multi-locus GWAS

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: The dynamic genetic architecture of flowering time in chrysanthemum was elucidated by GWAS. Thirty-six known genes and 14 candidate genes were identified around the stable QTNs and QEIs, among which ERF-1 was highlighted. Flowering time (FT) adaptation is one of the major breeding goals in chrysanthemum, a multipurpose ornamental plant. In order to reveal the dynamic genetic architecture of FT in chrysanthemum, phenotype investigation of ten FT-related traits was conducted on 169 entries in 2 environments. The broad-sense heritability of five non-conditional FT traits, i.e., budding (FBD), visible coloring (VC), early opening (EO), full-bloom (OF) and decay period (DP), ranged from 56.93 to 84.26%, which were higher than that of the five derived conditional FT traits (38.51-75.13%). The phenotypic variation coefficients of OF_EO and DP_OF were relatively large ranging from 30.59 to 36.17%. Based on 375,865 SNPs, the compressed variance component mixed linear model 3VmrMLM was applied for a multi-locus genome-wide association study (GWAS). As a result, 313 quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) were identified for the non-conditional FT traits in single-environment analysis, while 119 QTNs and 67 QTN-by-environment interactions (QEIs) were identified in multi-environment analysis. As for the conditional traits, 343 QTNs were detected in single-environment analysis, and 119 QTNs and 83 QEIs were identified in multi- environment analysis. Among the genes around stable QTNs and QEIs, 36 were orthologs of known FT genes in Arabidopsis and other plants; 14 candidates were mined by combining the transcriptomics data and functional annotation, including ERF-1, ACA10, and FOP1. Furthermore, the haplotype analysis of ERF-1 revealed six elite accessions with extreme FBD. Our findings contribute to the understanding of dynamic genetic architecture of FT and provide valuable resources for future chrysanthemum molecular breeding programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Southern corn rust (SCR) caused by Puccinia polysora Underw is a major disease leading to severe yield losses in China Summer Corn Belt. Using six multi-locus GWAS methods, we identified a set of SCR resistance QTNs from a diversity panel of 140 inbred lines collected from China Summer Corn Belt. Thirteen QTNs on chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8 were grouped into three types of allele effects and their associations with SCR phenotypes were verified by post-GWAS case-control sampling, allele/haplotype effect analysis. Relative resistance (RRR) and relative susceptibility (RRs) catering to its inbred carrier were estimated from single QTN and QTN-QTN combos and epistatitic effects were estimated for QTN-QTN combos. By transcriptomic annotation, a set of candidate genes were predicted to be involved in transcriptional regulation (S5_145, Zm00001d01613, transcription factor GTE4), phosphorylation (S8_123, Zm00001d010672, Pgk2- phosphoglycerate kinase 2), and temperature stress response (S6_164a/S6_164b, Zm00001d038806, hsp101, and S5_211, Zm00001d017978, cellulase25). The breeding implications of the above findings were discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The chlorophyll content (CC) is a key factor affecting maize photosynthetic efficiency and the final yield. However, its genetic basis remains unclear. The development of statistical methods has enabled researchers to design and apply various GWAS models, including MLM, MLMM, SUPER, FarmCPU, BLINK and 3VmrMLM. Comparative analysis of their results can lead to more effective mining of key genes.
