
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diomorus aiolomorphi Kamijo (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) is an inquiline of gall maker Aiolomorphus rhopaloides Walker (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae). They are of significant economic significance and predominantly inhabit bamboo forest. So far, only four scaffold-level genomes have been published for the family Torymidae. In this study, we present a high-quality genome assembly of D. aiolomorphi at the chromosome level, achieved through the integration of Nanopore (ONT) long-read, Illumina pair-end DNA short-read, and High-through Chromosome Conformation Capture (Hi-C) sequencing methods. The final assembly was 1,084.56 Mb in genome size, with 1,083.41 Mb (99.89%) assigned to five pseudochromosomes. The scaffold N50 length reached 224.87 Mb, and the complete Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologs (BUSCO) score was 97.3%. The genome contained 762.12 Mb of repetitive elements, accounting for 70.27% of the total genome size. A total of 18,011 protein-coding genes were predicted, with 17,829 genes being functionally annotated. The high-quality genome assembly of D. aiolomorphi presented in this study will serve as a valuable genomic resource for future research on parasitoid wasps. The results of this study may also contribute to the development of biological control strategies for pest management in bamboo forests, enhancing ecological balance and economic sustainability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) RNA editing is a co-/post-transcriptional modification introducing A-to-G variations in RNAs. There is extensive discussion on whether the flexibility of RNA editing exerts a proteomic diversification role, or it just acts like hardwired mutations to correct the genomic allele. Eusocial insects evolved the ability to generate phenotypically differentiated individuals with the same genome, indicating the involvement of epigenetic/transcriptomic regulation.
    METHODS: We obtained the genomes of 104 Hymenoptera insects and the transcriptomes of representative species. Comparative genomic analysis was performed to parse the evolutionary trajectory of a regulatory Ile > Met auto-recoding site in Adar gene.
    RESULTS: At genome level, the pre-editing Ile codon is conserved across a node containing all eusocial hymenopterans. At RNA level, the editing events are confirmed in representative species and shows considerable condition-specificity. Compared to random expectation, the editable Ile codon avoids genomic substitutions to Met or to uneditable Ile codons, but does not avoid mutations to other unrelated amino acids.
    CONCLUSIONS: The flexibility of Adar auto-recoding site in Hymenoptera is selectively maintained, supporting the flexible RNA editing hypothesis. We proposed a new angle to view the adaptation of RNA editing, providing another layer to explain the great phenotypical plasticity of eusocial insects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phylogenomic approaches have recently helped elucidate various insect relationships, but large-scale comprehensive analyses on relationships within sawflies and woodwasps are still lacking. Here, we infer the relationships and long-term biogeographic history of these hymenopteran groups using a large dataset of 354 UCE loci collected from 385 species that represent all major lineages. Early Hymenoptera started diversifying during the Early Triassic ∼249 Ma and spread all over the ancient supercontinent Pangaea. We recovered Xyeloidea as a monophyletic sister group to other Hymenoptera and Pamphilioidea as sister to Unicalcarida. Within the diverse family Tenthredinidae, our taxonomically and geographically expanded taxon sampling highlights the non-monophyly of several traditionally defined subfamilies. In addition, the recent removal of Athalia and related genera from the Tenthredinidae into the separate family Athaliidae is supported. The deep historical biogeography of the group is characterised by independent dispersals and re-colonisations between the northern (Laurasia) and southern (Gondwana) palaeocontinents. The breakup of these landmasses led to ancient vicariance in several Gondwanan lineages, while interchange across the Northern Hemisphere has continued until the Recent. The little-studied African sawfly fauna is likewise a diverse mixture of groups with varying routes of colonization. Our results reveal interesting parallels in the evolution and biogeography of early hymenopterans and other ancient insect groups.