
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To form fully functional four-chambered structure, mammalian heart development undergoes a transient finger-shaped trabeculae, crucial for efficient contraction and exchange for gas and nutrient. Although its developmental origin and direct relevance to congenital heart disease has been studied extensively, the time-resolved cellular mechanism underlying hypotrabeculation remains elusive. Here, we employed in toto live imaging and reconstructed the holistic cell lineages and cellular behavior landscape of control and hypotrabeculed hearts of mouse embryos from E9.5 for up to 24 h. Compared to control, hypotrabeculation in ErbB2 mutants arose mainly through dual mechanisms: both reduced proliferation of trabecular cardiomyocytes from early cell fate segregation and markedly impaired oriented cell division and migration. Further examination of mosaic mutant hearts confirmed alterations in cellular behaviors in a cell autonomous manner. Thus, our work offers a framework for continuous live imaging and digital cell lineage analysis to better understand subtle pathological alterations in congenital heart disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutations in cysteine and glycine-rich protein 3 (CSRP3)/muscle LIM protein (MLP), a key regulator of striated muscle function, have been linked to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in patients. However, the roles of CSRP3 in heart development and regeneration are not completely understood. In this study, we characterized a novel zebrafish gene-trap line, gSAIzGFFM218A, which harbors an insertion in the csrp3 genomic locus, heterozygous fish served as a csrp3 expression reporter line and homozygous fish served as a csrp3 mutant line. We discovered that csrp3 is specifically expressed in larval ventricular cardiomyocytes (CMs) and that csrp3 deficiency leads to excessive trabeculation, a common feature of CSRP3-related HCM and DCM. We further revealed that csrp3 expression increased in response to different cardiac injuries and was regulated by several signaling pathways vital for heart regeneration. Csrp3 deficiency impeded zebrafish heart regeneration by impairing CM dedifferentiation, hindering sarcomere reassembly, and reducing CM proliferation while aggravating apoptosis. Csrp3 overexpression promoted CM proliferation after injury and ameliorated the impairment of ventricle regeneration caused by pharmacological inhibition of multiple signaling pathways. Our study highlights the critical role of Csrp3 in both zebrafish heart development and regeneration, and provides a valuable animal model for further functional exploration that will shed light on the molecular pathogenesis of CSRP3-related human cardiac diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Left ventricular noncompaction (LVNC) is a type of cardiomyopathy characterized anatomically by prominent ventricular trabeculation and deep intertrabecular recesses. The mortality associated with LVNC ranges from 5% to 47%. The etiology of LVNC is yet to be fully understood, although decades have passed since its recognition as a clinical entity globally. Furthermore, critical questions, i.e., whether LVNC represents an acquired pathology or has a congenital origin and whether the reduced contractile function in LVNC patients is a cause or consequence of noncompaction, remain to be addressed. In this study, to answer some of these questions, we analyzed the clinical features of LVNC patients. Out of 9582 subjects screened for abnormal cardiac functions, 45 exhibit the characteristics of LVNC, and 1 presents right ventricular noncompaction (RVNC). We found that 40 patients show valvular regurgitation, 39 manifest reduced systolic contractions, and 46 out of the 46 present different forms of arrhythmias that are not restricted to be caused by the noncompact myocardium. This retrospective examination of LVNC patients reveals some novel findings: LVNC is associated with regurgitation in most patients and arrhythmias in all patients. The thickness ratio of the trabecular layer to compact layer negatively correlates with fractional shortening, and reduced contractility might result from LVNC. This study adds evidence to support a congenital origin of LVNC that might benefit the diagnosis and subsequent characterization of LVNC patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The G-quadruplex (G4) resolvase RHAU possesses the ability to unwind G4 structures in both DNA and RNA molecules. Previously, we revealed that RHAU plays a critical role in embryonic heart development and postnatal heart function through modulating mRNA translation and stability. However, whether RHAU functions to resolve DNA G4 in the regulation of cardiac physiology is still elusive. Here we identified a phenotype of noncompaction cardiomyopathy (NCC) in cardiomyocyte-specific Rhau deletion mice, including such symptoms as spongiform cardiomyopathy, heart dilation, and death at young ages. We also observed reduced cardiomyocyte proliferation and advanced sarcomere maturation in Rhau mutant mice. Further studies demonstrated that RHAU regulates the expression levels of several genes associated with ventricular trabeculation and compaction, including the Nkx2-5 and Hey2 that encode cardiac transcription factors of NKX2-5 and Hey2, and the Myh7 whose protein product is myosin heavy chain 7 (MYH7). While RHAU modulate Nkx2-5 mRNA and Hey2 mRNA at the post-transcriptional level, we uncovered that RHAU facilitates the transcription of Myh7 through unwinding of the G4 structures in its promoter. These findings demonstrated that RHAU regulates ventricular chamber development through both transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms. These results contribute to a knowledge base that will help to understand the pathogenesis of diseases such as NCC.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: The coexistence of congenital left ventricular aneurysm and abnormal cardiac trabeculation with gene mutation has not been reported previously. Here, we report a case of coexisting congenital left ventricular aneurysm and prominent left ventricular trabeculation in a patient with LIM domain binding 3 gene mutation.
    METHODS: A 30-year-old Asian man showed paroxysmal sinus tachycardia and Q waves in an electrocardiogram health check. There were no specific findings in physical examinations and serological tests. A coronary-computed tomography angiography check showed normal coronary artery and no coronary stenosis. Both left ventricle contrast echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance showed rare patterns of a combination of an apical aneurysm-like out-pouching structure with a wide connection to the left ventricle and prominent left ventricular trabecular meshwork. High-throughput sequencing examinations showed a novel mutation in the LDB3 gene (c.C793>T; p.Arg265Cys).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our finding indicates that the phenotypic expression of two heart conditions, congenital left ventricular aneurysm and prominent left ventricular trabeculation, although rare, can occur simultaneously with LDB3 gene mutation. Congenital left ventricular aneurysm and prominent left ventricular trabeculation may share the same genetic background.





