
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stable isotope data have made pivotal contributions to nearly every discipline of the physical and natural sciences. As the generation and application of stable isotope data continues to grow exponentially, so does the need for a unifying data repository to improve accessibility and promote collaborative engagement. This paper provides an overview of the design, development, and implementation of IsoBank (, a community-driven initiative to create an open-access repository for stable isotope data implemented online in 2021. A central goal of IsoBank is to provide a web-accessible database supporting interdisciplinary stable isotope research and educational opportunities. To achieve this goal, we convened a multi-disciplinary group of over 40 analytical experts, stable isotope researchers, database managers, and web developers to collaboratively design the database. This paper outlines the main features of IsoBank and provides a focused description of the core metadata structure. We present plans for future database and tool development and engagement across the scientific community. These efforts will help facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration among the many users of stable isotopic data while also offering useful data resources and standardization of metadata reporting across eco-geoinformatics landscapes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current standard method for amino acid signal identification in protein NMR spectra is sequential assignment using triple-resonance experiments. Good software and elaborate heuristics exist, but the process remains laboriously manual. Machine learning does help, but its training databases need millions of samples that cover all relevant physics and every kind of instrumental artifact. In this communication, we offer a solution to this problem. We propose polyadic decompositions to store millions of simulated three-dimensional NMR spectra, on-the-fly generation of artifacts during training, a probabilistic way to incorporate prior and posterior information, and integration with the industry standard CcpNmr software framework. The resulting neural nets take [1H,13C] slices of mixed pyruvate-labeled HNCA spectra (different CA signal shapes for different residue types) and return an amino acid probability table. In combination with primary sequence information, backbones of common proteins (GB1, MBP, and INMT) are rapidly assigned from just the HNCA spectrum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coral reefs rely heavily on reef fish for their health, yet overfishing has resulted in their decline, leading to an increase in fast-growing algae and changes in reef ecosystems, a phenomenon described as the phase-shift. A clearer understanding of the intricate interplay between herbivorous, their food, and their gut microbiomes could enhance reef health. This study examines the gut microbiome and isotopic markers (δ13C and δ15N) of four key nominally herbivorous reef fish species (Acanthurus chirurgus, Kyphosus sp., Scarus trispinosus, and Sparisoma axillare) in the Southwestern Atlantic\'s Abrolhos Reef systems. Approximately 16.8 million 16S rRNA sequences were produced for the four fish species, with an average of 317,047 ± 57,007 per species. Bacteria such as Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Cyanobacteria were prevalent in their microbiomes. These fish show unique microbiomes that result from co-diversification, diet, and restricted movement. Coral-associated bacteria (Endozoicomonas, Rhizobia, and Ruegeria) were found in abundance in the gut contents of the parrotfish species Sc. trispinosus and Sp. axillare. These parrotfishes could aid coral health by disseminating such beneficial bacteria across the reef. Meanwhile, Kyphosus sp. predominantly had Pirellulaceae and Rhodobacteraceae. Four fish species had a diet composed of turf components (filamentous Cyanobacteria) and brown algae (Dictyopteris). They also had similar isotopic niches, suggesting they shared food sources. A significant difference was observed between the isotopic signature of fish muscular gut tissue and gut contents, pointing to the role that host genetics and gut microbes play in differentiating fish tissues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study area covers the Banaz (Usak) basin located in the Aegean Region in the western part of Turkey. Metamorphic, sedimentary, ultramafic, and volcanic rocks are dominant in the basin. The groundwaters in the study area are used for domestic, irrigational, and industrial purposes. Hence, the groundwater chemistry and major geochemical processes in the region were determined. The dominance of major elements was of the order of Ca2+ > Mg2+ > Na+ > K+ and HCO3- > CO3- > Cl- > SO42-. Piper, Durov, Chadha, and Radial plots identified generally Ca2+-Mg2+-HCO3- type waters as the dominant types of water in this area. In terms of physical parameters in the basin, the waters are suitable for drinking. However, arsenic content in Yesilyurt and Corum settlements exceeds the limit values of drinking water standards. In addition, the ammonium value is high in the water sample in the Corum region. Isotope contents in water samples from 2008 to 2023 were evaluated in the study area. The waters in the basin are of meteoric origin according to their stable isotope content. Tritium content in the plain waters indicates recent recharge. Additionally, for children, As and U elements were identified as risky with oral intake and As with dermal contact.