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As an indispensable part of insects, intestinal symbiotic bacteria play a vital role in the growth and development of insects and their adaptability. Rhoptroceros cyatheae, the main pest of the relict plant Alsophila spinulosa, poses a serious threat to the development of the A. spinulosa population. In the present study, 16S rDNA and internal transcribed spacer high-throughput sequencing techniques were used to analyze the structure of intestinal microbes and the diversity of the insect feeding on two different plants, as well as the similarities between the intestinal microorganisms of R. cyatheae. The dominant bacteria of leaf endophytes were also compared based on the sequencing data. The results showed that Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Actinobacteria were the dominant phyla of intestinal bacteria, and Ascomycota was the dominant phylum of intestinal fungi. Allorhizobium-Neorhizobium-Pararhizobium-Rhizobium, Methylobacterium-Methylorubrum, and Enterococcus were the dominant genera in the intestine of R. cyatheae feeding on two plants, and the relative abundance was significantly different between the two groups. Candida was the common dominant genus of intestinal fungi in the two groups, and no significant difference was observed in its abundance between the two groups. This showed that compared with the intestinal fungi of R. cyatheae, the abundance of the intestinal bacteria was greatly affected by food. The common core microbiota between the microorganisms in A. spinulosa leaves and the insect gut indicated the presence of a microbial exchange between the two. The network correlation diagram showed that the gut microbes of R. cyatheae feeding on Gymnosphaera metteniana were more closely related to each other, which could help the host to better cope with the adverse external environment. This study provides a theoretical basis for the adaptation mechanism of R. cyatheae and a new direction for the effective prevention and control of R. cyatheae.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Leptogenys is the most diverse genus of the ant subfamily Ponerinae and is widely distributed across the world\'s tropical and subtropical regions. More than 40 species are known from the Oriental realm displaying a wide range of ecologies, although their life history traits remain poorly understood, and new species are frequently discovered. Here, a faunal review of the genus from Hong Kong SAR, southern China is provided. A total of nine species are recorded, with one new species, Leptogenysgrohli Hamer, Lee & Guénard, sp. nov. described. Ecological and biogeographic information, including new information on reproductive modes for two species are provided with the ergatoids of L.binghamii Forel, 1900 and L.rufidaZhou et al., 2012 described. Additional records for five of these species within the neighbouring province of Guangdong are also provided. Finally, an illustrated key to species known from Hong Kong is presented, as well as notes on each species\' distribution, ecology, and behaviour. An updated provincial distributional checklist of the Leptogenys species of Mainland China and Taiwan is also supplied.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Epyrinae are the second largest subfamily of Bethylidae and the most diverse in the fossil record. However, although six of the nine bethylid subfamilies are known during the Cretaceous (either as compression or amber fossils), the Epyrinae were hitherto unknown before the lower Eocene. In this contribution, we report the discovery of the oldest member of this group, based on a female specimen from the early Cenomanian amber of Kachin, Myanmar. We describe and illustrate a new genus and species, Hukawngepyris setosus gen. et sp. nov. The new genus is compared with the other epyrine genera and characterized by a unique combination of characters not known in the subfamily. Hukawngepyris setosus gen. et sp. nov. is especially unique in the configuration of the forewing venation, with a complete 2r-rs&Rs vein, curved towards the anterior wing margin, and the presence of three proximal and three distal hamuli. The key to the genera of Epyrinae is accommodated to include the newly erected genus.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    The order Hymenoptera is one of the most species-rich insect orders, with more than 150,000 described extant species. Many hymenopteran insects have very different mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) organizations compared to the putative ancestral organization of insects. In this study, we sequenced 18 mitogenomes of representatives in the order Hymenoptera to increase taxonomic sampling. A total of 475 species were used in phylogenetic analyses, including 18 new mitogenomes and 457 existing mitogenomes. Using a site-heterogeneous model, Bayesian\'s inference from amino acid data yielded more resolved relationships among Hymenoptera than maximum-likelihood analysis and coalescent-based species analyses. The monophyly of Symphyta was not supported. The Xyeloidea was the earliest branching clade in the Hymenoptera. The Orussoidea was closely related to Apocrita. Within Apocrita, the Parasitoida was non-monophyletic. The monophyly of most Parasitoida superfamilies received strong support. The Proctotrupomorpha clade was supported in Bayesian\'s analysis. The Apoidea was monophyletic when excluding Ampulex compressa from consideration. The superfamilies Vespoidea and Chrysidoidea were found to be non-monophyletic. Comparisons of mitochondrial gene order revealed a higher frequency of gene rearrangement among lineages with a parasitoid lifestyle, particularly prominent in Chalcidoidea. The degree of gene rearrangement ranked second in specific taxa of Cynipoidea and Ichneumonoidea.