
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This retrospective study aimed to characterize and determine the prevalence of spinal disease in nondomestic felids within a sanctuary population. A review of 304 postmortem examination reports in Panthera species from 2003 to 2021 revealed that 86/304 (28%) were diagnosed with spinal disease. Spinal lesions were categorized according to pathologic process: degenerative (78/86, 91%), developmental (8/86, 9%), inflammatory (6/86, 7%), or neoplastic (8/86, 9%). Degenerative lesions included intervertebral disk disease (IVDD; 66/78, 85%), spondylosis without concurrent IVDD (4/78, 5%), and idiopathic (noncompressive) degenerative myelopathies (8/78, 10%). Fourteen individuals had lesions in more than 1 category. Developmental cases were vertebral (4/8) or spinal cord (3/8) malformations or both (1/8). Inflammatory lesions included meningitis (4/6) and meningomyelitis (2/6). Neoplasia included vertebral multiple myeloma (4/8) and others (4/8). IVDD often involved multiple disks but primarily affected the cervical (41/66, 62%) and thoracic spine (32/66, 48%). A multivariate binary logistic model predicted the diagnosis of IVDD at postmortem examination, where odds of being affected were highest for males, lions (Panthera leo), and geriatric age group (>14 years). The spinal lesions documented in this study provide insight into high-risk signalment categories and predominant associated lesions affecting captive Panthera populations. Specifically, spinal disease, especially cervical IVDD, is common among Panthera species, and lions, males, and older felids are at increased risk.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections in nondomestic felids have been documented in North America, South America, Africa, Europe, and Asia. Between March 2020 and February 2021, at nine institutions across three continents, infection was confirmed in 16 tigers (Panthera tigris), 14 lions (Panthera leo), three snow leopards (Panthera uncia), one cougar (Puma concolor), and one Amur leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis euptilurus) ranging from 2 to 21 yr old (average, 10 yr). Infection was suspected in an additional 12 tigers, 4 lions, and 9 cougars. Clinical signs (in order of most to least common) included coughing, ocular and/or nasal discharge, wheezing, sneezing, decreased appetite, lethargy, diarrhea, and vomiting. Most felids recovered uneventfully, but one geriatric tiger with comorbidities developed severe dyspnea and neurologic signs necessitating euthanasia. Clinical signs lasted 1-19 d (average, 8 d); one tiger was asymptomatic. Infection was confirmed by various methods, including antigen tests and/or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of nasal or oral swabs, tracheal wash, and feces, or virus isolation from feces or tracheal wash. Infection status and resolution were determined by testing nasal swabs from awake animals, fecal PCR, and observation of clinical signs. Shedding of fecal viral RNA was significantly longer than duration of clinical signs. Postinfection seropositivity was confirmed by four institutions including 11 felids (5 lions, 6 tigers). In most instances, asymptomatic or presymptomatic keepers were the presumed or confirmed source of infection, although in some instances the infection source remains uncertain. Almost all infections occurred despite using cloth facemasks and disposable gloves when in proximity to the felids and during food preparation. Although transmission may have occurred during momentary lapses in personal protective equipment compliance, it seems probable that cloth masks are insufficient at preventing transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from humans to nondomestic felids. Surgical or higher grade masks may be warranted when working with nondomestic felids.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Free-living amoebae are rare causes of morbidity and mortality in humans and animals around the globe. Because the route of exposure and clinical progression of disease caused by different species of amoebae may vary in people and animals, determining the species of amoeba present is important. We describe here a fatal infection by the free-living amoeba Balamuthia mandrillaris in a Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica). The 17-y-old patient had a rapid clinical decline after a peracute onset of severe lethargy, dull mentation, and anorexia. Autopsy did not identify a cause of death. Histology revealed inflammation associated with amoebic trophozoites in the brain, lungs, and iris of one eye. These amoebae were confirmed to be B. mandrillaris based on a PCR assay and sequencing. Although there are subtle morphologic differences between cyst stages of Acanthamoeba spp., B. mandrillaris, and Naegleria fowleri when present and identified on routine staining, other modalities, including PCR, immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, and immunohistochemistry, are typically utilized to confirm the pathogen involved in these cases. We review the reports of balamuthosis in animals.