
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the dynamics of sedimentary organic carbon (SOC) in the productive continental marginal sea surrounding Antarctica is crucial for elucidating the effect of this sea on the global carbon cycle. We analyzed 31 surface sediment samples and eight sediment cores collected from Prydz Bay (PB) and the adjacent basin area. The element and stable isotope compositions, grain size compositions, and biogenic silica and lithogenic minerals of these samples were used to evaluate the spatial variations in the sources, transport mechanisms, and preservation patterns of SOC, with a particular focus on the efficiency of the biological carbon pump (BCP). Our findings reveal that the SOC originated from mixed marine/terrestrial sources. The δ13C values were higher in the Prydz Bay Gyre (PBG) region than in the open sea area. Biogenic matter-rich debris, associated with fine-grained particles (silt and clay), was concentrated in the PBG, while abiotic ice-rafted debris and coarse-grained particles were preferentially deposited in the bank and ice shelf front regions. Lithogenic matter predominated in the basin sediments. The annual accumulation rate of SOC in PB ranged from 1.6 to 6.2 g·m-2·yr-1 (mean 4.2 ± 1.9 g·m-2·yr-1), and the rates were higher in the PBG than in the ice shelf front region. Estimates based on our tentative box model suggest that the efficiency of the BCP, which refers to the proportion of surface-produced organic carbon successfully transferred to deep waters, is approximately 5.7 % in PB, surpassing the global average (∼0.8 %) and the efficiencies reported for other polar environments. Furthermore, our calculations indicate that the SOC preservation efficiency (the ratio of preserved to initially deposited organic carbon in sediments) in PB is approximately 79 % ± 20 %, underscoring the significant carbon sequestration potential within PB. The results of this study have important implications for the effects of sediment dynamics on the carbon cycle in the sea surrounding Antarctica.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social insects maintain hygienic conditions through their social immunity behaviors. Among these behaviors, burial behavior of termites is central for protecting healthy individuals from corpses. Many factors trigger burial behavior, and it is generally believed that chemicals released by corpses, such as oleic acid, are the most important cues for triggering burial behavior in termites. However, the contribution of the olfactory system to this behavior remains unclear. Here we report an odorant binding protein (OBP) that transports oleic acid and triggers burial behavior in Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki. We demonstrated that CforOBP7 is highly expressed in the antennae of workers. Fluorescent competition binding experiments exhibited that CforOBP7 has a strong affinity for oleic acid. Furthermore, the antennal response to oleic acid was significantly reduced, and oleic acid-triggered burial behavior was also inhibited in CforOBP7-silenced termites. We conclude that CforOBP7 governs the burial behavior of C. formosanus triggered by oleic acid.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Determining the burial time of skeletal remains is one of the most important issues of forensic medicine. We speculated that the microbiome of gravesoil may be a promising method to infer burial time by virtue of time-dependent. As we know, forensic scientists have established various models to predict the postmortem interval of a decedent based on the changes in body and soil microbiome communities. However, limited data are available on the burial time prediction for bones, especially dismembered bones. In this exploratory study, we initially conducted 16S rRNA amplicon high-throughput sequencing on the burial soil of 10 porcine femurs within a 120-day period and analyzed the changes in soil microbial communities. Compared with the control soil, a higher Shannon index in the microbial diversity of burial soil containing bones was observed. Correlation analysis identified 61 time-related bacterial families and the best subset selection method obtained best subset, containing Thermomonosporaceae, Clostridiaceae, 0319-A21, and Oxalobacteraceae, which were used to construct a simplified multiple linear regression model with a mean absolute error (MAE) of 56.69 accumulated degree day (ADD). An additional random forest model was established based on indicators for the minimum cross-validation error of Thermomonosporaceae, Clostridiaceae, 0319-A21, Oxalobacteraceae, and Syntrophobacteraceae, with an MAE of 55.65 ADD. The produced empirical data in this pilot study provided the evidence of feasibility that the microbial successional changes of burial soil will predict the burial time of dismembered bones and may also expand the current knowledge of the effects of bone burial on soil bacterial communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As one of the key, long-term