tooth loss

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tooth loss extends beyond oral health concerns, impacting overall well-being and quality of life. It is a global issue, with approximately 7% of individuals aged 20 years or older affected. Research reveals associations between tooth loss and cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension, atherosclerosis, and peripheral arterial disease, attributed mainly to chronic inflammation and altered dietary habits. However, tooth loss has also been associated with cognitive decline, depression, and certain cancers, including lung, head and neck, pancreatic, and esophageal, suggesting the involvement of complex pathophysiological mechanisms that are increasingly the subject of experimental research. In addition, there are psychosocial consequences, such as self-esteem issues and social discomfort. Therefore, it is indisputable that comprehensive oral care is of utmost importance. Recognizing the importance of oral health for overall well-being highlights the necessity for preventative measures and enhanced dental care. As the global population ages, it is increasingly important to comprehend and address the systemic effects of tooth loss. This review aims to summarize the complex pathomechanisms underlying tooth loss and emphasize the need for a comprehensive approach to address its di- verse consequences. It advocates for preventive oral health measures to sustain general health and well-being.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To provide an evidence-based resource for paleopathologists to consider multiple skeletal indicators of pathology associated with early tooth loss in children to aid in diagnosis.
    METHODS: Three databases (Cochrane Library, MedLine, and Scopus) were used for a review.
    METHODS: According to the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) criteria, a systematic review guideline, 85 articles were selected.
    RESULTS: A total of 189 children had a syndrome or disease associated with early tooth loss. Our review, based on 25 diseases, lists the bone and dental lesions observable in archeological remains.
    CONCLUSIONS: Based on a review of the literature, a synthesis of 25 diseases and syndromes that may be associated with premature loss of permanent or deciduous teeth in children was developed for paleopathologists. It highlights the importance of a thorough dental examination by paleopathologists to further assess past health conditions.
    CONCLUSIONS: This paper provides an extensive resource addressing early tooth loss in childhood to assist researchers with differential diagnosis.
    CONCLUSIONS: The articles included in this review are case reports based on living populations.
    UNASSIGNED: Further studies into diseases and their association with early tooth loss would complement this work, as would utilizing the differential diagnoses on archeological individuals to clarify its value and limitations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The current evidence linking tooth loss and cardiovascular disease mortality is inconclusive. Thus, the aim of this systematic review was to explore the association between tooth loss and cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality.
    METHODS: A comprehensive literature search of databases and gray literature included: Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Google Scholar, various digital repositories. The included studies reported on CVD mortality and tooth loss. The Newcastle-Ottawa scale was used to assess the quality of included studies. Random-effects meta-analysis method, sub-group analysis (based on the tooth loss categories (edentulous and fewer than 10 teeth present), meta-regression (based on the number. of confounders), publication bias, and sensitivity analysis were performed.
    RESULTS: Twelve articles met the eligibility criteria with an overall \"Good\" quality. A significant association between tooth loss (edentulous or less than 10 teeth present) and CVD mortality was found in the primary meta-analysis, which compiled data from 12 studies. The estimated hazard ratio was 1.66 (95% CI: 1.32-2.09), and there was high heterogeneity (I2 = 82.42). Subgroup analysis revealed that the edentulous subgroup showed a higher risk with no significant heterogeneity, while the subgroup with fewer than 10 teeth showed a higher risk with substantial heterogeneity. Meta-regression analysis did not reveal any significant impact (P = .626) on whether variations in the number of confounders across studies would substantially affect the overall findings. No publication bias was detected and the sensitivity analysis based on the critical confounders also confirmed that tooth loss as a risk factor for CVD mortality (hazard ratio = 1.52, 95% CI: 1.28-1.80), (I2 51.82%).
    CONCLUSIONS: The present systematic review reported that being edentulous or having lesser than 10 teeth is a predictive indicator of CVD mortality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dentoalveolar (DA) trauma, which can involve tooth, alveolar bone, and surrounding soft tissues, is a significant dentofacial emergency. In emergency settings, physicians might lack comprehensive knowledge of timely procedures, causing delays for specialist referral. This systematic review assesses the literature on isolated DA fractures, emphasizing intervention timing and splinting techniques and duration in both children and adults. This systematic review adhered to PRISMA guidelines and involved a thorough search across PubMed, Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, and the Cochrane Library from January 1980 to December 2022. Inclusion and exclusion criteria guided study selection, with data extraction and analysis centered on demographics, etiology, injury site, diagnostics, treatment timelines, and outcomes in pediatric (2-12 years) and adult (>12 years) populations. This review analyzed 26 studies, categorized by age into pediatrics (2-12 years) and adults (>12 years). Falls were a common etiology, primarily affecting the anterior maxilla. Immediate management involved replantation, repositioning, and splinting within 24 hours (pediatric) or 48 hours (adult). Composite resin-bonded splints were common. Endodontic treatment was done within a timeframe of 3 days to 12 weeks for children and 2-12 weeks for adults. Tailored management based on patient age, tooth development stage, time elapsed, and resource availability is essential.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Oral health conditions, such as dental caries, periodontal disease, tooth loss, dental fluorosis, dental trauma, and oral cancer, are prevalent in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region. However, there has been no systematic review of oral health promotion interventions in the region.
