medical image segmentation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lung cancer is a predominant cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide, necessitating precise tumor segmentation of medical images for accurate diagnosis and treatment. However, the intrinsic complexity and variability of tumor morphology pose substantial challenges to segmentation tasks. To address this issue, we propose a multitask connected U-Net model with a teacher-student framework to enhance the effectiveness of lung tumor segmentation. The proposed model and framework integrate PET knowledge into the segmentation process, leveraging complementary information from both CT and PET modalities to improve segmentation performance. Additionally, we implemented a tumor area detection method to enhance tumor segmentation performance. In extensive experiments on four datasets, the average Dice coefficient of 0.56, obtained using our model, surpassed those of existing methods such as Segformer (0.51), Transformer (0.50), and UctransNet (0.43). These findings validate the efficacy of the proposed method in lung tumor segmentation tasks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Partially-supervised multi-organ medical image segmentation aims to develop a unified semantic segmentation model by utilizing multiple partially-labeled datasets, with each dataset providing labels for a single class of organs. However, the limited availability of labeled foreground organs and the absence of supervision to distinguish unlabeled foreground organs from the background pose a significant challenge, which leads to a distribution mismatch between labeled and unlabeled pixels. Although existing pseudo-labeling methods can be employed to learn from both labeled and unlabeled pixels, they are prone to performance degradation in this task, as they rely on the assumption that labeled and unlabeled pixels have the same distribution. In this paper, to address the problem of distribution mismatch, we propose a labeled-to-unlabeled distribution alignment (LTUDA) framework that aligns feature distributions and enhances discriminative capability. Specifically, we introduce a cross-set data augmentation strategy, which performs region-level mixing between labeled and unlabeled organs to reduce distribution discrepancy and enrich the training set. Besides, we propose a prototype-based distribution alignment method that implicitly reduces intra-class variation and increases the separation between the unlabeled foreground and background. This can be achieved by encouraging consistency between the outputs of two prototype classifiers and a linear classifier. Extensive experimental results on the AbdomenCT-1K dataset and a union of four benchmark datasets (including LiTS, MSD-Spleen, KiTS, and NIH82) demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art partially-supervised methods by a considerable margin, and even surpasses the fully-supervised methods. The source code is publicly available at LTUDA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The limited data poses a crucial challenge for deep learning-based volumetric medical image segmentation, and many methods have tried to represent the volume by its subvolumes (i.e., multi-view slices) for alleviating this issue. However, such methods generally sacrifice inter-slice spatial continuity. Currently, a promising avenue involves incorporating multi-view information into the network to enhance volume representation learning, but most existing studies tend to overlook the discrepancy and dependency across different views, ultimately limiting the potential of multi-view representations. To this end, we propose a cross-view discrepancy-dependency network (CvDd-Net) to task with volumetric medical image segmentation, which exploits multi-view slice prior to assist volume representation learning and explore view discrepancy and view dependency for performance improvement. Specifically, we develop a discrepancy-aware morphology reinforcement (DaMR) module to effectively learn view-specific representation by mining morphological information (i.e., boundary and position of object). Besides, we design a dependency-aware information aggregation (DaIA) module to adequately harness the multi-view slice prior, enhancing individual view representations of the volume and integrating them based on cross-view dependency. Extensive experiments on four medical image datasets (i.e., Thyroid, Cervix, Pancreas, and Glioma) demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method on both fully-supervised and semi-supervised tasks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) image segmentation is crucial in prostate cancer radiotherapy, enabling precise delineation of the prostate gland for accurate treatment planning and delivery. However, the poor quality of CBCT images poses challenges in clinical practice, making annotation difficult due to factors such as image noise, low contrast, and organ deformation.
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to create a segmentation model for the label-free target domain (CBCT), leveraging valuable insights derived from the label-rich source domain (CT). This goal is achieved by addressing the domain gap across diverse domains through the implementation of a cross-modality medical image segmentation framework.
    METHODS: Our approach introduces a multi-scale domain adaptive segmentation method, performing domain adaptation simultaneously at both the image and feature levels. The primary innovation lies in a novel multi-scale anatomical regularization approach, which (i) aligns the target domain feature space with the source domain feature space at multiple spatial scales simultaneously, and (ii) exchanges information across different scales to fuse knowledge from multi-scale perspectives.