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    One adult leopard (Panthera pardus) and five adult tigers (Panthera tigris) presented with a range of nonspecific clinical signs, including lethargy (6/6), mobility deficits (4/6), and hyporexia (3/6). Hematology and biochemistry revealed a hyperproteinemia characterized by hyperglobulinemia (4/6), hepatocellular enzyme activity increases (3/6), azotemia (3/6), leukocytosis (2/6), hyperbilirubinemia (2/6), or a combination of conditions. Further diagnostics and management varied with the presenting signs and clinicopathological findings, including supportive care, diagnostic imaging, and blastomyces urine antigen analyses. Two animals died, and four were euthanatized. Postmortem findings included granulomatous pneumonia (6/6), fibrinous pleural effusion (3/ 6), pericardial effusion (2/6), and diffuse icterus (1/6). Histopathology revealed round to oval structures with a thin clear wall and purple inclusions within cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system, consistent with Histoplasma capsulatum, in each animal. Disseminated histoplasmosis was found in five cases, with organisms present in the lung (5/5), liver (3/5), lymph nodes (3/5), spleen (2/5), bone marrow (2/5), thyroid (1/5), tongue (1/ 5), kidney (1/5), or a combination of organs. One tiger was found to have pulmonary histoplasmosis without evidence of disseminated infection. On the basis of clinical and pathological findings, histoplasmosis was diagnosed. This case series illustrates the difficulties in antemortem diagnosis of histoplasmosis on the basis of complete blood count, serum biochemistry profile, and antigen testing and underscores that histoplasmosis should be considered a differential diagnosis in any felid presenting with nonspecific clinical signs in endemic areas.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The attacks on humans by big captive felids has been an issue of concern for the administration of zoological parks and wildlife conservationists. The theme of human-animal conflict takes a new dimension for the wild animals kept in zoos, circuses, exotic animal farms, and private custody. Despite the potential dangers involved, the zookeepers have to closely interact with the captive tigers for catering to the needs of food, general health, and wellbeing. The literature has described cases of attacks by captive tigers resulting in the death of the primary caretaker. The injuries present on such bodies include multiple punctured lacerations, traumatic amputations, damage to the vital organs of the neck, fracture-dislocation of cervical vertebrae, and abrasions secondary to the dragging of the body. We present a rare fatal case of an attack of a tiger on keeper during the night hours while he entered the cage to look after the tiger who was suffering from gastroenteritis for a few days and was not taking his feed aptly. The keeper had a twelve-year long relation with the tiger, and the discovery of his death was an astonishment for zoo administration. This case describes the autopsy findings emphasizing the distribution of injuries, along with inquiring into the scene of the incident. The details about the predatory behaviour of tigers and stereotypic behaviours in captivity have been discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Non-invasive sampling has opened avenues for the genetic study of elusive species, which has contributed significantly to their conservation. Where field based identity of non-invasive sample is ambiguous (e.g. carnivore scats), it is essential to establish identity of the species through molecular approaches. A cost effective procedure to ascertain species identity is to use species specific primers (SSP) for PCR amplification and subsequent resolution through agarose gel electrophoresis. However, SSPs if ill designed can often cross amplify non-target sympatric species. Herein we report the problem of cross amplification with currently published SSPs, which have been used in several recent scientific articles on tigers (Panthera tigris) and leopards (Panthera pardus) in India. Since these papers form pioneering research on which future work will be based, an early rectification is required so as to not propagate this error further.
