social context

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: The benefits of a healthy diet on children´s cognition have been described in several studies. However, many previous studies have analyzed the effect on general cognitive domains (e.g. intelligence), used measures based almost exclusively on local examinations, and rarely consider social context.
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of the present study was to examine the relationship between two diet patterns and contextualized cognitive performance measures of children aged 6-8 years from low-average income neighborhoods in Montevideo, Uruguay.
    METHODS: 270 first-grade children with complete data participated in the study. Consumption of foods was determined via two averaged 24-h dietary recalls with the mother. Two dietary patterns were identified via principal component analysis: \"processed (high calorie) foods\" and \"nutrient dense\". Children´s cognitive performance, including general cognitive abilities, achievement in mathematics and reading, and discrepancy scores between predicted and actual achievement was assessed with the Woodcock-Muñoz Cognitive and Achievement scales. The association of dietary patterns and cognitive endpoints was analyzed in multilevel models, clustered by children´s school. Sociodemographic and biological variables were used as covariates.
    RESULTS: The nutrient dense foods pattern, characterized by higher consumption of dark leafy and red-orange vegetables, eggs, beans & peas, potatoes, was associated with better performance in reading, with beta coefficient 3.28 (95% CI 0.02, 6.54). There was also an association between the nutrient dense foods factor and the Discrepancy in reading, 2.52 (0.17, 4.87). Processed (high calorie) foods pattern, characterized by higher consumption of breads, processed meats, fats and oils, sweetened beverages, and sweetened yogurt/dairy products; reduced intake of milk, pastries and pizza dinners was not associated with cognitive performance.
    CONCLUSIONS: Nutrient dense food pattern was positively associated with children\'s reading achievement. A nutrient-rich diet may benefit written language acquisition at the beginning of schooling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Assessments of treatments for \'subjective symptoms\' are problematic and potentially contentious. These are symptoms without ascertainable pathophysiology, also referred to as \'medically unexplained.\' Treatments of them may be assessed from different perspectives, and an assessment as seen from one perspective may be discrepant with an assessment as seen from another perspective. The observational study described in the paper represents one perspective. Patients in the study were treated with acupuncture for the subjective symptom of low back pain in a Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic in China; acupuncture is a form of TCM, which is indigenous to China. Shortly after treatment began and six months afterward, patients reported \'clinically important improvements\' on a variety of standard, cross-culturally validated outcome measures, including pain intensity, physical functioning, and emotional functioning; this assessment is consistent with numerous assessments of acupuncture in China and other Southeastern Asian countries. On the other hand, clinical trials represent another perspective from which to assess acupuncture. Although assessments based on trials are not uniform, several assessments based on them, including those published in journals such as Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine, conclude that acupuncture is not effective. These trials, however, were mainly situated in the U.S., western European countries, and other WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic) countries. This is notable, because the population of China, the indigenous context of acupuncture, is greater than populations of WEIRD countries combined. Patients\' expectations of a treatment such as acupuncture and their prior familiarity with it vary among contexts, and patients\' experiences of treatment outcomes may vary accordingly. In short, although clinical trials constitute a test of truth in biomedicine and inform authoritative assessments in WEIRD countries, they do not necessarily represent the truth from the perspective of those experiencing outcomes of especially indigenous treatments for subjective symptoms in non-WEIRD contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Community-led total sanitation (CLTS) is a widely used, community-based approach to tackle open defecation and its health-related problems. Although CLTS has been shown to be successful in previous studies, little is known about how CLTS works. We used a cross-sectional case study to identify personal, physical, and social context factors and psychosocial determinants from the Risks, Attitudes, Norms, Abilities, and Self-Regulation (RANAS) model of behavior change, which are crucial for latrine ownership and analyze how participation in CLTS is associated with those determinants.
    Structured interviews were conducted with 640 households in 26 communities, where CLTS had been completed before and compared to 6 control communities, all located in northern Mozambique in 2015. To identify crucial factors for latrine ownership, logistic regression analysis were conducted and mediation analysis were used to analyse the relationship between CLTS participation and latrine ownership mediated by factors identified by the logistic regression analyses.
    Mediation analysis reveal that the relationship of CLTS participation with probability of owning a latrine is mediated by social context factors and psychosocial determinants. Data analysis reveal that the probability of building a latrine depends on existing social context factors within the village, the behavior of others in the community, the (dis)approval of others of latrine ownership, personal self-confidence in latrine building, and a precise communication of the benefits of latrine ownership during a CLTS triggering event.