    UNASSIGNED: To review existing literature on oral health promotion programmes in the Eastern Mediterranean Region and recommend improvements for the future.
    UNASSIGNED: We reviewed on PubMed and Google Scholar 61 articles published in the Eastern Mediterranean Region between 2010 and 2023. Quality assessment of included studies was performed using established criteria. We used the content analysis approach to create appropriate themes from the studies and to document meaningful conclusions about oral health promotion.
    UNASSIGNED: Majority of the studies were cross-sectional, a few were randomized controlled, quasi-experimental, longitudinal studies, or reviews. Oral health problems identified included poor oral health knowledge, dental caries, periodontal disease, tooth loss, dental fluorosis, and oral cancer. Although oral disorders were common in most of the countries, very few have implemented oral health promotion programmes.
    UNASSIGNED: We recommend prioritization of oral health promotion programmes in the Eastern Mediterranean Region to tackle the diverse oral health challenges. To be effective, such programmes should be region- and context-specific. More studies on oral health promotion are needed in the region.
    استعراض منهجي لبرامج تعزيز صحة الفم في إقليم شرق المتوسط.
    نجاة عبد ربه اليافعي، بشرى ناز فاطمة جليل، حمد المضاحكة.
    UNASSIGNED: تنتشر في إقليم منظمة الصحة العالمية لشرق المتوسط اعتلالات صحة الفم: مثل تسوس الأسنان، ومرض دواعم الأسنان، وفقدان الأسنان، وتسمم الأسنان بالفلور، ورضح الأسنان، وسرطان الفم. ومع ذلك، لم يُُجرَ استعراض منهجي للتدخلات الرامية إلى تعزيز صحة الفم في الإقليم.
    UNASSIGNED: هدفت هذه الدراسة الى الاستعراض المنهجي للمؤلفات المتاحة التي تتناول برامج تعزيز صحة الفم في إقليم شرق المتوسط، والتوصية بتحسينات في المستقبل.
    UNASSIGNED: استعرضنا على موقع PubMed وموقع 61 Google Scholar مقالة منشورة في إقليم شرق المتوسط بين عامَي 2010 و2023. وأُجريَ تقييم لجودة الدراسات المشمولة باستخدام معايير مُقرَّرة. واستخدمنا نهج تحليل المحتوى لإعداد مواضيع مناسبة مستمدة من الدراسات وتوثيق استنتاجات هادفة بشأن تعزيز صحة الفم.
    UNASSIGNED: كانت غالبية الدراسات مقطعية، وكان قليل منها دراسات مضبوطة ذات عيِّنات عشوائية، أو دراسات شبه تجريبية، أو دراسات طولانية، أو مراجعات. وشملت مشكلات صحة الفم المرصودة: ضعف المعرفة بصحة الفم، وتسوس الأسنان، وأمراض اللثة، وفقدان الأسنان، وتسمم الأسنان بالفلور، وسرطان الفم. ورغم شيوع الاضطرابات الفموية في معظم البلدان، فإن عددًا قليلًًا جدًّا من تلك البلدان نفَّذ برامج لتعزيز صحة الفم.
    UNASSIGNED: نوصي بإعطاء الأولوية لبرامج تعزيز صحة الفم في إقليم شرق المتوسط للتصدي للتحديات المتنوعة المتعلقة بصحة الفم. ولتكون هذه البرامج فعالة، ينبغي أن تكون محدَّدة المناطق والسياق. وتدعو الحاجة إلى مزيد من الدراسات عن تعزيز صحة الفم في الإقليم.
    Revue des programmes de promotion de la santé bucco-dentaire dans la Région de la Méditerranée orientale.
    UNASSIGNED: Les affections bucco-dentaires, telles que les caries dentaires, les parodontopathies, la perte de dents, la fluorose dentaire, les traumatismes dentaires et le cancer de la bouche, sont prévalentes dans la Région OMS de la Méditerranée orientale. Cependant, aucune revue systématique des interventions de promotion de la santé bucco-dentaire n\'a été effectuée dans la Région.
