systems thinking

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A rapid review was conducted to explore the implementation determinants of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in the World Health Organization African Region and describe their dynamic relationship. PubMed and Google Scholar were searched in October 2023 to find relevant literature. A total of 64 published studies that reported factors affecting HPV vaccination were identified. Analysis of identified factors yielded 74 implementation determinants of HPV vaccination across the five domains of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR): two (2.70%) were in the innovation domain, seven (9.46%) were in the outer setting domain, 14 (18.92%) were in the inner setting domain, 37 (50%) were in the individual domain and 14 (18.92%) were in the implementation process domain. A causal loop diagram of these implementation determinants revealed four balancing and seven reinforcing loops. Applying systems lens promoted a more holistic understanding of the implementation determinants of HPV vaccination, exposing leverage points for interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: By including the needs and perspectives of relevant stakeholders, co-creation is seen as a promising approach for tackling complex public health problems. However, recommendations and guidance on how to plan and implement co-creation are lacking. By identifying and analysing existing implementation and evaluation frameworks for public health, this study aims to offer key recommendations for professional stakeholders and researchers wanting to adopt a co-creation approach to public health interventions.
    METHODS: Firstly, PubMed and CINAHL databases were screened for articles introducing original implementation and evaluation frameworks for public health interventions. Backwards snowballing techniques were applied to the included papers. Secondly, identified frameworks were classified and relevant data extracted, including steps and constructs present in the frameworks. Lastly, recommendations were derived by conducting thematic analysis on the included frameworks.
    RESULTS: Thirty frameworks were identified and data related to their nature and scope extracted. The frameworks\' prominent steps and constructs were also retrieved. Recommendations related to implementation and evaluation in the context of co-creation were included.
    CONCLUSIONS: When engaging in co-creation, we recommend including implementation considerations from an early stage and suggest adopting a systems thinking as a way to explore multiple levels of influence, contextual settings and systems from an early planning stage. We highlight the importance of partnering with stakeholders and suggest applying an evaluation design that is iterative and cyclical, which pays particular attention to the experience of the engaged co-creators.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The welfare of animals in food-production systems is a cause of concern to the public. Regenerative agriculture was first used by the Rodale Institute and proposes to regenerate degraded components of ecosystems, aiming to be more than just sustainable. However, despite animal welfare being pushed to be part of the SDG agenda for 2030, there is no clarity on how regenerative agriculture impacts animal welfare. It is challenging to determine regenerative agriculture impacts on animal welfare, since it is not entirely defined. One Welfare could help define entry points for future research by studying animal welfare in connection with human welfare and environmental conservation. We aimed to analyse the extent to which positive animal welfare outcomes characterise regenerative agriculture systems in peer-reviewed articles and whether the narratives of such articles support that regenerative agriculture promotes animal welfare directly or indirectly by improving human welfare and environmental conservation. We searched papers including \'regenerative agriculture\' using PRISMA-P, selecting animal welfare, human welfare, environment conservation terms, developed themes, and carried out analysis using Atlas.Ti8 and Causal Loop Diagram. We found that papers mainly linked animal welfare to animal health, human welfare to financial farm status and farmer\'s self-awareness, and environmental conservation to soil improvement. Causal Loop Diagram indicated that regenerative agriculture had the potential to improve the health and nutrition components of animal welfare by enhancing financial farmers\' status/self-awareness (human welfare), and the soil (environmental conservation), reflecting that the processes that affect human welfare and environmental conservation could also affect animal welfare. However, information in papers remains insufficient to determine how regenerative agriculture impacts on animal welfare and research into regenerative agriculture needs to extend its focus on animal welfare and elucidate the regenerative agriculture principles leading to animal welfare.