
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Escherichia coli is an important intestinal flora, of which pathogenic E. coli is capable of causing many enteric and extra-intestinal diseases. Antibiotics are essential for the treatment of bacterial infections caused by pathogenic E. coli; however, with the widespread use of antibiotics, drug resistance in E. coli has become particularly serious, posing a global threat to human, animal, and environmental health. While the drug resistance and pathogenicity of E. coli carried by tigers and leopards in captivity have been studied intensively in recent years, there is an extreme lack of information on E. coli in these top predators in the wild environment.
    UNASSIGNED: Whole genome sequencing data of 32 E. coli strains collected from the feces of wild Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica, n = 24) and North China leopard (Panthera pardus japonensis, n = 8) were analyzed in this article. The multi-locus sequence types, serotypes, virulence and resistance genotypes, plasmid replicon types, and core genomic SNPs phylogeny of these isolates were studied. Additionally, antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) was performed on these E. coli isolates.
    UNASSIGNED: Among the E. coli isolates studied, 18 different sequence types were identified, with ST939 (21.9%), ST10 (15.6%), and ST3246 (9.4%) being the most prevalent. A total of 111 virulence genes were detected, averaging about 54 virulence genes per sample. They contribute to invasion, adherence, immune evasion, efflux pump, toxin, motility, stress adaption, and other virulence-related functions of E. coli. Sixty-eight AMR genes and point mutations were identified. Among the detected resistance genes, those belonging to the efflux pump family were the most abundant. Thirty-two E. coli isolates showed the highest rate of resistance to tetracycline (14/32; 43.8%), followed by imipenem (4/32; 12.5%), ciprofloxacin (3/32; 9.4%), doxycycline (2/32; 6.3%), and norfloxacin (1/32; 3.1%).
    UNASSIGNED: Our results suggest that E. coli isolates carried by wild Amur tigers and North China leopards have potential pathogenicity and drug resistance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is an urgent need to find a way to improve the genetic diversity of captive South China tiger (SCT, Panthera tigris amoyensis), the most critically endangered taxon of living tigers, facing inbreeding depression. The genomes showed that 13 hybrid SCTs from Meihuashan were divided into two groups; one group included three individuals who had a closer relationship with pureblood SCTs than another group. The three individuals shared more that 40% of their genome with pureblood SCTs and might be potential individuals for genetic rescuing in SCTs. A large-scale genetic survey based on 319 pureblood SCTs showed that the mean microsatellite inbreeding coefficient of pureblood SCTs decreased significantly from 0.1789 to 0.0600 (p = 0.000009) and the ratio of heterozygous loci increased significantly from 38.5% to 43.2% (p = 0.02) after one individual of the Chongqing line joined the Suzhou line and began to breed in the mid-1980s, which is a reason why the current SCTs keep a moderate level of microsatellite heterozygosity and nucleotide diversity. However, it is important to establish a back-up population based on the three individuals through introducing one pureblood SCT into the back-up population every year. The back-up population should be an important reserve in case the pureblood SCTs are in danger in the future.






