
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Carbon dioxide (CO2) released by plants can serve as a cue for regulating insect behaviors. Hyphantria cunea is a widely distributed forestry pest that may use CO2 as a cue for foraging and oviposition. However, the molecular mechanism underlying its ability to sense CO2 has not been elucidated. Our initial study showed that CO2 is significantly attractive to H. cunea adults. Subsequently, 44 H. cunea gustatory receptors (GRs) were identified using transcriptome data, and 3 candidate CO2 receptors that are specifically expressed in the labial palps were identified. In vivo electrophysiological assays revealed that the labial palp is the primary organ for CO2 perception in H. cunea, which is similar to findings in other lepidopteran species. By using the Xenopus oocyte expression system, we showed that the HcunGR1 and HcunGR3 co-expressions produced a robust response to CO2, but HcunGR2 had an inhibitory effect on CO2 perception. Finally, immunohistochemical staining revealed sexual dimorphism in the CO2-sensitive labial pit organ glomerulus (LPOG). Taken together, our results clarified the mechanism by which H. cunea sense CO2, laying the foundation for further investigations into the role of CO2 in the rapid spread of H. cunea.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Insect gustatory receptors (GRs) aid in the precise identification of deterrent or stimulant compounds associated with food, mating, and egg-laying. Thus, they are promising targets for developing efficient insecticides. Here, 61 GRs in the chemosensory organs of Spodoptera litura larvae and adults were identified. Among them, SlitGR206 exhibited larval labium (LL)-specific expression characteristics. To explore the role of SlitGR206, a bacterial expression system was established to produce high-quality double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) and suppress SlitGR206 expression in LL. Subsequent behavioral assessments revealed that SlitGR206 silencing influenced larval feeding preferences and absorption. Moreover, it was found to reduce the ability of larvae to forage the five crucial host odorants. These findings demonstrate that SlitGR206 likely plays an indirect regulatory role in host recognition, consequently affecting foraging behavior. This provides a crucial foundation for the analysis of functional diversity among insect GRs and the precise development of nucleic acid pesticides in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In an ant colony, a large number of nestmates with a similar gene pool coexist, making them more vulnerable to pathogenic attacks. These pathogens influence the behavior and physiology of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta Buren. Here, we evaluated the impact of entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) Metarhizium anisopliae on the behavior (locomotion and foraging) and physiology (biological molecules, anti-fungal activity, and survival) of S. invicta. Distance traveled and velocity significantly decreased, while turn angle and angular velocity significantly increased in ants exposed to a higher concentration of M. anisopliae compared to ants exposed to control after 36 h, which showed disturbed locomotion. Fungus infection significantly affected the foraging behavior of ants. Fungus-exposed ants spent significantly less time in the food zone (area with food) than in the inner zone (area without food). The activities of 4 enzymes, peroxidase, glutathione-S-transferase, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and carboxylesterase were significantly decreased. In contrast, catalase and anti-fungal activities were increased after fungal exposure compared to the control. The activity of acetylcholinesterase, which hydrolyses the important neurotransmitter acetylcholine, also decreased after fungal application compared to the control. Survival of ants was also significantly reduced after fungus infection compared to the control. Our findings help to understand the influence of M. anisopliae on the behavior and physiology of S. invicta, which will help in the management of S. invicta using the EPF M. anisopliae.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (IPHDs) who form resident populations along the Chinese coastline are facing a wide range of anthropogenic disturbances including intense fishing and some populations have been shown to experience a severe decline. Body condition is thought to be a good indicator of health since it is linked to survival and reproductive success. In order to better understand population trends, we investigated whether the body condition of IPHDs is poorer in populations whose status is alarming than in other populations. UAV flights were conducted from 2022 to 2023 in four locations (i.e., Sanniang Bay, Leizhou Bay, Jiangmen, and Lingding Bay) in the northern South China Sea. Body ratios were calculated using the body length and widths of IPHDs and were used to analyze differences among seasons, locations, and demographic parameters. A PCA was then used to obtain a detailed picture of the body condition composition of dolphins at each location. Results showed that dolphins from Leizhou Bay and Jiangmen were in better body condition than those from Sanniang Bay and Lingding Bay. Since populations inhabiting Sanniang