
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Kangaroo rats are small mammals that are among the most abundant vertebrates in many terrestrial ecosystems in Western North America and are considered both keystone species and ecosystem engineers, providing numerous linkages between other species as both consumers and resources. However, there are challenges to studying the behavior and activity of these species due to the difficulty of observing large numbers of individuals that are small, secretive, and nocturnal. Our goal was to develop an integrated approach of miniaturized animal-borne accelerometry and radiotelemetry to classify the cryptic behavior and activity cycles of kangaroo rats and test hypotheses of how their behavior is influenced by light cycles, moonlight, and weather.
    METHODS: We provide a proof-of-concept approach to effectively quantify behavioral patterns of small bodied (< 50 g), nocturnal, and terrestrial free-ranging mammals using large acceleration datasets by combining low-mass, miniaturized animal-borne accelerometers with radiotelemetry and advanced machine learning techniques. We developed a method of attachment and retrieval for deploying accelerometers, a non-disruptive method of gathering observational validation datasets for acceleration data on free-ranging nocturnal small mammals, and used these techniques on Merriam\'s kangaroo rats to analyze how behavioral patterns relate to abiotic factors.
    RESULTS: We found that Merriam\'s kangaroo rats are only active during the nighttime phases of the diel cycle and are particularly active during later light phases of the night (i.e., late night, morning twilight, and dawn). We found no reduction in activity or foraging associated with moonlight, indicating that kangaroo rats are actually more lunarphilic than lunarphobic. We also found that kangaroo rats increased foraging effort on more humid nights, most likely as a mechanism to avoid cutaneous water loss.
    CONCLUSIONS: Small mammals are often integral to ecosystem functionality, as many of these species are highly abundant ecosystem engineers driving linkages in energy flow and nutrient transfer across trophic levels. Our work represents the first continuous detailed quantitative description of fine-scale behavioral activity budgets in kangaroo rats, and lays out a general framework for how to use miniaturized biologging devices on small and nocturnal mammals to examine behavioral responses to environmental factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Often in swarm robotics, an assumption is made that all robots in the swarm behave the same and will have a similar (if not the same) error model. However, in reality, this is not the case, and this lack of uniformity in the error model, and other operations, can lead to various emergent behaviors. This paper considers the impact of the error model and compares robots in a swarm that operate using the same error model (uniform error) against each robot in the swarm having a different error model (thus introducing error diversity). Experiments are presented in the context of a foraging task. Simulation and physical experimental results show the importance of the error model and diversity in achieving the expected swarm behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Varying environmental conditions and energetic demands can affect habitat use by predators and their prey. Anthropogenic habitats provide an opportunity to document both predation events and foraging activity by prey and therefore enable an empirical evaluation of how prey cope with trade-offs between starvation and predation risk in environments of variable foraging opportunities and predation danger. Here, we use seven years of observational data of peregrine falcons Falco peregrinus and shorebirds at a semi-intensive shrimp farm to determine how starvation and predation risk vary for shorebirds under a predictable variation in foraging opportunities. Attack rate (mean 0.1 attacks/hr, equating 1 attack every ten hours) was positively associated with the total foraging area available for shorebirds at the shrimp farm throughout the harvesting period, with tidal amplitude at the adjacent mudflat having a strong nonlinear (quadratic) effect. Hunt success (mean 14%) was higher during low tides and declined as the target flocks became larger. Finally, individual shorebird vigilance behaviors were more frequent when birds foraged in smaller flocks at ponds with poorer conditions. Our results provide empirical evidence of a risk threshold modulated by tidal conditions at the adjacent wetlands, where shorebirds trade-off risk and rewards to decide to avoid or forage at the shrimp farm (a potentially dangerous habitat) depending on their need to meet daily energy requirements. We propose that semi-intensive shrimp farms serve as ideal \"arenas\" for studying predator-prey dynamics of shorebirds and falcons, because harvest operations and regular tidal cycles create a mosaic of foraging patches with predictable food supply. In addition, the relatively low hunt success suggests that indirect effects associated with enhanced starvation risk are important in shorebird life-history decisions.