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  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Amur tiger is currently confronted with challenges of anthropogenic development, leading to its population becoming fragmented into two geographically isolated groups: smaller and larger ones. Small and isolated populations frequently face a greater extinction risk, yet the small tiger population\'s genetic status and survival potential have not been assessed. Here, a total of 210 samples of suspected Amur tiger feces were collected from this small population, and the genetic background and population survival potentials were assessed by using 14 microsatellite loci. Our results demonstrated that the mean number of alleles in all loci was 3.7 and expected heterozygosity was 0.6, indicating a comparatively lower level of population genetic diversity compared to previously reported studies on other subspecies. The genetic estimates of effective population size (Ne) and the Ne/N ratio were merely 7.6 and 0.152, respectively, representing lower values in comparison to the Amur tiger population in Sikhote-Alin (the larger group). However, multiple methods have indicated the possibility of genetic divergence within our isolated population under study. Meanwhile, the maximum kinship recorded was 0.441, and the mean inbreeding coefficient stood at 0.0868, both of which are higher than those observed in other endangered species, such as the African lion and the grey wolf. Additionally, we have identified a significant risk of future extinction if the lethal equivalents were to reach 6.26, which is higher than that of other large carnivores. Further, our simulation results indicated that an increase in the number of breeding females would enhance the prospects of this population. In summary, our findings provide a critical theoretical basis for further bailout strategies concerning Amur tigers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The tiger (Panthera tigris) is a charismatic megafauna species that originated and diversified in Asia and probably experienced population contraction and expansion during the Pleistocene, resulting in low genetic diversity of modern tigers. However, little is known about patterns of genomic diversity in ancient populations. Here we generated whole-genome sequences from ancient or historical (100-10,000 yr old) specimens collected across mainland Asia, including a 10,600-yr-old Russian Far East specimen (RUSA21, 8× coverage) plus six ancient mitogenomes, 14 South China tigers (0.1-12×) and three Caspian tigers (4-8×). Admixture analysis showed that RUSA21 clustered within modern Northeast Asian phylogroups and partially derived from an extinct Late Pleistocene lineage. While some of the 8,000-10,000-yr-old Russian Far East mitogenomes are basal to all tigers, one 2,000-yr-old specimen resembles present Amur tigers. Phylogenomic analyses suggested that the Caspian tiger probably dispersed from an ancestral Northeast Asian population and experienced gene flow from southern Bengal tigers. Lastly, genome-wide monophyly supported the South China tiger as a distinct subspecies, albeit with mitochondrial paraphyly, hence resolving its longstanding taxonomic controversy. The distribution of mitochondrial haplogroups corroborated by biogeographical modelling suggested that Southwest China was a Late Pleistocene refugium for a relic basal lineage. As suitable habitat returned, admixture between divergent lineages of South China tigers took place in Eastern China, promoting the evolution of other northern subspecies. Altogether, our analysis of ancient genomes sheds light on the evolutionary history of tigers and supports the existence of nine modern subspecies.






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  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prey animals modify their behaviour and physiology in the presence of predators. Domestic animals differ from wild animals in having less exposure to wild predators, but whether they still retain an antipredator instinct is frequently unknown. In this study, we used domesticated Small Tail Han sheep as a model prey animal to gauge their response to the presence of predators, in the form of odours from the faeces of lion, tiger, and leopard. The faeces of male sheep and male rabbit (as a heterogeneous non-predator) were used as control. We found that the frequency and time of feeding, exploration, moving, watching, and lying down behaviours were significantly affected by predator odour, and that there was an interaction between odour sources and sex. When exposed to predator odour, sheep reduced their frequency and time of feeding, and increased their exploratory, moving, and watching behaviours. Female sheep showed greater motivation towards frequent and lengthy exploration, moving, watching, and lying down behaviours than male sheep, and less motivation towards feeding and drinking behaviours. Serum cortisol levels were lowest in response to tiger stimuli. These results illustrated that Small Tail Han sheep could recognise predator odour and adjust their behaviour to display antipredator strategies, and displayed some physiological responses, although only changing in serum cortisol could be significantly attributed to the odour of predators.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Among six extant tiger subspecies, the South China tiger (Panthera tigris amoyensis) once was widely distributed but is now the rarest one and extinct in the wild. All living South China tigers are descendants of only two male and four female wild-caught tigers and they survive solely in zoos after 60 years of effective conservation efforts. Inbreeding depression and hybridization with other tiger subspecies were believed to have occurred within the small, captive South China tiger population. It is therefore urgently needed to examine the genomic landscape of existing genetic variation among the South China tigers.