Bay and Lingding Bay have been shown to experience a sharp decline, it can be hypothesized that poor body condition may have played a role in such a trend. Further investigations of the factors impacting IPHDs\' body condition are needed, including monitoring of prey density, contaminant concentration, stress levels, and impacts of human activities on dolphins\' behavior. In addition, the creation of a robust scoring method would allow for regular monitoring of IPHDs\' body condition to inform conservation measures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Artificial light at night has been considered an emerging threat to global biodiversity. However, the impacts of artificial light on foraging behavior in most wild animals remain largely unclear. Here, we aimed to assess whether artificial light affects foraging behavior in Asian parti-colored bats (Vespertilio sinensis). We manipulated the spectra of light-emitting diode (LED) lighting in a laboratory. Using video and audio recording, we monitored foraging onset, total foraging time, food consumption, freezing behavior (temporary cessation of body movement), and echolocation vocalizations in triads of bats under each lighting condition. Analyses showed that the foraging activities of experimental bats were reduced under LED light. Green, yellow, and red light had greater negative effects on bats\' foraging onset, total foraging time, and food consumption than white and blue light. LED light of different spectra induced increased freezing time and echolocation vocalizations in captive bats, except for the white light. The peak wavelength of light emission correlated positively with freezing time, estimated echolocation pulse rate (the number of echolocation pulses per minute), and foraging onset, but negatively with total foraging time and food consumption. These results demonstrate that artificial light disturbs foraging behavior in Asian parti-colored bats. Our findings have implications for understanding the influencing mechanism of light pollution on bat foraging.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Behavioral plasticity has been proposed as a means by which animals alter their phenotypes in response to changing conditions. Animals may display behavioral plasticity as a consequence of environmental variation. The detritus-based, bell-shaped cobweb spider Campanicola campanulata is an ideal model to study behavioral plasticity, because its web architecture is easy to be quantified, and the functions of different parts of the web are clear. Though the plasticity of cobweb architecture has been reported in a few species, retreats as important defensive structures have rarely been considered before because retreats in most cobwebs are relatively small compared with the web size. We studied the web-building behaviors of C. campanulata under different feeding regimes. We set up 3 spider treatments with different feeding conditions: marginally well fed, moderately well fed, and extremely well fed, and observed the differences in the web architecture among them. In addition, we measured the mechanical properties of anchor silk, and also calculated the foraging and defense investment of the spiders. The results showed that marginally well-fed spiders build cobwebs with significantly longer length of anchor silk, lower retreat to the ground, more number and longer gumfooted lines, and larger capture area, while extremely well-fed spiders build cobwebs with significantly bigger retreat volume and higher height of retreat to the ground. In addition, marginally well-fed spiders invest significantly less during cobweb construction. However, there was no significant difference between the breaking force and elongation at break in anchor silk among different treatments. These results demonstrated that marginally well-fed spiders invest more in foraging, and extremely well-fed spiders invest more in defense, and the spider made a balance between foraging and predator avoidance in response to changes in physiological state. Our study strengthens the current understanding of web construction in cobweb spiders, especially those facing high costs during retreat construction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brassinosteroid (BR) represents a group of steroid hormones that regulate plant growth and development as well as environmental adaptation. The fluctuation of external nutrient elements is a situation that plants frequently face in the natural environment, in which nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are two of the most critical nutrients restraint of the early growth of plants. As the macronutrients, N and P are highly required by plants, but their availability or solubility in the soil is relatively low. Since iron (Fe) and P always modulate each other\'s content and function in plants mutually antagonistically, the regulatory mechanisms of Fe and P are inextricably linked. Recently, BR has emerged as a critical regulator in nutrient acquisition and phenotypic plasticity in response to the variable nutrient levels in Arabidopsis and rice. Here, we review the current understanding of the crosstalk between BR and the three major nutrients (N, P, and Fe), highlighting how nutrient signaling regulates BR synthesis and signaling to accommodate plant growth and development in Arabidopsis and rice.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial, Veterinary
