ALT flap

ALT 皮瓣
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Parry Romberg syndrome also known as progressive hemifacial atrophy is an uncommon degenerative condition, characterized by unilateral, slow, and progressive atrophy of face. Patient presents with loss of facial symmetry and neurological manifestations. After the degenerative process settles, reconstructive surgeries are performed to address facial asymmetry. For accurate assessment of volume deficit, laser scanning and three- dimensional printing can be used which offers the advantage of precise surgical planning and good aesthetic outcome. We present a case of soft tissue reconstruction in Parry Romberg syndrome with anterolateral thigh flap with use of three- dimensional laser scanning.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Tessier number 10 cleft is one of the rarest facial clefts. Surgical treatment of this type of cleft is challenging due to the complexity of periorbital and temporal soft tissue deformities. A 23-year-old male patient presented with typical facial deformities of Tessier number 10 cleft. The surgical procedure involved using a free anterolateral thigh flap to reconstruct the eye socket, while the superficial temporal artery pedicle scalp flap was used to reconstruct the eyebrow deformity. The patient had no complications and 16 months after surgery, the patient had good aesthetic results. A hair-bearing scalp flap with a pedicle of the frontal branch of the superficial temporal artery combined with an anterolateral thigh-free flap can effectively resolve most soft tissue deformities of Tessier number 10 cleft and reconstruct the orbital socket in a single surgery. At the same time, it augments the soft tissue of the frontotemporal area and provides good aesthetic results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background  Anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap is the most common soft tissue flap used for microvascular reconstruction of head and neck. Its harvest is associated with some unpredictability due to variability in perforator characteristics, injury or unfavorable configuration for complex defects. Anteromedial thigh (AMT) flap is an option, but the low incidence and thickness restrict its utility. Tensor fascia lata (TFL) perforator (TFLP) flap is an excellent option to complement ALT. Its perforator is consistent, robust, in vicinity, and lends itself with the ALT perforator. Methods  This study was an analysis of 29 cases with a free flap for head neck reconstruction with an element of TFLP flap from July 2017 to May 2021. Results  All cases were primarily planned for an ALT reconstruction. There was absence of the ALT perforator in 16 cases but a sizable TFL perforator was available. In 13 cases, the complex defect warranted use of both ALT plus TFL in a conjoint (5), chimeric (5), and multiple (3) free flaps manner. Most common perforator location was septocutaneous between the TFL and gluteus medius. There was complete flap loss in two cases and partial necrosis in two. No adjuvant therapy was delayed. Conclusion  TFLP can reliably complement the ALT/AMT axis. Chimeric ALT-TFL can be harvested for large, complex, multicomponent, and multidimensional defects.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Complex scalp defects involving soft and hard tissues pose challenges for plastic surgeons. The solution for each defect must depend on various factors and even the technical development of the infrastructure. We present a case study in which the patient had a significant total frontal defect. The first surgery was a bi-parietal flap as a salvage option to cover the defect. However, aesthetic satisfaction was not achieved. The second surgery used the anterolateral thigh flap to enhance the aesthetic result, and the placement of titanium mesh was an appropriate choice. This case may be an example of how different solutions can lead to variable results and what needs to be considered when dealing with complex scalp defects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Soft-tissue defects of the lower abdomen, perineum, groin, and trochanteric area often involve the loss of composite tissue components and are technically challenging to reconstruct. The goals of reconstruction should include the replacement of the defect with a suitable soft-tissue flap that provides stable coverage while protecting important exposed structures. However, there are limited locations in this region for the creation of pedicled flaps for complex defect reconstruction. The pedicled anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap is considered superior to other comparable flaps due to its varying soft-tissue components and long pedicle with consistent anatomy that allow the reconstruction of locations that are difficult to reach without significant flap donor site morbidity. Herein, we present a case series of our experience of using a pedicled ALT flap to reconstruct regional defects over a range of locations.
    UNASSIGNED: The present study comprised ten patients who underwent surgical reconstruction of soft-tissue defects of the lower abdomen, groin, trochanteric, scrotal, and penoscrotal defects using a pedicled ALT flap over a two-year period. The flap was customized according to the defect when required.
    UNASSIGNED: In our case series, flap loss was not observed with only a few minor complications. All patients accepted the aesthetic appearance of the flap recipient site area without requesting revision surgery. The donor site was closed primarily in half of all cases, with split skin grafting applied in the remaining patients. Graft take at the flap donor site was satisfactory in all cases.
