tooth loss

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Working Group 5 was convened to discuss and find consensus on the topics of implant placement and loading protocols associated with single missing teeth in the anterior maxilla (aesthetic zone). Consensus statements, clinical recommendations, patient perspectives and future research suggestions were developed and presented to the plenary for discussion and approval.
    METHODS: Two systematic reviews were developed and submitted prior to the conference. The group considered in detail the systematic reviews and developed statements, clinical recommendations, patient perspectives and future research suggestions based on the findings of the reviews and experience of group members. Definitive versions were developed after presentation to and discussion by the plenary.
    RESULTS: Five consensus statements were developed and approved from each systematic review. Twelve clinical recommendations were developed by the group based on both reviews and experience. Three patient perspectives were developed, and five suggestions made for future research.
    CONCLUSIONS: Based on the findings of the systematic reviews and experience of group members, the Type 1A protocol (immediate placement and immediate loading), when utilized in the anterior maxilla under favorable conditions, is considered predictable and is associated with high survival rates. The procedure is considered clinically viable and is associated with aesthetic outcomes, although surgical, technical, and biological complications can occur.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Many treatment options accepted for unsalvageable traumatized teeth in adults would seem contraindicated in children and adolescents. Instead, growing patients need interim restorative measures, thus extensively preserving their local bone and soft tissue structures and, ideally, preparing the involved site for later definitive restoration while they transform to skeletal maturity. This narrative topic review addresses the interim management in case of very deep intra-extra-alveolar fractures, extensive infection-related root resorption, tooth ankylosis, and anterior tooth loss in growing patients, and seeks to empower the clinician to select the appropriate treatment approach.
    METHODS: The literature up to 2021 was reviewed based on several scoping searches on PubMed and the Cochrane Library using relevant terms. Due to the complexity of the topic (with various poor prognosis scenarios and the differing therapeutic options), a systematic review was deemed inappropriate.
    CONCLUSIONS: Suitable interim treatment options include extrusion of teeth showing deep intra-extra-alveolar fractures, and decoronation of ankylosed teeth as well as resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses, natural tooth pontics, and primary tooth autotransplantations after tooth loss. The interim management options described in this article represent compromises chosen in the absence of better alternatives after a careful risk-benefit analysis. However, if adequately performed, the presented treatment options have the potential to achieve the temporary restoration of function and esthetics in growing patients. Close clinical and (if appropriate) radiologic monitoring of these patients is considered mandatory to ensure early detection of possible complications that might jeopardize or could render impossible subsequent therapeutic measures. (Quintessence Int 2022;53:722-731; doi: 10.3290/j.qi.b3236409; Modified from a previously published article (in German) Quintessenz 2022;73(2):162-169).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The recently published clinical practice guideline (CPG) for the treatment of periodontitis in stages I-III provided evidence-based recommendations for the treatment of periodontitis patients, defined according to the 2018 classification. Stage IV periodontitis shares the severity and complexity characteristics of stage III periodontitis, but includes the anatomical and functional sequelae of tooth and periodontal attachment loss (tooth flaring and drifting, bite collapse, etc.), which require additional interventions following completion of active periodontal therapy.
    To develop an S3 Level CPG for the treatment of stage IV periodontitis, focusing on the implementation of inter-disciplinary treatment approaches required to treat/rehabilitate patients following associated sequelae and tooth loss.
    This S3 Level CPG was developed by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP), following methodological guidance from the Association of Scientific Medical Societies in Germany and the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) process. A rigorous and transparent process included synthesis of relevant research in 13 specifically commissioned systematic reviews, evaluation of the quality and strength of evidence, the formulation of specific recommendations and a structured consensus process with leading experts and a broad base of stakeholders.
    The S3 Level CPG for the treatment of stage IV periodontitis culminated in recommendations for different interventions, including orthodontic tooth movement, tooth splinting, occlusal adjustment, tooth- or implant-supported fixed or removable dental prostheses and supportive periodontal care. Prior to treatment planning, it is critically important to undertake a definitive and comprehensive diagnosis and case evaluation, obtain relevant patient information, and engage in frequent re-evaluations during and after treatment. The periodontal component of therapy should follow the CPG for the treatment of periodontitis in stages I-III.
    The present S3 Level CPG informs clinical practice, health systems, policymakers and, indirectly, the public on the available and most effective modalities to treat patients with stage IV periodontitis and to maintain a healthy dentition over lifetime, according to the available evidence at the time of publication.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The clinical syndrome known as posterior bite collapse (PBC) consists of multiple, often pathognomonic factors that deviate from normal, or an occlusion wherein the posterior occlusion is compromised and may ultimately destroy the functional protective capacity of the entire dentition. Secondary clinical sequelae may include accelerated periodontitis progression, temporomandibular disorders (TMD), increasing mobility/fremitus, additional tooth loss, anterior flaring, and loss of occlusal vertical dimension. Etiologic factors may include tooth loss without replacement, orthodontic malocclusions and dentoskeletal disharmonies, periodontitis, accelerated retrograde occlusal/interproximal wear, severe caries, or iatrogenic and conformative dentistry. Not all PBC cases require treatment, but treatment is dependent upon the periodontium\'s stability and its ability to maintain its form and function. Treatment decisions can also be dependent upon periodontal health, caries, function, occlusion, TMD, esthetics, and phonetics. The purpose of this article is to provide general treatment guidelines based on form and function of the masticatory system for restoring a PBC case when treatment is necessary. This article does not discuss specific mechanics for restoring PBC cases.