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 2019, national immunization programs in Ghana, Kenya, and Malawi commenced the implementation of RTS,S/AS01 vaccination in large-scale pilot schemes. Understanding the implementation context of this malaria vaccination in the pilot countries can provide useful insights for enhancing implementation outcomes in new countries. There has not yet been a proper synthesis of the implementation determinants of malaria vaccination programs. A rapid review was conducted to identify the implementation determinants of the pilot malaria vaccination programs in Ghana, Kenya, and Malawi, and describe the mechanism by which these determinants interact with each other. A literature search was conducted in November 2023 in PubMed and Google Scholar to identify those studies that described the factors affecting malaria vaccine implementation in Ghana, Kenya, and Malawi. Thirteen studies conducted between 2021 and 2023 were included. A total of 62 implementation determinants of malaria vaccination across all five domains of the consolidated framework for implementation research (CFIR) were identified. A causal loop diagram showed that these factors are interconnected and interrelated, identifying nine reinforcing loops and two balancing loops. As additional countries in Africa prepare for a malaria vaccine roll-out, it is pertinent to ensure that they have access to adequate information about the implementation context of countries that are already implementing malaria vaccination programs so that they understand the potential barriers and facilitators. This information can be used to inform context-specific systems enhancement to maximize implementation success. Going forward, primary implementation studies that incorporate the causal loop diagram should be integrated into the malaria vaccine implementation program to enable immunization program managers and other key stakeholders to identify and respond to emerging implementation barriers in a timely and systematic manner, to improve overall implementation performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of performance enhancing substances and methods (known as \"doping\") in sport is an intractable issue, with current anti-doping strategies predominantly focused on the personal responsibility and strict liability of individual athletes. This is despite an emerging understanding that athletes exist as part of a broader complex sports system that includes governance, policymakers, media, sponsors, clubs, team members, and athlete support staff, to name a few. As such, there is a need to examine the broader systemic factors that influence doping in sport. The aim of this systematic review was to identify and synthesise the factors contributing to doping and doping behaviours, attitudes, and beliefs and the extent to which this knowledge extends beyond the athlete to consider broader sports systems. The review followed PRISMA guidelines with risk of bias and study quality assessed by the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool, and identified contributory factors synthesised and mapped onto a systems thinking-based framework. Overall, the included studies were determined to be of high quality. Support personnel, the coach, and the coach-athlete relationship represent key influences on the athletes\' decisions to dope. From the evidence presented, doping is an emergent property of sport systems and represents a complex systemic problem that will require whole-of-system interventions. The implications for this and the focus of future research are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As the pursuit of \"carbon neutrality\" gains momentum, the emphasis on low-carbon solutions, emphasizing energy conservation and resource reuse, has introduced fresh challenges to conventional wastewater treatment approaches. Precisely evaluating carbon emissions in urban water supply and drainage systems, wastewater treatment plants, and establishing carbon-neutral operating models has become a pivotal concern in the future of wastewater treatment. Regrettably, limited research has been devoted to carbon accounting and the development of carbon-neutral strategies for wastewater treatment. In this review, to facilitate comprehensive carbon accounting, we initially recognizes direct and indirect carbon emission sources in the wastewater treatment process. We then provide an overview of several major carbon accounting methods and propose a carbon accounting framework. Furthermore, we advocate for a systemic perspective, highlighting that achieving carbon neutrality in wastewater treatment extends beyond the boundaries of wastewater treatment plants. We assess current technical measures both within and outside the plants that contribute to achieving carbon-neutral operations. Encouraging the application of intelligent algorithms for the multifaceted monitoring and control of wastewater treatment processes is paramount. Supporting resource and energy recycling is also essential, as is recognizing the benefits of synergistic wastewater treatment technologies. We advocate a systematic, multi-level planning approach that takes into account a wide range of factors. Our goal is to offer valuable insights and support for the practical implementation of water environment management within the framework of carbon neutrality, and to advance sustainable socio-economic development and contribute to a more environmentally responsible future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A systems approach to obesity prevention is increasingly urged. However, confusion exists on what a systems approach entails in practice, and the empirical evidence on this new approach is unclear. This scoping review aimed to identify and synthesise studies/programmes that have comprehensively applied a systems approach to obesity prevention in intervention development, delivery/implementation, and evaluation. By searching international databases and grey literature, only three studies (10 publications) met inclusion criteria, which might be explained partially by suboptimal reporting. No conclusion on the effectiveness of this approach can be drawn yet due to the limited evidence base. We identified common features shared by the included studies, such as measuring ongoing changes, in addition to endpoint outcomes, and supporting capacity building. Some facilitators and barriers to applying a comprehensive systems approach in practice were identified. More well-designed and reported studies are needed, especially from low- and middle-income countries.