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The neutron activation of stable isotopes in environmental matrices, such as soil and groundwater, is a critical aspect of assessing the impact of radionuclide production facilities on the surrounding ecosystem. The envisioned Low-Energy Radioactive Ion Beams (LERIB) facility at the iThemba LABS, South Africa is anticipated to generate significant sources of ionising radiation. The study investigated the possible repercussions of neutron irradiation stemming from the facility, focusing on the activation of stable isotopic compositions in the environment. The investigation employed a combination of experimental and analytical techniques to characterize the neutron activation products in soil and groundwater samples collected from the vicinity. Samples were collected from designated areas for background radiological measurements and were irradiated with neutrons for a period of 1 h. The induced radioactivity measured by the High Purity Germanium detector included 24Na, 22Na, 54Mn, 52Mn, and 46Sc. The application of Darcy\'s law for groundwater velocity suggests that radionuclides in groundwater will migrate at an average flow velocity of 0.8 m/day. The isotopes with longer half-lives have count rates at background concentrations; therefore, environmental impacts on the site and surrounding communities might be minimal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Global warming endangers reef-building corals as they lose their photosynthetic symbionts, which limits their ability to feed autotrophically. Consequently, heterotrophy, the capture of zooplankton, can become crucial for the energy budget of heat-stressed corals. However, it is difficult to assess the extent of the heterotrophic contribution in corals, as well as the dynamics of nutrient exchange between the host and its symbionts. In this pioneering study, we employed a suite of isotopic markers, including 13C- and 15N bulk tissue isotope measurements, compound-specific isotope analysis of amino acids (CSIA-AAs), and 13C- and 15N-labeled food incubations, to investigate nutrient acquisition and allocation in the coral Stylophora pistillata under controlled and heat-induced bleaching conditions. Bulk isotope values and inorganic carbon assimilation remained unchanged in the bleached corals compared to the control corals, overall indicating undisturbed autotrophic activity of the symbionts under heat stress. However, CSIA-AAs showed an increased dependence on heterotrophy for amino acid synthesis in both the host and the symbionts despite reduced assimilation of 15N-labeled food. Overall, these results suggest that although S. pistillata reduces its assimilation of heterotrophic food under heat stress, the acquisition of amino acids by the coral host and symbionts still relies on heterotrophy. This study emphasizes the importance of using multiple indicators to gain a comprehensive understanding of coral nutrition. It shows that coral dependence on heterotrophy is not only associated with a decline in autotrophic availability. Rather, it demonstrates the ability of S. pistillata to adapt its utilization of food sources to the prevailing environmental conditions.IMPORTANCEThis work highlights that every isotopic marker displays a piece of different information concerning the diet of the model coral S. pistillata. By combining all markers, we observed that although S. pistillata exhibited reduced heterotrophic assimilation under heat stress, amino acid acquisition and synthesis remained dependent on heterotrophy. The findings emphasize the adaptability of corals in utilizing different food sources, which is vital for their resilience and recovery in changing environmental conditions. This research underscores the complexity of coral symbiosis and highlights the need for multiple indicators to understand dietary dynamics comprehensively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Two diterpene synthases from the bacterium Chitinophaga pinensis were characterised. The first enzyme mainly produced the rearranged diterpene palmatol, a compound known from octocorals, while the second enzyme made the new coral-type eunicellane chitinol. The mechanisms of both enzymes were deeply studied through isotopic labelling experiments, DFT calculations, and with a substrate analog containing a saturated double bond, resulting in the formation of derailment products that gave additional insights into the nature of the cyclisation cascade intermediates. The formation of coral-type diterpenes poses interesting questions on the functions of these compounds in organisms as different as bacteria and corals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An important method for measuring radionuclide activity is alpha spectrometry. Ten soil samples were collected from the studied area. The activity concentrations of 238U and 234U in the collected soil samples ranged between 135 and 218 Bq kg-1 and between 117 and 183 Bq kg-1, respectively. 