    RESULTS: The heritability of CC was 0.86. Six statistical models (MLM, BLINK, MLMM, FarmCPU, SUPER, and 3VmrMLM) and 1.25 million SNPs were used for the GWAS. A total of 140 quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) were detected, with 3VmrMLM and MLM detecting the most (118) and fewest (3) QTNs, respectively. The QTNs were associated with 481 genes and explained 0.29-10.28% of the phenotypic variation. Additionally, 10 co-located QTNs were detected by at least two different models or methods, three co-located QTNs were identified in at least two different environments, and six co-located QTNs were detected by different models or methods in different environments. Moreover, 69 candidate genes within or near these stable QTNs were screened based on the B73 (RefGen_v2) genome. GRMZM2G110408 (ZmCCS3) was identified by multiple models and in multiple environments. The functional characterization of this gene indicated the encoded protein likely contributes to chlorophyll biosynthesis. In addition, the CC differed significantly between the haplotypes of the significant QTN in this gene, and CC was higher for haplotype 1.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study\'s results broaden our understanding of the genetic basis of CC, mining key genes related to CC and may be relevant for the ideotype-based breeding of new maize varieties with high photosynthetic efficiency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.), the third largest oil crop, is an important source of vegetable oil and biofuel for the world. Although the breeding and yield has been improved, rapeseed still has the lowest yield compared with other major crops. Thus, increasing rapeseed yield is essential for the high demand of vegetable oil and high-quality protein for live stocks. Silique number per plant (SN), seed per pod (SP), and 1000-seed weight (SW) are the three important factors for seed yield in rapeseed. Some yield-related traits, including plant height (PH), flowering time (FT), primary branch number (BN) and silique number per inflorescence (SI) also affect the yield per plant (YP). Using six multi-locus genome-wide association study (ML-GWAS) approaches, a total of 908 yield-related quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) were identified in a panel consisting of 403 rapeseed core accessions based on whole-genome sequencing. Integration of ML-GWAS with transcriptome analysis, 79 candidate genes, including BnaA09g39790D (RNA helicase), BnaA09g39950D (Lipase) and BnaC09g25980D (SWEET7), were further identified and twelve genes were validated by qRT-PCRs to affect the SW or SP in rapeseed. The distribution of superior alleles from nineteen stable QTNs in 20 elite rapeseed accessions suggested that the high-yielding accessions contained more superior alleles. These results would contribute to a further understanding of the genetic basis of yield-related traits and could be used for crop improvement in B. napus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacterial leaf streak (BLS) is a devastating rice disease caused by the bacterial pathogen, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc), which can result in severe damage to rice production worldwide. Based on a total of 510 rice accessions, trialed in two seasons and using six different multi-locus GWAS methods (mrMLM, ISIS EM-BLASSO, pLARmEB, FASTmrMLM, FASTmrEMMA and pKWmEB), 79 quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) reflecting 69 QTLs for BLS resistance were identified (LOD > 3). The QTNs were distributed on all chromosomes, with the most distributed on chromosome 11, followed by chromosomes 1 and 5. Each QTN had an additive effect of 0.20 (cm) and explained, on average, 2.44% of the phenotypic variance, varying from 0.00-0.92 (cm) and from 0.00-9.86%, respectively. Twenty-five QTNs were detected by at least two methods. Among them, qnBLS11.17 was detected by as many as five methods. Most of the QTNs showed a significant interaction with their environment, but no QTNs were detected in both seasons. By defining the QTL range for each QTN according to the LD half-decay distance, a total of 848 candidate genes were found for nine top QTNs. Among them, more than 10% were annotated to be related to biotic stress resistance, and five showed a significant response to Xoc infection. Our results could facilitate the in-depth study and marker-assisted improvement of rice resistance to BLS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Yield is one of the most important agronomic traits for the breeding of rapeseed (Brassica napus L), but its genetic dissection for the formation of high yield remains enigmatic, given the rapid population growth. In the present review, we review the discovery of major loci underlying important agronomic traits and the recent advancement in the selection of complex traits. Further, we discuss the benchmark summary of high-throughput techniques for the high-resolution genetic breeding of rapeseed. Biparental linkage analysis and association mapping have become powerful strategies to comprehend the genetic architecture of complex agronomic traits in crops. The generation of improved crop varieties, especially rapeseed, is greatly urged to enhance yield productivity. In this sense, the whole-genome sequencing of rapeseed has become achievable to clone and identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs). Moreover, the generation of high-throughput sequencing and genotyping techniques has significantly enhanced the precision of QTL mapping and genome-wide association study (GWAS) methodologies. Furthermore, this study demonstrates the first attempt to identify novel QTLs of yield-related traits, specifically focusing on ovule number per pod (ON). We also highlight the recent breakthrough concerning single-locus-GWAS (SL-GWAS) and multi-locus GWAS (ML-GWAS), which aim to enhance the potential and robust control of GWAS for improved complex traits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Potassium use efficiency, a complex trait, directly impacts the yield potential of crop plants. Low potassium efficiency leads to a high use of fertilizers, which is not only farmer unfriendly but also deteriorates the environment. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are widely used to dissect complex traits. However, most studies use single-locus one-dimensional GWAS models which do not provide true information about complex traits that are controlled by multiple loci. Here, both single-locus GWAS (MLM) and multi-locus GWAS (pLARmEB, FASTmrMLM, mrMLM, FASTmrEMMA) models were used with genotyping from 90 K Infinium SNP array and phenotype derived from four normal and potassium-stress environments, which identified 534 significant marker-trait associations (MTA) for agronomic and potassium related traits: pLARmEB = 279, FASTmrMLM = 213, mrMLM = 35, MLM = 6, FASTmrEMMA = 1. Further screening of these MTA led to the detection of eleven stable loci: q1A, q1D, q2B-1, q2B-2, q2D, q4D, q5B-1, q5B-2, q5B-3, q6D, and q7A. Moreover, Meta-QTL (MQTL) analysis of four independent QTL studies for potassium deficiency in bread wheat located 16 MQTL on 13 chromosomes. One locus identified in this study (q5B-1) colocalized with an MQTL (MQTL_11 ), while the other ten loci were novel associations. Gene ontology of these loci identified 20 putative candidate genes encoding functional proteins involved in key pathways related to stress tolerance, sugar metabolism, and nutrient transport. These findings provide potential targets for breeding potassium stress resistant wheat cultivars and advocate the advantages of multi-locus GWAS models for studying complex traits.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Maize tassel architecture is a complex quantitative trait that is significantly correlated with biomass yield and grain yield. The present study evaluated the major trait of maize tassel architecture, namely, tassel branch number (TBN), in an association population of 359 inbred lines and an IBM Syn 10 population of 273 doubled haploid lines across three environments. Approximately 43,958 high-quality single nucleotide polymorphisms were utilized to detect significant QTNs associated with TBN based on new multi-locus genome-wide association study methods. There were 30, 38, 73, 40, 47, and 53 QTNs associated with tassel architecture that were detected using the FastmrEMMA, FastmrMLM, EM-BLASSO, mrMLM, pkWMEB, and pLARmEB models, respectively. Among these QTNs, 51 were co-identified by at least two of these methods. In addition, 12 QTNs were consistently detected across multiple environments. Furthermore, 19 QTLs distributed on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7 were detected in 3 environments and the BLUP model based on 6618 bin markers, which explained 3.64-10.96% of the observed phenotypic variations in TBN. Of these, three QTLs were co-detected in two environments. One QTN associated with TBN was localized to one QTL. Approximately 55 candidate genes were detected by common QTNs and LD criteria. One candidate gene, Zm00001d016615, was identified as a putative target of the RA1 gene. Meanwhile, RA1 was previously validated to plays an important role in tassel development. In addition, the newly identified candidate genes Zm00001d003939, Zm00001d030212, Zm00001d011189, and Zm00001d042794 have been reported to involve in a spikelet meristem identity module. The findings of the present study improve our understanding of the genetic basis of tassel architecture in maize.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein content (PC), an important trait in soybean (Glycine max) breeding, is controlled by multiple genes with relatively small effects. To identify the quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) controlling PC, we conducted a multi-locus genome-wide association study (GWAS) for PC in 144 four-way recombinant inbred lines (FW-RILs). All the FW-RILs were phenotyped for PC in 20 environments, including four locations over 4 years with different experimental treatments. Meanwhile, all the FW-RILs were genotyped using SoySNP660k BeadChip, producing genotype data for 109,676 non-redundant single-nucleotide polymorphisms. A total of 129 significant QTNs were identified by five multi-locus GWAS methods. Based on the 22 common QTNs detected by multiple GWAS methods or in multiple environments, pathway analysis identified 8 potential candidate genes that are likely to be involved in protein synthesis and metabolism in soybean seeds. Using superior allele information for 22 common QTNs in 22 elite and 7 inferior lines, we found higher superior allele percentages in the elite lines and lower percentages in the inferior lines. These findings will contribute to the discovery of the polygenic networks controlling PC in soybean, increase our understanding of the genetic foundation and regulation of PC, and be useful for molecular breeding of high-protein soybean varieties.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Photosynthesis is the basis of plant growth and development, and is seriously affected by low phosphorus (P) stress. However, few studies have reported for the genetic foundation of photosynthetic response to low P stress in soybean. To address this issue, 219 soybean accessions were genotyped by 292,035 high-quality single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and phenotyped under normal and low P conditions in 2015 and 2016. These datasets were used to identify quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) for photosynthesis-related traits using mrMLM, ISIS EM-BLASSO, pLARmEB, FASTmrMLM, FASTmrEMMA, and pKWmEB methods. As a result, 159 QTNs within 31 genomic regions were found to be associated with four photosynthesis-related traits under different P stress conditions. Among the 31 associated regions, five (q7-2, q8-1, q9, q13-1, and q20-2) were detected commonly under both normal and low P conditions, indicating the insensitivity of these candidate genes to low P stress; five were detected only under normal P condition, indicating the sensitivity of these candidate genes to low P stress; six were detected only under low P condition, indicating the tolerantness of these candidate genes to low P stress; 20 were reported in previous studies. Around the 159 QTNs, 52 candidate genes were mined. These results provide the important information for marker-assisted breeding in soybean and further reveal the basis for the application of P tolerance to photosynthetic capacity.





