vitamin C

维生素 C
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Alkaptonuria is an inborn error of metabolism inherited as an autosomal recessive disorder due to a mutation in the homogentisic acid dioxygenase gene. It occurs rarely (global prevalence of alkaptonuria is 1 in 100,000 to 250,000), and mainly affects the joints and connective tissue of the body due to deposition of homogentisic acid giving affected areas a blue-black discoloration (ochronosis).In this case report, we present a male patient, aged 47 years, with joint and scleral involvement. He had been diagnosed many years ago with the disease by gas chromatography. His symptoms kept progressively worsening since he was recently prescribed physiotherapy and vitamin C for his disease, which has not been shown to be an effective treatment. A main reason for his disease deterioration was also the lack of nitisinone availability in his home country, as well as in the subcontinent region generally. We also presen a summary of some previously reported cases and treatment regimens to compare our case and present the comparison as a learning source for future physicians.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Scurvy is a rare diagnosis in resource-rich countries, but cases have been documented in the United States in special populations of pediatric patients at increased risk of micronutrient deficiency such as those with autism spectrum disorder, developmental delay, or eating disorders. We discuss a seven-year-old female with autism spectrum disorder who presented with a limp and refusal to ambulate and elevated inflammatory markers on initial laboratory evaluation. Given her highly selective diet and malnutrition, we made a provisional diagnosis of scurvy and started treatment-dose vitamin C, which led to a significant improvement in her ambulatory function. Plasma vitamin C was ultimately undetectable. She was discharged with vitamin C supplementation and referred to a feeding clinic to address her malnutrition and selective eating.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: High-dose vitamin C treatment (HVCT) can reduce the adverse effect of chemotherapy and enhance the effect of antitumor therapy, which has been considered one of the safest alternative treatments. However, the severity of its adverse effects may have been underestimated. The most serious adverse effect is hemolysis, which may result in acute kidney injury or death. Although glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is considered to be the main cause, the probability and pathological mechanism are not completely understood, leading to a lack of effective and standardized treatment methods.
    METHODS: Two patients with colorectal cancer developed hemolytic anemia after using 1 g/kg HVCT. In contrast to previous cases, the lowest hemoglobin level in the two cases was < 50 g/L, which was lower than previously reported. This may be because Case 1 had chronic hepatitis B for many years, which caused abnormal liver reserve function, and Case 2 had grade II bone marrow suppression. Both patients improved and were discharged after blood replacement therapy. Our cases had the most severe degree of hemolysis but the best prognosis, suggesting that our treatment may be helpful for rescue of drug-induced hemolysis. This is the first review of the literature on hemolysis caused by HVCT, and we found that all patients with G6PD deficiency developed hemolysis after HVCT.
    CONCLUSIONS: G6PD deficiency should be considered as a contraindication to HVCT, and it is not recommended for patients with bone marrow suppression, moderate-to-severe anemia, hematopoietic abnormalities, or abnormal liver and kidney function. Early blood purification and steroid therapy may avoid acute kidney injury or death caused by HVCT-related hemolytic anemia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Telogen effluvium is characterized by excessive hair shedding usually following a stressful event. Ferritin has been used in clinical practice as a biomarker of nonanemic iron deficiency in cases of telogen effluvium. During the years of the COVID19 pandemic, telogen effluvium was reported as a part of post covid manifestations. As ferritin was also a biomarker for inflammation in cases with covid infection, this study was designed to evaluate the value of ferritin in cases with postcovid telogen effluvium one hundred patients recovering from covid 19 for 4-12 weeks were included in the study, detailed drug and laboratory history was obtained and serum ferritin level was measured. the mean serum level of ferritin among telogen effluvium patients was significantly lower than controls (68.52 ± 126 and 137 ± 137.597 ug/L respectively). Patients with telogen effluvium used significantly more azithromycin and ivermectin and significantly less vitamin C, D, lactoferrin and zinc than the controls Although serum ferritin is lower among telogen effluvium patients, it was still higher than the cutoff value for diagnosing nonanemic iron deficiency, we suggest that it will not be a good biomarkers in these cases. Our secondary outcomes showed that dietary supplements used during active infection such as vitamin C, D, lactoferrin and zinc might have a preventive value on postcovid hair loss, while azithromycin and ivermectin could have a negative long term effect on telogen effluvium.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Scurvy is an infrequent pathological condition resulting from a sustained dietary vitamin C deficiency. Radiology becomes pivotal because the diagnostic process for scurvy can be intricate, given its resemblance to bone neoplasms. A 6-year-old boy, reported persistent pain and swelling in the right thigh for 2 months prior to hospitalization. Clinical examination revealed a mass localized in the right thigh and anemia. A radiograph of the right femur demonstrated extensive osteopenic changes, \"Trümmerfeld zone\", \"Frankel line\", \"Pelkin fracture\", \"Wimberger ring sign\", and para-epiphyseal subperiosteal hematoma. The absence of any such cases in our institution over the preceding decade emphasizes the uniqueness of this presentation. Histopathological evaluation yielded atypical results, prompting further radiographic assessment of the left femur and thorax. The subsequent findings corroborated the classic \"scorbutic rosary\" presentation, indicative of scurvy. The patient\'s symptoms gradually resolved with high-dose supplementation of vitamin C. Scurvy predominantly presents with musculoskeletal manifestations. Plasma vitamin C level assessment is the gold standard for the diagnosis, but it is currently inaccessible in our nation. Consequently, radiographic evaluation reveals pathognomonic features of the disorder. In thoracic radiographs, the \"scorbutic rosary\" presentation is evident. In contrast, long bones exhibit hallmarks of scurvy: diffuse osteopenia, \"Frankel line\", \"Trümmerfeld zone\", \"Pelkin fracture\", \"Wimberger ring sign\", and para-epiphyseal subperiosteal hematoma. Prompt intervention with vitamin C thwarts the progression to severe complications. Radiology is an indispensable tool in diagnosing pediatric scurvy, especially in developmental countries where the assessment of vitamin C serum levels is inaccessible.