occupied sites in the Southern Levant, Jericho was one of the most important early Neolithic centres to witness social and economic changes associated with the domestication of plants and animals. This study applies strontium (87Sr/86Sr), oxygen (δ18O) and carbon (δ13C) isotope analyses to the enamel of 52 human teeth from Pre-Pottery Neolithic (PPN) layers of Jericho to directly study human diet and mobility and investigate the degree of consolidation and the flexibility of social organization of Jericho society in the PPN period. The results indicate only two non-local individuals out of the 44 sampled inhabitants identified by strontium isotope analysis and are consistent with the presence of a largely sedentary community at PPN Jericho with no evidence for large-scale migration. We also construct strontium spatial baselines (87Sr/86Sr map) with local 87Sr/86Sr signatures for the sites across the Southern Levant based on systematic compilation and analysis of available data. In addition, we apply proteomic analysis of sex-specific amelogenin peptides in tooth enamel for sex estimation of the sampled individuals (n = 44), the results of which showed a sex-biased ratio (more male than female detected in this sample pool) in Jericho society during the PPN period, which may be due to the limited sample size or selective ritual practices like particular burial zones used for specific groups. We also pretreated a batch of human bone samples recovered from PPNB Jericho for stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses for dietary investigations. However, the extracted collagen showed poor preservation and no valid δ13C or δ15N data were obtained.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Investigating the impacts of climatic factors and human activities on sedimentary records of heavy metal (HM) contamination in lakes is essential for decision-making in global environmental monitoring and assessment. Spatiotemporal distributions of grain size (GS) and HM (Al, Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, and Pb) concentrations have been conducted in core sediments that are collected from two adjacent plateau fault-bound lakes in southwest China with contrasting environments, i.e., deep oligotrophic Lake Fuxian (FX) and shallow hypertrophic Lake Xingyun (XY). Results showed that the average value of d50 in FX (4.61 μm) was lower than that in XY (8.35 μm), but the average concentrations of HMs (except Cr and Mn) in XY were higher than those in FX. Heavy metal burial rates (HMBR) were mainly controlled by sediment accumulation rates (SARs) rather than HM concentrations. The correlation coefficients between GS and HM concentrations became strong as the increasing water depths were associated with a stable sedimentary environment. Time-integrated enrichment factors (EF) and source identification of HMs between FX and XY represented that Cr, Ni, and Cu originated from natural sources but Mn, Zn, As, and Pb from anthropogenic sources, respectively. Regardless of FX and XY, the transition times of HMs from natural to anthropogenic sources occurred in the mid-1960s. Comparison of qualification impacts of climatic factors and human-induced factors on increased anthropogenic HMBR by the partial least squares path modeling (PLS-PM) implied that socio-economic activities, such as population density (PD) and gross domestic product (GDP), provided higher contributors to increased anthropogenic HMBR in XY (0.23/0.71) than FX (0.11/0.18). The comparative results of this study provided new insights into environmental monitoring and management of HM contamination for adjacent lakes with contrasting environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ecological regime shifts and contamination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and microplastics (MPs) were found in many waters. How ecological regime shifts influence the contribution of microplastics to the burial of PAHs in sediments is unclear. Sediment cores in the largest lagoon (Lagoon Pinqing) of China were used to address this issue. Regime shifted from phytoplankton dominance to macrophyte dominance in the late 1970s in Lagoon Pinqing. The factor affecting the contribution of microplastics to the burial of PAHs in sediments varied from total phosphorus to total nitrogen during the periods from 1965 to 1970s, and from 1970s to 1990s. Phytoplankton dominated from the late 1990s to 2017. The increased aromaticity of sediment organic matter induced by regime shifts enhanced this contribution in this period. This contribution varied from 0 to 67.2%, influenced by the regime shifts in different periods. This contribution for the PAHs with moderate hydrophobicity was more susceptible to regime shifts than other PAHs. Our results suggested the contribution of microplastics to the burial of PAHs by sediments could be influenced by ecological regime shifts, and driven by various factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The silk residues in the soil formed the unique niche, termed \"silksphere.