    RESULTS: Quantitative and qualitative experiments were conducted on pelvic CBCT segmentation tasks. The training dataset comprises 40 unpaired CBCT-CT images with only CT images annotated. The validation and testing datasets consist of 5 and 10 CT images, respectively, all with annotations. The experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of our method compared to other state-of-the-art cross-modality medical image segmentation methods. The Dice similarity coefficients (DSC) for CBCT image segmentation results is 74.6 ± 9.3 $74.6 \\pm 9.3$ %, and the average symmetric surface distance (ASSD) is 3.9 ± 1.8 mm $3.9\\pm 1.8\\;\\mathrm{mm}$ . Statistical analysis confirms the statistical significance of the improvements achieved by our method.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our method exhibits superiority in pelvic CBCT image segmentation compared to its counterparts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Existing medical image segmentation methods may only consider feature extraction and information processing in spatial domain, or lack the design of interaction between frequency information and spatial information, or ignore the semantic gaps between shallow and deep features, and lead to inaccurate segmentation results. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel frequency selection segmentation network (FSSN), which achieves more accurate lesion segmentation by fusing local spatial features and global frequency information, better design of feature interactions, and suppressing low correlation frequency components for mitigating semantic gaps. Firstly, we propose a global-local feature aggregation module (GLAM) to simultaneously capture multi-scale local features in the spatial domain and exploits global frequency information in the frequency domain, and achieves complementary fusion of local details features and global frequency information. Secondly, we propose a feature filter module (FFM) to mitigate semantic gaps when we conduct cross-level features fusion, and makes FSSN discriminatively determine which frequency information should be preserved for accurate lesion segmentation. Finally, in order to make better use of local information, especially the boundary of lesion region, we employ deformable convolution (DC) to extract pertinent features in the local range, and makes our FSSN can focus on relevant image contents better. Extensive experiments on two public benchmark datasets show that compared with representative medical image segmentation methods, our FSSN can obtain more accurate lesion segmentation results in terms of both objective evaluation indicators and subjective visual effects with fewer parameters and lower computational complexity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Deep learning-based methods for fast target segmentation of computed tomography (CT) imaging have become increasingly popular. The success of current deep learning methods usually depends on a large amount of labeled data. Labeling medical data is a time-consuming and laborious task. Therefore, this paper aims to enhance the segmentation of CT images by using a semi-supervised learning method. In order to utilize the valid information in unlabeled data, we design a semi-supervised network model for contrastive learning based on entropy constraints. We use CNN and Transformer to capture the image\'s local and global feature information, respectively. In addition, the pseudo-labels generated by the teacher networks are unreliable and will lead to degradation of the model performance if they are directly added to the training. Therefore, unreliable samples with high entropy values are discarded to avoid the model extracting the wrong features. In the student network, we also introduce the residual squeeze and excitation module to learn the connection between different channels of each layer feature to obtain better segmentation performance. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on the COVID-19 CT public dataset. We mainly considered three evaluation metrics: DSC, HD95, and JC. Compared with several existing state-of-the-art semi-supervised methods, our method improves DSC by 2.3%, JC by 2.5%, and reduces HD95 by 1.9 mm. In this paper, a semi-supervised medical image segmentation method is designed by fusing CNN and Transformer and utilizing entropy-constrained contrastive learning loss, which improves the utilization of unlabeled medical images.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNet architecture has achieved great success in medical image segmentation applications. However, these models still encounter several challenges. One is the loss of pixel-level information caused by multiple down-sampling steps. Additionally, the addition or concatenation method used in the decoder can generate redundant information. These limitations affect the localization ability, weaken the complementarity of features at different levels and can lead to blurred boundaries. However, differential features can effectively compensate for these shortcomings and significantly enhance the performance of image segmentation. Therefore, we propose MGRAD-UNet (multi-gated reverse attention multi-scale differential UNet) based on UNet. We utilize the multi-scale differential decoder to generate abundant differential features at both the pixel level and structure level. These features which serve as gate signals, are transmitted to the gate controller and forwarded to the other differential decoder. In order to enhance the focus on important regions, another differential decoder is equipped with reverse attention. The features obtained by two differential decoders are differentiated for the second time. The resulting differential feature obtained is sent back to the controller as a control signal, then transmitted to the encoder for learning the differential feature by two differential decoders. The core design of MGRAD-UNet lies in extracting comprehensive and accurate features through caching overall differential features and multi-scale differential processing, enabling iterative learning from diverse information. We evaluate MGRAD-UNet against state-of-theart (SOTA) methods on two public datasets. Our method surpasses competitors and provides a new approach for the design of UNet.