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Sporting environments provide opportunities for perpetrators to commit child sexual abuse (CSA). While awareness of CSA in sport and preventative interventions are increasing, CSA in sport still occurs at alarming rates. A systematic review was conducted to identify and synthesize the extant literature on the enabling factors for CSA in sport. The 34 included articles were peer-reviewed and were primary sources; had full-text versions in English; included the individual, situational, environmental, or systemic antecedent factors and characteristics which enable CSA in organized sport (clubs, schools, universities, and representative teams); and focused on abuse in children (0-18 years old), and included retrospective incidents. The enabling factors from across the broader sports system were identified and mapped using a systems thinking-based approach, the Risk Management Framework (RMF) and the associated AcciMap method. The results indicated that enabling factors for CSA in sport were identified at multiple levels of the sporting system hierarchy. The results show that 24.1% (n = 46) of the enabling factors identified in the literature relate to the hierarchical level of the Athlete, teammates, opponents, and fans levels, and 52.9% (n = 101) of the enabling factors relate to the level of Direct supervisors, management, medical, and performance personnel level. However, only 13% (n = 25) of enabling factors to CSA in sport were identified at the combined top four hierarchical levels. Results indicate that the problem of CSA in sport is a systems issue, and future research is required to explore how these factors interact to enable CSA in sport.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Given the complex determinants of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), and the dynamic policy landscape, researchers and policymakers are exploring the use of systems thinking and complexity science (STCS) in developing effective policies. The aim of this review is to systematically identify and analyse existing applications of STCS-informed methods in NCD prevention policy.
    Systematic scoping review: We searched academic databases (Medline, Scopus, Web of Science, EMBASE) for all publications indexed by 13 October 2020, screening titles, abstracts and full texts and extracting data according to published guidelines. We summarised key data from each study, mapping applications of methods informed by STCS to policy process domains. We conducted a thematic analysis to identify advantages, limitations, barriers and facilitators to using STCS.
    4681 papers were screened and 112 papers were included in this review. The most common policy areas were tobacco control, obesity prevention and physical activity promotion. Methods applied included system dynamics modelling, agent-based modelling and concept mapping. Advantages included supporting evidence-informed decision-making; modelling complex systems and addressing multi-sectoral problems. Limitations included the abstraction of reality by STCS methods, despite aims of encompassing greater complexity. Challenges included resource-intensiveness; lack of stakeholder trust in models; and results that were too complex to be comprehensible to stakeholders. Ensuring stakeholder ownership and presenting findings in a user-friendly way facilitated STCS use.
    This review maps the proliferating applications of STCS methods in NCD prevention policy. STCS methods have the potential to generate tailored and dynamic evidence, adding robustness to evidence-informed policymaking, but must be accessible to policy stakeholders and have strong stakeholder ownership to build consensus and change stakeholder perspectives. Evaluations of whether, and under what circumstances, STCS methods lead to more effective policies compared to conventional methods are lacking, and would enable more targeted and constructive use of these methods.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    This systematic review aims to evaluate the effectiveness of systems-based practice (SBP) curricula from the perspective of health professions students and workers. A total of 8468 citations were sourced from six electronic databases and manual searches conducted independently by two researchers, of which 44 studies were eventually included. A meta-analysis using a random effects model and a meta-synthesis using the thematic synthesis approach were conducted. Most studies targeted medical students, residents, and resident physicians from various clinical specialties. Almost half of all studies focused on didactic or knowledge-based interventions to teach SBP. About a third of all studies measured non-self-evaluated knowledge change, clinical abilities, and clinical outcomes. Both meta-analysis and meta-synthesis results revealed positive outcomes of increased knowledge of SBP, increased recognition of SBP as a core competency in one\'s profession, and increased application of SBP knowledge in one\'s profession. Meta-synthesis results also revealed negative outcomes at the institutional and teacher/health professions level. This review highlights the importance of SBP education and supports the effectiveness of SBP curricula. There is a need to address the negative outcomes at the institutional and teacher/health professions level. Moreover, future studies could investigate the integration of self-assessment outcomes with comparison to some external standard.