    Artificial light at night (ALAN) disrupts biological rhythms across widely diverse organisms. To determine how energy is allocated by animals in different light environments, we investigated the impacts of ALAN on behavior and physiology of diurnal green anole lizards (Anolis carolinensis). Two groups of 24 adult lizards (half males, half females) were maintained in a controlled lab setting for six weeks. One group was exposed to a simulated natural summer light-dark cycle; the other was exposed to ALAN that simulated urban, nocturnal light exposure. After an acclimation period, we conducted four behavioral trials. One trial examined behavioral time allocation over two 24 h periods, and three others were conducted during mid-day and mid-night: open field tests, to examine exploratory behavior; foraging trials, to examine prey consumption; and social interaction trials, to examine same-sex interactions. We then measured each lizard\'s snout-vent length and mass of its body, abdominal fat pads, liver, and, for males, testes. Lizards exposed to ALAN were more likely to be awake at night, using nocturnal light to explore, forage, and display to conspecifics. However, during the day, ALAN lizards were less likely to be awake, slower to move, and females displayed less frequently. ALAN lizards had heavier fat pads and testes, but ALAN did not impact body mass, liver mass, or snout-vent length. In sum, ALAN appears to cause a broad shift towards increased nocturnal activity and may alter metabolic and reproductive processes. Future work should examine the fitness consequences of these behavioral and physiological changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Haustoria of root-parasitic plants draw nutrients from the roots of host species. While recent studies have assessed host preferences of parasitic plants, how root-exuded chemicals can mediate host tropism and selection by root-parasitic plants is poorly understood. Under greenhouse conditions, we performed two pot experiments to determine whether the root parasite Santalum album selectively forages for superior hosts (N2-fixing Acacia confusa Merr. or Dalbergia odorifera T. Chen) rather than for inferior hosts (non-N2-fixing Bischofia polycarpa (levl.) Airy Shaw or Dracontomelon duperreranum Pierre), and whether S. album uses host root exudates and/or specific chemicals in these root exudates to locate and trigger haustorium formation. Lateral roots and haustoria of S. album seedlings exhibited greater growth in the direction of D. odorifera roots than toward roots from the other three hosts. Comparative metabolic analysis revealed that D. odorifera root exudates were enriched in isoflavonoid, flavonoid and flavone/flavonol biosynthesis pathways, and that the relative contents of flavonoids were significantly greater in the root exudates of D. odorifera than in those of the other three hosts. Root exudates from D. odorifera significantly promoted S. album root growth, haustorium formation and reactive oxygen species accumulation in haustoria. Our results demonstrate that the key step in plant parasitism by S. album is based on root exudation by a host plant; the exudates function as a metabolite signal that activate lateral root growth and haustorium formation. Our results also indicate that flavonoids in the root exudates could play an important role in S. album foraging activity. Information on the responses of root parasites to host root exudates and/or haustorium-inducing chemicals may be useful for selecting superior host species to plant with valuable species of root parasites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Worker division of labor is predominant in social insects. The foraging (for) gene, which encodes cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG), has been implicated in the regulation of behavioral transitions in honeybees, but information regarding its function in other social insects is scarce.
    RESULTS: We investigated the role of the for (Sifor) gene in the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, and found that Sifor and PKG exhibited different expression patterns in different castes, body sizes, ages and tissues of fire ants, especially in foragers and nurses. Foragers displayed greater locomotor activity but showed no preference for larval or adult odors, whereas nurses showed lesser locomotor activity but had a strong preference for larval odors. We found that the expression of Sifor was significantly higher in the heads of foragers (compared to nurses). RNA interference-mediated Sifor knockdown in foraging workers induced behavioral transition of foragers toward the nurse phenotype characterized by reduced locomotor activity and a stronger preference for larval odors. By contrast, treating nurses with 8-Br-cGMP, an activator of PKG, resulted in behavioral transition toward the forager phenotype characterized by higher locomotor activity but reduced preference for larval odors.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that Sifor plays a critical role in the behavioral transition between foragers and nurses of workers, which may be a promising target for RNAi-based management of worker caste organization in S. invicta. © 2022 Society of Chemical Industry.





