
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Two new species, Tetralicia sawyeri n. sp. and Aleuroplatus martini n. sp. found on avocado (Persea americana) trees in Peru are described and illustrated. The synonymy of Aleuropleurocelus Drews & Sampson, 1956 n. syn. with Tetralicia Harrison, 1917 is proposed and a review and an illustrated key to the 39 species of Tetralicia of the world based on characteristics of the puparia is provided. Thirty-three species are transferred from Aleuropleurocelus to Tetralicia. A lectotype is designated for Aleurodes abnormis Quaintance, 1900. Aleurotrachelus gratiosus Bondar, 1923 is transferred to the genus Aleuroplatus. Paracarniella mexicana (Distant) and Adparaproba cf. yungensis Carvalho (Hemiptera: Miridae) are recorded for the first time in Peru and are important predators of both new whitefly species. Other natural enemies of these whiteflies found in the study include predatory species: Nephaspis isabelae Gonzlez (Coccinellidae), Chrysoperla sp., Ceraeochrysa sp. (Chrysopidae) and Gasteracantha cancriformis L. (Araneidae) as well as Encarsia brasiliensis Hempel, a common whitefly parasitoid in the Neotropics. A key to the New World genera of whiteflies similar to Aleuroplatus and Tetralicia is provided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Stelidium group is readily distinguished from all other members of the subgenus Stelis Panzer, 1806 by the combination of small body size ( 6 mm), pale maculations on the head adjacent to the inner margins of the compound eyes and laterally on the vertex in both sexes, and females with sternum 6 extended beyond tergum 6, the former with the dorsal lip trowel-shaped with the apex broadly rounded or subtruncate to more narrowly pointed. This monophyletic clade, which is endemic to North America, currently consists of members previously placed into two species groups: the permaculata group containing S. anasazi Parker & Griswold, 2013, S. ashmeadiellae Timberlake, 1941, S. permaculata Cockerell, 1898, and S. robertsoni Timberlake, 1941, and the palmarum group containing S. broemelingi Parker & Griswold, 2013, S. elongativentris Parker, 1987, and S. palmarum Timberlake, 1941; two additional species, S. herberti (Cockerell, 1916) from Mexico, and S. nyssonoides (Brues, 1903) from Texas, United States, have not been definitively placed in either species group. Two new species are herein described, one from southcentral British Columbia, Canada, the other from New Mexico, United States. A preliminary molecular phylogeny places both new species in the permaculata species group. In addition, S. herberti is also placed within the permaculata species group based on morphological similarity, sharing the multi-spotted maculation pattern on the terga. Based on molecular affinity, S. broemelingi also belongs to the permaculata species group. Because no type specimen for S. nyssonoides is seemingly available for examination, it is hereby considered nomen dubium until the specimen is found and its taxonomic status clarified in relation to the more recently described species in the permaculata species group. A key to females and diagnoses are provided for all known taxa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Eotillini primarily occur in Argentina, Bolivia and Chile. This paper treats the Chilean species of Eotilla Schuster, 1949. In addition to E. mickeli Schuster, 1949, six new species are described, based on males: E. ferruginea Brothers & Torrns sp. nov., E. punctata Brothers & Torrns sp. nov., E. setosa Brothers & Torrns sp. nov., E. fidalgoi Brothers & Torrns sp. nov., E. packeri Brothers & Torrns sp. nov. and E. pallidipes Brothers & Torrns sp. nov.. The previously unknown female of E. mickeli is also described. The distributions of both genera of Eotillini and their possible evolutionary history and zoogeography as related to the uplift of the Andes Mountains are briefly discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The parasitoid wasp genus Saltagenes Diller, 1995 is known only from the original description of a single species from Argentina. However, undescribed Saltagenes species occur throughout the Neotropical region and into the southern Nearctic. Here, I review the Saltagenes species of Costa Rica and describe seven new species: Saltagenes alboannulatus sp. nov., S. atrosomus sp. nov., S. escazuensis sp. nov., S. gauldi sp. nov., S. modicum sp. nov., S. pseudatrosomus sp. nov., and S. rotundiceps sp. nov. The generic diagnosis is revised to account for hitherto unknown morphological diversity of Saltagenes. An illustrated key and specimen images are provided to aid in identification. Saltagenes is now represented by eight described species though more than double that figure remain undescribed from outside of Costa Rica. More broadly, this study highlights the paucity of our knowledge of Costa Rican Ichneumoninae.