
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The probability of survival in avalanche accidents is time-dependent. Critically buried victims who undergo a long burial duration (over 60 min) face a possible mortality rate of over 80%. Understanding the physiological response during critical avalanche burial is crucial for improving rescue strategies and outcomes. We present the case of a 55-year-old male skier buried under an avalanche for 4 h and 51 min in the Italian Alps. Continuous heart rate monitoring revealed distinct phases of cardiac activity during burial. Despite severe hypothermia, the victim survived without extracorporeal rewarming. This case highlights the importance of continuous monitoring and appropriate on-site management in avalanche accidents. Factors such as the presence of an air pocket may positively influence survival. This case underscores the importance of comprehensive resuscitative measures and guidelines for managing avalanche victims with prolonged burial durations.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    The Cortijo Coracho archaeological site dates from the Late Antiquity period, from the 5th to the 8th century AD. During this period, a number of populations settled in the area (Germanic peoples until Visigothic rule, Byzantine until the arrival of the Arabs, etc.), each of them concentrating the historical characteristics in the Sub-Baetic that are currently known. The Cortijo Coracho archaeological site is currently located in the city of Lucena (Cordoba, Spain), found after the works on the A-45 motorway. The necropolis consists of 294 inhumations and the remains of a basilica, although after a series of surveys it is estimated that there are around 700 additional burials, which would make it the largest necropolis with ad sancti burials surrounding a martyrial basilica dating back to the 4th century AD. Among the burials, 397 subjects were recovered, which implies a large presence of shared and/or reused burials. These subjects were transferred to the city\'s museum, where they were examined, reorganised and classified. At this point, subjects of scientific interest were found, as is the case of subject 204, the topic of this article. This individual, described as an adult male, is an example of the living conditions of this period, since despite his injury on the left lower extremity, a double fracture aggravated by a chronic osteomyelitis infection, he continued to use that limb. This paper will give the details of that distinctive lesion and the possible hypotheses underlying it.






  • 文章类型: Review
    A primary objective of a medico-legal autopsy is to determine the identity of the deceased. The act of praying for prolonged periods of time can lead to the development of skin marks in Muslims, commonly referred to as \"Naamaj signs\" or prayer marks. An elderly male of unknown identity was brought dead to the hospital, where a post-mortem examination was performed. The patient\'s name in the treatment records suggested that the deceased was a member of the non-Muslim community, conflicting with the post-mortem examination report indicating circumcision and belonging to the Muslim Community. The disposal authority questioned whether cremation or burial was more suitable for the deceased. When it comes to cases involving religious identification, basing a decision on a single feature alone is not enough to permit the disposal of a deceased body. It is crucial to take into account other characteristics before determining the appropriate disposal method.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The article presents analysis of historical case of discussion about organization of anti-epidemic measures needed because of one-time arrival of large number of wounded and killed in consequence of counter-revolutionary mutiny in Irkutsk during defense of the White House country-house in December 1917. The problem of burial of fallen soldiers and Red Army men was determined during extraordinary session of the City Duma of Irkutsk with further publication of open letter to the Irkutsk Presidium of the Soviets. The well-reasoned positions expressed by physicians and engineers against burial of the killed in common grave on the banks of the Angara River received no support from the revolutionary government. The chronology of the decision taking had political character.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Before European contact, Māori disposed of the dead in environmentally sustainable ways. Revitalizing pre-colonial burial practices presents an opportunity for Māori to evaluate current practices and reconnect with their ancient tribal customs and practices. The research question asks: What is the decolonizing potential of urupā tautaiao (natural burials)? Paradoxically, environmentally unsustainable modern tangihanga (funerals) retain the ethos of customary funerary traditions. Urupā tautaiao presents an opportunity for iwi (tribes) to retain cultural integrity in the death space, without compromising Papatūānuku (earthmother). Methodologically, a Māori worldview frames an action research mindset. The study captures a tribal community\'s exploratory journey into urupā tautaiao.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Every reared-apart monozygotic (MZ) twin pair offers a fresh perspective on human developmental questions. This is true regardless of whether the co-twins were raised in the same country or across the globe. The members of two pairs of separated MZ female twins have recently come to attention. In one case the twins were raised by different families in Argentina; in the other case the twins were raised by different families in Sweden and Vietnam. The perceptions and perspectives of these twins are insightful. The twin research section that follows begins with a tribute to our late esteemed colleague, Dr Isaac Blickstein (1953-2020). Research concerning the infanticide and sacrifice of Archaic-aged twins and triplets and prehistoric twin burials is reviewed next. Highlights from a conference focused on the 2018 film Three Identical Strangers are also included in this portion. The final section of this article includes media reports of an atypical twin father, an actor\'s twin brother, a twin link to the 1921 Tulsa, Oklahoma massacre, the birth of superfetated twins, twin comedians and script writers and Indian twins\' tragic loss to COVID-19.