    UNASSIGNED: Examiner la littérature existante sur les programmes de promotion de la santé bucco-dentaire dans la Région de la Méditerranée orientale et recommander des améliorations pour l\'avenir.
    UNASSIGNED: Nous avons passé en revue 61 articles publiés sur PubMed et Google Scholar dans la Région de la Méditerranée orientale entre 2010 et 2023. L\'évaluation de la qualité des études incluses a été effectuée à l\'aide des critères établis. Nous avons utilisé l\'approche d\'analyse de contenu pour créer des thèmes appropriés à partir des études et pour documenter des conclusions significatives sur la promotion de la santé bucco-dentaire.
    UNASSIGNED: La majorité des études étaient transversales, quelques-unes étaient des études contrôlées randomisées, quasi-expérimentales, longitudinales ou des analyses. Parmi les problèmes de santé bucco-dentaire recensés figuraient les connaissances insuffisantes dans ce domaine, les caries dentaires, les parodontopathies, la perte de dents, la fluorose dentaire et le cancer de la cavité buccale. Bien que les troubles bucco-dentaires soient courants dans la plupart des pays, très peu de pays ont mis en œuvre des programmes de promotion de la santé bucco-dentaire.
    UNASSIGNED: Nous recommandons de prioriser les programmes de promotion de la santé bucco-dentaire dans la Région de la Méditerranée orientale afin de s\'attaquer aux différents défis dans ce domaine. Pour être efficaces, ces programmes doivent être spécifiques à la Région et au contexte. D\'autres études sur la promotion de la santé bucco-dentaire sont nécessaires dans la Région.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The occurrence, progression and treatment efficacy of periodontitis are affected by many factors. Development on accurate estimation of prognosis is essential for treatment plan determination. The application of the 2018 new classification of periodontitis is one of the most important advances in the prognosis and risk assessment of periodontitis. The predictive value of the new classification on tooth loss risk had been evaluated by several latest researches, however, consensus still lacks. This review focused on the predictive efficacy of the 2018 new classification of periodontitis on tooth loss risk in periodontitis patients, in order to provide scientific evidence for clinical application and further improvement of the new classification system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Poor oral health and oral dysbiosis were found to be associated with cancers, especially of the gastrointestinal (GI) system. But the cause-and-effect relationship and the effect of the risk are not yet known due to scarcity of literature. Understanding such risk relationship can contribute to an integrated multi-disciplinary approach for GI cancer prevention.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present systematic review and meta-analysis is to assess the role of oral dysbiosis on increasing the risk of digestive system cancers.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of poor oral health on increasing the risk of gastrointestinal cancers.
    METHODS: We conducted a systematic search following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines in databases PubMed, Elsevier, Wiley\'s online library and Web of Science from inception to February 2023 to include recent cohort studies that assessed the association between poor oral health and the risk of cancer. We assessed bias using the New Castle Ottawa scale. We used inferential statistics to describe the effect of oral dysbiosis on gastrointestinal cancers. We performed a sub-group analysis to assess the effect of oral conditions on individual cancers.
    RESULTS: We included 10 longitudinal studies in the meta-analysis. The overall effect size of poor oral health and GI cancer risk was hazard\'s ratio (HR) =1.30 (95% CI: [1.14, 1.46]) (p<0.001) (I2 = 68.78). Sub-group analysis indicated that poor oral health increases the risk of esophageal cancer HR=1.61 (95% CI: [1.37, 1.85]), stomach cancer HR=1.33 (95% CI: [1.08, 1.58]), pancreatic cancer HR=1.90 (95% CI; [1.29, 2.50]) and colorectal and hepatocellular carcinoma HR=1.16 (95% CI: [1.08, 1.23]).