    UNASSIGNED: A pedicled ALT flap is a reliable and suitable option for complex soft-tissue reconstruction for regional soft-tissue defects of the lower abdomen and perineum.
    UNASSIGNED: Weichteildefekte des Unterbauchs, des Dammes, der Leiste und des Trochanterbereichs gehen häufig mit dem Verlust von Verbundgewebekomponenten einher und sind technisch schwierig zu rekonstruieren. Zu den Zielen der Rekonstruktion sollte der Ersatz des Defekts durch einen geeigneten Weichgewebelappen gehören, der eine stabile Deckung bietet und gleichzeitig wichtige freiliegende Strukturen schützt. In dieser Region gibt es jedoch nur wenige Stellen, an denen gestielte Lappen für die Rekonstruktion komplexer Defekte angelegt werden können. Der gestielte anterolaterale Oberschenkellappen (ALT) gilt aufgrund seiner unterschiedlichen Weichteilkomponenten und seines langen Stiels mit konsistenter Anatomie als anderen vergleichbaren Lappen überlegen und ermöglicht die Rekonstruktion von schwer zugänglichen Stellen ohne signifikante Morbidität der Lappenspenderstelle. Wir stellen hier eine Fallserie unserer Erfahrungen mit der Verwendung eines gestielten ALT-Lappens zur Rekonstruktion regionaler Defekte an verschiedenen Stellen vor.
    UNASSIGNED: Die vorliegende Studie umfasste zehn Patienten, die sich über einen Zeitraum von zwei Jahren einer chirurgischen Rekonstruktion von Weichteildefekten des Unterbauches, der Leiste, des Trochanter, des Skrotums und des Penoskrotums mit einem gestielten ALT-Lappen unterzogen. Der Lappen wurde bei Bedarf an den jeweiligen Defekt angepasst.
    UNASSIGNED: In unserer Fallserie wurde kein Lappenverlust beobachtet und es traten nur wenige kleinere Komplikationen auf. Alle Patienten akzeptierten das ästhetische Erscheinungsbild der Empfängerregion des Lappens, ohne eine Revisionsoperation zu verlangen. In der Hälfte aller Fälle wurde die Entnahmestelle primär verschlossen; bei den übrigen Patienten wurde eine Spalthauttransplantation durchgeführt. Die Transplantataufnahme an der Lappenentnahmestelle war in allen Fällen zufriedenstellend.
    UNASSIGNED: Ein gestielter ALT-Lappen ist eine zuverlässige und geeignete Option für komplexe Weichteilrekonstruktionen bei regionalen Weichteildefekten des Unterbauches und des Perineums.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Abdominal wall reconstruction aims at restoring the anatomical, functional and aesthetic integrity of this region, while providing protection of abdominal viscera and prevent herniation. There are various techniques used for abdominal wall reconstruction. We present a difficult case of abdominal wall reconstruction performed with a pedicled antero-lateral thigh (ALT] flap with good postoperative results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The anterolateral thigh (ALT) perforator flap is well-described and versatile option for reconstruction of soft tissue defects around foot and ankle. This retrospective review was performed for reconstruction of soft tissue defects around foot with ALT perforator flaps in patients with normal and overweight body mass index (BMI).
    METHODS: Between January 2016 and November 2020, ALT flaps were used in 30 patients for foot defects.
    RESULTS: Etiologic factors were trauma (18 patients), diabetic foot ulcer (6 patients), tumor (3 patients), infection (2 patients) and burn contracture (1 patient). Mean body mass index (BMI) value was 24.9 ± 4.1 (17-30). Mean flap dimension was 145 ± 86 (40-420) cm2. Recipient vessels were anterior tibial artery in 17 patients (56%), posterior tibial artery in 12 patients (40%), reversed flow dorsalis pedis artery in 1 patient (3.3%). In 24 patients (80%), 2 vein anastomoses were done. Debulking were applied in two patients (6.6%). Donor area was grafted in four patients (13.3%). Mean flap score was 1.25 ± 0.5. Mean flap thickness was 10 ± 2 (7-14) mm. Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) score was 7.75 ± 1.04 (6-10). The patients were followed up for a mean of 14 ± 11 (1-30) months.
