
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coral reefs rely heavily on reef fish for their health, yet overfishing has resulted in their decline, leading to an increase in fast-growing algae and changes in reef ecosystems, a phenomenon described as the phase-shift. A clearer understanding of the intricate interplay between herbivorous, their food, and their gut microbiomes could enhance reef health. This study examines the gut microbiome and isotopic markers (δ13C and δ15N) of four key nominally herbivorous reef fish species (Acanthurus chirurgus, Kyphosus sp., Scarus trispinosus, and Sparisoma axillare) in the Southwestern Atlantic\'s Abrolhos Reef systems. Approximately 16.8 million 16S rRNA sequences were produced for the four fish species, with an average of 317,047 ± 57,007 per species. Bacteria such as Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Cyanobacteria were prevalent in their microbiomes. These fish show unique microbiomes that result from co-diversification, diet, and restricted movement. Coral-associated bacteria (Endozoicomonas, Rhizobia, and Ruegeria) were found in abundance in the gut contents of the parrotfish species Sc. trispinosus and Sp. axillare. These parrotfishes could aid coral health by disseminating such beneficial bacteria across the reef. Meanwhile, Kyphosus sp. predominantly had Pirellulaceae and Rhodobacteraceae. Four fish species had a diet composed of turf components (filamentous Cyanobacteria) and brown algae (Dictyopteris). They also had similar isotopic niches, suggesting they shared food sources. A significant difference was observed between the isotopic signature of fish muscular gut tissue and gut contents, pointing to the role that host genetics and gut microbes play in differentiating fish tissues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Excessive dense nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) in subsurface aquifers posed a threat to human health and sustainable development of groundwater resources. Accurately identifying the sources of DNAPLs is crucial for groundwater remediation and prevention efforts. In the previous studies, significant advances were made in using isotope techniques for identifying DNAPLs in groundwater. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview of the commonly used isotopic tools applied to source identification. This overview will outline the advantages and limitations of the isotope technique and describe the needs for future research. Isotope tracing techniques are based on the unique isotopic characteristics of DNAPLs from different sources, enabling the identification and differentiation of DNAPL sources. The δ13C and δ37Cl values are most commonly used for identifying DNAPLs in groundwater. In field applications, however, the differences in isotopic characteristics from diverse sources can be weakened after undergoing a series of human and natural factors, which can affect the accuracy of source identification. To improve the accuracy of DNAPL source identification, a dual-isotope tracing approach seems the best available solution. Nonetheless, in the face of complex polluted environments, the dual-isotope method seems stretched. Therefore, further researches remain to be carried out to accurately and efficiently assess the sources of DNAPLs in groundwater and their individual contributions. This is a prerequisite for groundwater resource conservation and remediation efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Excessive intake of iodine will do harm to human health. In recent years, high iodine groundwater has become a global concern after high arsenic and high fluorine groundwater. A deep understanding of the environmental factors affecting iodine accumulation in groundwater and the mechanism of migration and transformation is the scientific prerequisite for effective prevention and control of iodine pollution in groundwater. The paper comprehensively investigated the relevant literature on iodine pollution of groundwater and summarized the present spatial distribution and hydrochemical characteristics of iodine-enriched groundwater. Environmental factors and hydrogeological conditions affecting iodine enrichment in aquifers are systematically summarized. An in-depth analysis of the hydrologic geochemistry, physical chemistry, biogeochemistry and human impacts of iodine transport and transformation in the surface environment was conducted, the results and conclusions in the field of high iodine groundwater research are summarized comprehensively and systematically. Stable isotope can be used as a powerful tool to track the sources of hydrochemical components, biogeochemistry processes, recharge sources and flow paths of groundwater in hydrogeological systems, to provide effective research methods and means for the study of high iodine groundwater system, and deepen the understanding of the formation mechanism of high iodine groundwater, the application of isotopic technique in high iodine groundwater is also systematically summarized, which enriches the method and theory of high iodine groundwater research. This paper provides more scientific basis for the prevention and control of groundwater iodine pollution and the management of groundwater resources in water-scarce areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rice consumption is a major pathway for human cadmium (Cd) exposure. Understanding Cd behavior in the soil-rice system, especially under field conditions, is pivotal for controlling Cd accumulation. This study analyzed Cd concentrations and isotope compositions (δ114/110Cd) in rice plants and surface soil sampled at different times, along with urinary Cd of