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    BACKGROUND: Over the last two decades, progress in prevention and treatment of caries and periodontal diseases has been translated to better oral health and improved tooth retention in the adult population. The ageing population and the increasing expectations of good oral health-related quality of life in older age pose formidable challenges to clinical care and healthcare systems.
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this workshop was to critically review scientific evidence and develop specific recommendations to: (i) prevent tooth loss and retain oral function through prevention and treatment of caries and periodontal diseases later in life and (ii) increase awareness of the health benefits of oral health as an essential component of healthy ageing.
    METHODS: Discussions were initiated by three systematic reviews covering aspects of epidemiology of caries and periodontal diseases in elders, the impact of senescence on caries and periodontal diseases and the effectiveness of interventions. Recommendations were developed based on evidence from the systematic reviews and expert opinion.
    RESULTS: Key messages included: (i) the ageing population, trends in risk factors and improved tooth retention point towards an expected increase in the total burden of disease posed by caries and periodontal diseases in the older population; (ii) specific surveillance is required to monitor changes in oral health in the older population; (iii) senescence impacts oral health including periodontitis and possibly caries susceptibility; (iv) evidence indicates that caries and periodontal diseases can be prevented and treated also in older adults; (v) oral health and functional tooth retention later in life provides benefits both in terms of oral and general quality of life and in terms of preventing physical decline and dependency by fostering a healthy diet; (vi) oral healthcare professionals and individuals should not base decisions impacting tooth retention on chronological age but on level of dependency, life expectancy, frailty, comfort and quality of life; and (vii) health policy should remove barriers to oral health care for vulnerable elders.
    CONCLUSIONS: Consensus was reached on specific actionable priorities for public health officials, oral healthcare professionals, educators and workforce planners, caregivers and relatives as well as for the public and ageing patients. Some priorities have major implications for policymakers as health systems need to adapt to the challenge by systemwide changes to enable (promote) tooth retention later in life and management of deteriorating oral health in increasingly dependent elders.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Consensus Development Conference






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In spite of the remarkable success of current preventive efforts, periodontitis remains one of the most prevalent diseases of mankind. The objective of this workshop was to review critical scientific evidence and develop recommendations to improve: (i) plaque control at the individual and population level (oral hygiene), (ii) control of risk factors, and (iii) delivery of preventive professional interventions.
    METHODS: Discussions were informed by four systematic reviews covering aspects of professional mechanical plaque control, behavioural change interventions to improve self-performed oral hygiene and to control risk factors, and assessment of the risk profile of the individual patient. Recommendations were developed and graded using a modification of the GRADE system using evidence from the systematic reviews and expert opinion.
    RESULTS: Key messages included: (i) an appropriate periodontal diagnosis is needed before submission of individuals to professional preventive measures and determines the selection of the type of preventive care; (ii) preventive measures are not sufficient for treatment of periodontitis; (iii) repeated and individualized oral hygiene instruction and professional mechanical plaque (and calculus) removal are important components of preventive programs; (iv) behavioural interventions to improve individual oral hygiene need to set specific Goals, incorporate Planning and Self monitoring (GPS approach); (v) brief interventions for risk factor control are key components of primary and secondary periodontal prevention; (vi) the Ask, Advise, Refer (AAR) approach is the minimum standard to be used in dental settings for all subjects consuming tobacco; (vii) validated periodontal risk assessment tools stratify patients in terms of risk of disease progression and tooth loss.
    CONCLUSIONS: Consensus was reached on specific recommendations for the public, individual dental patients and oral health care professionals with regard to best action to improve efficacy of primary and secondary preventive measures. Some have implications for public health officials, payers and educators.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: English Abstract
    The paper presents guidelines for one-step immediate implantation with simultaneous loading by means of provisional crown and subsequent ceramic restoration placement.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: English Abstract
    The paper contains guidelines for implant placement in case of bone and soft tissue maxilla defects. The approach is based on the possibility of staged realization of tissue regenerative potential. Using conception of \"osseointegration\" and \"reparative regeneration\" the following terms were defined: distant reparative osteogenesis, bone regenerate, structure components of bone regenerate, ortho- and heterotopic osteogenesis, regenerative macro- and microenvironment.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: English Abstract
    Proper examination of patients is essential in assessing treatment needs. This includes at least a thorough anamnesis and clinical examination. As periodontal diseases are highly-prevalent in Belgium, every patient should be examined as such on a routine basis in general practice. After all, early detection of pathology avoids extensive periodontal therapy and favours tooth retention in the end, which is the ultimate goal. This manuscript offers the clinician, in particular the general practitioner, a number of guidelines in reference to periodontal diagnosis.