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Snakes are characterized by distinct foraging strategies, from ambush to active hunting, which can be predicted to substantially affect the energy budget as a result of differential activity rates and feeding frequencies. Intense foraging activity and continuously upregulated viscera as a result of frequent feeding leads to a higher standard metabolic rate (SMR) in active than in ambush predators. Conversely, the costs of digestion (Specific Dynamic Action-SDA) are expected to be higher in ambush predators following the substantial remodelling of the gut upon ingestion of a meal after a long fasting period. This prediction was tested on an interspecific scale using a large multispecies dataset (> 40 species) obtained from published sources. I found that the metabolic scope and duration of SDA tended to reach higher values in ambush than in active predators, which probably reflects the greater magnitude of postprandial physiological upregulation in the former. In contrast, the SDA energy expenditure appeared to be unrelated to the foraging mode. The costs of visceral activation conceivably are not negligible, but represent a minor part of the total costs of digestion, possibly not large enough to elicit a foraging-mode driven variation in SDA energy expenditure. Non-mutually exclusive is that the higher costs of structural upregulation in ambush predators are balanced by the improved, thus potentially less expensive, functional performance of the more efficient intestines. I finally suggest that ambush predators may be less susceptible than active predators to the metabolic \'meltdown effect\' driven by climate change.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Visual foraging tasks require participants to search for multiple targets among numerous distractors. Foraging paradigms enable insights into the function of visual attention above what has been learned from traditional single-target search paradigms. These include attentional orienting over time and search strategies involving target selection from different target types. To date, only a handful of studies have been conducted on the development of foraging abilities. Here, the foraging of five age groups-children aged 6, 9, 12, and 15 years and adults-was measured, as was their performance on various tasks assessing four subdomains of executive functions: inhibition, attentional flexibility, working memory, and problem solving. Executive functions consist of a complex network of independent but interconnected cognitive processes that regulate action-orienting and goal-directed behavior and have been shown to be connected to visual attention and attentional orienting. Our results show that foraging abilities improve dramatically from 6 to 12 years of age, when adult levels of foraging have been reached. This is evident from reduced foraging times, increasingly frequent switches between target types, lower switch costs, and reduced error rates. In addition, partial least squares structural equation modeling reveals that the age differences on the foraging tasks are predominantly indirect effects through executive functions. In other words, the development of successful foraging abilities is highly correlated with the maturation of executive functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Australian horticulture relies heavily on the introduced managed honey bee, Apis mellifera Linnaeus 1758 (Hymenoptera: Apidae), to pollinate crops. Given the risks associated with reliance upon a single species, it would be prudent to identify other taxa that could be managed to provide crop pollination services. We reviewed the literature relating to the distribution, efficiency and management potential of a number of flies (Diptera) known to visit pollinator-dependent crops in Australia and worldwide. Applying this information, we identified the taxa most suitable to play a greater role as managed pollinators in Australian crops. Of the taxa reviewed, flower visitation by representatives from the dipteran families Calliphoridae, Rhiniidae and Syrphidae was frequently reported in the literature. While data available are limited, there was clear evidence of pollination by these flies in a range of crops. A review of fly morphology, foraging behaviour and physiology revealed considerable potential for their development as managed pollinators, either alone or to augment honey bee services. Considering existing pollination evidence, along with the distribution, morphology, behaviour and life history traits of introduced and endemic species, 11 calliphorid, two rhiniid and seven syrphid species were identified as candidates with high potential for use in Australian managed pollination services. Research directions for the comprehensive assessment of the pollination abilities of the identified taxa to facilitate their development as a pollination service are described. This triage approach to identifying species with high potential to become significant managed pollinators at local or regional levels is clearly widely applicable to other countries and taxa.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The nest architecture of social insects deeply impacts the spatial distribution of nestmates their interactions, information exchanges and collective responses. In particular, the number of nest entrances can influence the interactions taking place beyond the nest boundaries and the emergence of collective structures like foraging trails. Here, we investigated in the field how the number of nest entrances impacted the foraging dynamics of Myrmica rubra ant colonies. We located the nest entrances where recruitment occurred towards sugar feeders placed in their surroundings. The nests showed one or multiple entrance(s) aggregated in clusters spaced by at least 15 cm. Foragers from colonies with two clusters of entrances were distributed more homogeneously among the feeders than those of colonies with one cluster. In addition, foragers always returned to the first discovered feeder and demonstrated a high fidelity to their original entrance. Finally, a multi-agent model highlighted that additional entrances and clusters of entrances delayed the mobilisation of workers but favoured the simultaneous exploitation of several sources, which was further enhanced by the spatial fidelity of foragers. Multiple nest entrances seem to be a way for medium-sized colonies to benefit from advantages conferred by polydomy while avoiding associated costs to maintain social cohesion.