residents from typical Cd-contaminated paddy fields in Youxian, Hunan, China. Soil water-soluble Cd concentrations varied across sampling times, with δ114/110Cdwater lighter under drained than flooded conditions, suggesting supplementation of water-soluble Cd by isotopically lighter Cd pools, increasing Cd phytoavailability. Both water-soluble Cd and atmospheric deposition contributed to rice Cd accumulation. Water-soluble Cd\'s contribution increased from 28-52% under flooded to 58-87% under drained conditions due to increased soil Cd phytoavailability. Atmospheric deposition\'s contribution (12-72%) increased with potential atmospheric deposition flux among sampling areas. The enrichment of heavy Cd isotopes occurred from root-stem-grain to prevent rice Cd accumulation. The different extent of enrichment of heavy isotopes in urine indicated different Cd exposure sources. These findings provide valuable insights into the speciation and phytoavailability changes of Cd in the soil-rice system and highlight the potential application of Cd isotopic fingerprinting in understanding the environmental fate of Cd.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Isotope technology is an ideal tool for tracing the sources of certain pollutants or providing insights into environmental processes. In recent years, the advent of multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS) has enabled the precise measurement of various metal stable isotopes. Due to the presence of \"fingerprint\" properties in various environmental samples, metal stable isotopes have been applied to distinguish the source of contaminants effectively and further understand the corresponding environmental processes. The environmental fate of metal elements is strongly controlled by adsorption, an essential process for the distribution of elements between the dissolved and particulate phases. The adsorption of metal elements on mineral and organic surfaces significantly affects their biogeochemical cycles in the environment. Therefore, it is crucial to elucidate the fractionation characteristics of stable metal isotopes during the adsorption process. In this review, three typical transitional metal elements were selected, considering Mo as the representative of anionic species and Fe and Zn as the representative of cationic species. For Mo, the heavier Mo isotope is preferentially adsorbed in the solution phase, pH has a more significant influence on isotope fractionation, and temperature and ionic strength are relatively insensitive. Differences in coordination environments between dissolved and adsorbed Mo during adsorption, i.e., attachment mode (inner- or outer-sphere) or molecular symmetry (e.g., coordination number and magnitude of distortion), are likely responsible for isotopic fractionation. For Fe, The study of equilibrium/kinetic Fe isotopic fractionation in aqueous Fe(II)-mineral is not simple. The interaction between aqueous Fe(II) and Fe (hydroxyl) oxides is complex and dynamic. The isotope effect is due to coupled electron and atom exchange between adsorbed Fe(II), aqueous Fe(II), and reactive Fe(III) on the surface of Fe (hydroxyl) oxide. For Zn, the heavier Fe isotope preferentially adsorbs on the solid phase, and pH and ionic strength are essential influencing factors. The difference in coordination environment may be the cause of isotope fractionation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of deconvolution of top-down mass spectra is to recognize monoisotopic peaks from the experimental envelopes in raw mass spectra. So accurate assessment of similarity between theoretical and experimental envelopes is a critical step in mass spectra data deconvolution. Existing evaluation methods primarily rely on intensity differences and m/z similarity, potentially lacking a comprehensive assessment. To overcome this constraint and facilitate a comprehensive and refined assessment of the similarity between theoretical and experimental envelopes, there exists an imperative to systematically explore and identify increasingly efficacious features for assessing this correspondence. We present enhanced feature representation for isotopic envelope evaluation (FREE) that derives diverse feature representations, encapsulating fundamental physical attributes of envelopes, including peak intensity and envelope shape. We trained FREE and evaluated its performance on both the ovarian tumor (OT) (human OT cells) data set and zebrafish (ZF) (brain in mature female ZF) data set. Specifically, comparing the state-of-art method, FREE demonstrates higher performance in multiple evaluation metrics across both the OT and ZF data sets, with a particular emphasis on precision, and it demonstrates accurate predictions of a greater number of positive envelopes among the top-ranked envelopes based on their scores. Moreover, within a cross-species data set of ZF, FREE identified a higher number of proteoform-spectrum matches (PrSMs), increasing the count from 50,795 to 52,927 compared to EnvCNN, the amalgamation of FREE with TopFD also exhibits a commendable capacity to discern 117,883 fragment ions, thus surpassing the 97,554 fragment ions identified through the application of EnvCNN in conjunction with TopFD. To further validate the performance of FREE, we have tested 10 a cross-species top-down proteomes containing 36 subdata set from ProteomeXchange. The results reveal that, after deconvolution with TopFD + FREE, TopPIC identifies more PrSMs across these 10 data sets in both the first and second rounds of experiments. These findings underscore the robustness and generalization capabilities of the FREE approach in diverse proteomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antibiotics, their