Mouse oocyte

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cytoskeleton of mammal oocytes provides structural support to the plasma membrane and contributes to critical cellular dynamic processes such as nuclear positioning, germinal vesicle breakdown, spindle orientation, chromosome segregation, polar body extrusion, and transmembrane signaling pathways. The ERM family (ezrin, radixin and moesin) well known as membrane-cytoskeletal crosslinkers play a crucial role in organizing plasma membrane domains through their capacity to interact with transmembrane proteins and the underlying cytoskeleton. Recent works mainly focused on the structural analysis of the ERM family members and their binding partners, together with multiple functions in cell mitosis, have significantly advanced our understanding of the importance of membrane-cytoskeletal interactions. In the present study, we documented that p-ERM was expressed and localized at cortical and nucleus during mouse oocyte meiosis. p-ERM and microfilaments were colocalized from GV to MII during mouse oocyte maturation. After being treated with cytochalasin B (CB), the F-actin was disassembled. Meanwhile, p-ERM exhibited a diffuse cytoplasmic distribution and no special staining was detected in either the oocyte membrane or condensed chromosomes. p-ERM depletion by trim-away caused the meiotic procedure arrest with a significantly lower polar body extrusion rate. Collectively, these data demonstrate that the subcellular distribution of p-ERM is correlated with microfilaments. Meanwhile, the p-ERM contributes to the first polar extrusion but does not regulate the microfilament assembly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spindle migration and assembly regulates asymmetric oocyte division, which is essential for fertility. Fbxo28, as a member of SCF (Skp1-Cul1-F-box) ubiquitin E3 ligases complex, is specifically expressed in oocytes. However, little is known about the functions of Fbxo28 in spindle assembly and migration during oocyte meiosis I. In present study, microinjection with morpholino oligonucleotides and exogenous mRNA for knockdown and rescue experiments, and immunofluorescence staining, western blot, timelapse confocal microscopy and chromosome spreading were utilized to explore the roles of Fbxo28 in asymmetric division during meiotic maturation. Our data suggested that Fbxo28 mainly localized at chromosomes and acentriolar microtubule-organizing centers (aMTOCs). Depletion of Fbxo28 did not affect polar body extrusion but caused defects in spindle morphology and migration, indicative of the failure of asymmetric division. Moreover, absence of Fbxo28 disrupted both cortical and cytoplasmic actin assembly and decreased the expression of ARPC2 and ARP3. These defects could be rescued by exogenous Fbxo28-myc mRNA supplement. Collectively, this study demonstrated that Fbxo28 affects spindle morphology and actin-based spindle migration during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vincristine (VCR) is a microtubule-destabilizing chemotherapeutic agent commonly administered for the treatment of cancers in patients, which can induce severe side effects including neurotoxicity. In context of the effects on female fertility, ovarian toxicity has been found in patients and mice model after VCR exposure. However, the influence of VCR exposure on oocyte quality has not been elucidated. We established VCR exposure in vitro and in vivo model. The results indicated in vitro VCR exposure contributed to failure of oocyte maturation through inducing defects in spindle assembly, activation of SAC, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and early apoptosis, which were confirmed by using in vivo exposure model. Moreover, in vivo VCR exposure caused aneuploidy, reduced oocyte-sperm binding ability, and the number of cortical granules in mouse oocyte cortex. Taken together, this study demonstrated that VCR could cause meiotic arrest and poor quality of mouse oocyte.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Propyl gallate (PG) is one of the most widely used antioxidants in food products, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. Increased research has suggested that exposure to PG influences reproductive health in humans and animals. However, until now, it has not yet been confirmed whether PG would impact oocyte quality. In this study, the hazardous effects of PG on oocyte meiotic maturation were investigated in mice. The findings showed that PG exposure compromises oocyte meiosis by inducing mitochondrial stress which activates apoptosis to trigger oocyte demise. Moreover, DNA damage was significantly induced in PG-treated oocytes, which might be another cause of oocyte developmental arrest and degeneration. Besides, the level of histone methylation (H3K27me2 and H3K27me3) in oocyte was also significantly increased by PG exposure. Furthermore, PG-induced oxidative stress was validated by the increased level of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which might be the underlying reason for these abnormities. In conclusion, the foregoing findings suggested that PG exposure impaired oocyte meiotic maturation by yielding mitochondrial stress to activate apoptosis, inducing DNA damage and oxidative stress, and altering histone methylation level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: ADD1 (adducin-1) and TPX2 (targeting protein for Xklp2) are centrosomal proteins and regulate mitotic spindle assembly. Mammalian oocytes that segregate homologous chromosomes in Meiosis I and sister chromatids in Meiosis II with a spindle lacking centrosomes are more prone to chromosome segregation errors than in mitosis. However, the regulatory mechanisms of oocyte spindle assembly and the functions of ADD1 and TPX2 in this process remain elusive.
