertilizer that will optimize the bio-productivity and biosynthesis of secondary metabolites and antioxidants in M. crystallinum grown in a hydroponic system. The untreated plant (0 g/L N) was taken as the control. At the end of the experiment, optimum yields in leaf number (9.2), fresh weight (50.40 g), Ca, N, and Protein (34.04 %) were recorded in M. crystallinum grown with peat enhanced with different dosages of N-fertilizer. Likewise, chlorophyll level, dry weight, ABTS/TEAC, FRAP, ADF and NDF contents were optimized in LECA clay treated with N-fertilizer. Silica sand with 0.36 g/L dosage of nitrogen fertilizer optimized P, Mn and Zn levels, so also the moisture (9.83 % at 0.8 g/L N), fat (2.38 %, 0 g/L N) and carbohydrates (44.98 and 44.95 %). The highest ash content, Mg and Fe were recorded in the untreated vermiculite as well as polyphenols and K, at 0.6 g/L; Cu and root length (14.60 cm), at 0.8 g/L. In conclusion, different dosages of nitrogen fertilizer and growing media could enhance the growth potential, chlorophyll, phytochemicals, and nutritional properties of M. crystallinum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Aizoaceae family\'s Sesuvium sesuvioides (Fenzl) Verdc is a medicinal species of the Cholistan desert, Pakistan. The purpose of this study was to determine the genomic features and phylogenetic position of the Sesuvium genus in the Aizoaceae family. We used the Illumina HiSeq2500 and paired-end sequencing to publish the complete chloroplast sequence of S. sesuvioides.
    RESULTS: The 155,849 bp length cp genome sequence of S. sesuvioides has a 36.8% GC content. The Leucine codon has the greatest codon use (10.6%), 81 simple sequence repetitions of 19 kinds, and 79 oligonucleotide repeats. We investigated the phylogeny of the order Caryophyllales\' 27 species from 23 families and 25 distinct genera. The maximum likelihood tree indicated Sesuvium as a monophyletic genus, and sister to Tetragonia. A comparison of S. sesuvioides, with Sesuvium portulacastrum, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, Mesembryanthemum cordifolium, and Tetragonia tetragonoides was performed using the NCBI platform. In the comparative investigation of genomes, all five genera revealed comparable cp genome structure, gene number and composition. All five species lacked the rps15 gene and the rpl2 intron. In most comparisons with S. sesuvioides, transition substitutions (Ts) were more frequent than transversion substitutions (Tv), producing Ts/Tv ratios larger than one, and the Ka/Ks ratio was lower than one. We determined ten highly polymorphic regions, comprising rpl22, rpl32-trnL-UAG, trnD-GUC-trnY-GUA, trnE-UUC-trnT-GGU, trnK-UUU-rps16, trnM-CAU-atpE, trnH-GUG-psbA, psaJ-rpl33, rps4-trnT-UGU, and trnF-GAA-ndhJ.
    CONCLUSIONS: The whole S. sesuvioides chloroplast will be examined as a resource for in-depth taxonomic research of the genus when more Sesuvium and Aizoaceae species are sequenced in the future. The chloroplast genomes of the Aizoaceae family are well preserved, with little alterations, indicating the family\'s monophyletic origin. This study\'s highly polymorphic regions could be utilized to build realistic and low-cost molecular markers for resolving taxonomic discrepancies, new species identification, and finding evolutionary links among Aizoaceae species. To properly comprehend the evolution of the Aizoaceae family, further species need to be sequenced.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tetragonia tetragonoides (Pall.) Kuntze (Aizoaceae, 2n = 2x = 32), a vegetable used for both food and medicine, is a halophyte that is widely distributed in the coastal areas of the tropics and subtropics. Saline-alkaline soils and drought stress are two major abiotic stressors that significantly affect the distribution of tropical coastal plants. Abscisic acid-, stress-, and ripening-induced (ASR) proteins belong to a family of plant-specific, small, and hydrophilic proteins with important roles in plant development, growth, and abiotic stress responses. Here, we characterized the ASR gene family from T. tetragonoides, which contained 13 paralogous genes, and divided TtASRs into two subfamilies based on the phylogenetic tree. The TtASR genes were located on two chromosomes, and segmental duplication events were illustrated as the main duplication method. Additionally, the expression levels of TtASRs were induced by multiple abiotic stressors, indicating that this gene family could participate widely in the response to stress. Furthermore, several TtASR genes were cloned and functionally identified using a yeast expression system. Our results indicate that TtASRs play important roles in T. tetragonoides\' responses to saline-alkaline soils and drought stress. These findings not only increase our understanding of the role ASRs play in mediating halophyte adaptation to extreme environments but also improve our knowledge of plant ASR protein evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Large igneous provinces (LIPs) are major magmatic events that have a significant impact on the global environment and the biosphere, for example as triggers of mass extinctions. LIPs provide an excellent sedimentological and geochemical record of short but intense periods of geological activity in the past, but their contribution towards understanding ancient life is much more restricted due to the destructive nature of their igneous origin. Here, we provide the first paleontological evidence for organic walled microfossils extracted from wet peperites from the Early Cretaceous Paraná-Etendeka intertrappean deposits of the Paraná basin in Brazil. Wet peperites are a volcaniclastic rock formed by the interaction of lava and subaqueous sediments.The Paraná-Etendeka was formed during the Valanginian (ca. 132 Ma) as a continental flood basalt in present day South America and Namibia, and released enormous amounts of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, methane and hydrogen fluoride into the atmosphere. The organic walled microfossils recovered from the Paraná-Etendeka peperites include pollen grains, spores, acritarchs, and other remains of unidentifiable organic matter. In addition to the peperites, organic walled microfossils were also found in heterolithic sandstones and interpillow sandstones. Our findings represent the first insight into the biodiversity of the Paraná Basin during the Early Cretaceous during a period of intense magmatism, and the microfossil assemblages corroborate a regional paleoclimatic transition from arid to more humid conditions that were likely induced by the volcanic activity. We corroborate the potential of wet peperite rocks as a valuable source of paleobiological data and emphasize the importance of sampling volcaniclastic units that have been traditionally considered with lower fossiliferous potential due to their igneous origin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Namibia is rich in hunter-gatherer rock art from the Later Stone Age (LSA); this is a tradition of which well-executed engravings of animal tracks in large numbers are characteristic. Research into rock art usually groups these motifs together with geometric signs; at best, therefore, it may provide summary lists of them. To date, the field has completely disregarded the fact that tracks and trackways are a rich medium of information for hunter-gatherers, alongside their deeper, culture-specific connotations. A recent research project, from which this article has emerged, has attempted to fill this research gap; it entailed indigenous tracking experts from the Kalahari analysing engraved animal tracks and human footprints in a rock art region in central Western Namibia, the Doro! nawas Mountains, which is the site of recently discovered rock art. The experts were able to define the species, sex, age group and exact leg of the specific animal or human depicted in more than 90% of the engravings they analysed (N = 513). Their work further demonstrates that the variety of fauna is much richer in engraved tracks than in depictions of animals in the same engraving tradition. The analyses reveal patterns that evidently arise from culturally determined preferences. The study represents further confirmation that indigenous knowledge, with its profound insights into a range of particular fields, has the capacity to considerably advance archaeological research.