    In this study, we assembled a high-quality chromosome-level genome using long-read sequences and re-sequenced 29 high-depth genomes of the South China tigers. By combining and comparing our data with the other 40 genomes of six tiger subspecies, we identified two significantly differentiated genomic lineages among the South China tigers, which harbored some rare genetic variants introgressed from other tiger subspecies and thus maintained a moderate genetic diversity. We noticed that the South China tiger had higher FROH values for longer runs of homozygosity (ROH > 1 Mb), an indication of recent inbreeding/founder events. We also observed that the South China tiger had the least frequent homozygous genotypes of both high- and moderate-impact deleterious mutations, and lower mutation loads than both Amur and Sumatran tigers. Altogether, our analyses indicated an effective genetic purging of deleterious mutations in homozygous states from the South China tiger, following its population contraction with a controlled increase in inbreeding based on its pedigree records.
    The identification of two unique founder/genomic lineages coupled with active genetic purging of deleterious mutations in homozygous states and the genomic resources generated in our study pave the way for a genomics-informed conservation, following the real-time monitoring and rational exchange of reproductive South China tigers among zoos.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A new species of Tiger Gecko in the genus Goniurosaurus is described from Guangdong, China. This new species, Goniurosaurus wangshu sp. nov. is the fifth species of Goniurosaurus found in karst topography of Guangdong. It is distinguished morphologically from congeners in this region by the combination of thirteen precloacal pores in male; dorsal ground color of head, body, and limbs in adults yellow; and iris orange. To validate our morphological inferences and support the description of Goniurosaurus wangshu sp. nov. as a new species, we sequenced 16S, CMOS, cytb, and RAG1 gene regions and performed molecular phylogenetic analyses. Phylogenetic analysis places the new species within the G. yingdeensis group and highlights the evolutionary distinction between this new species and other described congeners.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Tiger bone, which had long been used in traditional Chinese medicine, had the action of removing wind and alleviating pain, strengthening the sinews and bones, and often used to treat bone impediment, and atrophic debility of bones in TCM clinical practice. As a substitute of natural bone tiger, artificial tiger bone Jintiange (JTG), has been approved by the State Food and Drug Administration of China for relief the symptom of osteoporosis, such as lumbago and back pain, lassitude in loin and legs, flaccidity and weakness legs, and walk with difficulty based on TCM theory. JTG has similar chemical profile to natural tiger bone, and contains mineral substance, peptides and proteins, and has been shown to protect bone loss in ovariectomized mice and exert the regulatory effects on osteoblast and osteoclast activities. But how the peptides and proteins in JTG modulate bone formation remains unclear.
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the stimulating effects of JTG proteins on osteogenesis and explore the possible underlying mechanisms.
    METHODS: JTG proteins were prepared from JTG Capsules by extracting calcium, phosphorus and other inorganic elements using SEP-PaktC18 desalting column. MC3T3-E1 cells were treated with JTG proteins to evaluate their effects and explore the underlying mechanisms. Osteoblast proliferation was detected by CCK-8 method. ALP activity was detected using a relevant assay kit, and bone mineralized nodules were stained with alizarin red-Tris-HCl solution. Cell apoptosis was analyzed by flow cytometry. Autophagy was observed by MDC staining, and autophagosomes were observed by TEM. Nuclear translocations of LC3 and CHOP were detected by immunofluorescence and observed under a laser confocal microscope. The expression of key proteins related to osteogenesis, apoptosis, autophagy and PI3K/AKT and ER stress pathways was analyzed by Western Blot analysis.
    RESULTS: JTG proteins improved osteogenesis as evidenced by the alteration of proliferation, differentiation and mineralization of MC3T3-E1 osteoblasts, inhibited their apoptosis, and enhanced autophagosome formation and autophagy. They also regulated the expression of key proteins of PI3K/AKT and ER stress pathways. In addition, PI3K/AKT and ER stress pathway inhibitors could reverse the regulatory effects of JTG proteins on osteogenesis, apoptosis, autophagy and PI3K/AKT and ER stress pathways.
    CONCLUSIONS: JTG proteins increased the osteogenesis and inhibited osteoblast apoptosis by enhancing autophagy via PI3K/AKT and ER stress signaling pathways.