    RESULTS: We found that the expression levels and localization of ADD1, S726 phosphorylated ADD1 (p-ADD1), and TPX2 proteins exhibited spindle assembly-dependent dynamic changes during mouse oocyte meiosis. Taxol treatment, which stabilizes the microtubule polymer and protects it from disassembly, made the signals of ADD1, p-ADD1, and TPX2 present in the microtubule organizing centers of small asters and spindles. Knockdown of approximately 60% of ADD1 protein levels destabilized interpolar microtubules in the meiotic spindle, resulting in aberrant chromosome alignment, reduced first polar body extrusion, and increased aneuploidy in metaphase II oocytes, but did not affect K-fiber homeostasis and the expression and localization of TPX2. Strikingly, TPX2 deficiency caused increased protein content of ADD1, but decreased expression and detachment of p-ADD1 from the spindle, thereby arresting mouse oocytes at the metaphase I stage with collapsed spindles.
    CONCLUSIONS: Phosphorylation of ADD1 at S726 by TPX2 mediates acentriolar spindle assembly and precise chromosome segregation in mouse oocytes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transcription factor AP-2-alpha (Tfap2a) is an important sequence-specific DNA-binding protein that can regulate the transcription of multiple genes by collaborating with inducible viral and cellular enhancer elements. In this experiment, the expression, localization, and functions of Tfap2a were investigated in mouse oocytes during maturation. Overexpression via microinjection of Myc-Tfap2a mRNA into the ooplasm, immunofluorescence, and immunoblotting were used to study the role of Tfap2a in mouse oocyte meiosis. According to our results, Tfap2a plays a vital role in mouse oocyte maturation. Levels of Tfap2a in GV oocytes of mice suffering from type 2 diabetes increased considerably. Tfap2a was distributed in both the ooplasm and nucleoplasm, and its level gradually increased as meiosis resumption progressed. The overexpression of Tfap2a loosened the chromatin, accelerated germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), and blocked the first polar body extrusion 14 h after maturation in vitro. The width of the metaphase plate at metaphase I stage increased, and the spindle and chromosome organization at metaphase II stage were disrupted in the oocytes by overexpressed Tfap2a. Furthermore, Tfap2a overexpression dramatically boosted the expression of p300 in mouse GV oocytes. Additionally, the levels of pan histone lysine acetylation (Pan Kac), histone H4 lysine 12 acetylation (H4K12ac), and H4 lysine 16 acetylation (H4K16ac), as well as pan histone lysine lactylation (Pan Kla), histone H3 lysine18 lactylation (H3K18la), and H4 lysine12 lactylation (H4K12la), were all increased in GV oocytes after Tfap2a overexpression. Collectively, Tfap2a overexpression upregulated p300, increased the levels of histone acetylation and lactylation, impeded spindle assembly and chromosome alignment, and ultimately hindered mouse oocyte meiosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of organic ultraviolet (UV) filters, Octocrylene (OCL), is mainly used in various cosmetic products, which is being frequently detected in soil, sediment, aquatic systems and food chain. There is evidence confirmed the reproductive toxicity of OCL in Japanese medaka. However, less was known about the effects of OCL exposure on oocyte quality. Here, we investigated the impacts of OCL on mouse oocyte maturation and quality by exposing oocytes to OCL in vitro at concentrations of 8, 22, 30, 40 and 50 nM. The results showed that OCL markedly reduced mouse oocyte germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) at 50 nM and polar body extrusion (PBE) rates at 40 and 50 nM. OCL exposure further disrupted spindle assembly and chromosome alignment, finally inducing aneuploid. Mitochondrial function was also damaged by OCL exposure, leading to ROS overproduction and apoptosis in oocytes. Moreover, OCL treatment impaired the distribution of cortical granules and sperm binding ability of oocytes. In summary, these data demonstrated that OCL could disturb the oocyte meiotic