\" Here, we proposed a hypothesis that silksphere microbiota have great potential as a biomarker for unraveling the degradation of the ancient silk textiles with great archaeological and conservation values. To test our hypothesis, in this study, we monitored the dynamics of microbial community composition during silk degradation via both indoor soil microcosmos model and outdoor environment with amplicon sequencing against 16S and ITS gene. Microbial community divergence was evaluated with Welch two sample t-test, PCoA, negative binomial generalized log-linear model and clustering, etc. Community assembly mechanisms differences between silksphere and bulk soil microbiota were compared with dissimilarity-overlap curve (DOC) model, Neutral model and Null model. A well-established machine learning algorithm, random forest, was also applied to the screening of potential biomarkers of silk degradation. The results illustrated the ecological and microbial variability during the microbial degradation of silk. Vast majority of microbes populating the silksphere microbiota strongly diverged from those in bulk soil. Certain microbial flora can serve as an indicator of silk degradation, which would lead to a novel perspective to perform identification of archaeological silk residues in the field. To sum up, this study provides a new perspective to perform the identification of archaeological silk residue through the dynamics of microbial communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The variability of groundwater burial depths is critical to regional water management. In order to reduce the impact of high-frequency eigenmodal functions (IMF) generated by complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise (CEEMDAN) on the prediction results, variational modal decomposition (VMD) is performed on the high frequency IMF components after the primary modal decomposition. A convolutional neural network-gated recurrent unit prediction model (CNN-GRU) is proposed to address the shortcomings of traditional machine learning which cannot handle correlation information and temporal correlation between time series. The CNN-GRU model can extract the implicit features of the coupling relationship between groundwater burial depth and time series and further predict the groundwater burial depth time series. By comparing the prediction results with GRU, CEEMDAN-GRU, and CEEMDAN-CNN-GRU models, we found that the CEEMDAN-VMD-CNN-GRU prediction model outperformed the other prediction models, with a prediction accuracy of 94.29%, good prediction results, and high model confidence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coastal sediments are considered as hotspots of microplastics (MPs), with substantial MPs stocks found in blue carbon habitats such as mangroves and tidal marshes, where wave-damping vegetation reduces sediment erosion and enhances accretion. Here, we examined the effects of such bio-geomorphic feedbacks in shaping MPs burial, through a year-round field study in a mangrove habitat along the coast of South China. The results revealed that MPs abundance decreased significantly with the increase of cumulative sediment erosion as the strength of bio-geomorphic feedbacks declined. More shapes and colors of MPs were found at locations with weaker waves and less sediment erosion, where the average particle size was also higher. Our findings highlight the importance of bio-geomorphic feedbacks in affecting both the abundance and characteristics of the buried MPs. Such knowledge extends our understanding of MPs transport and burial from the perspective of bio-geomorphology, which is essential to assess and predict MPs accumulation patterns as well as its impacts on ecosystem functioning of the blue carbon habitats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Black carbon (BC) is a retarder in carbon cycle, and the proportion of char and soot in BC restricts the significance of BC as a sink in carbon cycle. Tracing the sources of char and soot is helpful for in-depth understanding the anthropogenic-driven burial and pattern of BC, and is crucial for regulating emissions of BC and impact of BC on carbon cycle/climate change. This study investigated source-driven BC via the concentration and δ13C of BC (char and soot) in a Plateau lake sediment. The burial rate of BC (mean: 6.42 ± 5.09 g m-2 yr-1) showed an increasing trend (3.7 times after 1977 compared with before), and the growth rate of char (4.1 times) was faster than soot (2.5 times). The source trace results, showing faster growth of coal combustion ratio in char (increased 21% after 1980 compared with before) than soot (13%), proved that coal combustion promoted faster growth of char in BC. Redundancy analysis confirmed that more low-temperature utilization of coal urged a stronger driving force for char than soot, which caused BC to have lower aromatic content and higher reactivity in organic carbon pool from the past to present, further impact the effects of BC on carbon cycle.