transformation products, and the translocation of antibiotic-resistant genes in the environment pose significant health risks to humans, animals, and ecosystems, aligning with the One Health concept. Constructed wetlands hold substantial yet underutilized potential for treating wastewater from agricultural, domestic sewage, or contaminated effluents from wastewater treatment plants, with the goal of eliminating antibiotics. However, the comprehensive understanding of the distribution, persistence, and dissipation processes of antibiotics within constructed wetlands remains largely unexplored. In this context, we provide an overview of the current application of stable isotope analysis at natural abundance to antibiotics. We explore the opportunities of an advanced multiple stable isotope approach, where isotope concepts could be effectively applied to examine the fate of antibiotics in wetlands. The development of a conceptual framework to study antibiotics in wetlands using multi-element stable isotopes introduces a new paradigm, offering enhanced insights into the identification and quantification of natural attenuation of antibiotics within wetland systems. This perspective has the potential to inspire the general public, governmental bodies, and the broader research community, fostering an emphasis on the utilization of stable isotope analysis for studying antibiotics and other emerging micropollutants in wetland systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nitrogen is a vital element for life on Earth. Its cycling between the surface (atmosphere + crust) and the mantle has a profound influence on the atmosphere and climate. However, our understanding of the origin and evolution of Earth\'s nitrogen is still incomplete. This review presents an overview of the current understanding of Earth\'s nitrogen budget and the isotope composition of different reservoirs, laboratory constraints on deep nitrogen geochemistry, and our understanding of the origin of Earth\'s nitrogen and the deep nitrogen cycle through plate subduction and volcanism. The Earth may have acquired its nitrogen heterogeneously during the main accretion phase, initially from reduced, enstatite-chondrite-like impactors, and subsequently from increasingly oxidized impactors and minimal CI-chondrite-like materials. Like Earth\'s surface, the mantle and core are also significant nitrogen reservoirs. The nitrogen abundance and isotope composition of these three reservoirs may have been fundamentally established during the main accretion phase and have been insignificantly modified afterwards by the deep nitrogen cycle, although there is a net nitrogen ingassing into Earth\'s mantle in modern subduction zones. However, it is estimated that the early atmosphere of Earth may have contained ∼1.4 times the present-day atmospheric nitrogen (PAN), with ∼0.4 PAN being sequestered into the crust via biotic nitrogen fixation. In order to gain a better understanding of the origin and evolution of Earth\'s nitrogen, directions for future research are suggested.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although natural attenuation is an economic remediation strategy for uranium (U) contamination, the role of organic molecules in driving U natural attenuation in postmining aquifers is not well-understood. Groundwaters were sampled to investigate the chemical, isotopic, and dissolved organic matter (DOM) compositions and their relationships to U natural attenuation from production wells and postmining wells in a typical U deposit (the Qianjiadian U deposit) mined by neutral in situ leaching. Results showed that Fe(II) concentrations and δ34SSO4 and δ18OSO4 values increased, but U concentrations decreased significantly from production wells to postmining wells, indicating that Fe(III) reduction and sulfate reduction were the predominant processes contributing to U natural attenuation. Microbial humic-like and protein-like components mediated the reduction of Fe(III) and sulfate, respectively. Organic molecules with H/C > 1.5 were conducive to microbe-mediated reduction of Fe(III) and sulfate and facilitated the natural attenuation of dissolved U. The average U attenuation rate was -1.07 mg/L/yr, with which the U-contaminated groundwater would be naturally attenuated in approximately 11.2 years. The study highlights the specific organic molecules regulating the natural attenuation of groundwater U via the reduction of Fe(III) and sulfate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The diterpene synthase AfAS was identified from Aspergillus fumigatiaffinis. Its amino acid sequence and-according to a structural model-active site architecture are highly similar to those of the fusicocca-2,10(14)-diene synthase PaFS, but AfAS produces a structurally much more complex diterpene with a novel 6-5-5-5 tetracyclic skeleton called asperfumene. The cyclisation mechanism of AfAS was elucidated through isotopic labelling experiments and DFT calculations. The reaction cascade proceeds in its initial steps through similar intermediates as for the PaFS cascade, but then diverges through an unusual vicinal deprotonation-reprotonation process that triggers a skeletal rearrangement at the entrance to the steps leading to the unique asperfumene skeleton. The structural model revealed only one major difference between the active sites: The PaFS residue F65 is substituted by I65 in AfAS. Intriguingly, site-directed mutagenesis experiments with both diterpene synthases revealed that position 65 serves as a bidirectional functional switch for the biosynthesis of tetracyclic asperfumene versus structurally less complex diterpenes.