    RESULTS: We conclusively show cross amplification of three of the four SSPs, in sympatric non-target species like tiger SSP amplifying leopard and striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena), and leopard SSP amplifying tiger, lion (Panthera leo persica) and clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa), with the same product size. We develop and test a non-cross-amplifying leopard specific primer pair within the mitochondrial cytochrome b region. We also standardize a duplex PCR method to screen tiger and leopard samples simultaneously in one PCR reaction to reduce cost and time.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest the importance of an often overlooked preliminary protocol of conclusive identification of species from non-invasive samples. The cross amplification of published primers in conspecifics suggests the need to revisit inferences drawn by earlier work.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tiger conservation in India represents an excellent case study of the many challenges facing conservation programs internationally. It is well understood that tigers are sensitive to human disturbances and large areas of habitat need to be protected for their conservation. Such protected areas in India are managed by the governments using an exclusionary approach. However, this approach is known to create several issues with local communities, including historical, legal, livelihood and management issues; with a volume of literature suggesting the inclusion of local communities in management. Yet, other evidence suggests that inclusion of communities in tiger conservation may lead to anthropogenic disturbances that can jeopardize tigers. The gravity of the situation is reflected in the recent disappearance of tigers from two key protected areas in India, the Sariska and Panna Tiger Reserves. This review paper connects the key literature from conservation biology, environmental history, management sciences, policy and political sciences to underline the gridlock of tiger conservation: it needs exclusive protected areas that antagonize communities, and it depends on the support of the same communities for success. We examine the possibility of reconciliation between these disciplines, and assert that research on tiger conservation needs to allow for an increasingly interdisciplinary approach. We call for a more integrated approach to tiger conservation, to examine the values inherent in conservation and to shed more light on the social factors that affect tiger conservation schemes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the past half century, wildlife research has relied on technological advances to gain additional insight into the secretive lives of animals. This revolution started in the 1960s with the development of radio telemetry and continues today with the use of Global Positioning System (GPS)-based research techniques. In the present paper we review the history of radio telemetry from its origins with grizzly bears in Yellowstone to its early applications in tiger research and conservation in Asia. We address the different types of data that are available using radio telemetry as opposed to using other research techniques, such as behavioral observations, camera trapping, DNA analysis and scat analysis. In the late 1990s, the rapid development of GPS collar technology revolutionized wildlife research. This new technology has enabled researchers to dramatically improve their ability to gather data on animal movements and ecology. Despite the ecological and conservation benefits of radio telemetry, there have been few telemetry studies of tigers in the wild, and most have been on the Bengal or Amur subspecies. We close with an assessment of the current tiger conservation efforts using GPS technology and discuss how this new information can help to preserve tigers for future generations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The majority of wild Sumatran tigers are believed to live in 12 Tiger Conservation Landscapes covering approximately 88,000 km(2) . However, the actual distribution of tigers across Sumatra has never been accurately mapped. Over the past 20 years, conservation efforts focused on the Sumatran tigers have increased, but the population continues to decline as a result of several key threats. To identify the status of the Sumatran tiger distribution across the island, an island-wide questionnaire survey comprised of 35 respondents from various backgrounds was conducted between May and June 2010. The survey found that Sumatran tigers are positively present in 27 habitat patches larger than 250 km(2) and possibly present in another 2. In addition, a review on major published studies on the Sumatran tiger was conducted to identify the current conservation status of the Sumatran tiger. Collectively, these studies have identified several key factors that have contributed to the decline of Sumatran tiger populations, including: forest habitat fragmentation and loss, direct killing of tigers and their prey, and the retaliatory killing of tigers due to conflict with villagers. The present paper provides management authorities and the international community with a recent assessment and a base map of the actual distribution of Sumatran tigers as well as a general overview on the current status and possible future conservation challenges of Sumatran tiger management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human-tiger (Panthera tigris Linnaeus, 1758) conflicts (HTC), manifested primarily as attacks on people and domestic animals, exacerbate at least 2 major threats to tigers: (i) conflicts often result in mortality or removal of tigers from the wild; and (ii) they result in negative attitudes towards tigers by local people, thereby reducing support for tiger conservation. Although HTC has decreased over the past century, it will likely increase if current and proposed conservation initiatives to double tiger populations are successful. Increased HTC could undermine successful conservation initiatives if proactive steps are not taken to reduce HTC. The present paper provides a review of the impacts of HTC and the measures taken to reduce it in ways that reduce negative impacts on both humans and tigers, and stresses the need for development and implementation of comprehensive plans to reduce HTC.