    CONCLUSIONS: We think that ALT flap is still reliable and precious option because it provides ideal soft tissue reconstruction by means of recontouring of foot in nonobese patients.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Reconstruction of complex penile defects is always challenging, as some defects are not possible to reconstruct with skin or mucosa grafts, and even local flaps may be precluded in complex wounds. We present a case of a 63-year-old otherwise healthy man, who underwent transurethral resection of the prostate for benign prostatic hyperplasia. After the procedure, he developed panurethral necrosis with consequent stricture. Three urethroplasties for reconstruction of the bulbar and distal urethra using buccal mucosa grafts, a preputial flap, and penile skin were performed by urology team in different institutions, but serious urinary fistulization and carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae (KPC) infection translated in a chronic wound, urethra necrosis, and near-total penile amputation. A composite anterolateral thigh flap and vascularized fascia lata were used with success together with a perineal urethroplasty in different stages, improving the ischemic wound condition. The extended segment of fascia lata was used for Buck\'s fascia replacement and circumferential reinforcement to cover the erectile bodies of the penis. The postoperative period was uneventful and after 12 months, there were no signs of recurrence or wound dehiscence. He was able and easily adapted to void in a seated position through the perineal urethrostomy that was made. To the best of our knowledge, this procedure has not been reported previously as a salvage procedure in a fistulizated and KPC infected penis, but it may be considered to avoid penile amputation in chronic infected and intractable wounds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The anterolateral thigh flap and the tensor fasciae latae flap are supplied by the lateral circumflex femoral artery (LCFA). Different branching patterns of the LCFA have been described, leading to confusion, discrepancies and difficulties in clinical and cadaveric study comparisons. The aim of this study was to evaluate the branching patterns of the LCFA in dissected lower limbs and propose a simplified nomenclature. One hundred and two lower limbs fixed with Thiel\'s method were investigated. Meticulous dissection was performed, and the branching pattern of the arteries was documented by illustration and photography. These were analysed and allocated to the currently existing terminologies regarding the numbers of the branches (Part 1), and these subgroups were evaluated according to the variability of the trunk formations (Part 2). In Part 1, four subgroups could be classified (A, B, C and D). Group A included a total number of three branches (n = 50), Group B included four (n = 41), Group C included five (n = 5) and Group D included only two branches (n = 6). Part 2 showed in total 11 different trunk variations. Group A had four trunk variations: A1 (n = 38), A2 (n = 5), A3 (n = 2) and A4 (n = 6); Group B also had four variations: B1 (n = 16), B2 (n = 18), B3 (n = 3) and B4 (n = 4); Group C displayed two variations: C1 (n = 1) and C2 (n = 4); and in Group D, there was only one variation observed D1 (n = 6). Branching patterns were highly variable and inconsistent in terms of the number of branches and trunk variations, which resulted in different possible and justified interpretations and classifications. A new terminology should be defined cooperatively among anatomists and clinicians that will be useful for everybody. We propose a terminology oriented to the associated muscles.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Surgical treatment of advanced intracranial and extracranial communicating skull base tumors is challenging, especially for the reconstruction of the large composite defect left by tumor resection. The aim of the study is to evaluate the utility of the free flap reconstruction of the defects resulting from radical resection of these tumors in a single institution.
    The clinical data of 17 consecutive patients who underwent free flap reconstruction for defect left by salvage resection of advanced intracranial and extracranial communicating tumors from 2013 to 2019 were retrospectively collected and analyzed.
    There were 5 squamous cell carcinomas, 4 adenoid cystic carcinomas, 2 basal cell carcinomas, 2 meningiomas, 1 anaplastic hemangiopericytoma, 1 pleomorphic adenoma, 1 osteosarcoma, and 1 chondrosarcoma. All patients had recurrent neoplasms, 2 of whom had pulmonary metastasis. A modified radical cervical dissection was performed in 6 patients. The anterolateral thigh myocutaneous flap and rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap were used in 15 patients (88.2%) and 2 patients (11.8%), respectively. Complications were seen in 3 of 17 patients (17.6%) with 1 total flap loss. The median progression-free survival duration was 31 months. The 3- and 5-year progression-free survival rates were 0.47 and 0.24, respectively. The mean overall survival duration was 66 months. The 3- and 5-year overall survival rates were 0.85 and 0.68, respectively.
    Free flap transfer is a safe and effective method with acceptable complications, useful for reconstruction of large composite skull base defects after salvage resection of advanced intracranial and extracranial communicating tumors. The functional and cosmetic results are satisfying.