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Computer-aided diagnosis has been slow to develop in the field of oral ulcers. One of the major reasons for this is the lack of publicly available datasets. However, oral ulcers have cancerous lesions and their mortality rate is high. The ability to recognize oral ulcers at an early stage in a timely and effective manner is a very critical issue. In recent years, although there exists a small group of researchers working on these, the datasets are private. Therefore to address this challenge, in this paper a multi-tasking oral ulcer dataset (Autooral) containing two major tasks of lesion segmentation and classification is proposed and made publicly available. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first team to make publicly available an oral ulcer dataset with multi-tasking. In addition, we propose a novel modeling framework, HF-UNet, for segmenting oral ulcer lesion regions. Specifically, the proposed high-order focus interaction module (HFblock) performs acquisition of global properties and focus for acquisition of local properties through high-order attention. The proposed lesion localization module (LL-M) employs a novel hybrid sobel filter, which improves the recognition of ulcer edges. Experimental results on the proposed Autooral dataset show that our proposed HF-UNet segmentation of oral ulcers achieves a DSC value of about 0.80 and the inference memory occupies only 2029 MB. The proposed method guarantees a low running load while maintaining a high-performance segmentation capability. The proposed Autooral dataset and code are available from .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In deep-learning-based medical image segmentation tasks, semi-supervised learning can greatly reduce the dependence of the model on labeled data. However, existing semi-supervised medical image segmentation methods face the challenges of object boundary ambiguity and a small amount of available data, which limit the application of segmentation models in clinical practice. To solve these problems, we propose a novel semi-supervised medical image segmentation network based on dual-consistency guidance, which can extract reliable semantic information from unlabeled data over a large spatial and dimensional range in a simple and effective manner. This serves to improve the contribution of unlabeled data to the model accuracy. Specifically, we construct a split weak and strong consistency constraint strategy to capture data-level and feature-level consistencies from unlabeled data to improve the learning efficiency of the model. Furthermore, we design a simple multi-scale low-level detail feature enhancement module to improve the extraction of low-level detail contextual information, which is crucial to accurately locate object contours and avoid omitting small objects in semi-supervised medical image dense prediction tasks. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations on six challenging datasets demonstrate that our model outperforms other semi-supervised segmentation models in terms of segmentation accuracy and presents advantages in terms of generalizability. Code is available at






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Segment Anything Model (SAM), a foundation model for general image segmentation, has demonstrated impressive zero-shot performance across numerous natural image segmentation tasks. However, SAM\'s performance significantly declines when applied to medical images, primarily due to the substantial disparity between natural and medical image domains. To effectively adapt SAM to medical images, it is important to incorporate critical third-dimensional information, i.e., volumetric or temporal knowledge, during fine-tuning. Simultaneously, we aim to harness SAM\'s pre-trained weights within its original 2D backbone to the fullest extent. In this paper, we introduce a modality-agnostic SAM adaptation framework, named as MA-SAM, that is applicable to various volumetric and video medical data. Our method roots in the parameter-efficient fine-tuning strategy to update only a small portion of weight increments while preserving the majority of SAM\'s pre-trained weights. By injecting a series of 3D adapters into the transformer blocks of the image encoder, our method enables the pre-trained 2D backbone to extract third-dimensional information from input data. We comprehensively evaluate our method on five medical image segmentation tasks, by using 11 public datasets across CT, MRI, and surgical video data. Remarkably, without using any prompt, our method consistently outperforms various state-of-the-art 3D approaches, surpassing nnU-Net by 0.9%, 2.6%, and 9.9% in Dice for CT multi-organ segmentation, MRI prostate segmentation, and surgical scene segmentation respectively. Our model also demonstrates strong generalization, and excels in challenging tumor segmentation when prompts are used. Our code is available at:





