
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This pilot study aimed to investigate the interest of high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) and tractography of the spinal cord (SC) in the management of patients with intramedullary tumors by providing predictive elements for tumor resection. Eight patients were included in a prospective study. HARDI images of the SC were acquired using a 3T MRI scanner with a reduced field of view. Opposed phase-encoding directions allowed distortion corrections. SC fiber tracking was performed using a deterministic approach, with extraction of tensor metrics. Then, regions of interest were drawn to track the spinal pathways of interest. HARDI and tractography added value by providing characteristics about the microstructural organization of the spinal white fibers. In patients with SC tumors, tensor metrics demonstrated significant changes in microstructural architecture, axonal density, and myelinated fibers (all, p < 0.0001) of the spinal white matter. Tractography aided in the differentiation of tumor histological types (SC-invaded vs. pushed back by the tumor), and differentiation of the spinal tracts enabled the determination of precise anatomical relationships between the tumor and the SC, defining the tumor resectability. This study underlines the value of using HARDI and tractography in patients with intramedullary tumors, to show alterations in SC microarchitecture and to differentiate spinal tracts to establish predictive factors for tumor resectability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The study aimed to (1) assess the feasibility constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD) tractography to reconstruct crossing fiber bundles with unsedated neonatal diffusion MRI (dMRI), and (2) demonstrate the impact of spatial and angular resolution and processing settings on tractography and derived quantitative measures.
    UNASSIGNED: For the purpose of this study, the term-equivalent dMRIs (single-shell b800, and b2000, both 5 b0, and 45 gradient directions) of two moderate-late preterm infants (with and without motion artifacts) from a local cohort [Brain Imaging in Moderate-late Preterm infants (BIMP) study; Calgary, Canada] and one infant from the developing human connectome project with high-quality dMRI (using the b2600 shell, comprising 20 b0 and 128 gradient directions, from the multi-shell dataset) were selected. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and CSD tractography were compared on b800 and b2000 dMRI. Varying image resolution modifications, (pre-)processing and tractography settings were tested to assess their impact on tractography. Each experiment involved visualizing local modeling and tractography for the corpus callosum and corticospinal tracts, and assessment of morphological and diffusion measures.
    UNASSIGNED: Contrary to DTI, CSD enabled reconstruction of crossing fibers. Tractography was susceptible to image resolution, (pre-) processing and tractography settings. In addition to visual variations, settings were found to affect streamline count, length, and diffusion measures (fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity). Diffusion measures exhibited variations of up to 23%.
    UNASSIGNED: Reconstruction of crossing fiber bundles using CSD tractography with unsedated neonatal dMRI data is feasible. Tractography settings affected streamline reconstruction, warranting careful documentation of methods for reproducibility and comparison of cohorts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Quantitative muscle magnetic resonance imaging (qMRI) is a valuable methodology for assessing muscular injuries and neuromuscular disorders. Notably, muscle diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) gives insights into muscle microstructural and macrostructural characteristics. However, the long-term reproducibility and robustness of these measurements remain relatively unexplored. The purpose of this prospective longitudinal cohort study was to assess the long-term robustness and range of variation of qMRI parameters, especially DTI metrics, in the lower extremity muscles of healthy controls under real-life conditions. Twelve volunteers (seven females, age 44.1 ± 12.1 years, body mass index 23.3 ± 2.0 kg/m2) underwent five leg muscle MRI sessions every 20 ± 4 weeks over a total period of 1.5 years. A multiecho gradient-echo Dixon-based sequence, a multiecho spin-echo T2-mapping sequence, and a spin-echo echo planar imaging diffusion-weighted sequence were acquired bilaterally with a Philips 3-T Achieva MR System using a 16-channel torso coil. Fifteen leg muscles were segmented in both lower extremities. qMRI parameters, including fat fraction (FF), water T2 relaxation time, and the diffusion metrics fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD), were evaluated. Coefficients of variance (wsCV) and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were calculated to assess the reproducibility of qMRI parameters. The standard error of measurement (SEM) and the minimal detectable change (MDC) were calculated to determine the range of variation. All tests were applied to all muscles and, subsequently, to each muscle separately. wsCV showed good reproducibility (≤ 10%) for all qMRI parameters in all muscles. The ICCs revealed excellent agreement between time points (FF = 0.980, water T2 = 0.941, FA = 0.952, MD = 0.948). Random measurement errors assessed by SEM and the MDC were low (< 12%). In conclusion, in this study, we showed that qMRI parameters in healthy volunteers living normal lives are stable over 18 months, thereby defining a benchmark for the expected range of variation over time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Establish the evolution of the connectome before and after resection of motor area glioma using a comparison of connectome maps and high-definition differential tractography (DifT).
    DifT was done using normalized quantitative anisotropy (NQA) with DSI Studio. The quantitative analysis involved obtaining mean NQA and fractional anisotropy (FA) values for the disrupted pathways tracing the corticospinal tract (CST), and white fiber network changes over time.
    We described the baseline tractography, DifT, and white matter network changes from two patients who underwent resection of an oligodendroglioma (Case 1) and an IDH mutant astrocytoma, grade 4 (Case 2).
    There was a slight decrease in the diffusion signal of the compromised CST in the immediate postop. The NQA and FA values increased at the 1-year follow-up (0.18 vs. 0.32 and 0.35 vs. 0.44, respectively).
    There was an important decrease in the immediate postop, followed by an increase in the follow-up. In the 1-year follow-up, the patient presented with radiation necrosis and tumor recurrence, increasing NQA from 0.18 in the preop to 0.29. Fiber network analysis: whole-brain connectome comparison demonstrated no significant changes in the immediate postop. However, in the 1-year follow up there was a notorious reorganization of the fibers in both cases, showing the decreased density of connections.
    Connectome studies and DifT constitute new potential tools to predict early reorganization changes in a patient\'s networks, showing the brain plasticity capacity, and helping to establish timelines for the progression of the tumor and treatment-induced changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The frontal aslant tract (FAT) is a white matter tract connecting the superior frontal gyrus (SFG) to the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG). Its dorsal origin is identified in humans in the medial wall of the SFG, in the supplementary motor complex (SM-complex). However, empirical observation shows that many FAT fibres appear to originate from the dorsal, rather than medial, portion of the SFG. We quantitatively investigated the actual origin of FAT fibres in the SFG, specifically discriminating between terminations in the medial wall and in the convexity of the SFG. We analysed data from 105 subjects obtained from the Human Connectome Project (HCP) database. We parcelled the cortex of the IFG, dorsal SFG and medial SFG in several regions of interest (ROIs) ordered in a caudal-rostral direction, which served as seed locations for the generation of streamlines. Diffusion imaging data (DWI) was processed using a multi-shell multi-tissue CSD-based algorithm. Results showed that the number of streamlines originating from the dorsal wall of the SFG significantly exceeds those from the medial wall of the SFG. Connectivity patterns between ROIs indicated that FAT sub-bundles are segregated in parallel circuits ordered in a caudal-rostral direction. Such high degree of coherence in the streamline trajectory allows to establish pairs of homologous cortical parcels in the SFG and IFG. We conclude that the frontal origin of the FAT is found in both dorsal and medial surfaces of the superior frontal gyrus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In current sensorimotor theories pertaining to speech perception, there is a notable emphasis on the involvement of the articulatory-motor system in the processing of speech sounds. Using ultra-high field diffusion-weighted imaging at 7 Tesla, we visualized the white matter tracts connected to areas activated during a simple speech-sound production task in 18 healthy right-handed adults. Regions of interest for white matter tractography were individually determined through 7T functional MRI (fMRI) analyses, based on activations during silent vocalization tasks. These precentral seed regions, activated during the silent production of a lip-vowel sound, demonstrated anatomical connectivity with posterior superior temporal gyrus areas linked to the auditory perception of phonetic sounds. Our study provides a macrostructural foundation for understanding connections in speech production and underscores the central role of the articulatory motor system in speech perception. These findings highlight the value of ultra-high field 7T MR acquisition in unraveling the neural underpinnings of speech.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The temporal pole (TP) is considered one of the major paralimbic cortical regions, and is involved in a variety of functions such as sensory perception, emotion, semantic processing, and social cognition. Based on differences in cytoarchitecture, the TP can be further subdivided into smaller regions (dorsal, ventrolateral and ventromedial), each forming key nodes of distinct functional networks. However, the brain structural connectivity profile of TP subregions is not fully clarified. Using diffusion MRI data in a set of 31 healthy subjects, we aimed to elucidate the comprehensive structural connectivity of three cytoarchitectonically distinct TP subregions. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) analysis suggested that major association fiber pathways such as the inferior longitudinal, middle longitudinal, arcuate, and uncinate fasciculi provide structural connectivity to the TP. Further analysis suggested partially overlapping yet still distinct structural connectivity patterns across the TP subregions. Specifically, the dorsal subregion is strongly connected with wide areas in the parietal lobe, the ventrolateral subregion with areas including constituents of the default-semantic network, and the ventromedial subregion with limbic and paralimbic areas. Our results suggest the involvement of the TP in a set of extensive but distinct networks of cortical regions, consistent with its functional roles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most of tractography studies on insomnia disorder (ID) have reported decreased structural connectivity between cortical and subcortical structures. Tractography based on standard diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) can generate high number of false-positive streamlines connections between gray matter regions. In the present study, we employed the convex optimization modeling for microstructure informed tractography-2 (COMMIT2) to improve the accuracy of the reconstructed whole-brain connectome and filter implausible brain connections in 28 patients with ID and compared with 27 healthy controls. Then, we used NBS-predict (a prediction-based extension to the network-based statistic method) in the COMMIT2-weighted connectome. Our results revealed decreased structural connectivity between subregions of the left somatomotor, ventral attention, frontoparietal, dorsal attention and default mode networks in the insomnia group. Moreover, there is a negative correlation between sleep efficiency and structural connectivity within the left frontoparietal, visual, default mode network, limbic, dorsal attention, right dorsal attention as well as right default mode networks. By comparing with standard connectivity analysis, we showed that by removing of false-positive streamlines connections after COMMIT2 filtering, abnormal structural connectivity was reduced in patients with ID compared to controls. Our results demonstrate the importance of improving the accuracy of tractography for understanding structural connectivity networks in ID.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this prospective observational longitudinal study was to explore and decipher the predictive value of prospective MRI biomarkers in the brain and lower limb muscles for 3-month lower limb motor recovery following stroke. In the brain, we measured the integrity of the corticospinal tract (fractional anisotropy/\"FA\"). In the muscles, we measured volume, fatty replacement (fat fraction analysis and proton spectroscopy) and oedema. Measurements were taken at two time points: (1) within 4 weeks of stroke (baseline measurement, clinical and imaging) and (2) 3 months following stroke (follow up measurement, clinical only). Clinical measurements consisted of assessments of functional ability and strength (Fugl-Meyer score, motor NIHSS, Functional Ambulation Category/\"FAC\", and muscle dynamometry). Twenty-three patients completed imaging and clinical assessments at baseline and follow-up; five patients had partial imaging assessment. The results provided some evidence that damage to the corticospinal tract would result in less motor recovery: recovery of the Fugl-Meyer score and dynamometric ankle plantarflexion, ankle dorsiflexion, and knee extension correlated positively and significantly with fractional anisotropy (0.406-0.457; p = 0.034-p = 0.016). However, fractional anisotropy demonstrated a negative correlation with recovery of the Functional Ambulation Category (-0.359, p = 0.046). For the muscle imaging, significant inverse correlation was observed between vastus lateralis fat fraction vs. NIHSS recovery (-0.401, p = 0.04), and a strong positive correlation was observed between ratio of intra- to extra-myocellular lipid concentrations and the recovery of knee flexion (0.709, p = 0.007). This study supports previous literature indicating a positive correlation between the integrity of the corticospinal tract and motor recovery post-stroke, expanding the limited available literature describing this relationship specifically for the lower limb. However, recovery of functional ambulation behaved differently to other clinical recovery markers by demonstrating an inverse relationship with corticospinal tract integrity. The study also introduces some muscle imaging biomarkers as potentially valuable in the prediction of 3-month lower limb motor recovery following stroke.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Clinical exam is the goldstandard for surgical indication. ENMG and conventional MRI are insufficient to understand the highly variable clinical presentation of brachial plexus (BP) lesions. DTI is based on motion of water molecules and can explore nerve function.
    OBJECTIVE: This pilot study of healthy subjects aimed to develop RESOLVE sequence for BP exploration using diffusion MRI. The main objective was to provide complete precise information from DTI cartography associated with anatomical data.
    METHODS: Six healthy volunteers were scanned using 3T PRISMA scanner with anatomic 3D STIR SPACE and RESOLVE diffusion sequences. Diffusion parametric maps of fractional anisotropy (FA) were extracted from RESOLVE acquisitions. A reproducible method for roots volumes and angles measurements was created using 3DSlicer. ROI were segmented on Mean B0 sequences. FA measurements were obtained with ROI on Mean B0 sequences.
    RESULTS: RESOLVE sequence was adapted to the BP. Mean FA was 0.30. Angles measurements on 3D STIR SPACE sequences showed increasing values from proximal to distal roots with an 0.6 ICC. Volume measurements on anatomic sequences varied widely from one root to another but did not show any significant difference on laterality.
    CONCLUSIONS: A new and reproducible method for BP exploration was developed, using MRI RESOLVE DTI sequences. Complete mapping was obtained but a low resolution of track density imaging did not allow to exploit distal nerves. Deterministic tractography principal limit was the lack of resolution. Extraction of diffusion, volumetric and angular parameters of the plexus roots, and scripts creation for image processing was adapted to the healthy BP.