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability to act on knowledge about the value of stimuli or actions factors into simple foraging behaviors as well as complex forms of decision-making. In striatal regions, action representations are thought to acquire value through a gradual (reinforcement-learning based) process. It is unclear whether this is also true for anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) where neuronal representations tend to change abruptly. We recorded from ensembles of ACC neurons as rats deduced which of 3 levers was rewarded each day. The rat\'s lever preferences changed gradually throughout the sessions as they eventually came to focus on the rewarded lever. Most individual neurons changed their responses to both rewarded and nonrewarded lever presses abruptly (<2 trials). These transitions occurred asynchronously across the population but peaked near the point where the rats began to focus on the rewarded lever. Because the individual transitions were asynchronous, the overall change at the population level appeared gradual. Abrupt transitions in action representations of ACC neurons may be part of a mechanism that alters choice strategies as new information is acquired.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Multiple methods have been developed to infer behavioral states from animal movement data, but rarely has their accuracy been assessed from independent evidence, especially for location data sampled with high temporal resolution. Here we evaluate the performance of behavioral segmentation methods using acoustic recordings that monitor prey capture attempts.
    UNASSIGNED: We recorded GPS locations and ultrasonic audio during the foraging trips of 11 Mexican fish-eating bats, Myotis vivesi, using miniature bio-loggers. We then applied five different segmentation algorithms (k-means clustering, expectation-maximization and binary clustering, first-passage time, hidden Markov models, and correlated velocity change point analysis) to infer two behavioral states, foraging and commuting, from the GPS data. To evaluate the inference, we independently identified characteristic patterns of biosonar calls (\"feeding buzzes\") that occur during foraging in the audio recordings. We then compared segmentation methods on how well they correctly identified the two behaviors and if their estimates of foraging movement parameters matched those for locations with buzzes.
    UNASSIGNED: While the five methods differed in the median percentage of buzzes occurring during predicted foraging events, or true positive rate (44-75%), a two-state hidden Markov model had the highest median balanced accuracy (67%). Hidden Markov models and first-passage time predicted foraging flight speeds and turn angles similar to those measured at locations with feeding buzzes and did not differ in the number or duration of predicted foraging events.
    UNASSIGNED: The hidden Markov model method performed best at identifying fish-eating bat foraging segments; however, first-passage time was not significantly different and gave similar parameter estimates. This is the first attempt to evaluate segmentation methodologies in echolocating bats and provides an evaluation framework that can be used on other species.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Substrate gleaning is a foraging strategy in which bats use a mixture of echolocation, prey-generated sounds, and vision to localize and hunt surface-dwelling prey. Many substrate-gleaning species depend primarily on prey-generated noise to hunt. Use of echolocation is limited to general orientation and obstacle avoidance. This foraging strategy involves a different set of selective pressures on morphology, behavior, and auditory system organization of bats compared to the use of echolocation for both hunting and navigation. Gleaning likely evolved to hunt in cluttered environments and/or as a counterstrategy to reduce detection by eared prey. Gleaning bats simultaneously receive streams of echoes from obstacles and prey-generated noise, and have to segregate these acoustic streams to attend to one or both. Not only do these bats have to be exquisitely sensitive to the soft, low frequency sounds produced by walking/rustling prey, they also have to precisely localize these sounds. Gleaners typically use low intensity echolocation calls. Such stealth echolocation requires a nervous system that is attuned to low intensity sound processing. In addition, landing on the ground to hunt may bring gleaners in close proximity to venomous prey. In fact, at least 2 gleaning bat species are known to hunt highly venomous scorpions. While a number of studies have addressed adaptations for echolocation in bats that hunt in the air, very little is known about the morphological, behavioral, and neural specializations for gleaning in bats. This review highlights the novel insights gleaning bats provide into bat evolution, particularly auditory pathway organization and ion channel structure/function relationships. Gleaning bats are found in multiple families, suggesting convergent evolution of specializations for gleaning as a foraging strategy. However, most of this review is based on recent work on a single species - the pallid bat (Antrozous palli dus) - symptomatic of the fact that more comparative work is needed to identify the mechanisms that facilitate gleaning behavior.