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Scurvy is a rare condition characterized by a deficiency in dietary vitamin C. Historically a disease taught in the context of long ocean voyages with limited vitamin intake, it is now rare in developed nations. The classical physical exam findings include gingival bleeding, perifollicular hemorrhages, and corkscrew hairs. We discuss the case of a 15-year-old female with scurvy whose initial presentation suggested more common diagnoses seen in the emergency department setting. Her course was complicated by a prior history of anorexia nervosa and a restrictive diet that lacked necessary vitamins. Once the patient\'s dietary habits were identified, a detailed physical exam revealed the characteristic findings. She was subsequently discharged with oral vitamin C supplements and was scheduled for outpatient follow-up to monitor symptoms.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Scurvy is a rare nutritional disorder caused by deficiency of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). It is often under-diagnosed in clinical settings, especially in North America where population statistics are unavailable. However, scurvy is more common than previously thought and appears to be re-emerging in children with developmental delays. Here, we review the pertinent literature and present a case of a previously healthy, 5-year-old, non-verbal boy who presented with multiple, acute, and subacute spontaneous epidural hemorrhages managed by neurosurgical intervention. He remained in hospital for 17 days and was seen in follow-up 3 weeks post-operatively having returned to his neurological baseline. Our case suggests the importance of considering scurvy in patients who have developmental delays and poor nutritional status.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    An attractive smile enhances an individual\'s self-confidence. The overall harmony of a smile can be attributed to the interplay of the teeth\'s shape, color, and position along with the gingival tissue. Gingival pigmentation is observed across all human races, exhibiting variations from one race to another. Typically, gingival hyperpigmentation results from the abnormal buildup of melanin in the gingival tissue, imparting a dark appearance on the gums. Various procedures, collectively known as gingival depigmentation, are employed to address gingival hyperpigmentation. While the initial outcomes of depigmentation procedures are often promising, one common issue associated with them is the potential for re-pigmentation. This article aims to evaluate the clinical effectiveness and patient-reported outcomes of intraepidermal (oral mesotherapy) vitamin C injection for nonsurgical management of physiologic gingival melanin hyperpigmentation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Scurvy is a disease caused by a lack of vitamin C. It is a nutritional deficiency that is associated with multiple severe conditions. Although developed countries report these cases rarely now due to advancements in food and nutritional supplements, they are still prevalent in developing countries, albeit rare, because of poor nutritional status. Due to the lower prevalence of scurvy, diagnosis is delayed in the majority of cases and sometimes missed completely, which results in serious complications and unnecessary workups. Here, we present a rare case of a four-year-old female child with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) presenting with scurvy. The initial clinical signs showed SAM. X-ray and MRI of the left femur and knee were done to further evaluate the orthopedic parameters. Clinical presentation and radiographic imaging confirmed all the signs of scurvy. The patient was started on the Formula 75 (F-75) diet to address the severe malnutrition, and steady weight gain was observed.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: This case study reports on a suicide attempt involving indoxacarb and vitamin C. Indoxacarb is a neurotoxic insecticide used in agriculture and as a flea controller in pets. Cotton, vegetables, and fruits are treated with indoxacarb, an insecticide that can be applied both indoors and outdoors. It causes skin allergies, methemoglobinemia, and hemolytic anemia. It is also attributed to allergic reactions through ingestion, inhalation, physical contact, and translaminar action. This case report highlights use of vitamin C in methemoglobinemia caused by indoxacarb poisoning. Indoxacarb poisoning has the potential to be extremely serious and even lethal. In this instance, the patient initially had no symptoms after ingesting a substance containing indoxacarb in an attempt at suicide. However, further tests revealed methemoglobinemia and low oxygen levels.
    METHODS: A 28-year-old south-east Asian female patient ingested an insecticide containing 5.25% novaluron, 4.5% indoxacarb, and 25% thiamethoxam, and reported that she noticed muddy brown urine but presented with no active signs or symptoms of poisoning. Upon examination, the patient was fully conscious, alert, and hemodynamically stable, but had an oxygen saturation of 84%. Gastric lavage was performed, and blood investigations revealed a muddy-brown-colored blood sample and methemoglobin levels of 12%. The patient was treated with high-dose vitamin C and showed significant improvement, with a drop in methemoglobin levels to 1.2% and an increase in oxygen saturation to 97%.
    CONCLUSIONS: Indoxacarb poisoning can cause severe methemoglobinemia. Vitamin C may be a useful treatment option for methemoglobinemia caused by indoxacarb, particularly in cases in which traditional treatment with methylene blue is contraindicated or not tolerated. Hence high doses of ascorbic acid, that is, vitamin C, were administered to the patient, which lowered their methemoglobin levels and improved oxygen levels without much safety concerns.
    CONCLUSIONS: This example emphasizes the significance of early indoxacarb poisoning detection and treatment as well as the possible advantages of utilizing ascorbic acid in the management of methemoglobinemia, and highlights the use of vitamin C in the treatment of methemoglobinemia caused by indoxacarb poisoning. Therefore, it is important for healthcare professionals to be aware of the potential for indoxacarb to cause methemoglobinemia and to consider vitamin C as a treatment option.