232Th, 230Th and 228Th activity concentrations ranged between 101 and 339, between 122 and 234 and between 106 and 385 Bq kg-1, respectively. When calculating the amount of radionuclide transport across the food chain, assessment models usually employ a transfer factor. Through root uptake, U and Th are transferred from the soil to food plants. To monitor the movement of radionuclides from the uranium series in diverse environments, it may be possible to use the ratios of uranium and thorium isotopes. Uranium mobility in soil depends on different physicochemical, organic and enzymatic factors and mechanisms. The high mobility of uranium is the main reason for the accumulation of uranium in the soil at root level and the possibility of its transfer to plants. A group of plants were selected that are grown in this area and the population relies on them mainly to meet their food needs. The concentration and transfer factor values of uranium isotopes were the highest in roots as compared with leaves and stems. Uranium in plants accumulates in roots and is then transferred to leaves. The mobility of uranium in plant tissues is constrained because it frequently adsorbs cell wall components. As a result, concentrations are frequently higher in tissues located in lower parts of the plant, with root surfaces having the highest concentrations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Excessive dense nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) in subsurface aquifers posed a threat to human health and sustainable development of groundwater resources. Accurately identifying the sources of DNAPLs is crucial for groundwater remediation and prevention efforts. In the previous studies, significant advances were made in using isotope techniques for identifying DNAPLs in groundwater. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview of the commonly used isotopic tools applied to source identification. This overview will outline the advantages and limitations of the isotope technique and describe the needs for future research. Isotope tracing techniques are based on the unique isotopic characteristics of DNAPLs from different sources, enabling the identification and differentiation of DNAPL sources. The δ13C and δ37Cl values are most commonly used for identifying DNAPLs in groundwater. In field applications, however, the differences in isotopic characteristics from diverse sources can be weakened after undergoing a series of human and natural factors, which can affect the accuracy of source identification. To improve the accuracy of DNAPL source identification, a dual-isotope tracing approach seems the best available solution. Nonetheless, in the face of complex polluted environments, the dual-isotope method seems stretched. Therefore, further researches remain to be carried out to accurately and efficiently assess the sources of DNAPLs in groundwater and their individual contributions. This is a prerequisite for groundwater resource conservation and remediation efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dispersion of potentially toxic elements associated with efflorescent crusts and mine tailings materials from historical mine sites threaten the environment and human health. Limited research has been done on traceability from historical mining sites in arid and semi-arid regions. Pb isotope systematics was applied to decipher the importance of identifying the mixing of lead sources involved in forming efflorescent salts and the repercussions on traceability. This research assessed mine waste (sulfide-rich and oxide-rich tailings material and efflorescent salts) and street dust from surrounding settlements at a historical mining site in northwestern Mexico, focusing on Pb isotope composition. The isotope data of tailings materials defined a trending line (R2 = 0.9); the sulfide-rich tailings materials and respective efflorescent salts yielded less radiogenic Pb composition, whereas the oxide-rich tailings and respective efflorescent salts yielded relatively more radiogenic compositions, similar to the geogenic component. The isotope composition of street dust suggests the dispersion of tailings materials into the surroundings. This investigation found that the variability of Pb isotope composition in tailings materials because of the geochemical heterogeneity, ranging from less radiogenic to more radiogenic, can add complexity during environmental assessments because the composition of oxidized materials and efflorescent salts can mask the geogenic component, potentially underestimating the influence on the environmental media.