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Insects heavily rely on the olfactory system for food, mating, and predator evasion. However, the caste-related olfactory differences in Apis cerana, a eusocial insect, remain unclear. To explore the peripheral and primary center of the olfactory system link to the caste dimorphism in A. cerana, transcriptome and immunohistochemistry studies on the odorant receptors (ORs) and architecture of antennal lobes (ALs) were performed on different castes. Through transcriptomesis, we found more olfactory receptor genes in queens and workers than in drones, which were further validated by RT-qPCR, indicating caste dimorphism. Meanwhile, ALs structure, including volume, surface area, and the number of glomeruli, demonstrated a close association with caste dimorphism. Particularly, drones had more macroglomeruli possibly for pheromone recognition. Interestingly, we found that the number of ORs and glomeruli ratio was nearly 1:1. Also, the ORs expression distribution pattern was very similar to the distribution of glomeruli volume. Our results suggest the existence of concurrent plasticity in both the peripheral olfactory system and ALs among different castes of A. cerana, highlighting the role of the olfactory system in labor division in insects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The order Hymenoptera holds great significance for humans, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions, due to its role as a pollinator of wild and cultivated flowering plants, parasites of destructive insects and honey producers. Despite this importance, limited attention has been given to the genetic diversity and molecular identification of Hymenopteran insects in most protected areas. This study provides insights into the first DNA barcode of Hymenopteran insects collected from Hazarganji Chiltan National Park (HCNP) and contributes to the global reference library of DNA barcodes. A total of 784 insect specimens were collected using Malaise traps, out of which 538 (68.62%) specimens were morphologically identified as Hymenopteran insects. The highest abundance of species of Hymenoptera (133/538, 24.72%) was observed during August and least in November (16/538, 2.97%). Genomic DNA extraction was performed individually from 90/538 (16.73%) morphologically identified specimens using the standard phenol-chloroform method, which were subjected separately to the PCR for their molecular confirmation via the amplification of cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) gene. The BLAST analyses of obtained sequences showed 91.64% to 100% identities with related sequences and clustered phylogenetically with their corresponding sequences that were reported from Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Finland, Germany, India, Israel, and Pakistan. Additionally, total of 13 barcode index numbers (BINs) were assigned by Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD), out of which 12 were un-unique and one was unique (BOLD: AEU1239) which was assigned for Anthidium punctatum. This indicates the potential geographical variation of Hymenopteran population in HCNP. Further comprehensive studies are needed to molecularly confirm the existing insect species in HCNP and evaluate their impacts on the environment, both as beneficial (for example, pollination, honey producers and natural enemies) and detrimental (for example, venomous stings, crop damage, and pathogens transmission).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As a common defense mechanism in Hymenoptera, bee venom has complex components. Systematic and comprehensive analysis of bee venom components can aid in early evaluation, accurate diagnosis, and protection of organ function in humans in cases of bee stings. To determine the differences in bee venom composition and metabolic pathways between Apis cerana and Apis mellifera, proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1 H-NMR) technology was used to detect the metabolites in venom samples. A total of 74 metabolites were identified and structurally analyzed in the venom of A. cerana and A. mellifera. Differences in the composition and abundance of major components of bee venom from A. cerana and A. mellifera were mapped to four main metabolic pathways: valine, leucine and isoleucine biosynthesis; glycine, serine and threonine metabolism; alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism; and the tricarboxylic acid cycle. These findings indicated that the synthesis and metabolic activities of proteins or polypeptides in bee venom glands were different between A. cerana and A. mellifera. Pyruvate was highly activated in 3 selected metabolic pathways in A. mellifera, being much more dominant in A. mellifera venom than in A. cerana venom. These findings indicated that pyruvate in bee venom glands is involved in various life activities, such as biosynthesis and energy metabolism, by acting as a precursor substance or intermediate product.