    By including activities to focus on the mentioned factors, CLTS could be improved. Exemplary adaptations are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With increasing frequency, addiction is conceived of as a brain disease, and such accounts seem especially pertinent with regard to the rapid delivery of nicotine to the brain via cigarette smoke. Moreover, drug administration trials (cigarette puffs) suggest that the behavior of smoking becomes automatized, with individuals developing prototypical approaches to smoking a cigarette. Compared with presumably more social activities, such as drinking alcohol, there may be little opportunity for social processes to influence smoking behavior. However, survey research examining smoking motivation often reveals a broadly defined \'social\' factor and field research suggests that social context does influence smoking.
    We posit that laboratory smoking research has largely ignored social contextual factors that may help to understand better the precise mechanisms underlying smoking behavior and smoking motivation.
    We reviewed laboratory studies examining the effect of social context (operationalized as modeling) on smoking behavior. Studies were identified by searching PsychInfo and Medline using the following keywords: smoking, nicotine, tobacco, cigarette, consumption, topography, puff, smoking behavior, cigarettes smoked, modeling, imitation, social context, social influence and peer pressure. The reference and citation lists of these studies were then searched to identify additional studies.
    Few laboratory smoking studies target social context. Those few studies indicate that smoking behavior can be influenced by the presence of others. There is also some evidence that social context influences the effects of smoking as well as processes related to self-perception and self-regulation that reinforce smoking and hamper smoking cessation efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A recent review on facial mimicry concludes that emotional mimicry is less ubiquitous than has been suggested, and only occurs in interactions that are potentially affiliative (see Hess and Fischer, in revision). We hypothesize that individuals do not mimic facial expressions that can be perceived as offensive, such as disgust, and mimic positive emotion displays, but only when the context is affiliative (i.e., with intimates). Second, we expect that in spontaneous interactions not mimicry, but empathic feelings with the other predict the accurateness of emotion recognition. Data were collected in a pseudo-experimental setting, during an event organized for subscribers of a large Dutch women\'s magazine. One woman (expresser) was exposed to two emotional stimuli (i.e., a vile smell, a compliment) in order to evoke disgust and pride respectively. Another woman (observer: intimate or stranger) was sitting opposite of her. We collected self-report measures on emotions and empathy, and coded facial expressions of disgust and smiling on the basis of FACS. The results show that participants do not mimic disgust. In contrast, smiles displayed after the vile smell and the compliment were mimicked, but only among intimates. We also found that self-reported empathy and not mimicry is related to the recognition of disgust. These findings are discussed in the light of a Social Contextual view on emotional mimicry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a common reaction to traumatic experiences. We propose a socio-interpersonal model of PTSD that complements existing models of post-traumatic memory processes or neurobiological changes. The model adds an interpersonal perspective to explain responses to traumatic stress. The framework draws from lifespan psychology, cultural psychology and research into close relationships and groups. Additionally, clinical knowledge about PTSD is incorporated. This involves knowledge about shame, guilt, estrangement feelings and protective factors, such as social support and forgiveness. Three levels are proposed at which relevant interpersonal processes can be situated and should be adequately researched. First, the individual level comprises social affective states, such as shame, guilt, anger and feelings of revenge. Second, at the close relationship level, social support, negative exchange (ostracism and blaming the victim), disclosure and empathy are proposed as dyadic processes relevant to PTSD research and treatment. Third, the distant social level represents culture and society, in which the collectivistic nature of trauma, perceived injustice, and social acknowledgement are concepts that predict the response trajectories to traumatic stress. Research by the current authors and others is cited in an effort to promote future investigation based on the current model. Methodological implications, such as multi-level data analyses, and clinical implications, such as the need for couple, community or larger-level societal interventions, are both outlined.
    CONCLUSIONS: The socio-interpersonal model proposes an interpersonal view of the processes that occur in the aftermath of a traumatic experience. At the individual level, the model integrates the social affective phenomena that clinical research identifies in PTSD patients, including shame, guilt, anger, revenge and the urges or reluctance to disclose. At the level of close relationships, there is an emphasis on the role of the individuals\' partner, family or social support in the development or maintenance of PTSD and its recovery. At the distant social level, societal and cultural factors, e.g., individualistic versus collectivistic or other human value orientations, are acknowledged as contributing to the severity and course of PTSD. Increasing attention should be given to new approaches of PTSD treatment that refer to an interpersonal view of PTSD, e.g., communication training, PTSD-specific couples\' therapy or community programs.