    CONCLUSIONS: The meta-analysis indicated that poor oral health was significantly associated with increasing the risk of GI cancers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this systematic review (SR) was to assess whether tooth mobility (TM) increases the risk of tooth extraction/loss. The protocol was registered in PROSPERO database (CRD42023485425). The focused PECO questions were as follows: (1) \"In patients with periodontitis, undergoing periodontal treatment, are teeth affected by mobility at higher risk of being extracted/lost compared to non-mobile teeth, with a minimum follow-up of 10 years?\" and (2) \"In these patients, does varying degrees of tooth mobility increase the risk of tooth extraction/loss, with a minimum follow-up of 10 years?\". Results were reported according to PRISMA statement. Electronic and manual searches were conducted to identify longitudinal studies. The different assessments of tooth mobility were pooled into three groups: TM0: Undetectable tooth mobility, TM1: Horizontal/Mesio-distal mobility ≤1 mm, TM2: Horizontal/Mesio-distal mobility >1 mm or vertical tooth mobility. Tooth loss was the primary outcome. Various meta-analyses were conducted, including subgroup analyses considering different follow-up lengths and the timing of TM assessment, along with sensitivity analyses. A trial sequential analysis was also performed. Eleven studies were included (1883 patients). The mean follow-up range was 10-25 years. The weighted total of included teeth, based on the sample size, was 18 918, with a total of 1604 (8.47%) extracted/lost teeth. The overall rate of tooth extraction/loss increased with increasing mobility: TM0 was associated with a 5.85% rate (866/14822), TM1 with the 11.8% (384/3255), TM2 with the 40.3% (339/841). Mobile teeth (TM1/TM2) were at an increased risk for tooth extraction/loss, compared to TM0 (HR: 2.85; [95% CI 1.88-4.32]; p < .00001). TM1 had a higher risk than TM0 (HR: 1.96; [95% CI 1.09-3.53]; p < .00001). TM2 had a higher risk than TM1 (HR: 2.85; [95% CI 2.19-3.70]; p < .00001) and TM0 (HR: 7.12; [95% CI 3.27-15.51]; p < .00001). The results of the tests for subgroup differences were not significant. Sensitivity meta-analyses yielded consistent results with other meta-analyses. Within the limits of the quality of the studies included in the meta-analyses, mobile teeth were at higher risk of being extracted/lost in the long-term and higher degrees of TM significantly influenced clinicians\' decision to extract a tooth. However, most teeth can be retained in the long-term and thus TM should not be considered a reason for extraction or a risk factor for tooth loss, regardless of the degree of TM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study reviews and appraises the methodological and reporting quality of prediction models for tooth loss in periodontitis patients, including the use of regression and machine learning models. Studies involving prediction modeling for tooth loss in periodontitis patients were screened. A search was performed in MEDLINE via PubMed, Embase, and CENTRAL up to 12 February 2022, with citation chasing. Studies exploring model development or external validation studies for models assessing tooth loss in periodontitis patients for clinical use at any time point, with all prediction horizons in English, were considered. Studies were excluded if models were not developed for use in periodontitis patients, were not developed or validated on any data set, predicted outcomes other than tooth loss, or were prognostic factor studies. The CHARMS checklist was used for data extraction, TRIPOD to assess reporting quality, and PROBAST to assess the risk of bias. In total, 4,661 records were screened, and 45 studies were included. Only 26 studies reported any kind of performance measure. The median C-statistic reported was 0.671 (range, 0.57-0.97). All studies were at a high risk of bias due to inappropriate handling of missing data (96%), inappropriate evaluation of model performance (92%), and lack of accounting for model overfitting in evaluating model performance (68%). Many models predicting tooth loss in periodontitis are available, but studies evaluating these models are at a high risk of bias. Model performance measures are likely to be overly optimistic and might not be replicated in clinical use. While this review is unable to recommend any model for clinical practice, it has collated the existing models and their model performance at external validation and their associated sample sizes, which would be helpful to identify promising models for future external validation studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Premature loss of primary teeth (PLPT) can be a rare presentation of systemic medical conditions. Premature loss of primary teeth may present a diagnostic dilemma to paediatric dentists.
    OBJECTIVE: To identify systemic conditions associated with PLPT and develop a clinical aid.
    METHODS: OVID Medline, Embase and Web of Science were searched up to March 2023. Citation searching of review publications occurred. Exclusion occurred for conference abstracts, absence of PLPT and absence of English-language full text.
    RESULTS: Seven hundred and ninety-one publications were identified via databases and 476 by citation searching of review articles. Removal of 390 duplicates occurred. Following the exclusion of 466 records on abstract review, 411 publications were sought for retrieval, of which 142 met inclusion criteria. Thirty-one systemic conditions were identified. For 19 conditions, only one publication was identified. The majority of publications, 91% (n = 129), were case reports or series. Most publications, 44% (n = 62), were related to hypophosphatasia, and 25% (n = 35) were related to Papillon-Lefèvre. Diagnostic features were synthesised, and a clinical aid was produced by an iterative consensus approach.
    CONCLUSIONS: A diverse range of systemic diseases are associated with PLPT. Evidence quality, however, is low, with most diseases having a low number of supporting cases. This clinical aid supports paediatric dentists in differential diagnosis and onward referral.