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is an established geophysical technique used extensively for the accurate reconstruction of the shallow (<10 m) subsurface. Reconstructions have largely been completed and presented as 2D vertical and horizontal planes, leaving limited visualization of subsurface 3D shapes and their spatial relationships. With technological advancements, particularly the availability and integration of various software platforms, 3D modelling of GPR data is now emerging as the new standard. However, despite these developments, there remains an inadequate examination and testing of these techniques, particularly in determining if their application is beneficial and warranted. In this study we conducted a GPR grid survey on a churchyard cemetery to generate and evaluate 2D and 3D-modelled reconstructions of the cemetery burial sites. Data collection and processing was completed using a Sensors and Software Incorporated pulseEKKO™ Pro SmartCart GPR system and EKKO_Project™ software, respectively. The modelling component was achieved using Schlumberger\'s Petrel™ E & P software platform, which is tailored to the petroleum industry. The subsurface patterns present in the 2D and 3D models closely matched the cemetery plot plan, validating our data collection, processing, and modelling methods. Both models were adequate for 2D horizontal visualization of reflection patterns at any specific depth. The 3D model was used to identify the presence of a companion burial plot (stacked caskets) and possible leachate plumes below and encircling burial sites, both of which were not evident in the 2D model, highlighting the benefits of 3D modelling when discerning subsurface objects. We expect our findings to be of value to similar GPR studies, with particular significance to geoforensic studies and criminal investigations.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    The retention and display of the remains of Charles Byrne, an Irishman with acromegaly, by the Hunterian Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons has been contentious for some years, and the moral case for his release for burial has been repeatedly made. This article makes the legal case through five arguments. The first three concern common law rights and duties; Byrne\'s right to burial, the duty of the State to ensure his burial where others do not, and the right of his friends to assume that duty. The fourth concerns Byrne\'s common law right to direct his disposal, and, related to this, not to be retained and displayed. The fifth, which underpins the rest, is that Byrne is not, and has never been property, and it is in fact intuitively and legally arguable that he, like other corpses, remains a person. The article finally outlines three options available to those wishing to ensure Byrne finally has the burial at sea that he sought to ensure in 1783.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To reconstruct the etiology of a perimortem injury observed on a Neolithic - Chalcolithic cranium (5060 - 4400 yrs cal. BP).
    A cranium of an old adult male individual belonging to a collective burial from Cova Foradada site (Calafell, Tarragona, Spain).
    The cranium was analyzed macroscopically and microscopically using micro-CT scan.
    The fracture on the right parietal bone presents characteristics of perimortem trauma. The morphology of the point of impact allows for the interpretation of this fracture as a result of impact by an object with a straight and sharp edge. In addition, the same cranium presents two healed antemortem injuries.
    The object that most likely caused the cranial fracture was a stone adze. The blow occurred from behind the individual, possibly by a right-handed attacker.
    The potential to link cranial fractures with specific tools increases our understanding of interpersonal violence during the Neolithic.
    It is not possible to infer if this cranial injury was related to a large-scale intergroup confrontation or an intragroup violent event.
    To investigate additional similar sites in the northeastern Iberian Peninsula to better characterize the fracture pattern caused by stone axes and adzes as well as other objects used as weapons during the Neolithic - Chalcolithic ages.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    Concha bullosa is a rather common condition of the nasal turbinates, rarely reported in archaeological skeletal collections. This paper examines a case of concha bullosa as seen in a female cranium from a burial in central Italy, dated to the Longobard domination in the Peninsula (mid-7th- early 8th century CE).
    The individual under investigation (T86/17) comes from the funerary area of Selvicciola, located near the town of Viterbo in northern Latium, Italy.
    The skeleton was macroscopically examined. We analyzed the CT-scans of the defect by applying innovative R-based virtual tools.
    It was possible to calculate the inner volume of the concha bullosa and to provide a 3D visual assessment of its shape.
    Its size and shape suggest that the individual had this condition for a considerable period of time, during which its presence may have had affected her daily activities and health status.
    An under-represented paleopathological defect is examined for the first time through a virtual approach aimed at visualizing its shape and the assessment of its volume. New methods of 3D based virtual assessment can increase the informative value of defects.
    Techniques used in this assessment should be considered as an evaluative tool for other conditions when macroscopic and radiographic imaging are limited.