maturation and reduce oocyte quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gossypol is a yellow natural polyphenolic compound extracted from the seeds, leaves, stems, and flower buds of the cotton plant. Several studies have shown that exposure to gossypol impacts reproductive health in both humans and animals. However, whether gossypol exposure would influence oocyte quality has not yet been determined. Here, we studied the effects of gossypol on the meiotic maturation of mouse oocytes in vitro. The results revealed that gossypol exposure did not affect germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) but significantly reduced polar body extrusion (PBE) rates. Moreover, we observed meiotic spindle organization and chromosome alignment were entirely disturbed after gossypol exposure. Further, gossypol exposure also caused mitochondrial dysfunction and abruptly decreased the levels of cellular ATP, and diminished the mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP). Accordingly, gossypol-induced oxidative stress was confirmed through an increased level of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Early apoptosis incidence also increased as identified by positive Annexin-V signaling. Collectively, the above findings provide evidence that gossypol exposure impaired oocyte meiotic maturation, disturbed spindle structure and chromosome dynamics, disrupted mitochondrial function, induced oxidative stress, and triggered early apoptosis. These findings emphasize gossypol\'s adverse effects on oocyte maturation and thus on female fertility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) is a member of the perfluoroalkyl substances, which are toxic to organic functions. Recently, it has been found in follicular fluid, seriously interfering with reproduction. Follicular fluid provides the oocyte with necessary resources during the process of oocytes maturation. However, the effects of PFDA on the oocyte need investigation. Our study evaluated the impacts of PFDA on the meiosis and development potential of mouse oocytes by exposing oocytes to PFDA in vitro at 350, 400, and 450 μM concentrations. The results showed that exposure to PFDA resulted in the first meiotic prophase arrest by obstructing the function of the maturation-promoting factor. It also induced the dysfunction of the spindle assembly checkpoint, expedited the progression of the first meiotic process, and increased the risk of aneuploidy. The oocytes treated with PFDA had a broken cytoskeleton which also contributed to meiotic maturation failure. Besides, PFDA exposure caused mitochondria defections, increased the reactive oxygen species level in oocytes, and consequently induced oocyte apoptosis. Moreover, PFDA produced epigenetic modifications in oocytes and increased the frequency of mature oocytes with declined development potential. In summary, our data indicated that PFDA disturbs the meiotic process and induces oocyte quality deterioration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The quality of oocytes is a vital factor for embryo development. Meiotic progression through metaphase I usually takes a relatively long time to ensure correct chromosome separation, a process that is critical for determining oocyte quality. Here, we report that cell division cycle 5-like (Cdc5L) plays a critical role in regulating metaphase-to-anaphase I transition during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation. Knockdown of Cdc5L by small interfering RNA injection did not affect spindle assembly but caused metaphase I arrest and subsequent reduced first polar body extrusion due to insufficient anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome activity. We further showed that Cdc5L could also directly interact with securin, and Cdc5L knockdown led to a continuous high expression level of securin, causing severely compromised meiotic progression. The metaphase-to-anaphase I arrest caused by Cdc5L knockdown could be rescued by knockdown of endogenous securin. In summary, we reveal a novel role for Cdc5L in regulating mouse oocyte meiotic progression by interacting with securin.