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The digger wasp genus Miscophus Jurine, 1807 from the Indian subcontinent is reviewed with descriptions of two new species from India, Miscophus kaleshi Girish Kumar and Miscophus prasanthi Girish Kumar. A key to Miscophus of the Indian subcontinent is provided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Three subgenera Microchelonus Szpligeti, 1908 s. str., Parachelonus Tobias, 1995 and Stylochelonus Helln, 1958 are newly recorded from China, 21 new species, viz., C. (M.) adiazetos sp. nov., C. (M.) aequus sp. nov., C. (M.) brachykeraiatus sp. nov., C. (M.) bullatus sp. nov., C. (M.) clivus sp. nov., C. (M.) crassitibialis sp. nov., C. (M.) cyclotus sp. nov., C. (M.) erugatus sp. nov., C. (M.) illatus sp. nov., C. (M.) leious sp. nov., C. (M.) linzhiensis sp. nov., C. (M.) maculovittatus sp. nov., C. (M.) melanochromus sp. nov., C. (M.) platyetrus sp. nov., C. (M.) recavus sp. nov., C. (M.) ruficorpus sp. nov., C. (M.) scirpophagae sp. nov., C. (M.) staurorhytis sp. nov., C. (P.) hirsutus sp. nov., C. (S.) acaretrus sp. nov., and C. (S.) punctulosus sp. nov. are described and illustrated. Also, eleven species are reported as new to China: C. (M.) alticinctus (Tobias, 1989), C. (M.) alveatus (Tobias, 1989), C. (M.) calcaratus (Tobias, 1989), C. (M.) flagellaris (Tobias, 1989), C. (M.) insidiatrix (Tobias, 1989), C. (M.) milkoi (Tobias, 2003), C. (M.) moskovitus (Tobias, 1997), C. (M.) semilunaris (Tobias, 2000), C. (M.) temporalis (Tobias, 1986), C. (M.) varus (Tobias, 2000) and C. (M.) zaitzevi (Tobias, 1972). Four new combinations are proposed: C. (P.) compressor (Chen & Ji, 2003) comb. nov., C. (P.) macrocorpus (Ji & Chen, 2003) comb. nov., C. (P.) polycolor (Chen & Ji, 2003) comb. nov. and C. (Baculonus) rubriventris (Tobias, 1988) comb. nov. The following new names are proposed: C. (M.) jiae nom. nov. for C. (M.) bimaculatus (Chen & Ji, 2003) and C. (M.) substernatus nom. nov. for C. (M.) tobiasi (Yuldashev, 2011). Microchelonus (Carinichelonus) cavifrons Tobias, 2000 is synonymized with C. (Ca.) tabonus Sonan, 1932. A key to the Chinese species of the subgenus Microchelonus is provided together with keys to the currently known species of the subgenera Carinichelonus, Stylochelonus and Parachelonus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The spider wasp genus Episyron Schidte, 1837 is reviewed, with five species recorded from various parts of India along with three new species described and illustrated from Kerala: E. keralaensis Anju, Girish Kumar & Thejass, sp. nov., E. nigrocalcarius Anju, Girish Kumar & Thejass, sp. nov., and E. rufotibius Anju, Girish Kumar & Thejass, sp. nov. Diagnosis of species occurring in India, comparisons of new species with congeners and a key to the Indian species also are provided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An updated key to the currently known species of the subgenus Tarpheion van Achterberg, 1976 (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Blacus) in China is provided. Nine new species are proposed, B. (T.) adelphius sp. nov., B. (T.) frontalis sp. nov., B. (T.) gilvus sp. nov., B. (T.) hainanensis sp. nov., B. (T.) parilis sp. nov., B. (T.) reticulatus sp. nov., B. (T.) sculptilis sp. nov., B. (T.) tanae sp. nov., and B. (T.) wuyishanensis sp. nov. Eight species, B. (T.) achterbergi Haeselbarth, 1976, B. (T.) albiventris van Achterberg, 1988, B. (T.) angichorus van Achterberg, 1988, B. (T.) antennalis van Achterberg, 1988, B. (T.) apicalis van Achterberg, 1976, B. (T.) artomandibularis van Achterberg, 1976, B. (T.) bicolor van Achterberg, 1988, and B. (T.) soror van Achterberg, 1988, are newly recorded from China.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stingless bees belong to the Meliponini tribe and are widely distributed in the tropics and subtropics, where they perform important ecological services. Among the best distributed groups of stingless bees is the genus Scaptotrigona, which includes 22 species distributed throughout the neotropical region, including the area from Mexico to Argentina. Bees of this genus are responsible for the production of products such as honey, propolis, geopropolis and fermented pollen (\"saburá\"). This review aimed to provide an overview of the chemical composition and biological activities associated with derived products from stingless bees of the genus Scaptotrigona. The bibliographic review was carried out through searches in the Scopus, Web of Science, ScienceDirect and PubMed databases, including publications from 2003 to January 2023. The study of the chemodiversity of products derived from Scaptotrigona demonstrated the mainly presence of flavonoids, phenolic acids, terpenoids and alkaloids. It was also demonstrated that products derived from bees of the genus Scaptotrigona exhibit a wide range of biological effects, such as antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antifungal activities, among other bioactivities. This review provides an overview of phytochemical and pharmacological investigations of the genus Scaptotrigona. However, it is essential to clarify the toxicity and food safety of these products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the present study, the genus Arhaconotus is revised and keyed with three species of this genus from Vietnam were described and fully illustrated as new for science, viz.Arhaconotus belokobylskiji Long,sp. nov., A. hoabinhicus Long,sp. nov. and A. longicaudatus Long,sp. nov., and one species, A. hainanensis Tang & Chen, 2010 newly recorded for Vietnams braconid fauna. Up to know, a total of seven species of Arhaconotus are described, a key to all the already known Arhaconotus species is provided. Comparative morphological characters of Arhaconotus species were also discussed.





